jailer (1)

D:4.20 are now that you are no longer a prisoner. Do not give keys to a new  jailer and ask to be taken care of in exchange for your newfound

jest (1)

T1:3.8 big is your faith? How much proof does it require? I speak not in  jest but ask you to seriously consider just what kind of miracle is

Jesus (105)

C:P.5 They have ushered in a time of ending our identity crisis. Not since  Jesus walked the earth has such a time been upon humankind.
C:P.27 of the human race there is a story about the coming of God’s son,  Jesus Christ, who was born, grew into a man, died and rose again to
C:P.27 than that of a man. Those who believe the story have accepted that  Jesus was God’s son before he was born, while he walked the earth,
C:P.27 not, it comes close to the truth in a form that you can understand.  Jesus is simply the example life, the life that demonstrated what it
C:P.34 The content of God is love.  Jesus embodied God by embodying love. He came to reverse the way God
C:P.35  Jesus did this not only by embodying God in human form, but by giving
C:P.35 being was a being whose power resembled the powerful among them.  Jesus took such a stand against those with this kind of power that he
C:P.35 against those with this kind of power that he was put to death. But  Jesus did not advocate for a powerless people. Jesus taught true
C:P.35 was put to death. But Jesus did not advocate for a powerless people.  Jesus taught true power, the power of love, a power proven by the
C:P.36  Jesus, united with the Christ in you, is he who can teach you who you
C:P.37 is the only thing that will allow you to quit fearing your power.  Jesus accepted his power and so brought the power of heaven to earth.
C:P.38 of all lessons, who is he who provides the lessons? This is  Jesus.
C:P.39 The Christ in you is your shared identity. This shared identity made  Jesus one with Christ. The two names mean the same thing, as oneness
C:P.39 be. You are eternally one with Christ. The only way you can identify  Jesus differently is to relate to the Jesus who was a man, the Jesus
C:P.39 The only way you can identify Jesus differently is to relate to the  Jesus who was a man, the Jesus who existed in history. This is the
C:P.39 Jesus differently is to relate to the Jesus who was a man, the  Jesus who existed in history. This is the same way in which you are
C:P.39 place in a particular time, you cannot see your Self. Thus  Jesus comes to you again, in a way that you can accept, to lead you
C:3.6 that no longer see, you will find the Christ who abides in you. In  Jesus Christ, the Son of God became the son of man. He walked the
C:3.6 two arms, ten fingers and ten toes. And yet you know this was not  Jesus, nor is this a picture of the Christ. Jesus gave a face to
C:3.6 you know this was not Jesus, nor is this a picture of the Christ.  Jesus gave a face to love, as you do here as well. But love did not
C:10.14 history would seem to prove this fact as you look back and say even  Jesus died before he could rise again as spirit.
C:20.14 in me returned me to the embrace. The singular heartbeat of the man  Jesus no longer sounded. My heartbeat was the heartbeat of the world.
T1:3.21 These thoughts border on the sacrilegious. Miracles are the realm of  Jesus and of the saints and that is surely where they belong. To even
T1:8.6 This is accomplished. This is in effect the way in which the man  Jesus became the Christ. This is in effect the way.
T3:17.7 is here. The name of Christ was associated with my name, the name  Jesus, because I lived as a man with a Holy Spirit in my mind and
T3:21.21 called the time of Christ, it is obviously no longer the time of  Jesus Christ. My time came and my time ended. The time when a single
T4:1.14 thousand years ago, life would have been different since then. If  Jesus Christ were the chosen one, his life would have changed the
T4:2.4 the human or forgotten self and the divine or remembered Self.  Jesus the man was the intermediary who ushered in the time of the
D:11.16 Do you still believe that the contribution made by the man  Jesus was an individual contribution? I tell you truthfully that the
D:11.16 for the personal self would be akin to placing the importance of  Jesus on the man Jesus who existed in history. Some do see Jesus only
D:11.16 self would be akin to placing the importance of Jesus on the man  Jesus who existed in history. Some do see Jesus only as an important
D:11.16 of Jesus on the man Jesus who existed in history. Some do see  Jesus only as an important man among many important men. Those who do
D:11.16 many important men. Those who do so miss the point of the life of  Jesus just as they miss the point of their own lives. Those who do so
D:Day1.1 an acceptance that there is no real cause to request. Why must  Jesus be accepted? Why cannot the truth be accepted? Why cannot
D:Day1.4 be so important? Why not leave well enough alone? If acceptance of  Jesus is a stumbling block for many, why should it be required? A
D:Day1.19 The story of Adam and Eve, and the story of  Jesus, are within you. As within, so without. In each of you is Adam
D:Day10.18 “learned” the distinction between Christ-consciousness and the man  Jesus. You have “learned” the distinction between your Self and the
D:Day10.19 universal, reliance on an outside source for reliance on yourself,  Jesus for Christ-consciousness. You needed the reference point of a
D:Day10.20 I ask you not to give up your relationship with me as the man  Jesus, but to accept that the man Jesus was simply a representation,
D:Day10.20 relationship with me as the man Jesus, but to accept that the man  Jesus was simply a representation, in form, of Christ-consciousness.
D:Day10.20 of the voice of this dialogue as that belonging to the man  Jesus who lived two thousand years ago. To continue to identify this
D:Day10.20 Yet to realize that this is the same voice that animated the man  Jesus two thousand years ago will aide you in realizing that this is
D:Day10.21 I have spoken with you throughout this time as the man  Jesus so that you realize that man and Christ-consciousness can be
D:Day10.21 —as your own true Self—you will not have lost  Jesus as your companion and helpmate but will only know more fully
D:Day10.21 and helpmate but will only know more fully the content of the man  Jesus. As you join with Christ-consciousness in this dialogue, you
D:Day10.25 and relationship, let me spend my final time with you as the man  Jesus talking more of feelings.
D:Day10.38 for me, even now, even in this final address to you as the man  Jesus, to speak of feelings without addressing the grand scheme of
D:Day17.2 Sophia, spirit. Christ-consciousness thus obviously predates the man  Jesus, and creation itself. It is both the feminine and masculine,
D:Day17.5 that by which their being gained movement and expression. Those like  Jesus, who fully expressed Christ-consciousness in form, did so as
D:Day17.5 realization of Christ-consciousness as strong as that of the man,  Jesus, did not express that realization but negated the individual in
D:Day17.7 —the movement of being into form. This being was fully expressed by  Jesus Christ, who represented, in form, the first coming and who
D:Day17.9 Christ-consciousness was represented not only by  Jesus, but by his mother, Mary. Mary, like Jesus, realized full
D:Day17.9 represented not only by Jesus, but by his mother, Mary. Mary, like  Jesus, realized full Christ-consciousness and full expression of
D:Day17.9 available to those who would follow after them. One way, that of  Jesus, was the way of acceptance, teaching by example, and preparing
D:Day17.10 The way of  Jesus represented full-scale interaction with the world,
D:Day17.12 What  Jesus represented or demonstrated has now been realized, which is why
D:Day17.12 time of Christ. The “time” of Christ, whom so many associate with  Jesus Christ, represents the “time” of fulfillment of the way of
D:Day17.12 Jesus Christ, represents the “time” of fulfillment of the way of  Jesus. What could be taught and learned has been taught and learned.
D:Day17.12 can be realized, or made real, through following the example life of  Jesus.
D:Day17.13 stage of what can be realized through fulfillment of the way of  Jesus and the beginning of the fulfillment of the way of Mary. This
D:Day17.13 the way of Mary. This ending stage of the fulfillment of the way of  Jesus is the stage of interaction with the world, the time of
D:Day18.1 been preparing for this final stage of the fulfillment of the way of  Jesus. You have also been preparing for the beginning of the
D:Day18.1 fulfillment of the way of Mary. Many of you will follow the way of  Jesus to completion, beginning a stage of interaction with the world,
D:Day18.2 One way is receptive. Yet the ways are not separate any more than  Jesus was separate from Mary—or any mother separate from her child.
D:Day18.2 so without. Mary represents the relationship that occurs within,  Jesus the relationship that occurs with the world. So do each of you.
D:Day18.3 been said, the time of teaching and learning is over. If the way of  Jesus was a way of acceptance, teaching, learning, and leading an
D:Day18.3 learning, and leading an example life, then the remaining ways of  Jesus that are still applicable and appropriate in this final period
D:Day18.5 for a knowing of light. Those who accept completion of the way of  Jesus accept their power to be generators of light in darkness
D:Day18.7 The truth represented by  Jesus and Mary was represented as a visual pattern that would aide
D:Day19.7 that must occur within. The function of those called to the way of  Jesus is to call others to the new through means so widespread,
D:Day19.8 Just as  Jesus would not have been literally birthed without Mary, the way of
D:Day19.8 without Mary, the way of Mary cannot be reborn without the way of  Jesus. Both ways arose from Christ-consciousness as demonstrations of
D:Day19.8 are as inaccurate in this belief as are those who thought of  Jesus in such a way. Neither demonstrated intermediary functions but
D:Day19.8 this one ultimate function. Together, the way of Mary and the way of  Jesus demonstrate the truth of as within, so without and the
D:Day19.10 in union with spirit. It corresponds with the end of the way of  Jesus in that the way of incarnation is the way of miracles. It
D:Day19.10 is the way of miracles. It corresponds with the end of the way of  Jesus in that an example is provided. It differs only in that the
D:Day19.11 This is not to say that those called to the way of  Jesus will find acclaim and those called to the way of Mary will find
D:Day19.16 encourage, and reflect the new to those being examples of the way of  Jesus. This too is tricky for it can lead to judgment. When there is
D:Day19.17 Without those pursuing the way of  Jesus, those pursuing the way of Mary would have a much more
D:Day19.17 little space in which to anchor the new. Those following the way of  Jesus create the openness of the spacious Selves who allow for the
D:Day32.11  Jesus spoke to you of his life as an example life. Jesus was called
D:Day32.11 Jesus spoke to you of his life as an example life.  Jesus was called the Son of God and also God. Those who understand
D:Day32.14 Only  Jesus was known as the Son of God and as God. This is why Jesus came
D:Day32.14 Only Jesus was known as the Son of God and as God. This is why  Jesus came as your teacher and was used as the example life for this
D:Day32.16 Let us consider this idea newly by considering God’s relationship to  Jesus.
D:Day32.17 The claimed relationship of God to  Jesus was that of Father to Son but also as one in being. One in
D:Day33.12 of power—all the different expressions of power. In the time of  Jesus, the powerful were seen as being blessed by God and the
D:Day37.10 And then you realize that  Jesus was being God and was called Jesus Christ because he lived
D:Day37.10 And then you realize that Jesus was being God and was called  Jesus Christ because he lived within Christ-consciousness, or the
D:Day37.10 that the man, the God, the historical figure who has been called  Jesus Christ was not only Jesus but Christ. Not only Christ but
D:Day37.10 the historical figure who has been called Jesus Christ was not only  Jesus but Christ. Not only Christ but Jesus. Not separated but
D:Day37.10 Jesus Christ was not only Jesus but Christ. Not only Christ but  Jesus. Not separated but individuated. You realize that the call for
D:Day37.22 being. Yet the idea of God as Father, introduced and championed by  Jesus Christ, was also created by Jesus Christ. Thus is the power of
D:Day37.22 introduced and championed by Jesus Christ, was also created by  Jesus Christ. Thus is the power of man and God together, the power of
D:Day37.23 were created and thus exist. But this creation, like the creation of  Jesus Christ himself, is not all of God, while at the same time it is
D:Day37.23 is not all of God, while at the same time it is all of God just as  Jesus was and is all of God. In union and relationship, God is all
D:Day37.24  Jesus, the example life used throughout this Course, was both man and
D:Day37.24 being in unity and relationship. Being God did not negate his being  Jesus. And being Jesus did not negate God being God. Jesus could
D:Day37.24 relationship. Being God did not negate his being Jesus. And being  Jesus did not negate God being God. Jesus could create God the
D:Day37.24 his being Jesus. And being Jesus did not negate God being God.  Jesus could create God the Father, could create a being consistent
D:Day37.25  Jesus was all of God and God was all of Jesus while at the same time
D:Day37.25 Jesus was all of God and God was all of  Jesus while at the same time each was different or individuated by
D:Day39.42 expansion, the expansion that has taken place under the tutelage of  Jesus, within the dialogue with Christ-consciousness, within the
D:Day40.10 such as art or music or literature, religion or politics or science.  Jesus or Martin Luther or Muhammad may have been said to have created
D:Day40.29 the demonstration of oneness that was heralded in the time of  Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ (12)

C:P.27 of the human race there is a story about the coming of God’s son,  Jesus Christ, who was born, grew into a man, died and rose again to
C:3.6 that no longer see, you will find the Christ who abides in you. In  Jesus Christ, the Son of God became the son of man. He walked the
T3:21.21 called the time of Christ, it is obviously no longer the time of  Jesus Christ. My time came and my time ended. The time when a single
T4:1.14 thousand years ago, life would have been different since then. If  Jesus Christ were the chosen one, his life would have changed the
D:Day17.7 —the movement of being into form. This being was fully expressed by  Jesus Christ, who represented, in form, the first coming and who
D:Day17.12 time of Christ. The “time” of Christ, whom so many associate with  Jesus Christ, represents the “time” of fulfillment of the way of
D:Day37.10 And then you realize that Jesus was being God and was called  Jesus Christ because he lived within Christ-consciousness, or the
D:Day37.10 that the man, the God, the historical figure who has been called  Jesus Christ was not only Jesus but Christ. Not only Christ but
D:Day37.22 being. Yet the idea of God as Father, introduced and championed by  Jesus Christ, was also created by Jesus Christ. Thus is the power of
D:Day37.22 introduced and championed by Jesus Christ, was also created by  Jesus Christ. Thus is the power of man and God together, the power of
D:Day37.23 were created and thus exist. But this creation, like the creation of  Jesus Christ himself, is not all of God, while at the same time it is
D:Day40.29 the demonstration of oneness that was heralded in the time of  Jesus Christ.

jewels (1)

C:14.29 to the level of the Almighty and set upon His throne in a crown of  jewels.

job (14)

C:4.17 of equal value. You give your mind to an idea, your body to a  job, your days to activities that do not interest or fulfill you. You
C:12.17 a trip or having a baby, of returning to school, or quitting a  job. This idea, newly birthed, may seem to come and go, or may grow
C:14.19 What a big  job you have assigned yourself! It is no small wonder that you live
C:14.23 you are gone. Love you give the same purpose, but bid it do the  job of rewarding you here and now. It, like heaven, is your proof
T2:9.4 met, you believe there has been a loss such as with the loss of a  job or loved one or even of the promise of some service. When you
T3:3.9 drastic, your thoughts might tell you that if you were in another  job, devoid of certain familial responsibilities, or the need to
D:Day6.23 Think a moment about a new  job or some other endeavor in which you apprenticed. In such a
D:Day8.5 not accept that you are at the mercy of situations of all kinds? A  job you do not like? You may not like it, and you may say often that
D:Day8.5 may just as often say that you accept it. You may, in fact, need a  job that you do not like, but in acceptance of the simple truth that
D:Day8.5 but in acceptance of the simple truth that you do not like your  job, you have accepted your Self and where you are now, rather than
D:Day8.6 Yet to state that you do not like your  job is to pre-judge your job, to assume that the conditions you did
D:Day8.6 Yet to state that you do not like your job is to pre-judge your  job, to assume that the conditions you did not like yesterday will be
D:Day8.14 have made a predetermination, just as in saying you do not like your  job, you predetermine a continuing dislike. Soon, you might see a
D:Day8.16 that you do not like gossip, or certain that you do not like your  job, or even certain that you do not like peas, is an inaccurate use

join (64)

C:P.38 knowledge that you already have and once again have access to as you  join with your own real Self. Once this is accomplished, you are
C:4.25 to retain their anger when love has joined the world. For love does  join the world, and it is within this joining that love abides, holy
C:4.26 of what love is, safe and secure within you and your brother, as you  join together in truth. Think you not that this joining is a
C:5.17 your definition of relationship is not one of joining. What you  join with becomes real. As you take it into your Self you thereby
C:5.17 you make it one with your real Self. This is reality. All you do not  join with remains outside and is illusion, for what is not one with
C:5.18 of such things, the smaller your reality becomes. All that would  join with you and become part of the real world of your creation
C:5.21 The only meaning possible for free will is this: what you choose to  join with you, and what you choose to leave outside of yourself.
C:5.32 the soft ground on which you walked. This is what awaits you as you  join with what you see. This awaits you as you place no judgment on
C:5.32 awaits you as you place no judgment on the world, and in so doing  join with everything and extend your holiness across a world of
C:6.22 at deception that you no longer can see the light unaided. But  join your brother and the light begins to shine, for all are here to
C:10.1 this presence that you call your home, how can you be expected to  join with others?
C:12.4 only meaning possible for your free will is your choice of what to  join with and your choice of what to leave outside of yourself. Yet
C:12.4 that nothing that is not part of God is worthy of joining, nor can  join with you. What you have sought to join with is the reason for
C:12.4 is worthy of joining, nor can join with you. What you have sought to  join with is the reason for your unhappiness. For you seek to join
C:12.4 to join with is the reason for your unhappiness. For you seek to  join with what cannot be joined, and you seek separation from all
C:12.14 will but your own self? But one was needed to, of his own free will,  join his will with his Father’s for it to be done for all. This is
C:12.14 or atonement means, and all that is in need of your acceptance.  Join your brother who made this choice for all, and you are reunited
C:14.19 its benefits will escape and be lost to you. You wish that you could  join with it and make it one with you, but since you know not that
C:15.12 enter, and bid your brother choose for you. For in his choice you  join with him and with your Father. In this choice lies one united
C:19.16 and “word-less” state of being, and it can do so again. As you  join with your own Self in unity, all that in love you have created
C:32.3 You then become the teacher of what you are. Your mind and heart  join in wholeheartedness in the embrace. You are home, and there you
T1:8.10 have, in your version of creation, made it necessary for woman to  join with man in order for new life to come forth, is but another
T2:6.10 heart, returning it to its natural realm. Thus does mind and heart  join in unity in the present, in the here and now, so that you exist
T3:18.9 In this way, you will  join the mechanisms of your physical form to the new thought system
T3:19.15 return to the house of illusion to gather those within and bid them  join you in the reality of the truth. But in this time of Christ, a
T4:5.2 learn or relearn what you have forgotten so that you can once again  join the chorus. So that you can once again be in harmony with
T4:5.2 your accomplishment in union and relationship. So that you can  join your accomplishment with that of all others and become the body
T4:7.5 for your heart and body has been the inability of the mind to  join the truth with your conscious awareness. While your mind did not
T4:9.9 the cause of your honor? Be willing to be the forerunners still, to  join your brothers and sisters in this next phase of the journey, the
T4:12.1 future through the sustainability of Christ-consciousness. Today we  join together to birth the new.
T4:12.4 prelude will address them individually and collectively, and as you  join with them in unity, you will realize that it also addresses you
D:1.15 because we exist in unity with everyone. No one will be forced to  join our conversation. Only those listening will be ready to hear.
D:1.20 not that I say these same words to many, for you and the many who  join you in receiving these words are one.
D:5.6 When two bodies  join and joy results from this joining, this is form mimicking
D:5.11 to you to represent what is rather than to be what is. Now, as you  join with the truth, your representation, in the new time that is
D:6.26 now enter into, but that the elevated Self of form is now able to  join with the Self in the unity of shared consciousness. You are
D:7.16 it is not about what your body’s eyes see, and will increasingly  join with what you observe until your vision is released from old
D:8.8 learned because you chose to become the wholehearted. You chose to  join mind and heart and it was done. But you do not yet know how to
D:12.12 with the idea that, released of old patterns, the self will  join with unity more and more frequently, until finally you will
D:13.8 with the idea that no one will ever be able to truly know you. But  join with others who are experiencing the expanding awareness of the
D:13.8 you will begin to see the evidence that things are different now.  Join with others who are coming to know through the state of unity,
D:13.12 communicate union from the state of separation. This does not work.  Join with your brother and sister in Christ, however, and sharing
D:16.2 stage, for once begun, the story of creation moves inevitably to  join with the accomplishment and wholeness that already exist in
D:16.16 of learning, all of the moments in which you feel an inability to  join in union, and in which you recognize still the image of your
D:16.21 true joining in relationship. You must be fully present in order to  join in relationship. All of your images are false images, and when
D:Day3.19 and if you are among those few, do not skip past this dialogue, but  join in so that you understand, as do those for whom this dialogue is
D:Day4.57 If this were asked of you, how many of you would have felt free to  join me? Yet in your acceptance is your perfection realized without
D:Day4.59  Join me in this choice, and we will leave behind the old and continue
D:Day8.2 If you can’t remove yourself from life, what choice have you but to  join with it? Love it. Love yourself. Love yourself enough to accept
D:Day10.21 as man or woman, existing in this particular time and space, can  join with Christ-consciousness. You can be both/and, rather than
D:Day10.21 but will only know more fully the content of the man Jesus. As you  join with Christ-consciousness in this dialogue, you will realize you
D:Day12.8 perceiver perceives them to be. Thus your space will effortlessly  join with the space that is free and open to joining. There is no
D:Day14.13 not hear your own voice? Can you not hear the voices of the many who  join us here?
D:Day15.11 Engaging in dialogue with those who  join you on the mountain top is necessary to this next step. One
D:Day15.12 does it mean to practice informing and being informed? It means to  join together with others who have the ability to maintain
D:Day15.22 not have an awareness of those who would infringe upon, rather than  join with, your boundary-less state. You must but remember that those
D:Day15.24 this time on the mountain, you have been asked to be here and to  join with others here for a purpose. As such, this time is also a
D:Day15.27 fallacy needs to be brought to your attention now so that as you  join in true spaciousness with those coming to know along with you,
D:Day16.8 What happens when feelings of loneliness or despair, anger or grief  join with the spacious Self? This joining occurs only through
D:Day30.5 and the known, the experience and the experiencer. The quest to  join with God is this quest. The quest to be the knower and the
D:Day31.8 Self. To know the One Self within the individuated Self is to  join the two. The two are thus joined in the relationship of
D:Day37.18 You cannot know how another feels because you are not them. You can  join in relationship with others who feel similarly and can find
D:Day37.31 The divineness of your being is most revealed when you cooperatively  join with another or even with yourself. When you cooperatively join,
D:Day37.31 join with another or even with yourself. When you cooperatively  join, you move the particular self aside and sometimes glimpse the

joined (92)

C:I.11 in the sanctity of the One Heart. We are one heart. We are one mind.  Joined in wholeheartedness we are the heaven of the world. We replace
C:1.17 while hidden to you, you still know exists. The union of two bodies  joined in love create a child, the union of man and woman joined in
C:1.17 two bodies joined in love create a child, the union of man and woman  joined in marriage create oneness.
C:4.3 Love and longing are so intimately attached because they  joined together at the moment of separation when a choice to go away
C:4.25 vast the reaches where their world of love could extend once love  joined the world. How little need for the angry ones to retain their
C:4.25 little need for the angry ones to retain their anger when love has  joined the world. For love does join the world, and it is within this
C:5.6 relationship between the two is quite real. “When two or more are  joined together” is not an injunction for bodies to unite. It is a
C:5.6 one. Thus, one thing cannot cause another without their being one or  joined in truth.
C:5.12 preceded by a suspension of judgment. Thus what is judged cannot be  joined nor entered into where it can be understood. What is judged
C:5.12 would call you not to do. What remains outside is all that has not  joined with you. What has joined with you becomes real in the
C:5.12 What remains outside is all that has not joined with you. What has  joined with you becomes real in the joining, and what is real is only
C:5.13 lesson? What terror can be caused by an urge to violence that, once  joined with love, becomes something else? An urge to violence may
C:5.14 between what is within and what is without: Within is all that has  joined with you. Without is all that you would keep separate. Within
C:5.31 relationship with it. This is not so. If this were so, you would be  joined to all you come in contact with and the world would be heaven
C:6.8 What is the opposite of separation but being  joined in relationship? Everything joined with you in relationship is
C:6.8 opposite of separation but being joined in relationship? Everything  joined with you in relationship is holy because of what you are.
C:7.7 Self that holds the light of who you are in truth, the Self that is  joined with the Christ in you.
C:7.13 knowing that you can prevent the loss entirely by being one. What is  joined cannot be parceled out and scattered, but must remain in
C:7.13 be parceled out and scattered, but must remain in wholeness. What is  joined resides in peace and knows no grievance. What is joined
C:7.13 What is joined resides in peace and knows no grievance. What is  joined resides in love inviolate.
C:8.4 forth from the deepest part of you, from the center in which you are  joined with Christ. It speaks of no experiences here, wears no faces,
C:9.49 union, a state in which you are whole and complete because you are  joined with all, you have determined to stand separate and use the
C:10.1 with anything than you are with your own body? If you are not even  joined with this presence that you call your home, how can you be
C:10.2 return to the concept of relationship, for the thought of bodies  joined in union closer than the union that you feel with the body you
C:12.4 for your unhappiness. For you seek to join with what cannot be  joined, and you seek separation from all that could be joined with
C:12.4 cannot be joined, and you seek separation from all that could be  joined with you and all that would fill your dark and lonely places
C:12.14 was needed to end the separation, and in this one are all the rest  joined. For what alone in all creation could be affected by your free
C:12.15  Joined minds cannot think separately and have no hidden thoughts.
C:12.15 one form or many, there was still one mind, the mind of God’s son  joined in unity with that of his Father. Many of you have been taught
C:12.23 no pain or sorrow. His son remains with him in his eternal home,  joined with him as always in eternal completion.
C:17.2 completion of the universe and the return of heaven. Where two are  joined together can be used rightly here as well as in regard to
C:21.7 heart, you will not get where you are wanting to go until they are  joined. You might imagine three paths—one path representing mind,
C:25.17 Self living separately from a “prayerful” Self. All Selves are  joined in wholeheartedness. The one Self is solely involved in living
C:31.13 to depression. This is why we must learn anew with a mind and heart  joined in wholeheartedness.
T1:1.9 A mind and heart  joined in union abolishes the ego. The ego-mind was what was once in
T1:1.10 The joy that will come to you from the thoughts of a mind  joined in union will be unparalleled in your experience here. “Ah,”
T1:1.10 once you recognized only illusion and called it reality, the mind  joined in union will now, more and more, recognize only truth and
T1:3.4 with the wholehearted. The wholehearted is but the heart and mind  joined in unity.
T1:5.10 know it as the cause. This is what is meant by mind and heart being  joined in union, or being wholehearted. It is the real you or center
T1:5.10 being wholehearted. It is the real you or center of your Self, being  joined with the only thought system that is real, the thought system
T1:6.4 are. Do not forget what union is. Union is the mind and heart being  joined in wholeheartedness. It is your union with your Self. Union
T1:8.8 The heart and mind  joined in union accomplished the reunion of the separated self with
T2:1.12 Thoughts  joined in unity. Thoughts joined in unity can be likened to thinking
T2:1.12 Thoughts joined in unity. Thoughts  joined in unity can be likened to thinking without thought. They can
T2:1.13 Ego desires cause one to think of a grand piano. Thoughts  joined in unity hear music. Ego desires cause one to think of an
T2:1.13 cause one to think of an elaborately framed painting. Thoughts  joined in unity see beauty. You are used to thinking that if you do
T2:1.13 never reach the goals associated with those tangible steps. Thoughts  joined in unity create without goals or planning, without effort or
T2:7.19 You do not deny them. You bring them first to your Self, to the Self  joined in unity at the place of your heart. From this place you learn
T2:11.9 willingness total, your way of learning that of a mind and heart  joined in wholeheartedness.
T3:1.8 personal self who existed as more than a representation. While when  joined with the truth, this representation will be acknowledged as
T3:9.3 Ideas of love, or the truth, are  joined in unity and exist in relationship. All of the ideas within
T3:10.15 to welcome these back to the common language of the mind and heart  joined in unity. You will desire more than anything for everyone you
T3:18.7 A mind and heart  joined in unity observes the truth where once a mind and heart
T3:22.14 the Will of God because it is your true desire, your will and God’s  joined as one.
T4:2.22 of what is, is a natural effect of the cause of a heart and mind  joined in unity. This first joining in unity, the joining of heart
T4:2.31 you thought you might begin to recognize those who, like you, are  joined with me in Christ-consciousness? Have you suspected that you
T4:4.18 What purpose will death serve when your true Self has  joined with your physical form? You will see it simply as the
T4:7.4 take the effort of their bodies, but the freedom of a consciousness  joined in unity, a consciousness able to envision, imagine and desire
T4:7.5 state. As your natural state returns to you through a heart and mind  joined in unity, your body too will exist or abide within this
T4:7.6 the thought system of the truth. Your mind, heart, and body have  joined in alignment to bring this learning about. They now exist in
T4:10.14 but you cannot learn anymore who you are or who those are who have  joined you in Christ-consciousness, for you have become who you are
T4:12.23 a finite consciousness, a consciousness with limits. You, as a being  joined in Christ-consciousness, must share this consciousness in
T4:12.35 one mind, one heart. Because it is the new future of a new form  joined in unity and relationship, the only guarantees that are known
D:1.22 You who have  joined mind and heart in unity have returned to a natural state of
D:3.5 The mending of the rift of duality was accomplished in you when you  joined mind and heart and returned to the oneness and unity of
D:5.6 the way—to your true desire for your true identity as a being  joined in oneness. This seeking of completion through oneness, this
D:6.26 the perfect harmony in which it was created. Now that your Self has  joined the elevated Self of form, you exist together both in time and
D:7.20 being limited to creation of, and in, form. The body has thus  joined creation in a non-time-bound way.
D:11.18 Turn now not to your thoughts, but to the mind and heart  joined in unity. In unity! Unity is where the heart and mind are
D:11.18 joined in unity. In unity! Unity is where the heart and mind are  joined. Unity is the place from which the expression, the
D:12.4 that these words enter through your heart. As your mind and heart  joined in unity and became capable of hearing the same language, you
D:12.11 always had, true thoughts that come to you from your Self, the Self  joined in unity. These are thoughts you did not “think,” just as the
D:12.13 that is not really thought but the way of coming to know of the Self  joined in unity, enters you through the place of mind and heart
D:12.13 Self joined in unity, enters you through the place of mind and heart  joined in wholeheartedness at the center of yourself, a place that
D:Day3.40 sense, true, as wholeheartedness is comprised of the mind and heart  joined in unity. It would be more true to think of this joining as
D:Day7.19 They are conditions natural to your Self, to a mind and heart  joined in union. It was the disjoining of mind and heart, of the real
D:Day9.33 Trust in your own abilities—the abilities of the self of form  joined with the Self of union—will be your confidence. Only these
D:Day10.21 Jesus so that you realize that man and Christ-consciousness can be  joined. That you, as man or woman, existing in this particular time
D:Day11.6 Separation, of itself, is nothing. What is separate and  joined in relationship is All because it is all that is knowable. The
D:Day12.8 with perception only, and holds not his or her boundaries solid, is  joined rather than deflected. The open perceiver may or may not know
D:Day15.10 who informs and is informed by the creative force, it is the Self  joined in union with the creative force that informs and is informed.
D:Day15.27 have felt cocooned by the time on the mountain and by those who have  joined you, and that you may have grown less eager to strike out on
D:Day19.15 that is the creative force, the animator and informer. Being  joined in union and relationship allows for the channeling of
D:Day19.15 channeling of creation through the one Self because the one Self is  joined in union and relationship.
D:Day21.9 place of being willing to accept that a teacher was not needed. He  joined you on the mountain top in order to prepare you for his
D:Day29.3 Mind and heart  joined as you let go of judgment and relearned or remembered
D:Day30.4 thus the commonly known injunction of “where two or more are  joined together.” If you would think of this in terms of “God” or the
D:Day31.8 within the individuated Self is to join the two. The two are thus  joined in the relationship of experience. Experience is not known
D:Day32.12 concepts—concepts of the self and of God—cannot be reconciled or  joined in harmony. Either the self or God takes precedence in all
D:Day39.12 exist there must be two beings for it to link (where two or more are  joined together). In other words, there must be a you and a me. In
D:Day39.49 without this relationship than could you. Only with our willingness  joined, are we able to negate the need for intermediaries and be in
D:Day39.49 for intermediaries and be in relationship. Only with our willingness  joined do we both become, welcome, and share, the Christ relationship

joiner (1)

D:Day35.1 relationship with all. Thus you need not become a world traveler, a  joiner, an activist. You simply must become aware of all that you are.

joining (92)

C:I.6 in a way that it does not desire to be guided, a way that is one of  joining, a way that does not allow the mind’s separate stance, its
C:P.38 you are accomplished. Because you are complete. But if your  joining with Christ is the accomplishment and completion of all
C:4.25 the world. For love does join the world, and it is within this  joining that love abides, holy as itself.
C:4.26 goes on outside yourself and nothing that occurs within. Yet it is a  joining that occurs within that brings about the joining of all the
C:4.26 within. Yet it is a joining that occurs within that brings about the  joining of all the world for all the world to see. This joining of
C:4.26 about the joining of all the world for all the world to see. This  joining of the world within is but your recognition of what love is,
C:4.26 your brother, as you join together in truth. Think you not that this  joining is a metaphor, a string of pleasant words that will bring you
C:4.26 in a world where lovely words replace what they would mean. This  joining is the goal you seek, the only goal worthy of love’s call.
C:5.1 relearn the known as the One who already possesses all. It is this  joining of the human and divine that ushers in love’s presence, as
C:5.1 and pain falls away and you recognize again what love is. It is this  joining of the human and divine that is your purpose here, the only
C:5.2 dedicated to the only purpose worthy of your thought: the purpose of  joining with your real Self, the Christ in you.
C:5.6 describes the truly real, the only reality that exists. It is the  joining that is real and that causes all creation to sing a song of
C:5.12 with it, for it is there you will find love. It is in every  joining, every entering into, that love exists. Every joining, every
C:5.12 It is in every joining, every entering into, that love exists. Every  joining, every entering into, is preceded by a suspension of
C:5.12 not joined with you. What has joined with you becomes real in the  joining, and what is real is only love.
C:5.17 This is because your definition of relationship is not one of  joining. What you join with becomes real. As you take it into your
C:5.28 For every  joining, every union that you enter into, your real world is
C:5.28 the difference, you ask, between setting a goal and achieving it and  joining with something?
C:6.1  Joining rests on forgiveness. This you have heard before without
C:6.9 than that which you now call sanity? What loss can there be in  joining with what is so like yourself? It is only a small step away
C:6.11 This is the heaven of your mind, the meaning you give to  joining, the face you put on eternal peace. With such a vision in
C:7.13 have taken a piece of them and hold it unkindly to yourself, not in  joining but in separation. Totally unaware, you too are subject to
C:9.6 is as susceptible to pain as to pleasure. It contains the means for  joining, but for joining that is of a temporary nature. It is as
C:9.6 to pain as to pleasure. It contains the means for joining, but for  joining that is of a temporary nature. It is as capable of violence
C:9.36 Your natural state is one of union, and each  joining that you do in holy relationship returns a little of the
C:9.43 that is sought. The purchase price is usefulness. And so each  joining is seen as a bartering in which you trade your usefulness for
C:9.49 and the stimulus for this change lies within you. All use ends with  joining, for use is what you have traded joining for. Instead of
C:9.49 you. All use ends with joining, for use is what you have traded  joining for. Instead of recognizing your union, a state in which you
C:9.49 for separation but for union? To begin to let go of your fear of  joining, and as you do let go of use as well?
C:10.1 have made cannot be invested with the power of creation without your  joining with it. How, you think, could you be more linked with
C:10.2 that you feel with the body you call your own is indeed ridiculous.  Joining happens in relationship, not in physical form. Joining is not
C:10.2 ridiculous. Joining happens in relationship, not in physical form.  Joining is not the obliteration of one thing to make another—
C:10.2 form. Joining is not the obliteration of one thing to make another—  joining makes each one whole, and in this wholeness one with all.
C:10.11 of miracles. Simply stated, miracles are a natural consequence of  joining. Magic is your attempt to do miracles on your own. In the
C:12.4 must understand that nothing that is not part of God is worthy of  joining, nor can join with you. What you have sought to join with is
C:12.9 for all others are one with him as well as you. This is the one  joining that needs to occur to bring about all the rest.
C:14.27 real specialness, which is not specialness at all but glory. Your  joining caused this, for each joining brings you in touch with your
C:14.27 not specialness at all but glory. Your joining caused this, for each  joining brings you in touch with your brother. Each joining returns
C:14.27 this, for each joining brings you in touch with your brother. Each  joining returns you to your holy relationship with your brother,
C:21.10 others as wrong. Those who know the truth find it for themselves by  joining mind and heart. Those who know the truth become beings of
C:25.15 participation and engagement. While it may conjure up notions of  joining movements or parties, or of making social contributions, pure
C:25.15 movements or parties, or of making social contributions, pure  joining is its objective. The first joining comes from within and it
C:25.15 social contributions, pure joining is its objective. The first  joining comes from within and it is putting into practice the lessons
C:25.15 comes from within and it is putting into practice the lessons of  joining mind and heart in wholeheartedness.
C:25.16 This first  joining is a choice made from love without regard for the personal
T1:9.4 once part of the mother and father, what would have died without the  joining that occurred within, becomes new life.
T2:12.11 of the holy relationship. It is acceptance of what occurs with the  joining of many factors, one no more important than another. While
T3:15.10 The holy relationship has been accomplished by the  joining of the mind and heart in unity. The holy relationship is with
T3:19.7 be called for. While some of you may have less desire for physical  joining as you become more aware of unity, some may have more desire
T3:19.7 become more aware of unity, some may have more desire for physical  joining as an expression of that union. Neither option is reason for
T3:20.15 call others to abandon their willingness to live in illusion by  joining them there! You can only call others to a willingness to set
T4:2.22 effect of the cause of a heart and mind joined in unity. This first  joining in unity, the joining of heart and mind, joins the physical
T4:2.22 a heart and mind joined in unity. This first joining in unity, the  joining of heart and mind, joins the physical and the spiritual world
T4:2.27 separate world. The real state of union, returned to you through the  joining of mind and heart, will now reveal to you the truth of what
T4:4.16 throughout this Course to return your true identity to you now? The  joining of heart and mind in relationship is the joining of the
T4:4.16 to you now? The joining of heart and mind in relationship is the  joining of the personal self with the true Self in the reality in
D:5.6 When two bodies join and joy results from this  joining, this is form mimicking content—form representing what
D:5.6 what “is.” The form was created in order to show—to teach—that  joining is the way. Think of the word desire and its association with
D:5.6 desire and its association with sex. To desire someone is to desire  joining. This desire was created to remind you—to point the way—
D:5.6 joined in oneness. This seeking of completion through oneness, this  joining, is a true representation that shows you that completion does
D:5.6 shows you that completion does not come of standing alone but of  joining, as love does not come alone but in relationship.
D:6.23 of the body we presented newly was that of the perfect design of the  joining provided through sexual intercourse—a design given to lead
D:16.21 This image, being but an image, is incapable of true  joining in relationship. You must be fully present in order to join
D:Day1.25 form, but as with any true inheritance only in a series, only in a  joining together of all of the parts of the creation story into the
D:Day2.23 days and forty nights spent upon the mountain, and continued with my  joining with my brothers and sisters, with the bringing of light to
D:Day3.40 and heart joined in unity. It would be more true to think of this  joining as creating a portal of access, a new source of entry. But
D:Day11.5 oneness. It is only through the means of separate relationships  joining in union that the One Self is capable of being either the
D:Day12.8 space will effortlessly join with the space that is free and open to  joining. There is no boundary between space and space. There are only
D:Day12.8 as solid, it is an obstacle, for it has no space available for  joining. What is a boundary to a perceiver is met as an obstacle by
D:Day12.10 This is  joining in relationship.
D:Day15.10 and informer. Yet informing is a quality of oneness and thus the  joining of the self with the spacious Self in oneness and wholeness
D:Day15.12 to maintain Christ-consciousness in your company. This creates the  joining together of spacious Selves. It is a joining without
D:Day15.12 This creates the joining together of spacious Selves. It is a  joining without boundaries. You become clear pools flowing into each
D:Day15.13 of moving with the current that you know will be generated by the  joining of spacious Selves? Do you fear your power even though you
D:Day15.27 grown less eager to strike out on your own. You may have thought the  joining being done here was the joining with a specific group rather
D:Day15.27 your own. You may have thought the joining being done here was the  joining with a specific group rather than a joining with yourself and
D:Day15.27 being done here was the joining with a specific group rather than a  joining with yourself and with all. This fallacy needs to be brought
D:Day16.8 or despair, anger or grief join with the spacious Self? This  joining occurs only through acceptance. Without acceptance, the
D:Day18.6 sickness, an unwanted state, and thus a temporary manifestation. The  joining of mind and heart provided reunion of the human and divine
D:Day19.15 In this action of  joining in union and relationship is contained the key to creation of
D:Day29.3 Now this power is available to assist you in accomplishing the final  joining, the joining that will end duality and return you to
D:Day29.3 is available to assist you in accomplishing the final joining, the  joining that will end duality and return you to wholeness—to who
D:Day30.4 Wholeness cannot be achieved without  joining, thus the commonly known injunction of “where two or more are
D:Day30.4 know wholeness would be to be in a state of nothingness. Thus the  joining of two or more are needed in order for wholeness to be known
D:Day30.5 is what is known. It also follows then, that to not experience  joining is to not experience wholeness. Stated another way, the self
D:Day30.5 wholeness. Stated another way, the self cannot know the Self without  joining with the Self. The Self must be the knower and the known, the
D:Day30.5 and the experiencer. The culmination of this quest then, is  joining.
D:Day31.1  Joining is both about union and about relationship. Let us consider
D:Day31.3 the experience and the experiencer, the knower and the known. This  joining is the point of the experience and the key to experiencing
D:Day31.7  Joining is differentiated from union only by experience. Union is the
D:Day31.7 from union only by experience. Union is the realm of the One.  Joining is where the realm of the One unites with the realm of the
D:Day40.20 must be separate from what it is being. It doesn’t understand, until  joining with the Christ Self, before becoming one with holy

joining is (12)

C:4.26 your brother, as you join together in truth. Think you not that this  joining is a metaphor, a string of pleasant words that will bring you
C:4.26 in a world where lovely words replace what they would mean. This  joining is the goal you seek, the only goal worthy of love’s call.
C:9.43 that is sought. The purchase price is usefulness. And so each  joining is seen as a bartering in which you trade your usefulness for
C:10.2 ridiculous. Joining happens in relationship, not in physical form.  Joining is not the obliteration of one thing to make another—
C:25.15 movements or parties, or of making social contributions, pure  joining is its objective. The first joining comes from within and it
C:25.16 This first  joining is a choice made from love without regard for the personal
D:5.6 what “is.” The form was created in order to show—to teach—that  joining is the way. Think of the word desire and its association with
D:Day30.5 is what is known. It also follows then, that to not experience  joining is to not experience wholeness. Stated another way, the self
D:Day31.1  Joining is both about union and about relationship. Let us consider
D:Day31.3 the experience and the experiencer, the knower and the known. This  joining is the point of the experience and the key to experiencing
D:Day31.7  Joining is differentiated from union only by experience. Union is the
D:Day31.7 from union only by experience. Union is the realm of the One.  Joining is where the realm of the One unites with the realm of the

joins (1)

T4:2.22 unity. This first joining in unity, the joining of heart and mind,  joins the physical and the spiritual world in a relationship of which

joint (1)

D:Day27.9 levels of experience which you have been participating in are the  joint cornerstones for the biggest revelations yet. All that is now

jointly (1)

D:Day39.12 and a me. In other words, as you are individuated, so too am I. We  jointly individuate rather than separate. We can only do this in

journey (36)

C:P.16 and look once again. You have traveled your path and the end of the  journey is in sight. You stand at the precipice with a view of the
C:4.21 love behind the doors you have passed through so many times in a  journey spent earning your right to leave it no more.
C:10.32 experience. You wanted but the travelers’ guide and not the actual  journey. This is what too many of you sought, and many of you still
C:19.21 This going back is the  journey without distance. You need not go in search of it, and in
C:21.7 alone will take you where the path of unity will take you, and the  journey will not be the same.
C:22.14 motion, so does what passes through you provide the movement of your  journey. What passes through you is transformed by the relationship
C:28.6 This daytime of your  journey is approaching. It is the time for the sun to cut through the
C:28.6 the sun to cut through the mists of dawn. It is the middle of the  journey, a time of teaching and of learning both. It is the time of
C:28.11 to create that may arise as you begin to enter this stage of your  journey. This is often compounded by a feeling of wondering what is
C:30.2 If reaching a particular destination is all that is sought, the  journey becomes but the means for getting there. All learning is seen
T2:1.6 is simply rest. It is not a resting place, a place to stop along the  journey of life any more than it is a place at which life stops and
T2:4.6 ability for the swimmer and is a learned ability for you now as you  journey back to your real Self. It requires remembrance, trust, and a
T2:8.6 you have “found” and that you have been found. You need no longer  journey onto the paths of seeking. The truth of yourself that you
T2:8.6 not finite. You are not here to rest and gain strength for another  journey in search of something that is not available here. Here is
T2:8.7 end to empty seeking? You have already arrived and need no time to  journey any longer. How much time will be saved by an end to the
T2:13.6 not such a frightening task. Let fear go and walk with me now. Our  journey together is just beginning as we return to the premise put
T3:2.10 assign to it. You stand empty of untruth and about to embark on the  journey of truth. You stand in the transformational moment between
T3:8.3 This resistance is the reason you have been taken on such a long  journey before we ever once talked of an idea as crucial as that of
T3:9.7 of Moses journeyed through the desert to the Promised Land. That  journey remained metaphorical because it did not pass beyond the
T3:20.15 call others to a willingness to set illusion aside and to begin the  journey home to unity. You can only call to them from unity if you
T4:9.9 still, to join your brothers and sisters in this next phase of the  journey, the journey out of the time of learning that will usher in
T4:9.9 your brothers and sisters in this next phase of the journey, the  journey out of the time of learning that will usher in the fullness
T4:12.15 You have arrived! The long  journey that brought you here is over. Grow not impatient or desirous
D:17.11 You stand now at the threshold. The stimulus has been provided, the  journey taken. You are present. Now is the time for your response.
D:17.21 You have nowhere to go. The  journey is over. You stand at the threshold, the gateway to the site
D:17.24 because of your proximity to what you have desired. Every hero’s  journey returns him home. To where he started from. In story form,
D:17.24 along the way. All the experiences and learning occur on the  journey.
D:17.25 without leaving home. You have taken the inward course, the inward  journey, the only journey that is real in the only way that is real.
D:17.25 home. You have taken the inward course, the inward journey, the only  journey that is real in the only way that is real.
D:Day3.36 to convey the known. To speak of a way is to invite dialogue and a  journey. This is what all master “teachers” taught, often throwing
D:Day4.7 was true as well. Despite the creation story that symbolizes man’s  journey, early man was not a being who learned in the same way that
D:Day4.43 you would pray for? Surely this you can do, for I deny no one the  journey to the mountain top, not once or many times. But this is not
D:Day15.28 Remember that this  journey has not been about becoming self-less but about realizing
D:Day24.5 of the caterpillar as the unaltered self with which you began your  journey. You might think of your body as the cocoon, the carrier of
D:Day28.24 and will be like no other. The thread represents your own  journey to truth, your own journey to wholeness.
D:Day28.24 no other. The thread represents your own journey to truth, your own  journey to wholeness.

journey’s (1)

D:17.20 however, how you can be told that you have arrived and are at your  journey’s end and yet still have farther to go.

journeyed (2)

T3:9.7 pilgrimage I set you upon, as real as those who in the time of Moses  journeyed through the desert to the Promised Land. That journey
D:Day33.6 self becoming one in being—is the aim toward which we have  journeyed together.

journeying (3)

C:10.5 For those of you who have been  journeying long, as well as those of you just beginning, this
T4:12.15 you here is over. Grow not impatient or desirous of a return to  journeying before you begin to experience the joy of sharing and the
T4:12.15 and the new challenges of creating the new! This will be joyous  journeying and your challenges will be joyous challenges!

joy (72)

C:I.12 The new is the true replacement of the false, illusion’s demise,  joy birthed amongst sorrow. The new is yet to be created, One Heart
C:P.22 are necessary, and while recognition of gifts and what leads to  joy cannot be done without, they are the point only to the extent of
C:2.7 living that hell is solidified and becomes quite real. You can label  joy heaven and pain hell and seek the middle ground for your reality
C:2.7 thinking there are more than these two choices. A life of little  joy and little pain is seen as a successful life, for a life of joy
C:2.7 joy and little pain is seen as a successful life, for a life of  joy is seen as nothing more than a daydream, a life of pain a
C:2.11 There is no magic here of turning misery into delight and pain into  joy. These acts would indeed be magic, an illusion on top of an
C:3.17 within the casing of our flesh and bone. Our hearts take wing with  joy and break with sadness. Not so the brain that keeps on
C:4.12 acting in foolish ways that pass as gaiety but cannot masquerade as  joy. You each have an image in your mind of someone you believe knows
C:5.32 holiness across a world of grief, causing it to become a world of  joy.
C:7.9 truth, you will throw open the doors to this safe house, and all the  joy you have kept from yourself will return. A great exchange will
C:8.29 day lived in your world is misery incarnate and the next a thing of  joy.
C:9.47 and so peaceful that when you see it once again you will cry with  joy and forget your sadness in an instant. There will be no long
C:10.19 its own seriousness as necessary to maintain its separation.  Joy is truly the greatest threat to the separated self, for it comes
C:10.21 it out. Some, at this threshold, turn back. They deny themselves the  joy or the pain or the oblivion that would make return impossible and
C:12.5 it, though you know it not. You are looking for the rest and quiet  joy that only comes from love. You are looking for the safety and
C:13.2 You will be amazed at the knowledge you already have and the  joy it brings you to remember it.
C:14.11 the relationship’s configuration, it was one that truly brought you  joy. Within it you were happy and felt as if you needed nothing more
C:14.12 your world in all its mad confusion. For what caused you such great  joy seemed to come at the cost of pain and to leave you more alone
C:14.13 moment, this was true love, for nothing but love can be the cause of  joy, nor offer a haven of safety in an insane world.
C:14.28 of what is happening, your memory of love, of innocence and of  joy, threatens your specialness, your ego, your separated self who
C:14.31 is the view of life you cannot imagine bringing about, or bringing  joy in its coming. But this is what you must begin to imagine if you
C:16.15 of a life of unhappiness and despair, where occasional moments of  joy or the few people that you love out of the many that you do not
C:16.15 caution, protection, and vigilance that protects these moments of  joy and people you love as well as your own self is to be asked to
C:20.19 devoid of thingness and a personal self? And when you have leapt for  joy at the world’s beauty, has it not leapt with you, returning grace
C:23.3 you, rise to any occasion of your need, share your every fear and  joy.
C:29.17 not. It is a joyful relationship, as the nature of relationship is  joy. Once you have given up your belief in separation this will be
T1:1.10 The  joy that will come to you from the thoughts of a mind joined in union
T1:1.10 in your experience here. “Ah,” you will say with a relief and  joy that knows no bounds, “this is what it is to experience and know
T1:4.13 not struggle mightily to perfect her talent without experiencing its  joy?
T1:4.20 The  joy you have thought has come to you from an interpretation that is
T1:4.20 that is uniquely your own is as nothing compared to the  joy that will come to you from a response that is uniquely you. But
T1:10.2 seem to tell you that this friend is really alive. Whether it be  joy or sorrow, it will seem real in a way that peace does not. It
T1:10.2 what you want. And I say again that it will not matter whether it be  joy or sorrow for you are, or have been, attracted by both for the
T1:10.3 experiences, the most profound sorrow or the most all-encompassing  joy, you will feel inhuman. You will think that this cannot be where
T1:10.5 peace? Can you choose peace long enough to become accustomed to  joy without sorrow? If you cannot, you will continue to create hell
T1:10.7 to those living at the extremes and there is no reason not to take  joy in observing another’s happiness or to feel compassion at
T1:10.8 it now or not, I assure you, within the Peace of God is all the  joy of what you have known as the human experience and none of the
T1:10.9 will have an experience you look back on, an experience of profound  joy or grief that also became an experience of profound learning. You
T2:2.6 How does one explain a  joy that is like no other and that comes from the simple act of
T2:2.7 the existence of that which will reveal its true nature and its  joy.
T2:13.6 Forget not who you truly are, but forget not also to be in  joy in your experience here. Remember that the seriousness with which
T2:13.6 at life is of the ego. Drape your persona in a mantle of peace and  joy. Let who you are shine through the personal self who continues to
T3:14.2 others, accept your current status and begin to feel more peace and  joy within it. If you are not well, you may cope more easily with
T3:19.2 For ages man has thought that spiritual  joy diminishes physical joy. While there is no physical joy that is
T3:19.2 For ages man has thought that spiritual joy diminishes physical  joy. While there is no physical joy that is limited to the physical—
T3:19.2 spiritual joy diminishes physical joy. While there is no physical  joy that is limited to the physical—no joy felt by the physical
T3:19.2 While there is no physical joy that is limited to the physical—no  joy felt by the physical form alone—the joy that comes of things
T3:19.2 to the physical—no joy felt by the physical form alone—the  joy that comes of things physical can certainly still be experienced
T3:22.2 learned. You will almost certainly feel eagerness to share it and  joy whenever and wherever you are able to do so. But some of you will
T4:12.15 of a return to journeying before you begin to experience the  joy of sharing and the new challenges of creating the new! This will
D:3.1 palm-strewn path of Christ-consciousness. It is a path upon which  joy triumphs over sorrow and victory triumphs over defeat. All that
D:4.22 yourself in order to earn a living by doing work that brings you no  joy and allows you not to be who you are, then you are called to walk
D:4.30 your prison behind. Invite this simply by inviting what brings you  joy. Invite yourself first to this new world, but leave not your
D:5.6 When two bodies join and  joy results from this joining, this is form mimicking content—form
D:10.4 work of the Self of union, the work that can fill you with the true  joy of true accomplishment, because it is your real work—work with
D:17.5 having arrived comes the “presence” of Self so long awaited, the  joy of accomplishment, the taste of victory.
D:Day3.31 Even those of you who would feel prepared to let it bring you  joy would err in thinking that it could. How many times has what you
D:Day3.31 many times has what you thought would provide you with reason for  joy failed to do so once acquired?
D:Day3.32 And so you might think, here, of what has brought you  joy. A home, a garden, a musical instrument, the equipment that
D:Day3.44 as certainty rather than uncertainty is your natural state, just as  joy rather than sorrow is your natural state. What you are being
D:Day4.46 that continues to exist. It will mean peace, certainty, safety, and  joy with no price.
D:Day9.29 All you need do is look at a young child to see the  joy, beauty, and truth of expression. You, too, were once a young
D:Day18.4 in the one. It is a way of service through action. It is a way of  joy and harmony for only through joy and harmony can true service
D:Day18.4 through action. It is a way of joy and harmony for only through  joy and harmony can true service become true action. It is the way
D:Day22.11 in which you know God, in which you know love, in which you know of  joy without sorrow, and life everlasting. This is the great unknown
D:Day23.1 make known and thus you must be a being who knows love without fear,  joy without sorrow, and life everlasting. You must be this. A Course
D:Day29.1 self, what you do and who you are, the eternal and the temporal,  joy and sadness, sickness and health, all cease to have the limited
D:Day37.18 in relationship with others who feel similarly and can find great  joy in feeling “as if” someone knows how you feel and who you are.
D:Day39.46 You will also be the bridge between war and peace, sadness and  joy, evil and good, sickness and health. You will turn anger to
E.10 with the total confidence of being. You need not worry about this  joy being selfish for there is no such thing in unity. You will share
E.10 selfish for there is no such thing in unity. You will share your  joy continuously just by sharing yourself.
E.25 This one note, this tone, this canticle of  joy, this celebratory alleluia, is all you need return to, all you

joyful (4)

C:29.17 be changed and has not changed, although you believe it not. It is a  joyful relationship, as the nature of relationship is joy. Once you
T4:3.6 For every being there is a natural state of being that is  joyful, effortless, and full of love. For every being existing in
D:13.12 and sister in Christ, however, and sharing becomes effortless and  joyful and effective. Cause and effect become one. Means and end the
D:Day2.17 until you have suffered as I suffered. This idea would hardly be a  joyful idea with which to begin our work together.

joyless (1)

T4:8.7 The expression of your true nature should never have been difficult,  joyless, or fearful; but you cannot imagine what a creative

joyous (18)

C:1.18 it and choose fear. Both cannot be chosen. All feelings you label  joyous or compassionate are of love. All feelings you label painful
C:14.13 a relationship’s value to you. Anything that could make you feel so  joyous, so safe and warm and loved, could not help but hold a value
C:14.28 your memory returns to you of who you are, and you are innocent and  joyous and one with love itself. That this memory does not last, and
T4:7.8 occurred, the choice will be one guided by love and thus be a  joyous choice and ensure a joyous life. These choices will change the
T4:7.8 will be one guided by love and thus be a joyous choice and ensure a  joyous life. These choices will change the world.
T4:12.6 Take delight in these surprises. Laugh and be  joyous. You no longer have a need to figure things out. Surprises
T4:12.6 things out. Surprises cannot be figured out! They are meant to be  joyous gifts being constantly revealed. Gifts that need only be
T4:12.15 of sharing and the new challenges of creating the new! This will be  joyous journeying and your challenges will be joyous challenges!
T4:12.15 the new! This will be joyous journeying and your challenges will be  joyous challenges!
T4:12.18 Think and speak no more of the suffering of the past. Spread the  joyous news! Tell only joyous stories. Advance the idea of joyous
T4:12.18 more of the suffering of the past. Spread the joyous news! Tell only  joyous stories. Advance the idea of joyous challenges that allow for
T4:12.18 the joyous news! Tell only joyous stories. Advance the idea of  joyous challenges that allow for all the creativity you have put into
D:8.6 surprises of discovery have, and will, cause you to laugh and be  joyous. There was never any need, and will never be any need, to
D:8.6 out—for surprises cannot be figured out! Surprises are meant to be  joyous gifts being constantly revealed. Gifts that need only be
D:10.3 that the effort of teaching and learning limits them. It is your  joyous acceptance of the already accomplished state of these givens
D:10.3 is given to truly come through you and express the Self, because  joyous expression expresses the Self of unity rather than the self of
D:13.3 to you, it will still come in the form of a surprising discovery, a  joyous discovery of the previously known but long forgotten identity
D:Day36.15 and the god-less, so near to replacing creation with destruction, so  joyous and loving, and so hate- and pain-filled, that you have been

joyously (3)

C:7.8 put forth. Let it be heard and held within your heart. Hold it  joyously alongside what already occupies your heart—the love you
E.22 for a purpose, a purpose that will be so clear to you that you will  joyously accept yourself for who you are being. So be it.
A.48 to happen through you and through all you encounter. Go forth  joyously on this adventure of discovery. Be ever new, ever one, ever

joys (4)

C:18.8 place as you view this movie and experience its sights and sounds,  joys and sorrows. And yet you are also part of the projection, and
T3:19.1 separate you from your loved ones. You have no need to fear that the  joys you have shared with others will be no more. You have no more
T3:19.1 will be no more. You have no more need to fear the loss of physical  joys than you have to fear the loss of mental and spiritual joys.
T3:19.1 physical joys than you have to fear the loss of mental and spiritual  joys.

jubilant (1)

D:6.16 Be  jubilant rather than hesitant about the time of discovery that is

jubilantly (1)

D:17.5 we have climbed, standing with arms raised, hands wide open, gazing  jubilantly into the heavens rather than toward the earth below. This

judge (18)

C:11.9 also take it all away, and in the end He surely will. He then will  judge you and determine if you should be rewarded for a life of
C:16.10 you place on judgment, even to the ridiculous notion that you can  judge judgment itself. You deem yourself capable of making good
C:16.11 served you well. It is this memory that tells you that love does not  judge, and only your split mind that has made of this memory what
C:16.16 more the individual, society, and culture indulge in the desire to  judge, the more godlike they think they make themselves. For all of
C:16.16 firmly attached to your memory of creation. To wrestle the right to  judge away from God is an act against God, and like a child who has
C:16.16 having become a parent. God has become the enemy to those who  judge just as the parent of a defiant child becomes the enemy in the
C:16.18 Child of God, this is not so and cannot ever be, for the right to  judge is but the right of the Creator who judges all of creation as
C:17.12 See you now why those who  judge cannot enter heaven? Judgment proceeds from the belief in sin
C:17.15 quite harsh, and quite entrenched in the belief in their right to  judge. Many of you have let go your belief in sin and still held onto
T2:1.4 having learned much about the need to leave judgment behind, you  judge your desire to be other than you are now, including any desires
T2:4.11 that you think it does. You think it matters because you compare and  judge rather than accept.
T2:7.17 You may have increasingly denied thoughts and feelings you would  judge as negative or bad. Or you may have, in your desire not to
T2:7.17 judge as negative or bad. Or you may have, in your desire not to  judge others, kept yourself from speaking up in instances where you
T3:11.10 must be kept in mind as we proceed so that you are not tempted to  judge those living in illusion or their reality. Their reality does
T3:11.11 experience. Two are spoken of in tandem here: The temptation to  judge and the temptation to accept the existence of a reality other
D:Day8.5 that you don’t like something cause a judgment to occur? Do you  judge peas if you do not like them? And yet, do you not accept that
D:Day8.9 gossip, but you may have felt that to say you do not like it is to  judge it, or that to accept what is, is to accept that people gossip.
D:Day8.9 in a present moment situation, will enable you not to participate,  judge, or appear to accept that which you do not truly find

judged (11)

C:5.12 entering into, is preceded by a suspension of judgment. Thus what is  judged cannot be joined nor entered into where it can be understood.
C:5.12 be joined nor entered into where it can be understood. What is  judged remains outside of you, and it is what remains outside that
C:5.14 anything. Outside of you is all that you have kept apart, labeled,  judged, and collected on your shelves.
C:16.4 created and remain, but with the eyes of judgment. That you have  judged and found the ones you love good and worthy of your love makes
C:17.5 good? Because you have defined it as lacking much of what you have  judged to be good in the world you now perceive.
C:20.40 their ability to receive. No gifts are received when all gifts are  judged. While the gift is still given, the judgment changes the
C:22.20 says is that you have immediately taken in your surroundings and  judged them. It is a lovely day “to you.” The day has all or most of
T4:3.7 of love against fear. God did not create fear and will not be  judged by it. All judgment is the cause of fear and this effort to
T4:3.7 was fear, you could not know God. You could not know God because you  judged God from within the nature of fear, believing it to be your
T4:3.8 you find everything to be good and full of love. Once all has been  judged with the vision of love, judgment is over naturally for it has
D:Day15.16 the One Self with the “one group self.” This is not a time of being  judged or of adopting the beliefs of others but one of finally

judges (2)

C:16.10 your split mind would have you believe it does. For your split mind  judges even love and opposes it on the basis that it uses no
C:16.18 ever be, for the right to judge is but the right of the Creator who  judges all of creation as it was created and remains. You only think

judging (4)

T3:11.10 been stressed many times, and we have adhered to the precept of not  judging by denying any right or wrong, the difference between truth
D:Day8.11 keeper but only your own. It requires you to know yourself without  judging yourself.
D:Day18.5 accept their power to be generators of light in darkness without  judging or expelling darkness. They accept their power to represent
D:Day32.6 What would the purpose of this be? Would God be standing back,  judging Himself on the goodness of what He created? Thinking that

judgment (133)

C:I.3 is wrong.” It will speak of love and not see its intolerance or  judgment. It will speak of love to be helpful and with all sincerity,
C:P.34 an end to seeing God in human terms of vengeance, punishment, and  judgment.
C:3.7 friends. While a pencil may essentially remain a pencil in your  judgment, at least as long as it has all the qualities that you have
C:3.11 you subject it to a thousand tests dependent on your senses and your  judgment. While you believe you know what will hurt you and what you
C:3.23 be kept apart from life in any way. But we begin now to take life’s  judgment from it, the judgments gained by your experience, judgment
C:3.23 life’s judgment from it, the judgments gained by your experience,  judgment based on how much love you have received and how much love
C:4.12 unconditional love is great, but must it not be tempered by good  judgment? And surely that ability to guide others must be earned
C:5.12 Every joining, every entering into, is preceded by a suspension of  judgment. Thus what is judged cannot be joined nor entered into where
C:5.32 you as you join with what you see. This awaits you as you place no  judgment on the world, and in so doing join with everything and
C:6.16 merely enjoyment of the rain and sun, night as well as day. Without  judgment cast upon it, peace shines on all that you would look upon,
C:8.11 and information rather than the truth you claim to seek. You look in  judgment rather than in forgiveness. You look from separation’s
C:9.48 calling louder for the selfsame love that all are in search of.  Judgment is not due them, for all here are abusers—starting with
C:16.4 in which they were created and remain, but with the eyes of  judgment. That you have judged and found the ones you love good and
C:16.4 found the ones you love good and worthy of your love makes not your  judgment justified any more than the judgment that condemns a body to
C:16.4 of your love makes not your judgment justified any more than the  judgment that condemns a body to death or to “life” in prison.
C:16.5 Life in prison and a body condemned to death is what  judgment does to all of you who believe that what is the same can be
C:16.5 of the condemnation you reserve for others you have singled out. For  judgment is what is required to make one special and another not.
C:16.6 Without  judgment there would be no separation, for you would see no
C:16.6 no difference between yourself and your brothers and sisters. Your  judgment began with your own self, and from it was all conflict born.
C:16.6 conflict born. Without differences there is no cause for conflict.  Judgment makes different. It looks past what is the same and sees it
C:16.7  Judgment is the function the separated mind has given itself. This is
C:16.7 itself. This is where all of its energy is expended, for constant  judgment is required to maintain the world you see. The Holy Spirit
C:16.7 special function; but this function cannot be yours while you choose  judgment itself as your proper role.
C:16.8 Only your heart can lead you to the forgiveness that must overcome  judgment. A forgiven world is a world whose foundation has changed
C:16.9 that you listen to your heart! Your heart does not want to see with  judgment or with fear. It calls to you to accept forgiveness that you
C:16.10 mind judges even love and opposes it on the basis that it uses no  judgment! Here you can see the value that you place on judgment, even
C:16.10 it uses no judgment! Here you can see the value that you place on  judgment, even to the ridiculous notion that you can judge judgment
C:16.10 place on judgment, even to the ridiculous notion that you can judge  judgment itself. You deem yourself capable of making good judgments
C:16.12 Only forgiveness replaces  judgment, but true forgiveness is as foreign to you as is true love.
C:16.12 to you as is true love. You think forgiveness looks upon another in  judgment and pardons the wrongs you would enumerate. True forgiveness
C:16.12 to be pardoned. Forgiveness looks on innocence and sees it where  judgment would see it not.
C:16.16 Your  judgment has not made the world a better place! If history proves
C:16.16 they think they make themselves. For all of you here know that  judgment is not your place, and that it belongs to God and God alone.
C:16.17 that seems to replace the holy relationship that cannot be replaced.  Judgment thus reinforces the idea of separation, making of it
C:16.19  Judgment does not make you safe, and defining evil does not abolish
C:16.19 does not abolish it, but only makes it real to you. Yet you believe  judgment to be based on justice, and justice to include the
C:16.20 Those who sit in  judgment call upon their power to do what it cannot do. All power
C:16.22 What misery the world has suffered in the name of  judgment, power, and justice. What misery can be avoided by finding
C:17.11 Is this not evident in the  judgment you rely upon and in your treatment of criminals as well as
C:17.11 guilt, and hold it to yourself—a constant companion and a  judgment on your own self.
C:17.12 See you now why those who judge cannot enter heaven?  Judgment proceeds from the belief in sin and the irreversibility of
C:17.14 This space you can turn back to holds no  judgment and no fear, and so it is the repository of all that has
C:17.15 have let go your belief in sin and still held onto your belief in  judgment, thinking one is different from the other. They are not
C:17.15 remain based on fear and fear thus remains your foundation. For  judgment is but the belief that what God created can be changed, and
C:17.16 Forgiveness, which replaces  judgment, must come from your heart. To forgive based on the logic of
C:17.16 of you will give, even to deciding to forgive despite your better  judgment. See you not how little sense this makes, how insincere this
C:18.23 Determination of pleasure and pain is made with the  judgment of the separated self who not only believes it is the body,
C:19.7 This yearning must but be a pure yearning—untainted by fear and  judgment and approached with wholeheartedness—for it to be
C:19.22 of your self, you would be quite accurate. It is like unto the final  judgment as it has been described, a sorting of the real from the
C:19.22 between what this will call forth and the description of the final  judgment, judgment is not the means or end of this reckoning.
C:19.22 what this will call forth and the description of the final judgment,  judgment is not the means or end of this reckoning.
C:19.23 seeing causes for recriminations, blame, and guilt. Looking back in  judgment is not what is required here. Only the opposite will advance
C:20.40 equally. It is your belief that this is not so that causes  judgment. All who believe they have “more” fall prey to
C:20.40 when all gifts are judged. While the gift is still given, the  judgment changes the nature of the gift by limiting its ability to be
C:20.43 which you previously believed you were lacking. It releases you from  judgment because you know that your brothers and sisters are also
C:21.3 what your heart can feel. When your heart can feel, you need no  judgment to tell you the difference between one thing and another.
C:23.28 of faulty learning. As unlearning is replaced by new learning,  judgment falls away as your innocence is established. Can a child be
C:27.14 to be in relationship with it. It is the willingness to set aside  judgment so that you are not contemplating what “should” be happening
C:27.17 proper response. I use the term “proper” here not as a measure of  judgment, but as an indication that there is a way in which those who
T2:1.4 may find that despite having learned much about the need to leave  judgment behind, you judge your desire to be other than you are now,
T3:3.6 is the vengeful self we eliminate now. You have, in truth, replaced  judgment with forgiveness, but you have not yet fully forgiven
T3:3.6 statement may sound incongruous, for how could you have replaced  judgment with forgiveness and not forgiven yourself? What this means
T3:3.6 and not forgiven yourself? What this means is that you have replaced  judgment with forgiveness as a belief. You have put this belief into
T3:3.6 means is that you continue to fail to recognize your need to replace  judgment with forgiveness when it comes to yourself. You have not yet
T3:10.12 a foreign thought system. This thought system recognizes no fear or  judgment, no uncertainty or doubt, no contrast and no division. It is
T3:11.10 While a lack of  judgment has been stressed many times, and we have adhered to the
T3:11.13 the house of illusion, you would make it real, and with its reality  judgment would be upon you—not any judgment of God, but judgment of
T3:11.13 it real, and with its reality judgment would be upon you—not any  judgment of God, but judgment of your own mind.
T3:11.13 reality judgment would be upon you—not any judgment of God, but  judgment of your own mind.
T3:14.2 would be sure to feel threatened by some situation or person and  judgment would return to label what is happening as “bad.” A “god”
T3:17.2 was an illustration of the effects of this observation and the  judgment that sprang from it. The self “fell” from unity through this
T3:17.2 that sprang from it. The self “fell” from unity through this  judgment of what it observed as being other than itself, through this
T3:17.8 illusion is illusion; just as these things are what they are without  judgment; so is the beginning the beginning and the end the end. The
T3:19.2 certainly still be experienced and expressed. This is no call for  judgment upon the physical. How could this be true when the physical
T3:19.7 joining as an expression of that union. Neither option is reason for  judgment.
T3:20.6 and to hear or offer comments about the unfairness of the situation.  Judgment is never far from these observations. Suffering, you would
T3:20.6 the situation is particularly grim—and realize that this too is a  judgment, for some illnesses and suffering are surely seen as being
T4:1.7 is not taught in school. If you can consider this example with no  judgment, you can see it simply as a choice.
T4:2.8 vision, you would see the accomplished Self there. There can be no  judgment carried forward with you and when you continue to believe in
T4:2.8 has made you better than those who came before, you are carrying  judgment. While you continue to believe that being chosen means that
T4:2.8 that being chosen means that some are not chosen, you are carrying  judgment. While you continue to believe that a final judgment will
T4:2.8 are carrying judgment. While you continue to believe that a final  judgment will separate the good from the evil, you are carrying
T4:2.8 judgment will separate the good from the evil, you are carrying  judgment.
T4:2.9 and because many false interpretations of this time as a time of  judgment and of separating the chosen people from all others abound.
T4:2.9 others abound. All are chosen. All are chosen with love and without  judgment.
T4:2.10 would keep you from this awareness. If you think you can observe in  judgment you do not understand the definition of observation provided
T4:2.29 for fear. You must remember that you are now called to see without  judgment. To see without judgment is to see truly. You need not look
T4:2.29 that you are now called to see without judgment. To see without  judgment is to see truly. You need not look for good or bad, but only
T4:3.7 fear. God did not create fear and will not be judged by it. All  judgment is the cause of fear and this effort to weigh love’s
T4:3.8 As the natural state of love is returned to you,  judgment falls away because vision will arise. With the onset of the
T4:3.8 the onset of the vision of love, many of you will make one final  judgment in which you find everything to be good and full of love.
T4:3.8 and full of love. Once all has been judged with the vision of love,  judgment is over naturally for it has served its purpose. This is the
T4:3.8 is over naturally for it has served its purpose. This is the final  judgment.
T4:5.13 as all or nothing. Many of you have thought of it as a time of  judgment. But I tell you truly; it is no different than the time that
T4:5.13 revealed to those having experienced death. At that time it is your  judgment of yourself and your ability to believe in the glory that is
T4:7.1 temporary or sustainable depending on your ability to refrain from  judgment. What is flows from Love and knows not judgment. All that
T4:7.1 to refrain from judgment. What is flows from Love and knows not  judgment. All that you envision, imagine, desire with love must be
T4:7.1 All that you envision, imagine, desire with love must be without  judgment or it will be false envisioning, false imagining, false
T4:7.1 the truth. It does not mean wrong or bad and is itself no cause for  judgment. It is simply an alternative that will draw you out of
T4:7.4 Those who sustain Christ-consciousness will abide within it free of  judgment. They will not seek to create their version of a perfect
T4:7.4 to them through what they can envision, imagine and desire without  judgment. It will not take the effort of their bodies, but the
T4:7.4 unity, a consciousness able to envision, imagine and desire without  judgment and without fear.
T4:7.5 in you, just as you cannot sustain Christ-consciousness while  judgment remains in you. Why? Because it is not in the nature of
T4:7.5 Christ, it is not in the nature of the Christ-Self to know fear or  judgment. What we are speaking of is abiding in your natural state.
T4:7.5 in your natural state. Your natural state is one free of fear and  judgment. This is all that makes up the difference between your
T4:7.5 reality of love without fear, it existed in a reality of fear and  judgment, and bound heart and body to this reality. Your heart has
T4:7.7 will return you to good health. Your poor health is no cause for  judgment, as it is the perfect health, now, in the past, and in the
T4:8.8 inconsistent with your nature, fearfulness is inconsistent with God.  Judgment is inconsistent with God. Bondage or lack of freedom is
T4:12.18 Let not the idea of fear take hold in the new. Let not the idea of  judgment take hold in the new. Announce far and wide freedom from the
T4:12.34 the old, a willingness that included the leaving behind of fear and  judgment and a separate will, was necessary to begin creation of the
D:2.7 This is not a  judgment but simply the truth. To learn the truth and not accept it
D:2.11 will work in one instance and not in another and that you make this  judgment based upon the outcome. In other words, you make this
D:2.11 this judgment based upon the outcome. In other words, you make this  judgment “after the fact” when the outcome has occurred. For example,
D:2.19 faulty conclusion you developed a faulty system based upon faulty  judgment. This system was meant to help you learn to deal fairly with
D:4.16 contrast, since when the ego entered with its false ideas and  judgment, contrast did not always provide the lessons it was meant to
D:5.10 While you have learned to take  judgment from your seeing, this must be reemphasized now as you are
D:Day2.12 of such actions, whether they are negative or positive in your  judgment. We look for a simple acceptance of the facts of your life.
D:Day4.46 no return to fear or anger, no return to separation, no return to  judgment. It means no longer trying to leave these things behind for
D:Day4.57 join me? Yet in your acceptance is your perfection realized without  judgment. In your becoming is your enlightenment realized without
D:Day4.57 judgment. In your becoming is your enlightenment realized without  judgment. These things become not achievements, but the
D:Day8.5 Does accepting that you don’t like something cause a  judgment to occur? Do you judge peas if you do not like them? And
D:Day8.11 This acceptance is the only thing that will truly prevent  judgment, for it does not require you to be your brother’s keeper but
D:Day8.14 than acting from who you are. You will, in fact, have returned to  judgment because you will have made a predetermination, just as in
D:Day8.29 to react or suffered the consequences of reacting without “thought.”  Judgment has been left behind and with it the need for opinions and
D:Day15.9 In practicing observation without  judgment, you learned to be neutral observers. Being neutral
D:Day15.9 allowed cause and effect to occur naturally rather than having your  judgment alter natural cause and effect. This practice will continue
D:Day15.16 or of adopting the beliefs of others but one of finally conquering  judgment with neutrality or acceptance. Allowing others to accept you
D:Day15.16 others to accept you as you are is a gift that releases them from  judgment and any notion that may have remained within them that
D:Day19.16 examples of the way of Jesus. This too is tricky for it can lead to  judgment. When there is more than one way, there is always room for
D:Day19.16 there is more than one way, there is always room for comparison and  judgment. Thus it is realistic to see the two ways as intertwined
D:Day25.5 Become used to letting what comes to you come to you without  judgment. Let it come. Enjoy your silly thoughts as much as your wise
D:Day29.3 Mind and heart joined as you let go of  judgment and relearned or remembered wholehearted desire—the source
A.13 to you. Now you are ready to hear all the voices around you without  judgment, to enter discussion without an agenda to attend to, to not

judgment-free (2)

D:Day15.6 but the making known of spirit in form. What you made known through  judgment-free observation was but the precursor to what is made known
A.27 is returned to, as a helpful friend would be turned to for  judgment-free advice. What those who begin to experience life in a

judgmental (6)

D:Day12.1 that would censor our feelings, calling them selfish, uncaring, or  judgmental. We examine. And we realize it is our thoughts and not our
D:Day12.1 is our thoughts and not our feelings that are selfish, uncaring, or  judgmental. We realize this because we realize the sacred space we
D:Day39.21 Have I been a  judgmental God in your universe? Then you have been judgmental and
D:Day39.21 Have I been a judgmental God in your universe? Then you have been  judgmental and lived in a judgmental world.
D:Day39.21 God in your universe? Then you have been judgmental and lived in a  judgmental world.
A.31 mind is always helpful. Obsessive thinking is always ruthless,  judgmental, and wearing on the thinker. He or she needs help in

judgments (11)

C:3.23 in any way. But we begin now to take life’s judgment from it, the  judgments gained by your experience, judgment based on how much love
C:16.10 can judge judgment itself. You deem yourself capable of making good  judgments and poor judgments, and you deem love as being capable of
C:16.10 itself. You deem yourself capable of making good judgments and poor  judgments, and you deem love as being capable of neither. Love seems
C:20.41 would not be other than you are except when you give in to making  judgments. Look deeply and you will see that what you would call your
C:27.15 rather than to your preconceived notions of others, the previous  judgments your mind once made and relies upon out of habit, or your
T3:3.10 was simply your idea of who you were. This idea was a complex set of  judgments, of good and bad, right and wrong, worthy and unworthy, a
D:Day2.9 These are mainly, in truth,  judgments, judgments that arise from your conscience, from that part
D:Day2.9 These are mainly, in truth, judgments,  judgments that arise from your conscience, from that part of you that
D:Day8.16 less certain than you were before. You will be less certain in your  judgments and opinions, but this is highly appropriate and much
D:Day8.29 of learning—of a time when you used your feelings, opinions, and  judgments interchangeably and either “thought” about them in order to
A.8 You are beginning to know yourself without the perceptions and the  judgments of the mind. You are beginning to know yourself as you

juncture (1)

T2:4.11 specific calling, no calling, or many callings, matters not at this  juncture. What matters is that you think it does. You think it

just (273)

justice (12)

C:16.19 only makes it real to you. Yet you believe judgment to be based on  justice, and justice to include the punishment of those you have
C:16.19 it real to you. Yet you believe judgment to be based on justice, and  justice to include the punishment of those you have defined as evil.
C:16.19 the punishment of those you have defined as evil. You have thus made  justice one with vengeance, and in doing so have robbed justice of
C:16.19 thus made justice one with vengeance, and in doing so have robbed  justice of its meaning.
C:16.20 to do what it cannot do. All power comes from love, as does all  justice. Any basis other than love for power or for justice makes a
C:16.20 as does all justice. Any basis other than love for power or for  justice makes a mockery of both. Might makes right is a saying that
C:16.22 misery the world has suffered in the name of judgment, power, and  justice. What misery can be avoided by finding the true power
D:2.17 The  justice system is a good example, an example of a system which you
D:2.19 the nature of the world around you. Thus, in the example of the  justice system, you looked at the world and people around you and
D:2.20 stems from your desire to learn anew. You would say, “If the  justice system doesn’t work, let’s fix it.” You would say, “If the
D:6.8 These are the systems we have already spoken of: Systems of  justice, systems of government, systems of corporations, the systems
D:Day35.19 The word distinction between made and create thus does not fully do  justice to the power you have always retained. But creating in

justified (2)

C:5.23 you have made; and if you finally do succeed, your faith is seen as  justified. The cost is not examined nor acknowledged, yet when this
C:16.4 ones you love good and worthy of your love makes not your judgment  justified any more than the judgment that condemns a body to death or