obey (3)

C:P.31 knowing what they stand for, what their truth is, what rules they  obey, how they think and how what they think aligns with what they do
C:16.20 power are those who make the laws, and those who have no power must  obey them.
D:Day4.20 it would teach, and trying to live by the rules it would have them  obey. Much progress was made within these institutions, but also much

object (15)

C:5.6 or another thing. It is not a third thing in terms of being a third  object, but it is something separate, a third something. You realize
C:5.7 one” or “I love that,” yet you know that love exists apart from the  object of your affection. Love is set apart in a frame not of this
C:9.6 did create. It was created for its usefulness just like every other  object that shares the space you occupy. Think for a moment of what
C:9.32 your home and identify as your own self. How can the user and the  object of use be one and the same? This insanity makes the purpose of
C:20.3 You are no longer the  object viewing the subjects of the kingdom. You are the heart of the
C:22.9 within your world. The meaning you assign becomes the reality of the  object you have assigned meaning to. You have seen your purpose as
C:23.15 inaccurate belief, your body will be freed. It will no longer be an  object of use but a means of service.
C:25.8 Devotion is inclusive. It implies a subject and an  object: One who is devoted and one who is an object of devotion.
C:25.8 a subject and an object: One who is devoted and one who is an  object of devotion. While we are moving away from subject/object
T1:2.13 two parts. An example illustrates. To look at a sunset is to see an  object, the sun. It is also to see the sky, to see the variety of
T1:3.18 Secondly you would  object to being asked to choose a miracle. Surely you cannot know the
T1:4.5 When the sun has remained but an  object to you, no effect is possible from the sunset. The sun, even
T1:4.5 during the most blazing sunset, has at times remained no more than  object to you. So too has your Self. When your Self is seen as no
T1:4.5 is seen as no more than a body it is seen as little more than an  object.
T2:6.7 an acceptance that something can be what it is, a known fact, an  object with an identity, but also part of the ongoing nature of

objections (3)

C:13.9 What further  objections can you have, for here we ask you not to follow any
T1:3.16 Let us consider your  objections to miracles one-by-one for in so doing we will uncover the
T1:3.17 First you will say you have no  objections to miracles, only to having them performed through you.

objective (5)

C:23.29 the curriculum? How will you know when you have achieved a learning  objective? Yet how can you become a master of what another would
C:25.1 To devote oneself to an  objective is a vow to accomplish. To be devoted is to be prayerful.
C:25.15 or parties, or of making social contributions, pure joining is its  objective. The first joining comes from within and it is putting into
D:Day37.17 of this impossibility. This is why this Course has had, as its main  objective, returning you to true knowing of your Self. A separate
A.12 approaching this as one more self-improvement exercise, or one more  objective to accomplish. Only in this way do you come to realize you

objectives (2)

C:8.11 worked you would surely use it to find the truth, and for other  objectives as well. You would like to be a problem solver, a person
D:Day10.22 statements mean. This is the culmination point of these two great  objectives coming together in you and your brothers and sisters.

objects (5)

C:1.12 in several ways. By this I do not mean that there are not particular  objects of your affection. This is not the love of which we speak.
C:1.13 seen as loveless and alone in the world are those you find to be the  objects of your pity. Yet you do not realize that this is the state
C:5.7 affection. Love is set apart in a frame not of this world. You hold  objects up to capture it, to put a frame around love’s vision and
C:7.17 relationship itself, relationship as something different from the  objects, persons, or situations related to. Now we must expand on
C:27.10 itself? Can God? Can you imagine relationship rather than singular  objects and bodies, as all that exists, and thus who you are and who

obligated (1)

C:28.11 and worry not of what to do. This is a difficult stage as you feel  obligated and inspired to act and yet awkward in your actions. We

obligation (3)

C:11.18 What is a dinner party where love is not? It is merely a social  obligation. But a dinner party where love is welcomed to take its
T1:4.13 one. Responsibility is a demanded response, a necessary response, an  obligation. Response happens from within. Responsibility is all about
T2:4.8 to the somewhat onerous onset of yet another responsibility, another  obligation. One set of thoughts recognizes that something has been

obligations (1)

T3:3.9 familial responsibilities, or the need to provide for financial  obligations, you would be much better suited to putting these beliefs

obliteration (1)

C:10.2 happens in relationship, not in physical form. Joining is not the  obliteration of one thing to make another—joining makes each one

oblivion (2)

C:10.21 too but choose a different threshold wherein after experiencing the  oblivion of the separated self through drugs, alcohol, or even
C:10.21 turn back. They deny themselves the joy or the pain or the  oblivion that would make return impossible and count themselves lucky

obscure (7)

C:P.43 learning, and the ego cannot take your Self from you but only can  obscure it. Thus the teachings you need now are to help you separate
C:2.8 theories of your existence. Although your purpose here remains  obscure, you identify some things you call progress and others that
C:6.3 were and never can be. All your illusions were created in order to  obscure this fact of your existence because you would rather it not
T3:16.17 you, even unto encompassing the house of illusion that you made to  obscure it from yourself.
T3:17.1 Why would you ever have chosen to  obscure the truth? As we have already shown, to have chosen to
T4:1.23 evil and feel now as if these distinctions have become more and more  obscure. Some have yearned for a return to days not long past, days
D:Day4.44 This unknown has been described to you in terms both specific and  obscure. It has been described as all you have desired and more. It

obscured (2)

C:4.3 over by longing that, placed between you and your Source, both  obscured Its light and alerted you of Its eternal presence. Longing
D:Day1.14 learning exist no more? In which the suffering and death that have  obscured that love is the answer are banished, rejected, and a new

obscures (2)

C:P.29 they earn their living until the dust that has collected upon it  obscures it from their sight. This is the cost of turning back when
C:4.6 You may still walk an alien land, but not in a fog of amnesia that  obscures what would be a brief adventure and replaces it with dreams

obscurity (3)

D:Day19.11 will find acclaim and those called to the way of Mary will find  obscurity. Many called to the way of Mary will “do” much that is
D:Day19.11 Many of the way of Mary will find acclaim, yet neither acclaim nor  obscurity will matter to those following these ways. Being true to
D:Day19.11 all will follow the way of Mary and such ideas as acclaim and  obscurity will be no more. But at this time of transition, both ways

observable (28)

T2:6.7 began with asking you to call into question these beliefs in known,  observable, facts. You may have regarded these exercises as silly or
T3:17.1 for this to be so, but there was a need for the Self to have an  observable form and to exist in relationship with others with
T3:17.1 an observable form and to exist in relationship with others with  observable forms. This was simply so that expressions of love could
T3:17.2 It was the beginning of perception and of the idea that what was  observable was “other than” he who did the observing. Now your
T3:17.5 important to the desired experience to learn the lessons of what was  observable within the physical realm, to have begun to forget the
T3:18.2 or learn an unobservable truth, will now accept and learn from  observable truth. This is why you must become that observable truth.
T3:18.2 and learn from observable truth. This is why you must become that  observable truth.
T3:18.3 form. See what perfect sense this makes as your human form is an  observable form. It is thus from observable form that the final
T3:18.3 this makes as your human form is an observable form. It is thus from  observable form that the final learning will take place. This is the
T3:18.10 of the truth that unites all things and that must now become  observable.
T3:19.9 experience in physical form, the thought of expressing the Self in  observable form.
T3:19.13 a difference that couldn’t be seen until it was represented in an  observable manner, something you will now do.
T3:19.14 manner it is possible to call them. It is only when what is  observable is so widely evident that it can no longer be denied that
T3:19.16 are ordinary people living extraordinary, and miraculous, and  observable lives.
T3:20.18 have freely chosen. Your task is to create the new world and make it  observable, not for you to recruit others to it.
T3:22.17 forth the sight of your true Self is to call your true Self into  observable form. Calling the true Self forth into observable form is
T3:22.17 true Self into observable form. Calling the true Self forth into  observable form is the end of the old and the beginning of the new.
T4:1.22 ready to still your fear, a fear that once prevented the direct and  observable learning that now is available to you.
T4:3.1 is an extension of the embrace that in turn makes the embrace  observable. The embrace is not an action so much as a state of being.
T4:3.4 of this chosen experience was the expression of the Self of love in  observable form. This original intent or cause formed the true nature
T4:3.12 in physical form. Once the original nature of the created becomes  observable in physical form, physical form will surpass what it once
T4:7.2 of your Self and God cannot help but grow through the direct and  observable means now available. Just as in the time of the Holy
T4:7.4 is in the vision of Christ-consciousness. This perfect world will be  observable to them and in them. It will be revealed to them and
D:4.12 are both external and internal. External divine patterns include the  observable forms that make up your world, everything from the planet
D:4.12 and feel, there is but one external divine pattern that created the  observable world, and only one internal divine pattern that created
D:Day15.22 Thus you are not depriving them of anything when you slip into  observable states of being. There is a purpose for this time in which
D:Day16.6 was separation, is no more. In other words, illness is no longer  observable once what was rejected rejoins the spacious Self. The
D:Day17.1 Christ-consciousness as the merging of the human and the divine into  observable form. Thus there must be a difference between

observance (29)

C:8.19 a reminder to not observe with your mind, but with your heart. This  observance will contain a holiness, a gift of sight beyond that of
C:26.3 perhaps best expressed in the life of the tragic hero. This  observance of tragedy in life occurs only when the observation is
T3:18.2 was part of the original choice for physical form. The word  observance has rightly been linked with divine worship and devotion.
T3:18.3  Observance happens in relationship, the very relationship that
T3:18.3 the very relationship that disallowed the making of a separate self.  Observance is linked to cause and effect being one. What is observed
T3:18.4 to the minds of those who observe your expression. Further, your  observance of your brothers and sisters will return remembrance to
T3:18.4 return remembrance to their minds and hearts. It is, in fact, your  observance of the truth of your brothers and sisters that is the
T3:18.5 I repeat, your  observance of the truth of your brothers and sisters is the miracle.
T3:18.8 other than what is there. You must constantly remember that your  observance is now an act of worship and of devotion and that you are
T3:18.10 We also now link  observance and ideas. Ideas form in the mind. You are used to
T3:20.6 the illness or suffering of another. Sympathy is the most common  observance in such a circumstance. You might feel called to tears, to
T3:20.8 ask yourself what harm could be done by offering a new kind of  observance?
T3:20.10 the means are not the end and are never to be confused as such. Your  observance is to remain with cause rather than stray to effect.
T3:20.13 is not your work. This is not about your effort. This is about your  observance. Your observance of the laws of love. Your observance is
T3:20.13 This is not about your effort. This is about your observance. Your  observance of the laws of love. Your observance is to remain with
T3:20.13 is about your observance. Your observance of the laws of love. Your  observance is to remain with cause rather than to stray to effect,
T3:20.17 And thus we return to  observance, the observance of love by love. See not what love would
T3:20.17 And thus we return to observance, the  observance of love by love. See not what love would not have you see.
T3:21.18 to have more of a dualistic nature for a short time while you carry  observance forward into observance of your personal self. As was said
T3:21.18 nature for a short time while you carry observance forward into  observance of your personal self. As was said at the beginning of
T3:21.24 to evangelize, all are called equally to represent the truth and to  observance of the truth. That you each will do this in ways unique to
T3:21.24 the personal self and the Self; the truth and its representation and  observance.
T3:22.17 the observation of a Self beyond the personal self. To call forth  observance is to call forth the sight of your true Self. To call
T4:2.24 With your new understanding of  observance must come a new understanding of relationship and the
T4:2.29 it when you experience it. This is why you can still think of  observance of what is as a game of make believe and feel that you
D:Day15.4 begin to be able to know and to make known without observation or  observance of the physical. This occurs through your relationship
D:Day15.5 not observe, or see, was not real to you. Through the practice of  observance of the physical and the obvious, you began to be able to
D:Day15.11 a starting point for your practice. While it is possible to practice  observance in every situation, it is necessary to practice the

observant (5)

T4:2.15 present in the past, but you can truly now, with the devotion of the  observant, see that the Self you are now was indeed present, and the
T4:2.16 it might seem not to be? This is the power of the devotion of the  observant that you are called to, the power of cause and its effect.
T4:2.24 understanding of relationship and the ability of the devotion of the  observant to affect those relationships.
T4:3.3 nature—by its original nature or intent. The devotion of the  observant will return you to your original purpose. The vision of
T4:6.4 will be what you create. This is the power of the devotion of the  observant. A shared vision of unity and a return of all to the state

observation (69)

C:8.10 knowing, saying often, “On the surface it would seem that…” and this  observation is often followed by attempts to see beneath the surface
C:8.19 in A Course in Miracles as the Holy Instant. You may not think  observation of your body is a good way to achieve this, but as you
C:10.17 before the fact. Nothing happens to the Son of God by accident. This  observation will help to put the responsibility of your life back
C:13.1 others it interacts with, for they will be grouped together in your  observation of them. It will not be only others you observe but
C:13.2 your heart and not your mind, and begin to include others in your  observation, I ask you to concentrate on one thing only. This is a
C:26.3 tragic hero. This observance of tragedy in life occurs only when the  observation is also made of the greatness, the glory, in the life.
T3:17.2 the tree of knowledge was an illustration of the effects of this  observation and the judgment that sprang from it. The self “fell”
T3:18.1 learned by the Holy Spirit will learn. They will now learn through  observation.
T3:18.2 Let us return to the concept of  observation and link it with ideas as we have spoken of them here.
T3:18.2 observation and link it with ideas as we have spoken of them here.  Observation, the ability to observe what the Self expresses, was part
T3:20.5 Let us now link  observation and the miracle. An easy illustration is provided, as so
T3:20.5 illustration is provided, as so often is the case, by looking at  observation under the guidance of the ego-thought system and thus
T3:22.6 of planning, I do ask you to let it go and to replace it with  observation.
T3:22.7  Observation is the active state of reception, a state not confined to
T3:22.7 confined to receiving, but a state of giving and receiving as one.  Observation, as I am speaking of it and teaching it, makes you one
T3:22.8 with your response to what you are given to observe. The act of  observation that you are able to do with your eyes closed is the
T3:22.8 of observation that you are able to do with your eyes closed is the  observation of what is. This will relate to the future pattern of
T3:22.10 attention to as I complete this Treatise with lessons concerning  observation of your new Self.
T3:22.11 The ability to cease all acts of comparison will arise out of this  observation of your new Self, for you cannot observe your new Self
T3:22.13  Observation, both of yourself and of what you desire, is an act that
T3:22.14  Observation of what you desire, what we have referred to as “closed
T3:22.14 of what you desire, what we have referred to as “closed eyes”  observation, can be likened to prayer and thus to the miracle. This
T3:22.14 will take you to, through your effort, create the desired outcome.  Observation of what you desire is observation of what is, for your
T3:22.14 create the desired outcome. Observation of what you desire is  observation of what is, for your desire is of God and what you desire
T3:22.15 Thus the creative tension can be taken from the creative act of  observation without a loss of any kind. The creative tension existed
T3:22.16 And so we conclude with this note of impatience with the old and the  observation, the final observation, of the personal self. You have
T3:22.16 this note of impatience with the old and the observation, the final  observation, of the personal self. You have created your personal
T3:22.17 of the truth. Realize that what we have called “closed eyes”  observation is really the observation of a Self beyond the personal
T3:22.17 that what we have called “closed eyes” observation is really the  observation of a Self beyond the personal self. To call forth
T4:1.17 time of learning through contrast and the time of learning through  observation. It is further stated here as the difference between
T4:1.17 learning by contrast and indirect communication and learning through  observation and direction communication or experience. The same truth
T4:1.24 and they are not only ready, but also demanding to learn through  observation and direct communication or experience. Many not yet
T4:1.27 and that learning will pass through them directly through  observation and direct communication or experience. It means that the
T4:2.10 you can observe in judgment you do not understand the definition of  observation provided in “A Treatise on the Personal Self.”
T4:2.14 implied in the statement that all are chosen, is through your  observation of yourself.
T4:2.18 Only from this shared vision, this  observation of what is, can you begin to produce unity and
T4:2.22  Observation of what is, is a natural effect of the cause of a heart
T4:2.26 This new relationship is the only state in which  observation of what is can occur. The separated state was nothing
T4:3.1  Observation is an extension of the embrace that in turn makes the
T4:3.2  Observation and vision are closely linked but not the same.
T4:3.2 Observation and vision are closely linked but not the same.  Observation has to do with the elevation of the personal self. Vision
T4:3.2 do with the divine pattern, the unity that binds all living things.  Observation is the means of seeing this binding pattern in physical
T4:3.9 be caused by the return of your natural state of love. This is where  observation comes in.
T4:3.10 to see the nature of the world and all that exists within it truly.  Observation will allow you to elevate the personal self to its
T4:3.11 is the natural means of knowing of all who were created in love.  Observation is the natural means of sharing what is known in physical
T4:3.12 by which the original nature of the created can once again be known.  Observation is the means by which the original nature of the created
T4:9.1 comes to an end here and now as we move past study and learning to  observation, vision, and revelation.
T4:9.4 now the time is upon you to leave learned works behind in favor of  observation, vision and revelation. Now is the time to leave behind
D:7.15 The  observation, envisioning, and desire you have been practicing in
D:7.16  Observation takes place in time. Even while you have been called to
D:7.16 as envisioning the future. Envisioning is less bound to time than is  observation because it is not about what your body’s eyes see, and
D:7.17 leaves you nonjudgmental of the paths of others. Yet desire, like  observation and vision, is still related to the self of form. It is a
D:7.18 Revelation is of God.  Observation, vision, and desire are steps leading you beyond what the
D:Day15.4 you begin to be able to know and to make known without  observation or observance of the physical. This occurs through your
D:Day15.5 and observed. The second purpose was your preparation to move beyond  observation.
D:Day15.6 It has been in the relationship of  observation that you have interacted with all other life forms as
D:Day15.6 as well as with inanimate forms. In the relationship generated by  observation, those forms have been perceived as real. That
D:Day15.6 by observation, those forms have been perceived as real. That  observation produced the solidity and mass of the forms you observed.
D:Day15.6 known of spirit in form. What you made known through judgment-free  observation was but the precursor to what is made known through
D:Day15.7 through form is the difference for which the time has come. The  observation you have practiced has prepared you to move from
D:Day15.7 The observation you have practiced has prepared you to move from  observation to informing and being informed.
D:Day15.9 In practicing  observation without judgment, you learned to be neutral observers.
D:Day15.9 supplemented by the new practice of informing, until the practice of  observation is no longer needed.
D:Day15.10 creation and can only flow through those who have mastered neutral  observation because the intent of creation, rather than the intent of
D:Day15.11 have reached this level of neutrality along with you. This is why  observation is not being replaced. Observation is needed until this
D:Day15.11 along with you. This is why observation is not being replaced.  Observation is needed until this level of neutrality is reached by a
D:Day32.6 to a parent thinking he or she could know him- or herself through  observation of the children they produced?
D:Day37.32 to everyone. They have been afforded by willingness. They come from  observation of self and they come from observation of others. They
D:Day37.32 willingness. They come from observation of self and they come from  observation of others. They come from what you are willing to

observation, vision (3)

T4:9.1 comes to an end here and now as we move past study and learning to  observation, vision, and revelation.
T4:9.4 now the time is upon you to leave learned works behind in favor of  observation, vision and revelation. Now is the time to leave behind
D:7.18 Revelation is of God.  Observation, vision, and desire are steps leading you beyond what the

observations (2)

T2:1.4 that you believe, when realized, might feed the ego. Despite many  observations within this Course regarding desire, you may still fear
T3:20.6 the unfairness of the situation. Judgment is never far from these  observations. Suffering, you would think, could not be seen as

observe (63)

C:8.18 of being in a particular place and time. As you stand back and  observe your body, this is what you will see: a form moving through
C:8.19 observation of your body is a good way to achieve this, but as you  observe you learn to hold yourself apart from what you see. A
C:8.19 what you see. A reminder is needed here, however, a reminder to not  observe with your mind, but with your heart. This observance will
C:8.21 As you become an observer you may well be overwhelmed by what you  observe, by the sheer magnitude of all that with you occupies the
C:8.22 Although you cannot  observe it, you will become aware of how the past walks through your
C:8.24 creation held together by the thought system that gave it birth. To  observe this is to see its reality. To see this reality is to see the
C:9.10 Would you keep that which you now look upon? As you stand back and  observe your body, always with the vision of your heart, think about
C:9.15 your self. Peel back the first level of what your eyes allow you to  observe and you will find fear lurking there. The next level,
C:9.17 all the rest not be fearful? It matters not at all that all whom you  observe seem to be separate as well. No one really believes another
C:9.32 of the field. Two thousand years have passed since you were told to  observe this lesson. The lilies of the field neither sow nor reap and
C:10.5 and source of all you are is the greatest hurdle to overcome. As you  observe the body and dare to think of life without it, you again and
C:10.17 happy?” Only the ego would choose being right over happiness. As you  observe your body, also observe its actions in terms of the choices
C:10.17 choose being right over happiness. As you observe your body, also  observe its actions in terms of the choices it makes. Ask yourself,
C:10.25 more the source of all you are and all you do than is the body you  observe.
C:10.27 game at first, a trick of your imagination. You will, at first,  observe only that which you can “see”—your arms and legs, your
C:10.27 being aware that this is happening. And you will find that as you  observe, you are more aware of your surroundings, and more aware that
C:13.1 no understanding of it. This is all the exercises that call you to  observe your body are for. They are the preparation for what is to
C:13.1 because as your body seems to interact with others and as you  observe this interaction, you will “see” yourself and others in a new
C:13.1 together in your observation of them. It will not be only others you  observe but yourself and others, placing you and “them” together
C:13.2 As you  observe, always with your heart and not your mind, and begin to
C:13.2 Ask yourself what you already know of the spirit of the person you  observe. You will be amazed at the knowledge you already have and the
C:18.8 Course’s exercises have attempted to help you see: a world you can  observe and learn in and from, for as long as you would choose to
C:22.16 world. Anyone wanting to learn anything about you would be wiser to  observe you as you are within your world. Would you still be the same
T1:3.9  Observe yourself as you think through this question. Can you remove
T3:18.2 ideas as we have spoken of them here. Observation, the ability to  observe what the Self expresses, was part of the original choice for
T3:18.4 in physical form will return remembrance to the minds of those who  observe your expression. Further, your observance of your brothers
T3:18.6 If you  observe health rather than disease, abundance rather than poverty,
T3:18.8 you are asked to deny the facts that you see before you in order to  observe something other than what is there. You must constantly
T3:18.8 is now an act of worship and of devotion and that you are called to  observe the truth rather than illusion no matter how real illusion
T3:18.9 by the thought system of the truth. Thus your eyes will learn to  observe only the truth, even unto seeing what before but seemed
T3:18.10 Ideas form in the mind. You are used to thinking that what you  observe forms outside of your mind. This is the thinking of the
T3:18.10 world is but a reflection of the internal world. Thus you can  observe with your eyes closed as easily as you can observe with your
T3:18.10 Thus you can observe with your eyes closed as easily as you can  observe with your eyes open. You can observe by having an idea of
T3:18.10 closed as easily as you can observe with your eyes open. You can  observe by having an idea of another’s health, abundance, peace, and
T3:18.10 idea of another’s health, abundance, peace, and happiness. You can  observe this within yourself because it exists within your Self. What
T3:19.14 and rage-producing for those living in the new. Many who  observe the new from the house of illusion will still be able to deny
T3:20.6 not to deny the facts, and you begin, along with the one whom you  observe, the long walk toward death’s door. All of these actions
T3:22.7 as I am speaking of it and teaching it, makes you one with what you  observe. Being one with what you observe causes you to know the
T3:22.7 it, makes you one with what you observe. Being one with what you  observe causes you to know the proper response. It is in responding
T3:22.8 Plans will only interfere with your response to what you are given to  observe. The act of observation that you are able to do with your
T3:22.11 will arise out of this observation of your new Self, for you cannot  observe your new Self without observing the truth that has always
T3:22.11 The truth that has always existed is our oneness, and what you will  observe about your new Self you will observe about all. We will be
T3:22.11 our oneness, and what you will observe about your new Self you will  observe about all. We will be one body, one Self. No comparison will
T3:22.17  Observe the personal self with one last act of love and devotion, and
T4:2.10 ideas that would keep you from this awareness. If you think you can  observe in judgment you do not understand the definition of
T4:2.15 The ability to  observe what the Self expresses was among the original reasons for
T4:2.15 expresses was among the original reasons for this chosen experience.  Observe now the expressions of the self you are and have been.
T4:2.16 How, then, could you possibly  observe any others without knowing that the truth of who they are is
T4:2.16 its effect. This is the power you now have within you, the power to  observe the truth rather than illusion. This is the power to observe
T4:2.16 to observe the truth rather than illusion. This is the power to  observe what is. This is Christ-consciousness.
T4:2.17 I repeat, this is the power to  observe what is. It is not about observing a potential for what could
T4:2.17 has been shown to you. It is about observing what is. The power to  observe what is is what will keep you unified with your brothers and
T4:2.21 to be lived within a struggle with what it brings. The power to  observe what is relates to everything that exists with you, including
D:7.16 Observation takes place in time. Even while you have been called to  observe what is, what you are observing in form are the
D:7.16 what your body’s eyes see, and will increasingly join with what you  observe until your vision is released from old patterns and guides
D:Day8.24 a passage from that Treatise here, a passage about the power to  observe what is. “It is not about observing a potential for what
D:Day8.24 has been shown to you. It is about observing what is. The power to  observe what is, is what will keep you unified with your brothers and
D:Day15.5 Previously, what you did not  observe, or see, was not real to you. Through the practice of
D:Day15.13 stones within your pools are like flecks of sands within the ocean.  Observe these stones with neutrality and see if they do not wash
D:Day15.28 through your ability to view your own Self as well as that which you  observe with a neutrality that embraces the unknown as well as the
D:Day37.32 from observation of others. They come from what you are willing to  observe. They become more than glimpses only when they become what
A.23 ways of the thinking mind. The demonstration will work for those who  observe from a place of unity even if it works not at all for the

observed (18)

T3:2.3 is separation, becoming separate (the observer as well as the  observed) so as to extend creation through relationship (of the
T3:2.3 as to extend creation through relationship (of the observer and the  observed).
T3:17.1 This was simply so that expressions of love could be created and  observed within the realm of physicality.
T3:17.2 from it. The self “fell” from unity through this judgment of what it  observed as being other than itself, through this beginning of making
T3:17.2 is proving to you the relationship between the observer and the  observed, the effect that one cannot help but have upon the other.
T3:18.3 self. Observance is linked to cause and effect being one. What is  observed is in relationship with the observer and this relationship
T3:18.7 observes the truth where once a mind and heart separated by illusion  observed illusion.
T3:20.6 Think about a situation in which you have  observed the illness or suffering of another. Sympathy is the most
T4:2.19 or convince are as holy as your Self. This holiness need only be  observed. When you think in terms of evangelizing or convincing, you
T4:3.4 cause formed the true nature of the personal self capable of being  observed in relationship. The displacement of the original intent,
D:Day11.5 that the One Self is capable of being either the observer or the  observed. This is as true of God as it is of the self of form. God is
D:Day15.3 maintain Christ-consciousness you begin the movement away from being  observed to being in-formed by the spirit which animates all things.
D:Day15.4 How can the invisible be  observed? From within Christ-consciousness, you begin to be able to
D:Day15.5 able to see beyond the physical and the obvious to what could not be  observed physically. This practice had two purposes. The first
D:Day15.5 of a new kind of interaction and relationship between observer and  observed. The second purpose was your preparation to move beyond
D:Day15.6 That observation produced the solidity and mass of the forms you  observed. Yet it is the spirit that animates form that is real.
D:Day15.22 in which both informing and observing, being informed and being the  observed coexist. You must respect the boundaries of those who are
D:Day19.15 and being informed, as the step beyond that of observing and being  observed. It is where creation of the new can begin because it is the

observer (14)

C:3.17 sadness. Not so the brain that keeps on registering it all, a silent  observer, soon to tell you that the feelings of your heart were
C:8.21 Each one is distinct—and there are so many! As you become an  observer you may well be overwhelmed by what you observe, by the
C:10.23 Place your body out in front of yourself where you can be its silent  observer. As you watch your hands go about their work or the shadow
C:17.13 And yet all you need do is turn back. Being an  observer of your body has prepared you for this. Step back now to the
T1:10.6 You have chosen them for just this reason. But you can now be an  observer and look upon them as your brothers and sisters learning
T3:2.3 That means of creation is separation, becoming separate (the  observer as well as the observed) so as to extend creation through
T3:2.3 the observed) so as to extend creation through relationship (of the  observer and the observed).
T3:17.2 Now your science is proving to you the relationship between the  observer and the observed, the effect that one cannot help but have
T3:18.3 and effect being one. What is observed is in relationship with the  observer and this relationship causes an effect. Because this was
D:Day4.33 into” the breathing and become one with it. Others might become the  observer and in so doing remove themselves from the body entirely.
D:Day11.5 joining in union that the One Self is capable of being either the  observer or the observed. This is as true of God as it is of the self
D:Day15.5 establishment of a new kind of interaction and relationship between  observer and observed. The second purpose was your preparation to
D:Day15.10 because the intent of creation, rather than the intent of the  observer, is the creative force, the animator and informer. Yet
D:Day19.15 because it is the intent of creation, rather than the intent of the  observer, that is the creative force, the animator and informer.

observers (2)

D:Day15.9 In practicing observation without judgment, you learned to be neutral  observers. Being neutral observers allowed cause and effect to occur
D:Day15.9 without judgment, you learned to be neutral observers. Being neutral  observers allowed cause and effect to occur naturally rather than

observes (2)

T3:2.1 way. These expressions you call art are expressions of a Self who  observes and interacts in relationship. They are not expressions that
T3:18.7 A mind and heart joined in unity  observes the truth where once a mind and heart separated by illusion

observing (20)

C:8.23 wander through your days with you? What is it, really, that you are  observing?
C:8.28 be that you move through the same world day by day in the same body,  observing many situations like onto each other, awakening to the same
C:9.50 begin, however, we must expand on the lessons you are learning by  observing your own self. Now we seek to uncover the illusion that you
C:10.28 is not a test and you cannot fail. You are merely playing. Play at  observing yourself from above. Can you look “down” upon yourself? And
C:13.1 bodies, any more than you are yours. This is a natural extension of  observing your body in action, because as your body seems to interact
T1:10.7 living at the extremes and there is no reason not to take joy in  observing another’s happiness or to feel compassion at another’s
T3:17.2 of the idea that what was observable was “other than” he who did the  observing. Now your science is proving to you the relationship
T3:22.11 of your new Self, for you cannot observe your new Self without  observing the truth that has always existed. The truth that has
T4:2.17 I repeat, this is the power to observe what is. It is not about  observing a potential for what could be if your brother or sister
T4:2.17 would just follow in the way that has been shown to you. It is about  observing what is. The power to observe what is is what will keep you
T4:2.21 you, including the days that make up your life in time and space.  Observing what is unites you with the present in that it unites you
D:7.16 Even while you have been called to observe what is, what you are  observing in form are the representations of what is in time. Your
D:7.26 to see the body as but this one, small, aspect of what you are. In  observing both yourself and others, you have learned to view your
D:Day8.14 who often gossip and assume that they are gossiping rather than  observing the situation for what it is and responding in the present.
D:Day8.24 here, a passage about the power to observe what is. “It is not about  observing a potential for what could be if your brother or sister
D:Day8.24 would just follow in the way that has been shown to you. It is about  observing what is. The power to observe what is, is what will keep
D:Day15.3 spirit which animates all things. You begin the movement away from  observing to informing.
D:Day15.4 You do this by taking what is into your spacious form rather than  observing it as separate from you.
D:Day15.22 being. There is a purpose for this time in which both informing and  observing, being informed and being the observed coexist. You must
D:Day19.15 the act of informing and being informed, as the step beyond that of  observing and being observed. It is where creation of the new can

obsession (1)

C:12.17 idea, newly birthed, may seem to come and go, or may grow into an  obsession, but either way, it leaves not its source. And without the

obsessive (1)

A.31 the relentless stridency of the thinking mind is always helpful.  Obsessive thinking is always ruthless, judgmental, and wearing on the

obsessively (1)

C:23.8 When  obsessively in love you may want the other person to be you, but

obstacle (8)

T1:4.16 It is the gift given in everything you look upon and see without the  obstacle of the ego-mind’s interpretation.
D:Day12.6 When an  obstacle of form, be it human or material in nature, seems to present
D:Day12.8 When a perceived boundary is perceived as solid, it is an  obstacle, for it has no space available for joining. What is a
D:Day12.8 for joining. What is a boundary to a perceiver is met as an  obstacle by the spacious self. Obstacles need not be avoided for
D:Day12.8 knows no uncaring. It knows only love for the One Self. It feels the  obstacle but does not know it. The feeling that is the sense organ of
D:Day12.8 spacious Self then remembers its spaciousness and calls upon it. The  obstacle is thus enfolded in the space, becoming one with it. The
D:Day12.8 is, in this manner, deflected from the One Self, becoming not an  obstacle. The open space of the perceiver who sees not with
D:Day12.9 their boundaries have not been made solid by perception. A seeming  obstacle of non-human form is easily enfolded in the space of the One

obstacles (13)

C:5.23 catch phrase here as you struggle to overcome all the adversity and  obstacles that would keep you from having what you think you want to
D:Day12.5 Self. Your Self is now a feeling, conscious space, unhindered by any  obstacles of form.
D:Day12.6 once your self of form. Feel the love of the space that is you. All  obstacles will vanish.
D:Day12.7 All  obstacles of form are only real in the world of form, a world that is
D:Day12.8 Not all forms will be met as  obstacles. Forms are only as real as the perceiver perceives them to
D:Day12.8 boundary to a perceiver is met as an obstacle by the spacious self.  Obstacles need not be avoided for space encompasses all obstacles,
D:Day12.8 self. Obstacles need not be avoided for space encompasses all  obstacles, making them invisible. The mind would say that making
D:Day12.8 all obstacles, making them invisible. The mind would say that making  obstacles invisible is uncaring. The spacious Self knows no obstacles
D:Day12.8 making obstacles invisible is uncaring. The spacious Self knows no  obstacles for it knows no uncaring. It knows only love for the One
D:Day12.9 Non-human  obstacles have no need of being deflected for their boundaries have
D:Day13.5 you have defined as evil. A complete lack of love creates formidable  obstacles, or in other words, obstacles of solid form that contain no
D:Day13.5 lack of love creates formidable obstacles, or in other words,  obstacles of solid form that contain no spaciousness. Solid form is
D:Day27.4 of insight might be thought of as brief views from the mountain. The  obstacles confronted on level ground suddenly gave way and you saw

obtain (1)

C:5.23 the only choice within your control is what to work hard to  obtain. If you let all the world recede and concentrate on this one

obvious (11)

C:9.44 is but improper use—use on a scale that makes the insanity of use  obvious to both the user and the usee, and so has its proper place in
C:14.13 We must begin with what is  obvious, a simple point that some of you have denied and that some of
C:18.3 further that this chain is keeping the Earth in its orbit. It is  obvious that the Earth falling out of orbit would cause dire
C:18.3 cause dire consequences of a universal nature. It is simply less  obvious that you are part of what has established and keeps a
C:19.15 know what lies before you now—coming to know your own Self—it is  obvious that another’s experience will not bring this knowledge to
C:23.1 Knowing and love are inseparable. When this is realized, it is  obvious that love is the only true wisdom, the only true
C:28.9 to think of a separation in terms of doing and of knowing, it is  obvious this cannot be the case.
T1:4.12 are many, even within this Course’s definition of gift, the most  obvious of which might be your children. Another of which might be
D:Day15.5 to you. Through the practice of observance of the physical and the  obvious, you began to be able to see beyond the physical and the
D:Day15.5 the obvious, you began to be able to see beyond the physical and the  obvious to what could not be observed physically. This practice had
D:Day15.20 While this is only an initial, or practice stage of movement, it is  obvious that movement will always be needed for the clear pool to not

obviously (16)

C:P.27  Obviously the nature of God is different than the nature of man. God
C:14.19 up dependencies that will keep you linked. Some of you do this quite  obviously, and over years and years create a web of intricate design,
C:18.15 order for you to create the state in which unity can be experienced.  Obviously, this is up to you. As you chose to create a state of
C:22.18  Obviously two kinds of meaning are being talked about. The first we
C:23.15  Obviously, your belief in who and what you are is the basis for your
T3:15.18 with the truth is what the new thought system will accomplish.  Obviously, this replacement must be total. The means for making this
T3:21.21 While this has been called the time of Christ, it is  obviously no longer the time of Jesus Christ. My time came and my
T3:21.24 for yourself. No leaders and no followers are needed. This is quite  obviously an old way of thinking. While no one is called to
D:2.1 the new and to deny the old. Acceptance is a willingness to receive.  Obviously, when you consider this definition of acceptance, you will
D:4.16 you, the true Self and the true learner, out of the learning loop.  Obviously these systems, built as they were upon patterns now being
D:4.17 of what you have seen as reality. As such, these systems too are  obviously of the old.
D:4.18 Just as  obviously, all we are left with is divine design. All we are left
D:5.8  Obviously—as you have been told that the ego has represented a
D:Day5.22 hard to attain, and thereby claim as your individual accomplishment.  Obviously, union is not about this. While the ego is gone, effort
D:Day7.14  Obviously your relationship or access to union is of supreme
D:Day17.2 also been known as wisdom, Sophia, spirit. Christ-consciousness thus  obviously predates the man Jesus, and creation itself. It is both the

occasion (4)

C:23.3 know the other would lay down his or her life for you, rise to any  occasion of your need, share your every fear and joy.
T1:10.2 you will have to choose not to have it. And this will be tempting on  occasion. You will wonder at the lack of extremes in your feelings
T3:15.1 offered. Often, those within the relationship of marriage have had  occasion to choose to forgive the past and begin again to build a new
D:Day27.4 Inner-sight made an appearance on  occasion, showing up as flashes of insight. These flashes of insight

occasional (2)

C:16.14 your safety against some things some of the time. And for this  occasional protection that has no validity and no proof you give up
C:16.15 nothing but evidence of a life of unhappiness and despair, where  occasional moments of joy or the few people that you love out of the

occasionally (4)

C:21.5 there has been little communication and much misunderstanding.  Occasionally the problems associated with a lack of a common language
T4:2.23 you have relationships with family and friends and co-workers,  occasionally acknowledging brief relationships that develop with
T4:12.19 experience times of not knowing how to proceed. I know that you will  occasionally have setbacks and choose the conditions of learning
D:Day10.28 life and how you have thought of him or her since death. Do you not  occasionally think that this person would be happy or sad to see you

occasions (3)

C:4.10 again all the pain that love has brought. It dwells on those  occasions when love has failed because it does not recognize that
T1:10.11 that served as learning devices. Peak experiences often follow  occasions of happiness or trauma, but they do not happen within them.
T3:15.2 once were. The only true departure from this idea has concerned the  occasions of birth and death. This is something we will return to,

occupants (1)

C:4.22 Some would call such a life selfish and wonder how the  occupants of this semi-happy dream have earned the right to turn

occupation (1)

C:6.17 the challenge of creation. Creation becomes the new frontier, the  occupation of those too young to rest, too interested in living still

occupied (5)

C:4.5 when doubt is gone and love fills all the space that doubt once  occupied? No shadows linger when doubt is gone. Nothing stands
C:25.19 you have done, beliefs you have held, patterns and habits that have  occupied you, will not accompany you into your life of love. These
T1:8.5 Even though the resurrection returned not life to the form I once  occupied, it returned me to you in the form of the resurrected Christ
T4:2.6 The production that has so long  occupied you will now serve you as you turn your productive and
D:Day12.4 One Self is everything. Space is neither divided nor separated nor  occupied by form. Space is all that is. Christ-consciousness is the

occupies (3)

C:7.8 and held within your heart. Hold it joyously alongside what already  occupies your heart—the love you set aside and the piece of
C:8.21 by what you observe, by the sheer magnitude of all that with you  occupies the world. Some days this will make you feel like one of
D:7.8 of what you are. The nature of form is that it exists as matter, it  occupies space and is perceptible to the senses. You have previously

occupy (12)

C:9.6 usefulness just like every other object that shares the space you  occupy. Think for a moment of what the creator of such a body would
C:9.10 Look upon your body now as you earlier looked upon the space you  occupy. Take away the body’s usefulness. Would you keep that which
C:16.26 here to assure the continuance of society. The worries that would  occupy you can be let go if you but work instead for the return of
T3:1.9 which it was hidden and to be represented in truth by the form you  occupy and have previously seen as the reality of yourself.
T3:16.3 of the ego, ways that have brought much advancement to the forms you  occupy without changing their nature in the slightest measure. All
T4:1.25 new state of consciousness are resisting it, again indirectly. Some  occupy themselves with mind and spirit numbing activities in order to
T4:4.8 of the pattern of life-everlasting. The change in the form you now  occupy, the change I have spoken of as that of elevation of the
D:5.19 living in form. Thus we begin with the true content of the form you  occupy. We return the form you occupy to its natural state. Only then
D:5.19 with the true content of the form you occupy. We return the form you  occupy to its natural state. Only then can we proceed to creation of
D:7.28 You identify with the citizens of the city, state, and country you  occupy. You have an address, perhaps a yard, or farm, perhaps a
D:Day10.28 honesty, think that even in whatever form or lack of form they now  occupy, they do not like it, even now, even beyond the grave?
D:Day24.1 as well as one Self. You are a Self with many forms. The form you  occupy contains all of your potential manifestations as the form of

occupying (1)

D:3.11 as one is not senseless, however, when that shared consciousness is  occupying form.

occur (72)

C:9.24 The only replacement that can  occur that will accomplish what you seek is the replacement of
C:9.24 the Self that rests in unity. It is your knowledge that this must  occur that leads you to attempt every other kind of replacement. You
C:10.22 option could be chosen that leaves no room for fear at all does not  occur to it, for the absence of fear is something it has never known.
C:11.12 make yourself separate from Him—something that could never truly  occur—you have chosen instead to do nothing at all with your free
C:12.9 one with him as well as you. This is the one joining that needs to  occur to bring about all the rest.
C:12.19 that would happen within it, perhaps the places in which it would  occur or the people that would be part of it. In short, the external
C:12.23 Separation is painful only to those who believe it can  occur in truth. What would a child’s rejection or a parent’s death
C:14.16 and bring about different results than are somehow meant to  occur. Although you know not your purpose, at least a part of you
C:18.1 benevolent universe. This interpretation accepts that separation can  occur. It cannot. Belief in the fall is belief in the impossible.
C:18.12 amounts of time are needed before change of a lasting nature can  occur. This is why miracles save time, for they integrate all levels,
C:20.38 acting as if the best possible outcome you can imagine could truly  occur. Hope is a willingness to accept love and the grace and
C:23.27 and/or to choose your teachers and learning situations. Neither can  occur if you would truly choose to change your beliefs and move on to
C:23.28 doing. In the process of unlearning, both forgiveness and atonement  occur. You recognize that your false beliefs were the result of
C:25.21 your unlearning will take place and the lessons of discernment  occur. Discernment is needed only until you are better able to
C:29.26 not. All is available in the here and now where giving and receiving  occur.
C:31.35 is but an extension of mind into a realm in which experience can  occur. Your ego has made of this something different than it is.
T1:2.11 implications is that of relationship for giving and receiving cannot  occur without relationship.
T1:8.16 being one in truth. It is one more demonstration of what needs to  occur now, in this time, in order for the truth of the resurrection
T1:9.13 situation? Did it not threaten your self-image? And did this threat  occur at what you would call the feeling level or at the intellectual
T2:1.14 This is a first step in the change in thinking that needs to  occur. It is an elementary step and one easily accomplished with but
T2:4.18 time is but a measurement of the “time” it takes for learning to  occur. As this notion of time dissolves, the state of
T2:7.20 The recognition that giving and receiving  occur as one is a precondition for your recognition of the state of
T2:7.20 and the meeting of needs. It is accepted that giving and receiving  occur in unison, thus further collapsing the need for time.
T2:9.12 the desire to hang on arises, both learning and unlearning cease to  occur. The desire to maintain a state you believe you have achieved
T3:12.11 While this would seem to say that mistakes may  occur within creation, remember that creation is about change and
T3:14.2 is like unto the temptations of the human experience and would not  occur were the temptations gone from you.
T3:15.3 New beginnings do not  occur outside of relationship. The idea of special relationship is
T3:16.6 is still awaiting replacement by what will be, is a change that must  occur within. As has already been said, this change has to do with
T3:17.4 before, time is a measurement of the “time” it takes for learning to  occur. A new experience was chosen—the experience of existing
T3:19.1 You must not fear the changes that will  occur within your physical form as it begins to be guided by the
T3:20.2 are degrees of remembering and since this is what we work to have  occur, time can become our ally by using it for effectiveness.
T4:1.20 became the evil that another fought and in the contrast learning did  occur and has continued to occur even unto this time. You have
T4:1.20 fought and in the contrast learning did occur and has continued to  occur even unto this time. You have learned much of the nature of the
T4:2.26 relationship is the only state in which observation of what is can  occur. The separated state was nothing more than the disjoining of
T4:8.9 never realizing that this just delayed the learning that had to  occur to release you from the limits you struggled against. The
T4:12.5 is the end of learning, the ramifications of which will only slowly  occur to your mind and be surprising revelations there. The second is
D:1.18 this transformation? As you have been shown, this will not  occur by means of preparation but by means of acceptance. This will
D:1.18 by means of preparation but by means of acceptance. This will not  occur by means of trying but by means of surrender.
D:1.21 learned, you first had to enter a state in which this learning could  occur, a state that could not be taught but only accessed through
D:3.14 this means, simply stated once again, is that giving and receiving  occur in unison, or in union. There is no “time” in which giving and
D:5.17 awaits you, I am merely answering the questions that remain and that  occur as this dialogue proceeds. What I am attempting to answer now
D:6.27 of form may still need “time” to come to know the changes that only  occur in “time” although they are already accomplished in unity. This
D:7.2 earlier as “What you discover in unity is shared.” Learning does not  occur in unity, but discovery is an ongoing aspect of creation and
D:11.4 to the total rejection of thought as you know it that must now  occur in order to go on to creation of the new. You create the new
D:12.16 not yet occurred but that you are given the certainty to know will  occur. But once you have felt this certainty, you will never be so
D:13.12 who they truly are, you create the relationship in which sharing can  occur. Without relationship there is no willingness and no union.
D:15.6 principle of wholeness: Movement, being, expression. One did not  occur before the other, as they are not separate. There was movement
D:15.18 in this time. You realize that some breaks in service will still  occur, that maintenance will not make the connection perfect, but
D:16.11 of creation are in accord with this truth, and thus these truths  occur in unison or in union. Becoming is movement. Movement is given
D:17.24 are experienced along the way. All the experiences and learning  occur on the journey.
D:Day1.25 my story reaches completion. It is a story whose completion cannot  occur in singular form, but as with any true inheritance only in a
D:Day2.18 This does not mean that my life did not happen, that it did not  occur in time and space, just as yours is occurring now in time and
D:Day2.21 begin with the appearance of my form in the world, but that mainly  occur during my time of maturity. These accounts do not stress the
D:Day4.60 Followers will naturally succeed the first although this will  occur with no fanfare and no “one” to follow. The first will create a
D:Day6.16 speaking of the elevation of the self of form. This elevation must  occur in life, in your life as it is, rather than in some idealized
D:Day6.19 this place elevated. Awareness, acceptance, and discovery cannot  occur in a place set apart from “normal” life. Believe me when I tell
D:Day8.5 Does accepting that you don’t like something cause a judgment to  occur? Do you judge peas if you do not like them? And yet, do you not
D:Day8.10 you are. Understand, however, that this eventual outcome will never  occur without the initial acceptance.
D:Day8.18 Another error can  occur if you deny your feelings in favor of the perceived higher path
D:Day10.7 if it was. Or you may have doubted your intuition and had something  occur that made you think back and wish that you had not doubted it.
D:Day15.9 observers. Being neutral observers allowed cause and effect to  occur naturally rather than having your judgment alter natural cause
D:Day16.9 It is only in the present that acceptance can  occur. There is no “going back” or reliving of the past required.
D:Day18.9 Thus there was only a degree of separation that was able to  occur to allow for a certain type of experience. Now a new degree of
D:Day19.7 to a function of preparing one or many for the change that must  occur within. The function of those called to the way of Jesus is to
D:Day21.2 guidance or information moved. If it did not do so, learning did not  occur. In traditional learning patterns, the wisdom, guidance, or
D:Day22.1 we must speak of this, however, for there is a confusion that can  occur in regards to channeling. Yesterday we spoke of teachers being
D:Day28.20 outside of time” by itself will not cause the shift that needs to  occur, however. What will create the shift is the ability to
D:Day30.4 You would see that two or more are needed in order for knowing to  occur. To not know wholeness would be to be in a state of
D:Day39.13 Thus, both must  occur as one.
D:Day39.15 What must  occur now must occur between you and me. Your willingness is all that
D:Day39.15 What must occur now must  occur between you and me. Your willingness is all that is required.
D:Day40.9 making. What will be created now, and the individuation that will  occur now, will hold all the power of your experience as well as all

occurred (38)

C:2.16 or your heart would not still be troubled. The reversal has not  occurred because you separate mind and heart and think you can
C:2.16 separation made to convince yourself that the separation actually  occurred.
C:12.19 As near as words can describe the separation, this is what  occurred: An idea of separation entered the mind of God’s son. Like
C:17.10 to believe correction cannot be made, correction would have  occurred. This is the original error that is so in need of
C:20.38 and appreciation replaces the callousness with which use once  occurred.
C:32.6 And what of miracles? The last and final miracle has  occurred, for what miracles are needed when mind and heart are one
T1:3.22 future date? What about the correction of something that has already  occurred? You have far too many questions without answers to choose a
T1:9.4 the mother and father, what would have died without the joining that  occurred within, becomes new life.
T2:11.12 overturn the laws of God. The ego is but your belief that this has  occurred; that what could never be true has become the truth.
T3:1.7 are mighty and are but the result of the change in cause that has  occurred through your learning of this Course.
T3:8.6 found within? Who then are you to be angry with for all that has  occurred? Do you blame yourself and your ancestors for the history,
T3:17.7 and those who followed their teachings and example. This has  occurred within the time of the Holy Spirit.
T3:20.7 believe in positive outcomes. You listen to statistics of what has  occurred before and in similar situations, and you believe in what
T4:4.14 order to return to unity through death. Once the return to unity has  occurred in form, the decision to continue in form or to not continue
T4:7.8 conditions of learning will be no longer needed once learning has  occurred. The student no longer needs to attend school once the
T4:7.8 choice, a free choice due to the learning that has already  occurred, the choice will be one guided by love and thus be a joyous
D:2.11 words, you make this judgment “after the fact” when the outcome has  occurred. For example, study habits that allowed the learner to
D:4.18 any longer on why this has taken so long or on the suffering that  occurred during the time of learning. This would be like dwelling on
D:5.1 intuitive way. It was also about the minor distortions that  occurred between this non-cognitive memory and how you acted upon it,
D:5.2 These distortions  occurred as you assigned meaning or “truth” to things, truly
D:6.9 have resulted, that there are reasons Noah’s flood could not have  occurred as described, or that it would have been impossible to
D:12.16 of action required in a situation, or of something that has not yet  occurred but that you are given the certainty to know will occur. But
D:15.3 Life and the movement of being into form is what  occurred when God “spoke” and the Word came into being. Movement is
D:Day1.18 your birth into what is beyond form. Adam and Eve represent what  occurred within you at the beginning of the story of your creation. I
D:Day1.18 you at the beginning of the story of your creation. I represent what  occurred within you recently, the story of your rebirth through this
D:Day1.21 This fulfillment of scripture has now  occurred within you. When it occurred within me, it occurred within
D:Day1.21 This fulfillment of scripture has now occurred within you. When it  occurred within me, it occurred within all. It became part of the
D:Day1.21 has now occurred within you. When it occurred within me, it  occurred within all. It became part of the continuing story of
D:Day2.10 Can you see a way to change the past or to “make up for” what  occurred in the past?
D:Day2.11 and divorce, would you not see the benefit of accepting what had  occurred and moving on? You might counter this by saying that if you
D:Day4.51 thought separation was the cause, but separation into form, had it  occurred within the realization of continuing relationship, would not
D:Day10.7 accident or some other event you would not have welcomed might have  occurred. You may have never had any proof that following your
D:Day10.35 other sources of seeming power have been sought. This is what has  occurred. This is the time at which we stand.
D:Day14.9 in oneness as opposed to the stopping and holding “apart” that  occurred in separation. What the spacious Self holds within is the
D:Day18.9 you believed yourself to be separate this separation never actually  occurred and that you have always been the accomplished. If this had
D:Day35.17 through unity and relationship, then the original creation must have  occurred in this way. We will not return to previous discussions of
D:Day39.16 Let me tell you what has  occurred in the past so that you know not to respond to love in the
E.1 learn, nothing left to become. The pressure is off. The alchemy has  occurred. The coal has become a diamond. Ah, imagine now being able

occurrence (1)

T4:2.23 on you, you do not consider yourself to have a relationship with the  occurrence.

occurrences (4)

C:P.29 to torture to loss of love, and in between these many frightful  occurrences is the equally distressing life of the purposeless, where
C:9.19 spare few moments of compassion for yourself, and when such chance  occurrences come about you quickly override compassion with
C:20.30 of love that creation continues and miracles become natural  occurrences.
T4:2.23 are aware of ecological and sociological connections, or of other  occurrences that are likely to have an impact on your life or on your

occurring (21)

C:12.17 off and become something on their own apart from you. Imagine this  occurring and you will see how senseless this situation would be.
C:12.21 place, and could not any more than you could prevent an idea from  occurring to you. Just as an idea of yours, once born, continues to
C:25.4 You may choose to deny the feeling, but you cannot prevent it from  occurring. You can attempt to earn the love of those from whom you
C:27.15 your actions reflect the proper response to the relationship that is  occurring in the present rather than to your preconceived notions of
C:31.33 you, and you seek the truth, or salvation from them, what is truly  occurring? How can this work? This is but another aspect of giving
T2:10.1 state. A static state is not a living state because creation is not  occurring within it. This is a living Course. This is why you are
T3:1.7 has not begun to experience the transformation that is, in truth,  occurring, although you may not as yet have seen the changes you are
T4:1.23 the forerunners, the signs of the shift in consciousness that is  occurring.
T4:1.25 For a short time, an overlap is  occurring during which those unable to allow themselves to become
D:1.3 or live your mission and your purpose. You “see” this failure  occurring through ineptness of speech, through inappropriateness of
D:1.4 All of this confusion and struggle is  occurring because you do not know what to do to prepare. You have not
D:1.11 Self, your true identity. Imagine this opening and this replacement  occurring with every fiber of your being. Imagine the separate self
D:3.14 actions. There is no “time” in which giving and receiving is not  occurring. Giving and receiving as one thus simply describes the
D:6.9 tell you of all the “laws” of science that would be opposed to them  occurring. You would be told that if the sun had “stood still”
D:16.2 The creation story is  occurring, right now, in each of you who have reached this final
D:16.11 be impossible for these principles of creation not to be constantly  occurring in everything that lives because all that lives, lives
D:Day1.7 your ascension to this mountain peak and this dialogue that is  occurring here. If you believe this mountain peak is merely
D:Day1.18 the creation story and my acknowledgment that this creation story is  occurring in each and every one of us. Let me move forward and speak
D:Day2.18 happen, that it did not occur in time and space, just as yours is  occurring now in time and space. What this means is that what occurs
D:Day6.16 the acceptance of life as it is. This is why this dialogue is  occurring on the holy mountain without taking you away from life as
D:Day18.9 allow for a certain type of experience. Now a new degree of union is  occurring to allow for a new type of experience.

occurs (49)

C:4.26 for everything that goes on outside yourself and nothing that  occurs within. Yet it is a joining that occurs within that brings
C:4.26 yourself and nothing that occurs within. Yet it is a joining that  occurs within that brings about the joining of all the world for all
C:5.24 be what you want once you have achieved it. Yet you think when this  occurs that you have simply chosen the wrong thing and so choose
C:14.3 cannot have feelings of superiority and not an enemy make. The same  occurs when you would make yourself inferior, and you are always
C:18.18 What has been created can, however, be transformed. Transformation  occurs in time. Thus transformation and miracles need to work
C:19.13 “them,” “death and life,” “good and evil.” This is thought. Thought  occurs in words, and words separate. It is only in combining mind and
C:21.5 unification of mind and heart that produces right action currently  occurs primarily in crisis situations because of a lack of shared
C:21.7 Conflict between mind and heart  occurs for an additional reason as well, although this conflict has
C:22.9 deem as purposeful. Yet it is in the passing through that meaning  occurs of itself.
C:24.4 learning ground before accomplishment is complete. The learning that  occurs during the time of tenderness is learning from love. No
C:25.17 Living in love in every instance is what  occurs when the whole Self is involved in the love of life. There are
C:26.3 in the life of the tragic hero. This observance of tragedy in life  occurs only when the observation is also made of the greatness, the
C:26.26 all you are. Being whole is being present as all you are. When this  occurs you are All in All, One in being with your Father.
C:28.3 theory of mass that purports that when a certain magnitude of belief  occurs, evolutionary steps are brought about. This, however, is not
C:29.16 relationship. Relationship is the interaction within which service  occurs. The replacement of the idea of service with the idea of use
C:31.12 For some this dislodging  occurs by coming to a better understanding of the mind, for others by
C:31.19 While you hang on to them by keeping them hidden, no learning  occurs.
C:31.34 the truth about your Self. It is only in relationship that this  occurs, because only in relationship are you experiencing anything.
T1:3.9 it be that fear is what you encounter? The bigger the miracle that  occurs to you, the more you are likely to fear the consequences.
T1:5.4 How can you not be fearful of creation when such suffering  occurs within it? But there is another aspect that relates to the
T1:8.3 The very nature of change is one of slow realization. Change  occurs all around you every day without your realization of it. Only
T2:4.7 This applies directly to your reaction to all that  occurs within your life. Let us look now at your reaction to the idea
T2:6.2 of learning, and if your learning is now at the stage at which it  occurs in unison with unlearning, then the end of time as you know it
T2:10.1 both. This is how the exchange of giving and receiving as one  occurs. This exchange IS unity.
T2:12.11 to acceptance of the holy relationship. It is acceptance of what  occurs with the joining of many factors, one no more important than
D:1.10 as we work instead to elevate the personal self. This elevation  occurs through the acceptance of your true identity, not through
D:1.12 symbolize the release of the old and the acceptance of the new. This  occurs in one form or another in the sacraments you have known as
D:6.26 has changed. I say changed here because you may remember that change  occurs in time. Outside of time and form your Self has always existed
D:7.21 in time. This time-bound evolution is really adaptation. It  occurs in reaction to what is perceived as necessary for survival.
D:11.3 But thinking is not an accurate description of what I do, or of what  occurs in unity. I am and I extend what I am. This dialogue is that
D:12.4 person, you listen, you hear, and you respond. This is exactly what  occurs here. You have “entered into” this dialogue. While you think
D:14.16 all you are. Being whole is being present as all you are. When this  occurs you are All in All, One in being with your Father.
D:16.2 accomplishment and wholeness that already exist in unity. Creation  occurs in each of us, seemingly one at a time. Creation is our coming
D:17.1 after, and to follow into inheritance. It is a following after that  occurs in time and space rather than in truth. It is never about one.
D:17.19 fulfillment. The interrelationship of desire and fulfillment is what  occurs at the threshold. Beyond the threshold is the state in which
D:Day2.18 is occurring now in time and space. What this means is that what  occurs in time and space is symbolic, that it is representative of
D:Day7.12 spoken of. Another replacement is that of control with grace. This  occurs as you give up the control you have but thought you exerted
D:Day13.6 to eject the loveless self from the Spacious self that disharmony  occurs. Thus holding the loveless self within the spacious Self of
D:Day14.4 into the world as sickness, violence, and so on, that acceptance  occurs. It is in accepting all feelings as the feelings of the many
D:Day14.8 or spacious Self is the Self through which pass-through naturally  occurs because there are no blocks or boundaries, no holding
D:Day15.4 make known without observation or observance of the physical. This  occurs through your relationship with the unknown. You begin to be
D:Day16.8 or despair, anger or grief join with the spacious Self? This joining  occurs only through acceptance. Without acceptance, the separation
D:Day18.2 As within, so without. Mary represents the relationship that  occurs within, Jesus the relationship that occurs with the world. So
D:Day18.2 the relationship that occurs within, Jesus the relationship that  occurs with the world. So do each of you. These two ways also
D:Day19.14 It is a state that facilitates knowing through relationship. This  occurs through the one Self of form.
D:Day28.5 the experiences of these externally directed life situations, growth  occurs, changes happen, new avenues to explore at times open up,
D:Day31.8 The beginning of this knowing  occurs within, with the knowing, or experiencing, of the One within
D:Day32.12 There is a rebellion, a negation of either the self or God that  occurs when these two concepts—concepts of the self and of God—
D:Day35.17 If creation only  occurs through unity and relationship, then the original creation

ocean (11)

C:3.2 accomplished. It is accomplished in you. It is you. Imagine the  ocean or the cheetah, the sun or the moon or God Himself, attempting
C:20.21 eagle? The blade of grass, the fleck of sand, the wind and air, the  ocean and her surf, all live by the universal heartbeat and exist
T1:2.13 might include the sound of birds or traffic, the rhythm of the  ocean, or the pounding of your own heart. It might be a shared
T4:5.5 same energy exists in the stars of the heavens and the waters of the  ocean that exists in you. This energy is the form and content of the
T4:5.5 you. It is the body of Christ. It is like unto what the water of the  ocean is to the living matter that exists within it. The living
T4:5.5 that exists within it. The living matter that exists within the  ocean has no need to search for God. It lives in God. So do you.
T4:8.9 excessive drive to fulfill its purpose, like a drive to explore the  ocean before knowing how to swim or the drive to explore new lands
D:Day14.10 that settled in your clear pools. They are as specks of sand to the  ocean. And yet we do not choose to keep them. Spaciousness is
D:Day15.13 the stones within your pools are like flecks of sands within the  ocean. Observe these stones with neutrality and see if they do not
D:Day37.27 most as being “a” part of God—as if you are a drop of water in the  ocean—and in this example reemphasized the mightiness of God and
E.4 that within A Course of Love you were once asked to “Imagine the  ocean or the cheetah, the sun or the moon or God Himself, attempting

oceans (1)

T3:21.21 personal selves split by far more than history and far more than the  oceans that separate east from west. This is why this call to return

odd (4)

C:P.26 a relative who lived and died many years previously. You see nothing  odd or foreign in this. This is the nature of family, as you
C:22.22 step in going beyond meaning as definition to meaning as truth. As  odd and impersonal as it will seem at first, I assure you the feeling
D:Day4.8 children continue to learn without thinking. Does this not sound  odd, foreign to you? And yet this is the way learning was designed to
D:Day4.50 This may seem  odd timing as you have just been asked to accept your anger. Just

odds (5)

C:P.15 you can believe but not take part. You thus have placed the ego at  odds with spirit, giving the ego an internal and invisible foe to do
C:P.19 but a choice to do what you can, alone, by yourself, against great  odds? This is why good intentions so often fail to come to be at all,
C:1.14 and your cunning mind. It is another chance to prevail against the  odds so stacked against you that you can once again convince yourself
T1:4.14 what you have labeled “good”? Would not this kind of a creator be at  odds with the concept of free will?
D:6.19 are not ruled by certainty, but by a mere idea of bettering the  odds against what fate may offer.

of (10802)

of the heart (32)

C:I.5 The mind cannot hold open the doors  of the heart and yet we turn within, turn to the mind, and show it
C:I.8 will attempt to understand with its own logic and fight the logic  of the heart. The mind will seek new rules and perhaps be willing to
C:P.44 pride of the ego, and approach this final learning through the realm  of the heart. This is why, to end confusion, we call this course A
C:3.13 Thus we move from head to heart to take advantage of your concepts  of the heart, concepts much more in line with learning that is not of
C:8.3 In this way, remembering can be experienced as the language  of the heart.
C:8.6 You think  of the heart as the place of feeling, and thus you associate emotions
C:8.7 speaks of what your heart would say to you, but masks the language  of the heart and buries stillness deep beneath an ever-changing
C:10.31 this is but a Course in remembering and that memory is the language  of the heart.
C:18.21 stillness that lies beneath. I have referred to the true language  of the heart as communion, or union of the highest level, and of
C:19.10 of the highest order and relearn communion, the language  of the heart. This is why you have been asked to experience the
C:20.6 blessing the silence, gracing the cosmos, manifesting the light  of the heart. Here we live as one body, experiencing communion, the
C:21.7 one way of viewing or perceiving being of the mind and the other  of the heart. And you accept this conflict-inducing situation. You
C:21.7 No matter which path you follow, the path of the mind or the path  of the heart, you will not get where you are wanting to go until they
C:28.4 it would not work. Thus we must concentrate on wisdom, the wisdom  of the heart.
C:28.5 for any witnessing at all. This is the trust of knowing. Knowing is  of the heart, and holds a consistency and certainty that the dawn of
C:31.12 of the mind, for others by coming to a better understanding  of the heart, or love. How the ego becomes dislodged matters not.
T1:5.10 think you are, would not experience anything without the presence  of the heart. The heart is the only cause of your experience here.
T3:19.4 had as their cause the thought system of the ego or the bitterness  of the heart. As cause and effect are one, there is no effect to be
T3:19.4 cause birthed in the ego thought system or the bitterness  of the heart.
T4:2.26 a state in which mind attempted to know without the relationship  of the heart, and so merely perceived its own creations, rather than
D:8.9 So what we are attempting to do is to open the mind to the wisdom  of the heart with these dialogues. As the mind opens and accepts the
D:17.23 even the specific questions of myth, when seen truly, were questions  of the heart, calling only for response from the heart.
D:Day5.2 those of you who have felt the state of unity through experiences  of the heart, there is again, no need to struggle against this. Let
D:Day12.1 what they have to say to us. Now we listen with a new ear, the ear  of the heart. Now we recognize the thoughts that would censor our
A.11 through this method is receptivity. You are coming home to the way  of the heart. What you gain by sharing with others is a situation in
A.11 is a situation in which you “learn” in unity through the receptivity  of the heart.
A.12 I ask you merely to receive in order to learn receptivity, the way  of the heart. I ask you only to pause, to give the mind a rest, to
A.19 The way  of the heart is the way of the Time of Christ. The time of the Holy
A.21 of the ways of the mind. They are ready to come home to the way  of the heart.
A.22 behind. What will be demonstrated and shared is the perfect logic  of the heart, and that abandonment of the old way will not bring

off (12)

C:P.16 a view of the new world glittering with all the beauty of heaven set  off at just a little distance in a golden light. When you could have
C:6.11 your mind it is no wonder that you choose it not, or that you put it  off until the end of your days. A heaven such as this would be for
C:7.11 you have chosen for yourself, a piece of a relationship separated  off and held in contempt and righteousness. You are unaware that you
C:7.20 dislodge your idea that you stand separate and alone, a being broken  off from all the rest. Your forgiveness of all that has led to this
C:9.17 How could one separated  off from all the rest not be fearful? It matters not at all that all
C:12.17 of them all, and yet they still exist within you and do not splinter  off and become something on their own apart from you. Imagine this
C:13.4 feelings or using them to describe spirit. It is best to leave words  off this experience as, if you do not, you will soon be ascribing
C:20.47 to see as being within its scope. It is as if you have cordoned  off a little section of life and said, “These are the things that
C:25.17 in the love of life. There are no “parts” of the Self fractioned  off and holding resentments. There are no “parts” of Self living in
D:Day6.17 does not, however, mean that this elevation can be postponed, put  off, or can wait for some convenient time. Quite the contrary. We are
D:Day28.1 is reached to begin to view the choices available would be to put  off coming to know the difference between externally and internally
E.1 have nothing left to learn, nothing left to become. The pressure is  off. The alchemy has occurred. The coal has become a diamond. Ah,

offer (32)

C:1.10 All your seeming success from this effort brings you is pride to  offer to your ego. This gift your ego demands is not worth the price
C:7.15 recognized as yours. If someone wants the intelligence you have to  offer, something must be given in return. What you demand can range
C:10.18 choice. When you find yourself in a situation you do not like, again  offer your willingness to find some happiness within it. These
C:13.5 Because it is complete, it will ask nothing of you, but will seem to  offer you a warm welcome, as if you are a long lost friend returning
C:13.6 is the new “proof” that, while not scientific or verifiable, will  offer you the evidence you seek to confirm the truth of what you are
C:14.13 was true love, for nothing but love can be the cause of joy, nor  offer a haven of safety in an insane world.
C:17.9 to accept what is given. This willingness is what you do not  offer. Yet this is due to your lack of understanding about the nature
C:18.23 but that it is at the body’s mercy. Yet the body has no mercy to  offer the separated self. It is only a learning device. But you have
C:20.44 you recognize in your brothers and sisters just as you freely will  offer yours to serve them. To serve rather than to use is an enormous
C:26.4 Again I  offer my life as the example life and reiterate the message expressed
T1:2.9 behind forever the need for what the ego-mind once but seemed to  offer you.
T2:2.4 world to follow a calling to teach. To set aside other careers that  offer far more prestige and economic gain to instead be a sharer of
T2:12.3 put forth here. The miracle I am offering you here is the service I  offer you, the precursor of the service you will offer to others.
T2:12.3 is the service I offer you, the precursor of the service you will  offer to others.
T3:7.6 You have chosen many doors to the same house and but thought them to  offer different things, only to find that the house you entered was
T3:10.4 longer.” You need not spend any more time with blame than this and I  offer you no word or sentiment to replace it. I ask you simply to
T3:10.5 had no realization were birthed from the idea of blame. Although I  offer it not as a replacement, what you will find will come in the
T3:20.6 why the illness or suffering has come to be and to hear or  offer comments about the unfairness of the situation. Judgment is
T3:20.6 drawn, despite these feelings of the “badness” of the situation, to  offer encouragement. If the situation is particularly grim—and
T3:20.6 given despite the “fact” that it is unwarranted. Yet even while you  offer encouragement, you worry about giving “false” hope and wonder
T3:20.7 to tell you. You might “thank God” for technology that would seem to  offer hope, or for drugs that would ease suffering, and you might
T3:20.15 do not work! To minister to those within the house of illusion is to  offer the temporary to the temporary when I call you to offer the
T3:20.15 is to offer the temporary to the temporary when I call you to  offer the eternal to the eternal. The new way will work wherever it
T3:20.17 nor discouraged by those who do not see and have no willingness to  offer. Just know these aren’t the ones given you to bring to love and
T4:1.22 all that your new learning in science and technology but seemed to  offer. It is what has caused your growing desire for meaning and
T4:6.2 The only guarantee I can  offer you is the guarantee that you are who I say you are, and that I
D:6.19 but by a mere idea of bettering the odds against what fate may  offer.
D:6.20 What fate may  offer is itself an attitude that puts life at the risk and whim of an
D:17.7 as one, an unbroken chain of giving and receiving as one. You  offer up your glory and call it down from heaven, both at the same
D:Day15.22 the boundaries of those who are still in need of them and not  offer more than can be received. This is why practice among those who
D:Day39.7 what becomes of the intermediary relationship Christ seems to  offer? Are you ready to hold relationship on your own?
A.28 experience is still in need of being shared. This sharing can  offer a rich and rewarding opportunity for differences to be revealed

offered (20)

C:2.19 the mind has acquired, even unto the greater peace and contentment  offered by your learning. It can and does see itself as better and
C:7.23 the possibility of it happening. Do not turn your back on the hope  offered here, and when new life flows in to release the old, forget
C:11.14 you would have come about. This matters not at this point. You are  offered the opportunity to make a temporary decision that can be
T1:8.8 was witnessed as the proof required, much as proof has been  offered to you now in the form of miracles. How could one rise from
T3:10.2 The first lesson is  offered as an exercise in forgetting. As often as is possible within
T3:10.5 You would find this easier if a replacement were  offered, for ridding your mind of blame will leave an empty space you
T3:15.1 mature adults, some form of new beginning has taken place or been  offered. Often, those within the relationship of marriage have had
T3:15.4 Often new beginnings are  offered or considered “in spite of” circumstances of the past that
T3:15.6 To have a special relationship with someone who has failed at  offered new beginnings becomes a failure for all involved. Each sets
T3:15.9 called to now is a new beginning that, like all others that you have  offered or attempted, will take place in relationship. The difference
T4:1.4 and some of them incorrect, there are some answers that are not  offered to be chosen because they do not relate to the question. All
T4:1.11 choices will lead to knowledge of Self and God, as no choices are  offered that are not such. All are chosen and so it could not be
T4:1.26 for their identity but only will accept it until another identity is  offered.
D:4.5 had the cell door and the prison gate thrown open and a new world  offered. If you do not “accept” this opportunity, you remain
D:4.19 is you who have felt such as this is needed. The unlimited freedom  offered you is too vast for your comfort. Thus without limiting this
D:4.22 Beware of gifts  offered in exchange for your newfound freedom. A hungry ex-prisoner
D:Day21.3 the source because the receiver had to accept or “give” what was  offered, to herself.
D:Day21.9 You began your mountain top experience with a companion who had  offered himself as a teacher in order to bring you to the place of
D:Day37.32 being you are being when you are in unity and relationship have been  offered to everyone. They have been afforded by willingness. They
A.2 for which a cure was needed—and within A Course in Miracles  offered.

offering (10)

C:9.41 win or lose, your participation in the race was but the required  offering to the idol you have made. And at some point, when you can
C:16.24 you give away your power you make of yourself a sacrificial lamb, an  offering onto God that God does not want. You look back on stories of
T1:5.7 leaves the edges quite intact and causes them to be capable of  offering resistance. Your search for “something” within the
T2:12.3 integration of the beliefs we have put forth here. The miracle I am  offering you here is the service I offer you, the precursor of the
T3:16.1 Willingness to live by the truth is the only  offering you are asked to make to God. You need make no other
T3:16.2 Saying that willingness is the only  offering that is required of you is the same as saying that you do
T3:20.7 not feeling “bad” given such circumstances. You cannot imagine not  offering sympathy. You think it naïve to believe in positive
T3:20.8 of it? Can you not instead ask yourself what harm could be done by  offering a new kind of observance?
D:12.15 know something, that this wasn’t your usual opinion or idea you were  offering up for discussion, but something you knew the truth about!
A.29 sharing is that while experiences may differ greatly and seem to be  offering diverse “learning” situations, the individuals will actually

offerings (5)

C:1.2 with the body. The heart of the body is the altar at which all your  offerings to God are made. All offerings are love or lack of love.
C:1.2 body is the altar at which all your offerings to God are made. All  offerings are love or lack of love. Lack of love is nothing. Thus,
C:1.2 are love or lack of love. Lack of love is nothing. Thus, all  offerings made from a place other than love are nothing. All
C:1.2 all offerings made from a place other than love are nothing. All  offerings made from a place of fear or guilt are nothing.
T3:16.1 only offering you are asked to make to God. You need make no other  offerings. No sacrifices need be made and sacrifices are, in truth,

offers (2)

C:9.43 skills and you have use for the salary and benefits the employer  offers. A spouse is useful in many ways that complement your areas of
A.45 alma mater, honored and returned to as a giver of new life. It  offers no walls to confine you. It becomes not dogma to restrict you.

office (2)

C:11.2 as those creations of little hands you hang on refrigerator doors or  office walls. You did not create your Self, and yet you make of life
T1:2.13 It might be seen as you walk or drive, rake leaves or gaze from an  office window. It might be a deathbed vision or the first sunset of

official (1)

C:14.20 losing love, and even speak of it and try to alleviate the fear with  official commitments, pledges and promises made. Others may deny

offspring (2)

C:P.27 man. God does not have physical form and does not produce physical  offspring. God does, however, have a son, a child, an offspring, who
C:P.27 physical offspring. God does, however, have a son, a child, an  offspring, who must exist in some form like unto the Father. Within

often (115)

C:P.19 by yourself, against great odds? This is why good intentions so  often fail to come to be at all, and why, when every effort has been
C:P.30 to return. The return is the symbol of maturity, acceptance, and  often of forgiveness.
C:4.17 your ideas greeted as inspired. But this you do not expect. You  often, in fact, expect the reverse to be the case, and are grateful
C:5.20 heart and clear your mind: “I dedicate all thought to union.” As  often as you need to replace senseless thoughts, think of this and
C:6.20 from fantasy, nor did it pass from one mind to the next as stories  often will. It is but part of your awareness of who you are, an
C:8.10 a difference between what lies on the surface and what lies beneath.  Often the surface of a situation is all that is seen, the surface of
C:8.10 openly of these levels of seeing, recognizing, and knowing, saying  often, “On the surface it would seem that…” and this observation is
C:8.10 often, “On the surface it would seem that…” and this observation is  often followed by attempts to see beneath the surface to find causes,
C:8.10 motivations, or reasons for a situation, problem, or relationship.  Often this search is called seeking for the truth. While the way in
C:9.1 how it can be said that your heart is not deceived when it seems so  often to deceive you. It seems as fickle as your mind, telling you
C:9.13 name and keep cleverly in a box that you have labeled this or that  often are not content to stay where you would place them. They seem
C:9.19 It has been said  often that cause and effect are one in truth. The world you see is
C:10.21 would cross that leaves no route open for return. That threshold is  often a happiness so fulfilling that once you have experienced it you
C:12.18 you to do things you might have never dreamed of doing. People  often look back upon their lives and wonder how they got from here to
C:13.5 as love, for it will come without all the longing and sadness you so  often associate with it. While the feeling of love that washes over
C:16.22 both currently and historically, seem to suffer hardship. Yet it is  often only those who suffer hardship who will rise up and claim the
C:17.7 knowing in advance that your greatest efforts at organization are  often to no avail. A Course in Miracles asks you to “receive instead
C:19.16 thoughts and words you will apply word and thought to. Yet love has  often brought you close to a “thought-less” and “word-less” state of
C:22.1 may, at first, be resistant to this instruction. To imagine is too  often associated with daydreaming, fiction, or make-believe, and
C:22.6 Intersection is  often seen as a division between rather than as a relationship among.
C:22.12 and are allowed no other access. These forces must then be directed.  Often great effort is expended keeping these forces from piercing
C:23.12 you term induction and deduction. In the past, exercises have most  often begun with an alteration of beliefs regarding form. Here we
C:25.24 to usual patterns of action you have taken in the past, you will  often meet resistance. Try to be lighthearted at such times and to
C:26.1 It is  often spoken of with some amazement that I lived a short life,
C:26.3 those who are posthumously given such a title, the tragedy is most  often considered a fall from greatness. It is seen in the allure of
C:27.16 How  often have you, even with the best of intentions, not known the
C:27.19 How  often have you known the “right” thing to do without knowing the
C:28.11 may arise as you begin to enter this stage of your journey. This is  often compounded by a feeling of wondering what is next as you wait
C:29.6 to unity was my accomplishment, and all that is meant by what I have  often repeated here: Only you can be accomplished. Your service is
C:31.36 and have an investment in them staying the same. Since this is most  often true for them as well, you too become locked into the expected
T1:2.8 But again, as was stated  often throughout A Course of Love, an alternative exists. It did not
T1:5.4 or the void. While your thought system here has been described  often as insanity, this is the insanity you would fear that may
T1:8.11 live. In other words you live as much by myth as by truth and myth  often more accurately reflects the truth than what you would call
T1:9.12 over which the ego has the least control. For males this has most  often meant a turning away from the intellectual realm, which was
T1:9.12 by the ego, to the realm of feelings. For females this has most  often meant a turning away from the feeling realm where their egos
T1:10.3 Here is this experience you have created and how  often have you been fully engaged in it? How often have you given
T1:10.3 have created and how often have you been fully engaged in it? How  often have you given yourself over to those highs and lows? You will
T1:10.11 of extremes that served as learning devices. Peak experiences  often follow occasions of happiness or trauma, but they do not happen
T2:1.1 such as a talent that was in need of developing, when realized, is  often disregarded thereafter as a treasure and becomes instead
T2:1.2 Treasure is most  often seen in one of two ways—as something valuable to be sought
T2:1.4 moved beyond the realm of the ego, in your fear of returning to it,  often turn away from internal treasures that you believe, when
T2:1.8 terms of place because you think in terms of form. Thus even I have  often used the idea of place as a teaching aid. But you are ready now
T2:3.2 desire to express outwardly what exists within. What I refer to so  often here as being within, as if “within” is a place in which
T2:4.15 how to perceive of and live in your world, are still  often based on old concepts. This does not mean you have not changed
T2:5.5 Calls that seem to come in the form of demands are  often calls that come to you from within the teaching and learning
T2:7.4 idea of “others” with the idea of “relationship” that has been so  often defined and repeated within this Course. In order to believe in
T2:7.16 if an active stance toward trust would be distrustful. You thus will  often say that you trust when what you are doing is hoping for a
T2:7.17 How  often have you hidden thoughts and feelings because you question
T2:8.6 It was said  often within A Course of Love that the truth does not change. Thus
T2:9.4 the meeting of a need to a person or system or organization. You as  often feel indebted as you feel grateful for the meeting of needs.
T2:9.10 purview of special relationships. Thus the very compromises you are  often prone to make in special relationships are but the symptoms of
T2:10.3 dream, or an attempt to recall a specific event. At such times, you  often feel as if, just as the memory is about to return to you, it is
T2:10.3 know that the information is contained within you and yet you are  often forced to accept an inability to have access to this
T2:10.4 You might think of unity as you have so  often thought of your brain, but rather than thinking of it in the
T2:10.18 planned, you feel as if your chosen path has been denied to you. You  often feel a sense of loss and rarely one of gain. Unless life goes
T2:10.18 you do not feel gifted or blessed even when you may have looked back  often on situations that did not go as you had planned and
T3:3.2 you have seen as making you loveable or unlovable. Yet you have also  often made them challenges to love, saying in effect to those who
T3:3.4 It is yourself, who, more  often than not, you blamed for all your misfortune. You would have
T3:3.5 Your depression was blamed on the past. Even your successes were  often claimed to be at the expense of another or to have come in
T3:3.9 weight problem and knows a diet would be “good” for her, the diet is  often rejected because failure is deemed a certainty. While you
T3:8.2 has been the only aim of this entire course of study. Realize how  often you have forgotten this, despite the many repetitions of our
T3:8.5 you see no rationale. Those who believe in past lives have also  often adopted beliefs regarding choice and believe that choices for
T3:10.2 The first lesson is offered as an exercise in forgetting. As  often as is possible within your daily life, I ask you to forget as
T3:15.1 adults, some form of new beginning has taken place or been offered.  Often, those within the relationship of marriage have had occasion to
T3:15.3 the relationship, a set of criteria based upon the past that is most  often what prevents new beginnings from truly being new.
T3:15.4  Often new beginnings are offered or considered “in spite of”
T3:15.5 When attempting to give oneself or another a new beginning, you  often act “as if” you believe a new beginning is possible, even while
T3:18.9 form to the new thought system of the truth. Your body, as has been  often said, is a neutral form that will serve you in the manner in
T3:19.7 Because the spiritual life has so  often been linked with celibacy I will mention sexual union
T3:20.5 observation and the miracle. An easy illustration is provided, as so  often is the case, by looking at observation under the guidance of
T3:21.11 Those who have had cause to doubt circumstances of their birth are  often consumed with a desire to discover these unknown circumstances.
T3:21.12 And even more so than these things, although this hasn’t as  often been considered as part of what makes you certain of your
D:2.12 This will not  often prevent you from trying the same thing again although at times
D:2.13 What is seen as not “working for you” are  often those matters that are beyond your personal control and so
D:3.2 heard for as long as you can remember, the call you have heard as  often as you have grown still and listened. It is the one beautiful
D:3.3 You are the ushers, the pioneers of the new. Your work, as will be  often repeated, is to accept the new, and deny or refuse to accept
D:3.17 This is why I will  often repeat that I am no longer your teacher. You must realize your
D:4.7 in prison fills the mind with fear. And yet those who are imprisoned  often become so acclimated to prison life, that life on the “outside”
D:5.1 Within this Course your “imitation” of creation was  often spoken of. This was about your ability to “remember” much of
D:6.11 anything, it teaches that what is proven can be disproved—and  often is. Thus the prayer of the Native Americans who thank the sun
D:12.4 This work is called a dialogue. A dialogue is most  often thought of as a discourse between two or more people and as
D:12.10 Let us now consider “thinking” to be the active and  often unwelcome voice “in your head,” the voice of background
D:12.10 “thoughts” to be the more meditative version of your “thinking,”  often even resulting in a conclusion to your thinking, a summary of
D:13.4 need to be learned anew in daily living. This is knowing that will  often come in a flash, and is, in a sense, a humorous metaphor for
D:14.7 It has been said  often that revelation is of God, but remember now that God is not
D:15.17 Maintenance is thought of most  often as keeping what you have, and as keeping what you have in good
D:15.17 you have, and as keeping what you have in good repair. It is not  often thought of as a lasting measure, which is the primary
D:16.12 you have felt as if you still have a long way to go. You have  often thought that even though you may be done with learning, you
D:Day2.2 peace, memories of your life continue to play within your mind,  often still bringing you sadness and regrets.
D:Day3.4 by thousands of years of learning through the mind—learning in  often painful ways—said “no” to learning through the heart. Many of
D:Day3.21 The shame and pain of heartaches and mistakes is more  often and more easily spoken of than the shame of monetary failure.
D:Day3.36 dialogue and a journey. This is what all master “teachers” taught,  often throwing the questions posed back upon the poser, in order to
D:Day3.48 you to the step beyond it, the step of action and ideas, the step  often called that of bargaining.
D:Day3.50 This is  often a hopeful period and it, too, is not without value. You may
D:Day4.19 The example  often used for the creation of a system is that of my attraction of
D:Day6.4 Since we have  often discussed the similarity between the creation of art and the
D:Day6.14 on the details of daily life. You may be thinking that the ease so  often spoken of in our conversations would be there if only you could
D:Day6.23 for the accomplishment of the tasks he or she is to perform. But  often it is only when the teacher steps aside, and the apprentice is
D:Day8.5 kinds? A job you do not like? You may not like it, and you may say  often that you do not like it, but you may just as often say that you
D:Day8.5 and you may say often that you do not like it, but you may just as  often say that you accept it. You may, in fact, need a job that you
D:Day8.14 a continuing dislike. Soon, you might see a group of people who  often gossip and assume that they are gossiping rather than observing
D:Day9.21 leaders or gurus have no need nor desire to be seen as such and are  often made into images such as these only within the minds of those
D:Day10.10 but even so, it is your feelings about such thoughts that will  often determine how you act upon them. Do you trust in your intuition
D:Day10.12 in a new way, and as you all know from the time of learning, it is  often more difficult to become adept in doing something in a way
D:Day10.35 thing because all that lives exists in relationship. What I have  often referred to as the urgency of this time has been partially
D:Day14.2 spacious Self realizes that the outer world is a projection and most  often a rejection rather than an extension of what is within. Thus,
D:Day16.15 perception created an unreal reality of the separate and unloved,  often referred to as hell or hell on earth. Love and fear existed
D:Day18.8 Christ-consciousness. They come not in response but as creations.  Often science and religion have puzzled over the “beginning” of life,
D:Day22.2 word channeling has been used in reference to spirituality, it has  often been used to indicate an intermediary function. The channeler
D:Day37.14 that of others, but even then, only on a limited scale. You have  often not exercised even this limited power, believing that life just
D:Day37.18 only as a being in separation can feel. You know that despite how  often someone says they “know how you feel” that they really do not.
D:Day40.25 How  often have you said or felt, when confronted with some insensitivity
A.10  Often you will find a desire to read the Course again—to read it
A.31 Problem solving is to be discouraged. Trust is to be encouraged.  Often a discussion can be facilitated greatly by the question, “How
A.33  Often here the facilitator will meet as well individual assessments

often-repeated (1)

T3:22.4 of this course of learning into your new reality. One is the  often-repeated injunction to resign as your own teacher. The other is

oh (3)

C:P.14  Oh, Child of God, you have no need to try at all, no need to be
C:2.1 be recognized. Can you pass love by and not know that it is there?  Oh, yes. You do it constantly by choosing to see illusion rather than
C:13.11 of your preconceived notions of others and yourself be shattered?  Oh yes, and rightly so. Gladly will you let them go and, if you trust

oil (1)

C:14.19 next is an exchange of sorts. Like two countries, one rich in  oil, another in grain, you set up dependencies that will keep you

old (178)

C:I.2 been found, and it is “here” in these new rules and not in those of  old. The mind will then tell you how to feel according to its rules
C:P.17 tried and failed to accomplish? Or to choose to leave behind the  old and choose a new way, a way in which you become the accomplished,
C:P.36 view a physical world of dimension, shape, and scope like unto the  old and hope to transport it from one place to another would be
C:1.6 Remind yourself of this as well. This is part of letting go of the  old world to make way for the new. Realize these things do not matter
C:3.10 idea is thus the result of what has come before, of seeing something  old as new, of improving on a former idea, of taking various
C:5.13 an overwhelming desire for peace. Peace may mean destruction of the  old, and love can facilitate the rise and fall of many armies. What
C:6.10 same would be uninteresting now. Perhaps later. Maybe when you are  old and have grown weary of the world. Then perhaps you will sit in
C:6.11 until the end of your days. A heaven such as this would be for the  old and the infirm, the ones ready to leave the world, those who have
C:6.12 and the challenge, the coming of the new day and the dying of the  old. How sad they have not had the opportunity to stand separate and
C:6.12 is but a call to face the next. And each one comes to replace the  old with hope that this one will be the one—and equal hope that it
C:7.23 on the hope offered here, and when new life flows in to release the  old, forget not from where it came.
C:17.1 are is no luxury reserved for the idle rich, or the very young or  old. Being who you are is necessary for the completion of the
C:23.22 It will continue to hold former beliefs as well as new beliefs until  old beliefs are purged. The purging of old beliefs frees space for
C:23.22 as well as new beliefs until old beliefs are purged. The purging of  old beliefs frees space for the new. It allows your form to reflect
C:23.24 conflicted and affected by polarity. Unlearning allows you to purge  old beliefs so that only one set of beliefs is operative within you.
C:23.26 term as being in control is simply another way of saying acting on  old beliefs. As long as you attempt to remain in control, old beliefs
C:23.26 acting on old beliefs. As long as you attempt to remain in control,  old beliefs will not be purged.
C:25.20 say: “This is who I am.” This is an exciting sign, for it means the  old identity is losing hold. Be patient during this time, and your
C:26.19 as one to take place. It asks only that you be unoccupied with the  old so that the new may arrive. It asks only that you listen to your
T1:2.9 you can do so again and again until the new way totally replaces the  old and the art of thought leaves behind forever the need for what
T1:4.3 made of you is once again far more broad and generalizable than your  old habit of thought has led you to see. Miracles are, in other
T1:5.12 theoretical. You must let go of the foundation of fear on which the  old thought system was built in order to experience the new.
T1:5.13 experience of the new thought system by being willing to replace the  old with the new. While this will at first be a learned activity, and
T1:6.4 is union with God. Thus your concentration must not stray back to  old concepts of prayer or of reaching God through the intercession of
T1:7.4 learning is needed and is here. To continue to rely on the ways of  old, no matter how effective they were and no matter how much they
T1:9.14 and that is likely your first reaction, is cognizant with your  old pattern, or the pattern of the ego. What breaks the ego’s hold
T1:9.14 ego’s hold will be the second reaction, or the turning away from the  old.
T2:1.5 ground and an earned respite, a demarcation even between the  old way and the new way of living. But it is not the end that is
T2:1.5 a place without further instruction, you would soon return to your  old ideas of heaven and see peace as a state of being for those too
T2:3.6 need of learning, then your idea of the Christ is still based on an  old way of thinking, as are your ideas of learning.
T2:4.15 how to perceive of and live in your world, are still often based on  old concepts. This does not mean you have not changed nor that you
T2:4.15 this means is that you are still in need of unlearning, of undoing  old patterns of thought. This is atonement and it is continuous and
T2:4.15 and ongoing is part of creation. Thus the very act of undoing  old patterns is an act of creation. As the old is undone, a vacuum is
T2:4.15 the very act of undoing old patterns is an act of creation. As the  old is undone, a vacuum is not created. The new is created.
T2:4.16 You are in the process of unmaking what you have made. The  old structure is coming down so that the new, what might be likened
T2:4.17 to begin. What is happening now is happening in unison. As the  old goes, the new arrives. There is no time-lapse in this learning
T2:4.17 in this learning and so it is a condition of miracle readiness. The  old is replaced by the new simultaneously.
T2:4.19 raise it to a level you will come to think of as an ability. As your  old way of responding to life causes you to struggle or resist and
T2:4.19 you to struggle or resist and the new way of thinking replaces that  old pattern with a new pattern of response, you will begin to see
T2:5.6 the remnants of learning from the past, the final breaking of  old patterns. They may seem to signal difficult times, but they are
T2:7.10 Course, but what will prevent you from following the patterns of  old as you go out into the world with your desire to effect change?
T2:7.11 in certain measure or to receive not at all, is to follow the  old pattern, a pattern that has been proven to not have any ability
T2:7.19 as one. This is the only means available to you to replace the  old pattern with the new.
T2:9.19 ability and a timesaving measure of great magnitude. As these  old ways of thinking leave you, you will be left as who you are in
T2:11.2 difficult as long as you perceive of others as living under the  old rules, the laws of man rather than the laws of God or love. It
T3:4.8 a new ego-self, an ego-self that perhaps will seem superior to the  old, but which will nonetheless still be an ego-self. If you proceed
T3:6.4 for everything, including your very existence. This blame is as  old as time itself and the cause of bitterness being able to exist,
T3:10.6 these lessons may come in forms that make them seem like lessons of  old, they will not be repeats of lessons that have come before. They
T3:10.11 visit you as an echo from the past. It is a habit, a pattern of the  old thought system. All you must do is not listen to it. Its voice
T3:10.12 easily remembered once you begin to let it automatically replace the  old.
T3:11.15 is a reason for this time of varying degrees of awareness. As the  old continues to help you to learn lessons of the new you will be
T3:11.16 others wrong. This temptation will not long be with you for once the  old thought system is thoroughly translated to the new, such ideas as
T3:13.7 in which the idea of earning or paying your way can be found. This  old idea is consistent with all beliefs of an “if this then that”
T3:14.2 would not long abide with such illusions, but the pattern of the  old would not be broken. Suffering and strife would still seem to be
T3:14.3 in the house of the truth, you are capable of bringing with you  old patterns of behavior. Once the translation of the new thought
T3:14.3 of behavior. Once the translation of the new thought system for the  old is complete, this will no longer happen. But the translation
T3:14.5 you immeasurably in leaving behind patterns of behavior based on the  old thought system of fear. Despite the foundation of fear upon which
T3:14.5 system of fear. Despite the foundation of fear upon which your  old thought system was based, you still would not be other than who
T3:14.8 It is only your  old uncertainty that will make you fear the matters of choice that
T3:14.8 live by the truth of the new thought system. If you but let go the  old, and with it the patterns of behavior caused by fear, the new
T3:15.5 humiliation in the hopes that they will discourage a repeat of the  old behavior. The loved one of an alcoholic can similarly approach
T3:15.8 to help you birth the new ideas that will break the patterns of  old.
T3:15.11 it is impossible to learn the new with the thought system of the  old. It is impossible to learn the truth through the same methods
T3:15.13 the Christ in you to learn anew. That learning put an end to the  old. Living what you have learned will usher in the new.
T3:15.14 of the past. What will assist you most, as the translation of the  old thought system for the new continues, are the beliefs that you
T3:16.3 You must forget the idea that you can create the new from the  old. If this were possible, you would indeed be called to effort and
T3:16.8 It will come in many forms, all of which will be related to an  old pattern of dissatisfaction with yourself. These temptations will
T3:16.10 something to gain from some “other.” Again, this will be related to  old patterns of dissatisfaction with the self. It has to do with any
T3:16.14 and expectations of others are temptations that arise from your  old idea of special relationships. All of your plans to do good and
T3:19.11 While others still remain tied to the  old thought system, human behavior will still reflect harmful actions
T3:19.12 telling you that new beliefs and ideas will lead to a new reality,  old beliefs and ideas led to the old reality, a reality that will
T3:19.12 ideas will lead to a new reality, old beliefs and ideas led to the  old reality, a reality that will still exist for some even after it
T3:20.5 guidance of the ego-thought system and thus seeing the errors of the  old way in order to realize the perfect sense of the new.
T3:20.15 and sisters in Christ, let nothing call you to return to the ways of  old. They do not work! To minister to those within the house of
T3:20.18 will find the price of admission is their willingness to leave the  old behind. This is a price they must freely give and it cannot be
T3:21.24 No leaders and no followers are needed. This is quite obviously an  old way of thinking. While no one is called to evangelize, all are
T3:22.15 also might not. Realize that this game of chance is a pattern of the  old thought system that needs to be replaced by certainty. If you
T3:22.15 your new thought system or your new life. If you are tired of the  old, be willing to be done with the old.
T3:22.15 life. If you are tired of the old, be willing to be done with the  old.
T3:22.16 And so we conclude with this note of impatience with the  old and the observation, the final observation, of the personal self.
T3:22.17 Calling the true Self forth into observable form is the end of the  old and the beginning of the new.
T4:2.13 intention even now and remove from it all ideas that were of the  old way. You would not be here if you were still interested in
T4:2.13 in your uncertainty, still subject to the patterns of thought of the  old. Many of these patterns do not concern me for they will fall away
T4:4.3 a state of growth known as over-population, this balance between  old generations and new seems necessary and even crucial. One
T4:4.16 self of form in order to be reborn as a true Self. This is an  old way of thinking. Have we not worked throughout this Course to
T4:8.2 only now that you can come to know this truth without reverting to  old ideas of not having had “yourself” any choice in the matter, or
T4:8.2 not having had “yourself” any choice in the matter, or reverting to  old ideas of blaming God for all that has ensued since this choice. I
T4:12.10 a student. Considering yourself thus is simply a condition of the  old for which you will need to be vigilant. You will be again
T4:12.18 take hold in the new. Announce far and wide freedom from the  old ideas, the learned wisdom of old. What could be more
T4:12.18 far and wide freedom from the old ideas, the learned wisdom of  old. What could be more invigorating, more challenging, more
T4:12.18 more stimulating to your enrichment, than throwing out the  old and beginning again? And doing so without effort, without
T4:12.19 But I ask you to try to remember to turn to the new rather than the  old each time you think you are experiencing uncertainty or lack.
T4:12.20 abiding now in the state of Christ-consciousness, the pattern of the  old thoughts will continue until they are replaced by a new pattern.
T4:12.21 which to begin our new work is that of new patterns. The patterns of  old were patterns designed for the optimal benefit of learning. These
T4:12.34 for the new, a willingness that included the leaving behind of the  old, a willingness that included the leaving behind of fear and
T4:12.34 to begin creation of the new. Your former willingness to accept the  old but kept creation’s power harnessed to the old. Does this not
T4:12.34 to accept the old but kept creation’s power harnessed to the  old. Does this not make perfect sense when you realize that creation,
T4:12.36 is everything. What is asked is our total willingness to abandon the  old, our total willingness to embrace the new. But also make no
D:1.6 that this new reality is real and different from the reality of  old. Ideally, mind and heart in union together accept this new
D:1.12 of many renaming ceremonies that symbolize the release of the  old and the acceptance of the new. This occurs in one form or another
D:2.1 to do two things simultaneously: To accept the new and to deny the  old. Acceptance is a willingness to receive. Obviously, when you
D:2.1 of acceptance, you will see that this is not the way of the  old. Willingness to receive is quite contrary to the attitudes and
D:2.1 the work that is being continued here, the work of replacing the  old patterns of learning with the new pattern of acceptance.
D:2.3 new will begin to arise naturally when you deny the patterns of the  old. As you have been told, you now “know what you do” and are no
D:2.3 that you do know, and you will know, as soon as the patterns of  old have been denied. Denial is the correct word here, for I do not
D:2.3 correct word here, for I do not want you combating or resisting the  old patterns. Patterns are not in quite the same category as the
D:2.9 It is because the patterns of  old have at times provided you with a false certainty that they are
D:2.9 speak of denying here, we speak of denying yourself the use of the  old so that the new can serve you. We speak of denying modes of
D:2.10 the illusion that will give way as you deny yourself access to the  old so that the new can come.
D:2.13 Thus have you learned ideas such as “when all else fails, plain  old hard work will see you through,” or that “safety is the absence
D:2.19 no new learning or new systems based on the learning patterns of  old will work. Thus we begin anew.
D:2.20 justice system doesn’t work, let’s fix it.” You would say, “If the  old way doesn’t work, teach me a new way.” You would say, “I will
D:2.22 within is not an attempt to find the answers of the personal self of  old, the separated self who depended on learned wisdom for answers.
D:2.23 promise? Do you not see that acceptance of the new and denial of the  old is the necessary forerunner of our work together in establishing
D:3.1 that it requires is the acceptance of the new and the denial of the  old that will allow for the sustainability of Christ-consciousness in
D:3.3 repeated, is to accept the new, and deny or refuse to accept the  old. Only in this way will the new triumph over the old.
D:3.3 to accept the old. Only in this way will the new triumph over the  old.
D:3.4 I use them as I use together the words accept and deny. As the  old must be denied for the new to come into being, the old must be
D:3.4 deny. As the old must be denied for the new to come into being, the  old must be vanquished in order for the truth to triumph over
D:3.7 and simply with an acceptance of the new and denial of the  old. This is as far as acceptance and denial need go. For if you give
D:3.7 you bring those ideas forward with you into the new. We let the  old go, and with it all ideas of contrast and opposites, of conflict
D:3.7 forces. This is all that is needed for the new to triumph over the  old. There are no battles needed, no victories hard won through might
D:3.22 as much as they are of God. I am teaching you nothing, nothing  old and nothing new. I am reminding you of what you know as I have
D:4.11 that you are part of it. Remember that our goal here is to deny the  old and accept the new. In this case, the old you would deny is the
D:4.11 goal here is to deny the old and accept the new. In this case, the  old you would deny is the idea of a purposeless existence, a universe
D:4.16 as they were upon patterns now being recreated, are part of the  old.
D:4.17 seen as reality. As such, these systems too are obviously of the  old.
D:4.20 as we said earlier, with acceptance of the new and denial of the  old. Turn your back on the prison of your former existence and do not
D:4.20 former existence and do not look at it again. Do not long for its  old structure or the false security you came to feel at times within
D:4.22 then you have imprisoned yourself for the “three meals a day” of the  old way.
D:4.23 to do with structure and parameters? Everything. You cannot deny the  old and remain in the prison of the old. You have asked, and because
D:4.23 Everything. You cannot deny the old and remain in the prison of the  old. You have asked, and because you have asked I am telling you,
D:4.25 We cannot build the new upon prison walls of  old. Whatever imprisons you must now be left behind.
D:4.28 with all, draws from the well of divine design. You need not turn to  old patterns or systems to accomplish your release. You can only turn
D:5.11 the truth through thinking about what everything means. This is the  old way that led to so much misinterpretation and misrepresentation.
D:5.18 Release through resurrection is the answer. You have died to the  old. But surely it would seem easier in some ways to have literally
D:6.14 the suspension of belief. If you continue into the new with your  old ideas about your body, the old body will be what you carry into
D:6.14 you continue into the new with your old ideas about your body, the  old body will be what you carry into the new with you. So let us
D:7.14 your body, is not love of the particular but universal love. The  old way in which you related to your body, be it a love or a hate
D:7.16 join with what you observe until your vision is released from  old patterns and guides you more truly.
D:7.23 Everyone knows, in this time of Christ, that the end of the  old way is near and that the new is coming. They are thus moving
D:7.23 and evolution moves with them. But evolution in time is part of the  old that needs to be left behind. It is a provision of the time of
D:9.10 come to know the new, or to create the new, through the means of  old, including the means of thought.
D:12.12 you to become aware and comfortable with the idea that, released of  old patterns, the self will join with unity more and more frequently,
D:Day1.16 follow, or succeed me. Only in this way can new life be brought to  old.
D:Day3.1 denial, albeit in a new way. Now we will speak of anger, in both an  old and a new way. Let me suggest to you what it is truly all about.
D:Day3.6 resistance in regard to learning of all kinds—in other words both  old learning as well as new—than love. This is the area that you
D:Day3.23 Here is the real of the  old “reality” most solid and unrelenting. Not having “enough” is the
D:Day3.60 transformation from life as you have known it, to death of that  old life, to rebirth of new life. By clinging to some of the old, you
D:Day3.60 of that old life, to rebirth of new life. By clinging to some of the  old, you prevent its death and you prevent the rebirth of the new.
D:Day4.34 to fast from want. You know that you are here to experience both the  old temptations and the new. You realize that this is the purpose of
D:Day4.47 The  old challenges, the old reasons for existing will be gone. All that
D:Day4.47 The old challenges, the  old reasons for existing will be gone. All that will be left to do
D:Day4.58 which we continue to burn away the remnants of attachment to the  old, the attachments that cause some of you to continue to feel
D:Day4.59 Join me in this choice, and we will leave behind the  old and continue our movement toward creation of the new. There are
D:Day8.5 talking of externals, but of internals. We are not talking of the  old adage or prayer that calls you to “accept what you cannot change”
D:Day8.29 you can err in following your feelings. This is the thinking of the  old thought system, not the new. This is thinking comprised of the
D:Day10.12 done it before than to do something completely new. This is because  old patterns or habits must be done away with before achievement of a
D:Day17.13 interaction with the world, the time of miracles, the death of the  old way and the birth of the new.
D:Day18.1 with the miracles that will aide in the dismantling of the  old and with preparing the way for the birth of the new. Others of
D:Day18.1 you will follow your hearts to a bypassing of the final stage of the  old and to anchoring the new within the web of reality. Still others
D:Day19.9 not the state or place of the monks, nuns, or the contemplatives of  old. It is not solitary nor isolated, nor confined to a specific
D:Day21.6 There is nothing channeled to one that isn’t channeled to all. The  old notions of teaching and learning but made it seem as if some had
D:Day25.5 wise thoughts. Let go your resistance to thoughts that seem of the  old pattern. That you know they are of the old pattern is enough. Let
D:Day25.5 thoughts that seem of the old pattern. That you know they are of the  old pattern is enough. Let them come. Let them go.
D:Day28.16 not the truth. Most of what is not the truth has been identified as  old thought patterns. This is all that the notion of a giver and a
D:Day28.16 This is all that the notion of a giver and a receiver is: An  old thought pattern.
D:Day34.1 Does creation of the new have to include destruction of the  old?
D:Day36.8 has realized oneness and unity—who has realized a new reality? The  old reality was that of separation. The new reality is that of union.
D:Day37.1 What we have just done is replaced an  old idea of God with a new idea of God.
E.2 Can you not feel it? The questions remain only as questions of the  old patterns of thought, patterns that you need only be aware of
E.2 choice you will still have to make—the choice to leave behind the  old in order to be.
E.3 now only with love, and so nothing will be hard for you. Desire an  old pattern to be gone and it will be gone. This little note added to
A.5 is said to you to take this Course with as little attachment to your  old means of learning as is possible for you. If you do not
A.22 is the perfect logic of the heart, and that abandonment of the  old way will not bring forth ruin but will bring instead the wisdom
A.32 acceptance, forgiveness, and letting-go. With the letting-go of each  old pattern or situation that seems fraught with peril, a cloud of
A.34 in this coursework. While they are looking for it to show up in an  old way they will miss the new ways that are being revealed to them.

older (2)

T3:21.22 a young person looks to one his or her own age or turns to someone  older. And yet it will matter that someone will look at you and see
D:Day5.20 that is being given is the helpful hints you have desired from an  older brother who has experienced what you, as yet, have not.

omega (1)

T2:4.1 is an aspect of the whole, the all of all, the alpha and the  omega, eternity and infinity. It is not only life as you know it now,

omission (1)

D:15.9 across and upon which the light first descended, is an interesting  omission, made by many. What were the earth and water if they were

on (645)

on-going (7)

T2:3.7 and creation are not synonymous. Creation is a continuous and  on-going expansion of the same thought of love that brought life into
T2:3.8 be seen as the seed of your identity. Christ is the continuous and  on-going expansion of the same thought of love that brought life into
D:Day15.17 as knowing the self. Movement is necessary to know the self. The  on-going informing or animation of the physical with the spiritual is
D:Day15.17 or animation of the physical with the spiritual is just that—  on-going. The easiest way of all to slip from knowing to not knowing
A.42 that your participation in the world as Who You Are is part of an  on-going dialogue, and that it is an on-going aspect of creation by
A.42 as Who You Are is part of an on-going dialogue, and that it is an  on-going aspect of creation by which the new will be created.
A.46 What continues of this Course is its dialogue. It is  on-going.

once (234)

one (1187)

C:I.4 to remain open, and to not know. It desires anchors to hold it in  one spot, and held there suffers the pounding of the sea of change,
C:I.6 mind in a way that it does not desire to be guided, a way that is  one of joining, a way that does not allow the mind’s separate stance,
C:I.6 because it is who and where you are and responds in love to what is  one with it. We are one heart.
C:I.6 where you are and responds in love to what is one with it. We are  one heart.
C:I.7 We are  one mind. The route to oneness and union, to life in form that
C:I.10 these words are spoken. These words are spoken heart to heart, from  One Heart to One Heart.
C:I.10 are spoken. These words are spoken heart to heart, from One Heart to  One Heart.
C:I.11 “Everyone” is just a concept. These words are given to each  One. They are heard only by each “alone” by which I mean in the
C:I.11 heard only by each “alone” by which I mean in the sanctity of the  One Heart. We are one heart. We are one mind. Joined in
C:I.11 “alone” by which I mean in the sanctity of the One Heart. We are  one heart. We are one mind. Joined in wholeheartedness we are the
C:I.11 I mean in the sanctity of the One Heart. We are one heart. We are  one mind. Joined in wholeheartedness we are the heaven of the world.
C:I.11 We replace bitterness with sweetness. We dwell in the reality of the  One Heart, creation’s birthplace, birthplace of the new.
C:I.12 demise, joy birthed amongst sorrow. The new is yet to be created,  One Heart to One Heart.
C:I.12 birthed amongst sorrow. The new is yet to be created, One Heart to  One Heart.
C:P.16 is the only true way to change the world. It is the exchange of  one world for another. This is what you fear to do. You are so afraid
C:P.18 It is either a choice to be separate from God or a choice to be  one with God. It is a choice to know yourself as you always have, or
C:P.22 be done without, they are the point only to the extent of making  one ready for a new choice. Prolonged interest in self can be as
C:P.23 who continue to seek may have left teachings of the Course or of  one or another spiritual or religious tradition only to find another
C:P.25 most astute of learners is through the Christ in you, through the  One who knows what it is to be God’s child and also to walk the earth
C:P.26 In the family of man, there are many families but it is called  one family, the family of man. It is called one species, the human
C:P.26 but it is called one family, the family of man. It is called  one species, the human species. Within this family of man are
C:P.26 you call “your” family. A family has many members but it is called  one family. All of its members are descended from the same ancestors,
C:P.26 genes that carry particular traits and predispositions. A child of  one family may resemble the child of another distant relative or a
C:P.26 the bloodlines and the ancestors, what holds the family together as  one is love. The family is, in fact, the only place where
C:P.26 unconditional love is seen as acceptable. Thus, no matter how good  one child is perceived to be and how bad another is perceived to be,
C:P.29 the way it has always been, they cry. They lament that they see but  one real world while heaven waits just beyond their willingness to
C:P.36 shape, and scope like unto the old and hope to transport it from  one place to another would be delusional. The new world does not have
C:P.39 in you is your shared identity. This shared identity made Jesus  one with Christ. The two names mean the same thing, as oneness is
C:P.39 is what was always shared and always will be. You are eternally  one with Christ. The only way you can identify Jesus differently is
C:P.40 is both butterfly and caterpillar, two separate things becoming  one. You are well aware of the fact that if you could not see the
C:P.43 you separate the ego from your Self, to help you learn to hear only  one voice.
C:1.7 treasures are needed. How silly you feel to have carted them from  one place to the next. What a waste of time and energy to have been
C:1.8 burden. Had you literally carried a heavy and useless trunk from  one world to another when you had been told by someone wiser that it
C:1.8 yourself what else you had been told and disregarded. You might try  one more thing and then another that you previously would not have
C:1.9 may sit in a classroom being taught the same lessons and not  one will learn in exactly the same way as another. This is true with
C:1.13 achieve. Your ego would have you believe that only when you need no  one to achieve all you desire, only when you are satisfied with what
C:1.14 on responsibility and on duty, thus counting this action as a noble  one. This desire to engage in struggle has nothing to do with what
C:2.3 than love and separate from love. You label love a feeling, and  one of many. Yet you have been told there are but two from which you
C:2.5 made possible? Through love’s effects. For cause and effect are  one. Creation is love’s effect, as are you.
C:2.6 To believe that you are able to act in love in  one instance and act in anger in another, and that both actions
C:2.6 considered dangerous and a middle ground is sought. It is said that  one can love too much and too little but never enough. Love is not
C:2.8 and thereby condemn themselves to purposeless lives, convinced  one person among billions makes no difference and is of no
C:2.8 to make their corner of it more safe and secure. Some shift from  one option to the next, giving up on one and hoping that the other
C:2.8 and secure. Some shift from one option to the next, giving up on  one and hoping that the other will bring them some peace. To think
C:2.15 show you the way beyond illusions to the present. Look within to the  one in you who knows the way. Christ is within you and you rest
C:2.16 because you separate mind and heart and think you can involve  one without involving the other. You believe that to know with your
C:2.21 is all that needs to change. Remember that cause and effect are  one. What you want to learn you cannot fail to learn.
C:3.3 that does not exist in all humans. It is completely impossible for  one to have what another does not have. All is shared. This has
C:3.7 you think not that they are all the same. You place values on each  one based on usefulness or pleasant appearance, on popularity or on
C:3.7 or pleasant appearance, on popularity or on reputation. Each  one you place in relationship to yourself, and so you do not even see
C:3.7 that they should possess at all times and in all places. And so  one disappoints and another enthralls, one champions your cause and
C:3.7 and in all places. And so one disappoints and another enthralls,  one champions your cause and another denigrates you. In all scenarios
C:3.12 or wrong, black or white, hot or cold, based solely on contrast.  One chemical reacts one way and one reacts another, and it is only in
C:3.12 or white, hot or cold, based solely on contrast. One chemical reacts  one way and one reacts another, and it is only in the study of the
C:3.12 or cold, based solely on contrast. One chemical reacts one way and  one reacts another, and it is only in the study of the two that you
C:3.15 this will mean to you goes far beyond the learning of this Course.  One such concept, given up and not replaced, will free you beyond
C:3.15 deepest imaginings and free your sisters and brothers as well. Once  one such concept is felled, others follow quickly. But none is more
C:3.15 felled, others follow quickly. But none is more entrenched than this  one, the one we begin today to let fall away.
C:3.15 follow quickly. But none is more entrenched than this one, the  one we begin today to let fall away.
C:3.17 is to our hearts that we appeal for guidance, for there resides the  one who truly guides.
C:3.22 pain when what they really choose is safety at love’s expense. No  one here believes they can have one without the other and so they
C:3.22 is safety at love’s expense. No one here believes they can have  one without the other and so they live in fear of love, all the while
C:4.9 follows the law of God in your world. All else assumes that what  one has is denied another. While love cannot be learned nor
C:4.10 There are no losers and no winners under God’s law. Not  one is given more than another. God cannot love you more than your
C:4.11 is what has caused all other perceptions to be false, including the  one you hold of your own Self.
C:4.12 or a priest or minister who guides unfailingly. For each or any  one of these that you admire, you give attributes that you do not
C:4.12 admire, you give attributes that you do not have and that you might  one day acquire when the time is right. For that kind and gentle
C:4.12 at too high a price, that devotion you might think is fine for  one whose partner is more loving than your own, that unconditional
C:4.13 Thus, your image of love is based upon comparison. You have chosen  one who demonstrates that which in you is most lacking and you use
C:4.15 Each  one of you has held an ideal of what the perfect mate would mean, an
C:4.16 to others. You hope to be a winner in this game you play, a chosen  one who will have each ounce of love that is given returned in kind.
C:4.26 of pleasant words that will bring you comfort if you heed them,  one more sentiment in a world where lovely words replace what they
C:4.27 where in love’s presence both outer and inner worlds become as  one and leave beyond your vision the world that you have seen and
C:5.1 has been forgotten. Thus we begin to relearn the known as the  One who already possesses all. It is this joining of the human and
C:5.4 all relationship. When you think of relationship, you think of  one relationship and then another. The one you share with this friend
C:5.4 of relationship, you think of one relationship and then another. The  one you share with this friend or that, with husband or wife, with
C:5.5 or forms of your world. You think relationship exists between  one body and another, and while you think this is so, you will not
C:5.6 Relationship is what exists between  one thing and another. It is not one thing or another thing. It is
C:5.6 Relationship is what exists between one thing and another. It is not  one thing or another thing. It is not a third thing in terms of being
C:5.6 have forgotten that it exists. All truth lies in relationship, even  one so simple as this. The pencil is not real, nor the hand that
C:5.6 is real and that causes all creation to sing a song of gladness. No  one thing exists without another. Cause and effect are one. Thus, one
C:5.6 gladness. No one thing exists without another. Cause and effect are  one. Thus, one thing cannot cause another without their being one or
C:5.6 No one thing exists without another. Cause and effect are one. Thus,  one thing cannot cause another without their being one or joined in
C:5.6 are one. Thus, one thing cannot cause another without their being  one or joined in truth.
C:5.8 love is all about.” And you attach the love you have found to the  one in whom you found it and seek immediately to preserve it. There
C:5.15 This is all the two worlds are made up of. The  one you see as real is the one you keep outside of yourself, making
C:5.15 is all the two worlds are made up of. The one you see as real is the  one you keep outside of yourself, making it possible to look upon it
C:5.15 making it possible to look upon it with your body’s eyes. The  one you do not see and do not believe in is the one you cannot look
C:5.15 body’s eyes. The one you do not see and do not believe in is the  one you cannot look outward to see, but is the one that nonetheless
C:5.15 not believe in is the one you cannot look outward to see, but is the  one that nonetheless is truly real. To look inward at the real world
C:5.17 to remain. This is because your definition of relationship is not  one of joining. What you join with becomes real. As you take it into
C:5.17 take it into your Self you thereby make it real because you make it  one with your real Self. This is reality. All you do not join with
C:5.17 do not join with remains outside and is illusion, for what is not  one with you does not exist.
C:5.23 to obtain. If you let all the world recede and concentrate on this  one choice, you reason that you are bound to eventually succeed. This
C:5.24 seek! You continue living life as a test, driving yourself to follow  one accomplishment with another, sure that the next one or the next
C:5.24 to follow one accomplishment with another, sure that the next  one or the next will be the one to do the trick.
C:5.24 with another, sure that the next one or the next will be the  one to do the trick.
C:5.32 Remember now  one lovely day, for each of you has had at least one that was a
C:5.32 Remember now one lovely day, for each of you has had at least  one that was a shining light in a world of darkness. A day in which
C:6.1 creating a shared reality before you can understand it is the only  one you would want to have. You have to forgive this reality for
C:6.2 This is reality. Your mind is not contained within your body but is  one with God and shared equally with all alike. This is reality. The
C:6.6 created without love, for love creates like itself and is forever  one with everything that has been created. This simple realization
C:6.12 the end of life, and so you scream at the unfairness when a young  one leaves the world. Heaven is not for the young, you say. How
C:6.12 For every challenge faced is but a call to face the next. And each  one comes to replace the old with hope that this one will be the one
C:6.12 the next. And each one comes to replace the old with hope that this  one will be the one—and equal hope that it will not.
C:6.12 one comes to replace the old with hope that this one will be the  one—and equal hope that it will not.
C:6.17 to be and seen in heaven’s holy light. No longer do situations pit  one against another, making it impossible for anyone to achieve what
C:6.17 to welcome the peace of dying. Those who could not change the world  one iota through their constant effort, in peace create the world
C:6.18 it takes only love. A forgiven world is whole, and in its wholeness  one with you. It is here, in wholeness, that peace abides and heaven
C:6.20 lies beyond it. It did not arise from fantasy, nor did it pass from  one mind to the next as stories often will. It is but part of your
C:7.3 Comparison of  one thing to another—a comparison that seeks out differences and
C:7.3 a comparison that seeks out differences and magnifies them and names  one thing this and one thing that—is the basis of all learning in
C:7.3 out differences and magnifies them and names one thing this and  one thing that—is the basis of all learning in your world. It is
C:7.5 This  one thought constitutes a thought system in and of itself, for it is
C:7.5 Like the love you set aside from this world, this thought too is  one that can be used, for it recognizes that you are as apart from
C:7.5 realities of the world may claim your body and your time, but this  one piece of yourself that you have set aside you allow it not to
C:7.9 breeze will come, never again to leave you, as life breathes as  one.
C:7.12 what you hang onto becomes more than you can bear. Now you look for  one upon whom you can unload your burdens, hoping you can pass your
C:7.13 pieces, not knowing that you can prevent the loss entirely by being  one. What is joined cannot be parceled out and scattered, but must
C:7.15 can demand ransom of the world, for without them you would be the  one called upon to pay.
C:7.17 have, especially those that might make of this a trivial point or  one that is specific and not generalizable. All relationship exists
C:7.18 Broadening your view from the specific to the general is  one of the most difficult tasks of the curriculum. It is easy to see
C:7.18 on the other hand, is separated into right and left hemispheres.  One side has one function, one side another. While your brain and
C:7.18 hand, is separated into right and left hemispheres. One side has  one function, one side another. While your brain and your mind are
C:7.18 into right and left hemispheres. One side has one function,  one side another. While your brain and your mind are not the same,
C:7.21 most predominate in your society. Thus the truth is different in  one place than it is in another and it even appears to be in
C:7.21 even what is known to you is not known at all. You thus cling to the  one sure thing that permeates your existence: the knowledge that
C:8.3 is helpful to you and will aid you in seeing that you progress from  one step, or one level of learning, to another. This is more a
C:8.3 you and will aid you in seeing that you progress from one step, or  one level of learning, to another. This is more a process of
C:8.6 world, you strive for a balance that allows your heart to beat at  one steady pace, for one emotion to surface at a time, for feelings
C:8.6 for a balance that allows your heart to beat at one steady pace, for  one emotion to surface at a time, for feelings that you can control.
C:8.7 of these emotions—so many that they could not be counted even for  one day, even by those who claim to have them not. It is not your
C:8.16 We will go  one step further as well, for many of you are thinking still that it
C:8.20 body that you have long viewed as your home. There it goes again,  one more time, sleeping and waking. One more time fueling itself with
C:8.20 your home. There it goes again, one more time, sleeping and waking.  One more time fueling itself with energy. One more time expending
C:8.20 time, sleeping and waking. One more time fueling itself with energy.  One more time expending that energy. One more time growing weary. One
C:8.20 fueling itself with energy. One more time expending that energy.  One more time growing weary. One more day is greeted, and its
C:8.20 One more time expending that energy. One more time growing weary.  One more day is greeted, and its greeting lies upon your heart. Each
C:8.21 days that come to pass move many other bodies such as yours. Each  one is distinct—and there are so many! As you become an observer
C:8.21 with you occupies the world. Some days this will make you feel like  one of many, a tiny peon of little significance. On other days you
C:8.25 system of God sees everything in unity. God’s thought system is  one of continuous creation, rebirth and renewal. The ego’s thought
C:8.25 creation, rebirth and renewal. The ego’s thought system is  one of continuous destruction and disassembly, of decay and death.
C:8.25 and disassembly, of decay and death. And yet how like they are  one to the other!
C:8.26 by what you would have it be. Everyone can think of at least  one long remembered incident that when given to the light of truth
C:8.28 and setting, and yet can experience each day so differently that  one day you feel happy and one day you feel sad, one day you feel
C:8.28 experience each day so differently that one day you feel happy and  one day you feel sad, one day you feel hope and one day you feel
C:8.28 so differently that one day you feel happy and one day you feel sad,  one day you feel hope and one day you feel despair? How can it be
C:8.28 you feel happy and one day you feel sad, one day you feel hope and  one day you feel despair? How can it be that what was created so like
C:8.29 Your days are but evidence of this truth. What your eyes behold will  one day deceive you while what your heart beholds will the next day
C:8.29 heart beholds will the next day see through the deception. And so  one day lived in your world is misery incarnate and the next a thing
C:9.1 often to deceive you. It seems as fickle as your mind, telling you  one thing one day and one thing the next. Even more so than your mind
C:9.1 deceive you. It seems as fickle as your mind, telling you one thing  one day and one thing the next. Even more so than your mind it seems
C:9.1 It seems as fickle as your mind, telling you one thing one day and  one thing the next. Even more so than your mind it seems to lead you
C:9.14 or contempt. It is your language that gives emotion its place,  one step behind fear, in your battle to control or protect what you
C:9.15 Fear always lies  one step beneath the surface of a situation because it lies one step
C:9.15 lies one step beneath the surface of a situation because it lies  one step beneath the surface of your self. Peel back the first level
C:9.16 and is given many names, but there are really only two emotions:  one is fear, the other love. Fear is thus the source of all illusion,
C:9.17 How could  one separated off from all the rest not be fearful? It matters not at
C:9.17 not at all that all whom you observe seem to be separate as well. No  one really believes another to be as separate as he is. It always
C:9.19 It has been said often that cause and effect are  one in truth. The world you see is the effect of fear. Each one of
C:9.19 are one in truth. The world you see is the effect of fear. Each  one of you would have compassion for a child tormented by nightmares.
C:9.19 attempt to see it not. To live in fear is, indeed, a curse, and  one that you would try to tell yourself is not present in your life.
C:9.21 Think now of  one of those you have identified as living the life of fear you deny
C:9.21 of fear you deny yourself. And imagine that you could bring this  one in from that dark and dangerous place. She is cold, and you
C:9.21 is hungry and you prepare a feast for him fit to serve a king. This  one exists in the violence you would keep outside your doors, and
C:9.21 keep outside your doors, and from your inner sanctum you give this  one a respite from the war that rages beyond it. All of your behavior
C:9.23 in struggling against what you have for what you have not. Only  one example is needed to clarify the predicament in which you have
C:9.24 in this fashion, always hoping that the next replacement will be the  one that succeeds in bringing you what you desire, or you can choose
C:9.32 identify as your own self. How can the user and the object of use be  one and the same? This insanity makes the purpose of your life seem
C:9.32 the same? This insanity makes the purpose of your life seem to be  one of usefulness. The more your body can be of use to others and to
C:9.36 Your natural state is  one of union, and each joining that you do in holy relationship
C:9.38 can be achieved. You speak of balance, and try to find something for  one part of yourself in one place and something for another somewhere
C:9.38 of balance, and try to find something for one part of yourself in  one place and something for another somewhere else. This one fulfills
C:9.38 yourself in one place and something for another somewhere else. This  one fulfills your need for friendship and that one for intellectual
C:9.38 somewhere else. This one fulfills your need for friendship and that  one for intellectual stimulation. In one activity you express your
C:9.38 need for friendship and that one for intellectual stimulation. In  one activity you express your creativity and in another your
C:9.38 of yourself protects your assets. You fear “putting all your eggs in  one basket.” You seek to balance the things you label drudgery and
C:9.39 and this you know. But you know not what this valuable something is.  One thing alone is sure: When you have found it you will know that it
C:9.41 shocked, excited, or repelled. Here you watch the gladiators kill  one another for your amusement. Here is your notion of use displayed
C:9.42 portrayal of individual desire. Slaves and masters but use  one another and the same laws bind both. Who is master and who is
C:9.50 How different would the world be if you would but attempt for  one day to replace use with union! Before you can begin, however, we
C:10.1 pleasure, the body will bring you pain as well. You cannot choose  one without the other, because the choice is the same. The body is a
C:10.2 not in physical form. Joining is not the obliteration of  one thing to make another—joining makes each one whole, and in this
C:10.2 the obliteration of one thing to make another—joining makes each  one whole, and in this wholeness one with all. This union has never
C:10.2 make another—joining makes each one whole, and in this wholeness  one with all. This union has never really ceased to be, but as long
C:10.3 the truth, but completely consistent as a system. You cannot abandon  one tenet and retain another because by retaining part you retain
C:10.3 begin to change, until finally your heart takes over and makes the  one choice you are bound to make. Your heart—not to be confused
C:10.9 Self, as you gain more awareness of yourself as a “good” person and  one trying to be better still, you will begin to look for your
C:10.12 you are wrong, you will merely rot away after you have died and no  one will know how wrong you were! If you are wrong, at least you
C:10.13 right now, today. To believe in God without understanding God is  one thing. To believe in your union with your neighbor without
C:11.2 this separation based on the idea that what created you cannot be  one with you. Again this only points to your lack of recognition of
C:11.3 This is  one reason you do not like the idea that those who would instruct you
C:11.3 confident may quit before you begin in order to keep from failing  one more time. Even those who feel the power of these words within
C:11.4 Each  one of these risks I have sought to limit by limiting the exercises
C:11.6 to relinquish illusion’s hold on you. You can be faithful to but  one thought system. One is the thought system of the separated self
C:11.6 hold on you. You can be faithful to but one thought system.  One is the thought system of the separated self and is based on
C:11.8 this is what made the separation possible. You regard it as your  one protection from God, the one thing that allows you to be other
C:11.8 possible. You regard it as your one protection from God, the  one thing that allows you to be other than what God would have you
C:11.10 separated self. You think at times that this was God’s mistake, the  one weakness in His plan, and one that you would use. At other times
C:11.10 times that this was God’s mistake, the one weakness in His plan, and  one that you would use. At other times you think that this was but
C:11.11 not to God at all, for what you have chosen to use it for is the  one thing that it cannot provide—your separation from your Creator.
C:11.12 instead to do nothing at all with your free will but make this  one insane choice. Your willingness to make a new choice is what will
C:11.12 again make your free will like unto your Father’s will, which is  one with it in truth.
C:11.16 of angels, a fluttering your heart will feel, for angels too are  one with you. It may feel like loneliness compounded for the brief
C:12.5 looking for the safety and security of a loving home, even if it is  one only of philosophy. You look for the soft assurance of certainty,
C:12.8 this Course seems to ask for change at every level, and yet from  one change alone will all the others follow—and through no effort
C:12.8 follow—and through no effort on your part at all. And even this  one change is not a change at all, for it merely seeks to remove all
C:12.9 with your brother is what will show your Self to you. You have  one brother who wears but many faces in your perception of who he is,
C:12.9 he is, and while you know him not you cannot know your Self. This  one brother can unite you with all whom you perceive as others, for
C:12.9 unite you with all whom you perceive as others, for all others are  one with him as well as you. This is the one joining that needs to
C:12.9 others, for all others are one with him as well as you. This is the  one joining that needs to occur to bring about all the rest.
C:12.10 This is the  one disjoining that your choice for separation brought about, and it
C:12.10 point to get across, because in it lies a contradiction, the  one contradiction that has created the world you see and the life you
C:12.13 to be seen here God’s image was lost to earth forever? Could even  one have come and gone and left this void forever more unfilled? A
C:12.14 But  one was needed to end the separation, and in this one are all the
C:12.14 But one was needed to end the separation, and in this  one are all the rest joined. For what alone in all creation could be
C:12.14 creation could be affected by your free will but your own self? But  one was needed to, of his own free will, join his will with his
C:12.15 God’s son made the choice for separation. Whether God’s son had  one form or many at that time matters not, for one form or many,
C:12.15 Whether God’s son had one form or many at that time matters not, for  one form or many, there was still one mind, the mind of God’s son
C:12.15 many at that time matters not, for one form or many, there was still  one mind, the mind of God’s son joined in unity with that of his
C:12.15 been taught this mystery of faith. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are  One. If you had indeed learned what you were taught, the separation
C:12.17 that seems to arise out of nowhere can affect you. An idea, birthed  one day, does not seem to have been there the day before. Perhaps it
C:12.17 of the idea would not come to be. You may have a thousand ideas  one day and ten thousand the next, so many that you could never keep
C:12.18 and wonder how they got from here to there, and some may see that  one idea took root and changed what seemed to be a destiny already
C:12.19 vacation when brought to fruition might reshape the life of the  one participating in it, it would not change who that person was, or
C:13.1 feeling that which is not of your body. Our next exercise takes this  one step further, and is merely an extension of the first. In this
C:13.2 to include others in your observation, I ask you to concentrate on  one thing only. This is a simple exercise, and enjoyable too. It but
C:13.2 is a simple exercise, and enjoyable too. It but calls for you to ask  one thing: Ask yourself what you already know of the spirit of the
C:13.4 as, if you do not, you will soon be ascribing some attributes to  one spirit and not to another, just to differentiate between them.
C:13.5 with it. While the feeling of love that washes over you from  one may feel like courage, and from another like gentleness, and
C:13.12 memory will contain no hint of past misdeeds, errors or mistakes. No  one will have leveled any hurts on you or anyone else. No reason for
C:14.2 you have made an enemy of creation? Do you feel part of it and at  one with all within it? If not, you have made yourself creation’s
C:14.2 to be different from all the rest, and in this seeking proclaim that  one part of creation is better than another part. You thus seek to
C:14.3 yourself inferior, and you are always making for yourself a place at  one of these extremes. And all this effort and conflict arises simply
C:14.10 your own specialness. You look for constant verification that this  one you love loves you in return, and if this attention is not
C:14.10 be healed and reparations that cannot be paid. You thus hold the  one you love the most in the greatest bondage, and call that bondage
C:14.11 you. This can be a memory of any relationship, and each of you has  one. It can be of parent and child, of best friends, of a marriage or
C:14.11 mentor or student. Whatever the relationship’s configuration, it was  one that truly brought you joy. Within it you were happy and felt as
C:14.13 for love in this world, but something else entirely. For at least  one brief moment, this was true love, for nothing but love can be the
C:14.16 unique would be lost to the world? You are alone and irreplaceable:  one of a kind. Within you lie all that you would hope to contribute
C:14.19 and be lost to you. You wish that you could join with it and make it  one with you, but since you know not that this can be done or how to
C:14.19 what you attempt next is an exchange of sorts. Like two countries,  one rich in oil, another in grain, you set up dependencies that will
C:14.20 and say they trust in what they have and the faithfulness of the  one they love. Fewer than these are those who do not need to voice
C:14.20 cannot be foreseen but is always there: death may take their loved  one prematurely, and if not prematurely certainly eventually.
C:14.22 Loss of love comes from only  one source. Call it fear or call it separation but it is still the
C:14.22 state you ask that love make you special to someone else, and that  one special to you. You think this is what love is for, and so you
C:14.26 and therefore susceptible to loss. How can you lose what is  one with you? You cannot. You can only lose that which is separate.
C:14.27 you to your holy relationship with your brother, which is the only  one you have in truth. Only this relationship is real, and in it are
C:14.27 Only this relationship is real, and in it are included all others.  One does not discard or replace the other. What is real is
C:14.28 returns to you of who you are, and you are innocent and joyous and  one with love itself. That this memory does not last, and these
C:14.28 and replace. As we have said before, there are but two emotions.  One is love, the other fear. Fear, through your own choice, replaces
C:14.30 does your world. You who think, “What harm can come of loving this  one above all others?” think again. For you are choosing not to love
C:14.31 Let us ask instead how loving all as  one can bring harm? If you love all the same, what loss is there to
C:14.31 you love all the same, what loss is there to anyone, including the  one you would choose to make special? All that is lost is
C:15.5 necessary may mean few things, or many and different things for each  one. From this sphere of influence comes your notions of success,
C:15.5 what it means to treat others well. You would not be special to this  one if you did not look a certain way, and you would not be special
C:15.5 you did not look a certain way, and you would not be special to that  one if you did not earn a certain amount of money. You would not be
C:15.5 amount of money. You would not be special if you did not give this  one certain gifts and opportunities, nor would you fulfill your
C:15.5 nor would you fulfill your responsibility of making this  one special if you did not do so. To make one small change in this
C:15.5 of making this one special if you did not do so. To make  one small change in this culture is difficult to impossible, because
C:15.6 How many rest within this sphere of influence? Twenty, fifty,  one hundred? And how many times is this multiplied by each of them?
C:15.8 For now we come upon a linchpin in your plan for specialness—  one of great necessity to overcome if you are to reach the learning
C:15.11 lies your problem. For at the turning point you look back and see  one other you cannot betray, and one other whose special treatment of
C:15.11 turning point you look back and see one other you cannot betray, and  one other whose special treatment of yourself you cannot live without
C:15.12 and put an end to hell. But it also is not a difficult choice, nor  one that is in truth yours alone to make. This choice cannot be made
C:15.12 choice you join with him and with your Father. In this choice lies  one united will for glory that knows neither specialness nor
C:16.1 The glory that you felt from love only seemed to be available from  one and not from another. Love is not available from anyone in the
C:16.1 not available from anyone in the way you think it is. Love has but  one source! That this source lies within each of you does not make it
C:16.1 of you does not make it many sources, for the many of you have but  one source as well. This common source does not make any of you
C:16.5 you have singled out. For judgment is what is required to make  one special and another not.
C:16.13 danger lurks, and nowhere is safety to be found. Each separated  one is out for his or her own self, and if you do not watch out for
C:16.13 you cannot protect yourself and that you are not safe. There is only  one of you and so many of “them.” Never can you keep your guard up
C:16.16 has dared to defy his parents, the act of defiance fills the defiant  one with boldness. Something dangerous has been tried and has
C:16.19 of those you have defined as evil. You have thus made justice  one with vengeance, and in doing so have robbed justice of its
C:17.15 belief in sin and still held onto your belief in judgment, thinking  one is different from the other. They are not different, and while
C:18.2 I am among those whose hand you hold. All are linked, even if each  one is not holding the hand of every other one. If one link in the
C:18.2 are linked, even if each one is not holding the hand of every other  one. If one link in the chain were to be removed, the chain would no
C:18.2 even if each one is not holding the hand of every other one. If  one link in the chain were to be removed, the chain would no longer
C:18.8 trapped upon the screen, viewing everything from the two eyes of the  one projected there. Again, this is but what this Course’s exercises
C:18.12 of learning, or the “time” it takes for learning to pass from  one level to another through experience, for here learning is
C:18.14 you desired you experienced fully with your whole being, making it  one with you. That you keep yourself from desiring anything fully
C:18.16 then is the mind? The center is but the Source in which all exist as  one mind. To say this to you before we loosened some of your
C:18.16 about the supremacy of the mind, however, would have been folly. The  one mind is not as you have perceived your mind. The one mind is but
C:18.16 been folly. The one mind is not as you have perceived your mind. The  one mind is but a mind in which love rules, and mind and heart are
C:18.16 one mind is but a mind in which love rules, and mind and heart are  one. We will proceed by calling this wholeheartedness rather than
C:18.17 to union. This now must be seen in two dimensions rather than  one. In addition to dedicating thought to unity with the whole, you
C:18.24 Having no  one to receive and reject feelings of pain and replace them with
C:19.4 for this unification returns you to the Christ in you and the  one mind united with God which you have never left. Creation’s power
C:19.7 means, but only part. Fulfillment can be provided by each and every  one of your brothers and sisters, for in each is the Christ available
C:19.9 Each  one of your brothers and sisters is as holy as I and as beloved to
C:19.13 In order to do this there is still  one more layer to the unification of thought, and this brings up
C:19.17 of oneness is of a single form, a single entity. There is either  one chair or two. One table or four. Your emphasis has been on
C:19.17 of a single form, a single entity. There is either one chair or two.  One table or four. Your emphasis has been on quantity, and one is
C:19.17 or two. One table or four. Your emphasis has been on quantity, and  one is seen as less than any other number. Yet, on the other hand,
C:19.17 as less than any other number. Yet, on the other hand, when only  one of anything exists it is highly prized. God is thus “God” due, at
C:19.24 unite your mind and heart in wholeheartedness until you see clearly.  One purpose of the distinctions you have made between mind and heart
C:19.24 you have made between mind and heart are their ability to keep  one part of yourself blameless. Whatever happens, your divided notion
C:20.3 The beloved child suckled at the breast of the queen mother earth,  one child of one mother, nameless and beyond naming. No “I” resides
C:20.3 child suckled at the breast of the queen mother earth, one child of  one mother, nameless and beyond naming. No “I” resides here. You have
C:20.5 We are  one heart.
C:20.6 We are  one mind. One creative force gathering the atoms, establishing the
C:20.6 We are one mind.  One creative force gathering the atoms, establishing the order,
C:20.6 the cosmos, manifesting the light of the heart. Here we live as  one body, experiencing communion, the soul’s delight, rather than
C:20.7 arms cradle me as well, for an embrace, although it may begin with  one reaching out to another, concludes with mutuality, shared touch,
C:20.7 out to another, concludes with mutuality, shared touch, a melding of  one into another. The embrace makes one of two.
C:20.7 shared touch, a melding of one into another. The embrace makes  one of two.
C:20.15 of the world in harmony, existence with no beginning and no end.  One embrace. All in all. None lesser and none greater for all is all.
C:20.15 embrace. All in all. None lesser and none greater for all is all.  One is one.
C:20.15 All in all. None lesser and none greater for all is all. One is  one.
C:20.17 of your interaction with all that lives within you, sharing the  one heartbeat. The heartbeat of the world does not exist apart from
C:20.17 is not a thing, as you are not a thing. Your identity is shared and  one in Christ. A shared identity is a quality of oneness. A shared
C:20.17 A shared identity is a quality of oneness. A shared identity is  one identity. When you identify with Christ you identify with the one
C:20.17 is one identity. When you identify with Christ you identify with the  one identity. When you realize the oneness of your identity you will
C:20.17 identity. When you realize the oneness of your identity you will be  one with Christ. Christ is synonymous with oneness.
C:20.19 Have you never cried for the state of the world as you would for  one small child in need of love? Has the world then not lost its
C:20.21 of holy things, holy men and women, and even divine beings, even the  one God. Is not the embrace itself holy? Is not the sunrise and
C:20.34 because of fear, only because you have been out of accord with the  one heartbeat. The world, the universe, is your partner—and only
C:20.35 the embrace. You know you do the will of God because you are at  one with that will.
C:20.39 and depends on a belief in mutuality. All fear that what is good for  one may not be good for the whole is replaced by an understanding
C:20.39 not be good for the whole is replaced by an understanding that each  one is worthy of his or her desires. Eachness replaces thingness but
C:20.39 Eachness replaces thingness but not oneness. All fear that what  one gets means that less is available for another is replaced with an
C:20.39 and so there are no limits to anything that flows from love. What  one benefits from everyone benefits from.
C:20.40 nature of the gift by limiting its ability to be of service. A gift  one feels one cannot “use” is discarded. Thus have many of your
C:20.40 the gift by limiting its ability to be of service. A gift one feels  one cannot “use” is discarded. Thus have many of your treasures lain
C:20.48 dying who realize nothing matters but love. This realization is not  one of sentiment, regrets, or wishful thinking. It is the view from
C:20.48 or wishful thinking. It is the view from the embrace, the return to  one heartbeat, the return to what is known. This knowing you might
C:21.2 apart from particulars. I repeat that relationship exists between  one thing and another and that it is in the intersection of parts
C:21.3 eternity of the embrace. If the embrace is the source of all, the  one heartbeat, then it is eternity itself. It is the face of love,
C:21.3 can feel, you need no judgment to tell you the difference between  one thing and another. You thus can begin to quit relying on your
C:21.5 through like action. At such times two strangers who are foreign to  one another might recognize that the other’s “heart is in the right
C:21.6 all people. It is a language of images and concepts that touch the  one heart and serve the one mind.
C:21.6 of images and concepts that touch the one heart and serve the  one mind.
C:21.7 there are two ways of viewing a situation, even if you do not label  one way of viewing or perceiving being of the mind and the other of
C:21.7 this conflict-inducing situation. You accept that your mind sees  one truth and your heart another, and you act anyway! You act without
C:21.7 wanting to go until they are joined. You might imagine three paths—  one path representing mind, one path representing heart, and one path
C:21.7 joined. You might imagine three paths—one path representing mind,  one path representing heart, and one path representing
C:21.7 paths—one path representing mind, one path representing heart, and  one path representing wholeheartedness. The path of neither mind nor
C:21.8 you give meaning to all things, and that there is nothing and no  one external to you who can determine meaning for you.
C:21.9 has always been meant to symbolize the unity of those who know the  one truth.
C:21.10 Knowing the  one truth is not about knowing a certain dogma or a set of facts.
C:22.2 They will enhance our use of language so that our language becomes  one for both head and heart. We will begin by discussing the concept
C:22.2 While we have previously discussed relationship as not being  one thing or the other but a third something, we have not as yet
C:22.5 purpose, it provides an image of a straight line passing through not  one, but many layers of another substance.
C:22.9 object you have assigned meaning to. You have seen your purpose as  one of assigning meaning to that which intersects with you in a given
C:22.12 external forces are bombarding you. These forces must pass through  one or another of your five senses—which you might think of
C:22.12 to various compartments—or, continuing with the onion theme, to  one of the various layers of yourself. These layers protect your
C:22.19 personal, separated self is at the center of all such stories.  One quite literally cannot conceive of the story without the “I.” Yet
C:23.2 have loved another, the more you love and long to possess a loved  one, the more you realize that your loved one cannot be possessed.
C:23.2 long to possess a loved one, the more you realize that your loved  one cannot be possessed. While in a love relationship the greatest
C:23.4 love also shares a knowing through relationship. The loved  one may be on the other side of the country, separated by distance,
C:23.5 In both partnered and non-partnered love relationships, the  one you come to know, the only one who does not transcend total
C:23.5 non-partnered love relationships, the one you come to know, the only  one who does not transcend total knowing, is your Self.
C:23.20 Spirit is your more direct link with the  one Source. Spirit is directly from the Source, while form is a
C:23.24 by polarity. Unlearning allows you to purge old beliefs so that only  one set of beliefs is operative within you. This is the only route to
C:23.25 until unlearning is no longer needed. If you will remember that the  one exercise for your mind is dedicating all thought to union, you
C:25.7 is, in effect, the practice of allowing giving and receiving to be  one. It is, during the time of tenderness, a true practice that, like
C:25.8 Devotion is inclusive. It implies a subject and an object:  One who is devoted and one who is an object of devotion. While we are
C:25.8 It implies a subject and an object: One who is devoted and  one who is an object of devotion. While we are moving away from
C:25.8 relationships to the relationship of unity, the idea of  one who is devoted, and of those for whom devotion is practiced, is
C:25.8 oneness as completion, an understanding of giving and receiving as  one.
C:25.10 a state of grace, then all action will be in harmony. If you believe  one living thing is more important than any other, then all action
C:25.11 While  one special relationship continues, all special relationships
C:25.12 no lack, to believe in your state of grace. While you believe even  one person is against you, you are not in concert with God. While you
C:25.14 will then serve you and your brothers and sisters. Its service is  one of conquering fear and allowing love to reign.
C:25.17 a “prayerful” Self. All Selves are joined in wholeheartedness. The  one Self is solely involved in living love.
C:26.5 any longer by tales of woe or of fallen heroes. Your story is  one of glory. Your greatness can no longer be denied, unless you deny
C:26.8 because we are life. I say we because we cannot live love apart from  one another.
C:26.17 all that is required. If you could truly succeed at doing this for  one instant, you would experience all that is holy and be forever new.
C:26.19 It asks only that you be open and allow giving and receiving as  one to take place. It asks only that you be unoccupied with the old
C:26.20 is not the same as any other. No matter how filled with wisdom  one person’s answer may be, it is not yours.
C:26.22 a masterpiece. An idea is irrevocably linked with its source and  one with its source. There was no God separate from you to have this
C:26.24 story. Where will this chapter lead? What will the end be like? Was  one event a mistake and another a blessing in disguise? You seek to
C:26.26 being present as all you are. When this occurs you are All in All,  One in being with your Father.
C:27.1 compatible with the human nature you ascribe to yourself. In this  one error do all errors lie. For what quest can be fulfilled when the
C:27.3 love, is in relationship. Thus, your purpose here, rather than being  one of finding meaning, is one of coming to know through
C:27.3 your purpose here, rather than being one of finding meaning, is  one of coming to know through relationship. It is in coming to know
C:27.5 for a period of time. Seeing the self as important seems at  one time like a function of the ego, and at another as a function of
C:27.7 between the human and the divine. Life is not a matter of  one living thing versus another, but of the relationship between all
C:27.21 from living a life of love is unwillingness to do so. There is only  one remaining source of such unwillingness. Your willingness will now
C:28.13 When  one thinks, “There is so much to say,” one forgets to listen. Be
C:28.13 When one thinks, “There is so much to say,”  one forgets to listen. Be guided in your going out. Be restrained in
C:28.13 who are sent to you and to how you are guided to respond to them.  One will be a teacher, another a student. The difference will be
C:29.3 is no mystery to this, as the idea of service in your society is  one of enforced duty, as exemplified by your military service. You
C:29.7 My return to unity accomplished this goal for all, for all are  one in me and one in unity. This is why you have no need to concern
C:29.7 to unity accomplished this goal for all, for all are one in me and  one in unity. This is why you have no need to concern yourself with
C:29.8 While this goal may at first appear to be  one of selfish intent and individual gain, it is not. A return to
C:29.9 here is the means of opening the gate to your approach. No  one has closed this gate to you, but you by your own hand pulled it
C:29.12 or creation. This is not a readily understandable concept, but  one that is necessary for you to have faith in. It is essential to
C:29.15 and to meet needs. This circular nature of the universe leaves no  one unattended. Yet you realize this not.
C:30.2 How can  one be distracted from oneself? And yet you are. Many go through life
C:30.14 unity are God’s laws and are simple indeed: giving and receiving are  one. And thus giving and receiving as one is the only way in which
C:30.14 giving and receiving are one. And thus giving and receiving as  one is the only way in which God’s laws are fulfilled. Since God’s
C:30.14 universe, they cannot go unfulfilled. Giving and receiving are thus  one in truth. God’s laws are generalizable and do not change, and
C:31.1 There is only  one Mind, just as there is only one Will. This you are afraid of, as
C:31.1 There is only one Mind, just as there is only  one Will. This you are afraid of, as you believe this statement
C:31.2 The idea of sharing  one heart, one heartbeat, one love, is not so unacceptable to you as
C:31.2 The idea of sharing one heart,  one heartbeat, one love, is not so unacceptable to you as the idea of
C:31.2 The idea of sharing one heart, one heartbeat,  one love, is not so unacceptable to you as the idea of sharing one
C:31.2 one love, is not so unacceptable to you as the idea of sharing  one mind. Your thoughts, you feel, are your own, private and
C:31.8 The rest of your world imitates truth as well. You live on  one world, one planet, one Earth. You may live on different
C:31.8 The rest of your world imitates truth as well. You live on one world,  one planet, one Earth. You may live on different continents,
C:31.8 world imitates truth as well. You live on one world, one planet,  one Earth. You may live on different continents, different countries,
C:31.8 different countries, various cities, but all of you rely on the  one Earth as part of a sameness and interdependence you accept. You
C:31.9 All over the world people of good faith fight to save even  one life. Each life is irreplaceable and no one argues this point,
C:31.9 faith fight to save even one life. Each life is irreplaceable and no  one argues this point, yet you allow yourself to resist the whole
C:31.9 to resist the whole idea of God because you believe that what is  one cannot also be many.
C:31.14 the basic truth of your existence: that giving and receiving are  one in truth. Put another way, all this says is that in order to be
C:31.15 to distinguish who you think you are from who you truly are. On the  one hand, you think that you are your past, your shame, your guilt;
C:31.25 or lie. Thus were born ideas of being able to keep truth a secret,  one of the most ridiculous ideas of the ego thought system.
C:31.27 This altar is not a thing, but a devotion to the  one truth, the whole truth. Being of one mind is being of one truth,
C:31.27 a thing, but a devotion to the one truth, the whole truth. Being of  one mind is being of one truth, and how can you be of anything less?
C:31.27 to the one truth, the whole truth. Being of one mind is being of  one truth, and how can you be of anything less? Only the ego sprang
C:31.28 knowing not what you seek, what you find varies. Since there is only  one truth, finding a variety of answers means nothing. If you but
C:31.31 be different? Thus it can be said that the truth and the mind are  one in truth. The truth is what is. What is not the truth is
C:31.33 this work? This is but another aspect of giving and receiving being  one in truth. Giving and receiving are both taking place, both at the
C:31.34 This aspect of giving and receiving as  one is called relationship. It allows you to experience who you are
C:31.36 them or both. Since you live in a world of such extreme uncertainty,  one of your highest requirements of those you have relationships with
C:31.37  One relationship in which this is not the case is the relationship of
C:32.1 It can truly be said that all of life is your teacher. There is not  one aspect of it that is not designed to help you to remember who you
C:32.2 same difference of which we speak when we assure you that you are of  one Mind and one Heart, and that regardless of this truth you will
C:32.2 of which we speak when we assure you that you are of one Mind and  one Heart, and that regardless of this truth you will not, in coming
C:32.2 the oneness of creation. It is in the different relationship of  one aspect of creation with all the rest that the difference you so
C:32.6 has occurred, for what miracles are needed when mind and heart are  one and you have returned to the embrace? This is the miracle to end
T1:1.1 not learn for a split mind is incapable of giving and receiving as  one. A split mind does not rest for it can find no peace. A state of
T1:1.1 peace. A state of peace is a prerequisite of giving and receiving as  one. Any state other than that of peace is conflicted by the desire
T1:1.1 not what this is, is the source of conflict and of all seeking. No  one seeks for what they already know how to find or for what they
T1:1.7 Now, in order to complete your return, mind and heart must work as  one.
T1:2.11 be summarized by the simple statement of giving and receiving being  one in truth. The implications of this statement are far broader than
T1:2.13 or the pounding of your own heart. It might be a shared experience,  one in which you share the feeling of awe inspired by this sight with
T1:2.13 in which you share the feeling of awe inspired by this sight with  one you love. It might be seen as you walk or drive, rake leaves or
T1:2.21 To experience what is and to acknowledge what is,  one must be present, present as human being. To experience what is
T1:3.3 as rewards. The ego-mind barters rather than giving and receiving as  one, believing in a return only for effort. Because it sees only
T1:3.5 love? All your reasons for fear-based living have been discounted  one by one. And yet you dare not try to live without it. Why? Because
T1:3.5 All your reasons for fear-based living have been discounted one by  one. And yet you dare not try to live without it. Why? Because of the
T1:3.11 being able to perform is greater. You think of this as a test and  one you can pass or fail. And what’s more, not only would your
T1:3.12 the urgency of the need to leave fear behind. Can you not, from this  one example of your fear of miracles, see the glaring reality of all
T1:3.15 Although asking you to choose a miracle would seem to violate  one of the rules of miracle-readiness as described in A Course in
T1:3.23 many more fears might prevail upon you, we will consider only  one further fear, the fear of making the wrong choice in your choice
T1:3.23 This is the same as a fear of scarcity. For surely the working of  one miracle would be a fluke anyway. Proof of nothing and easily
T1:3.23 easily discounted and explained away. Surely to believe that where  one miracle worked another might be possible would be to have ideas
T1:3.23 be. Indeed this would require the auspices of a saintly soul and not  one such as you.
T1:4.3 to learn together. They are the state of giving and receiving as  one. They are the state in which blessings flow. They are your
T1:4.13 and thus genuine. It is a natural act of giving and receiving as  one. Responsibility is a demanded response, a necessary response, an
T1:4.24 communication from a Self you have known not, the Self that is  one with the Creator.
T1:5.2 at carefully now and with all the power of the art of thought.  One aspect of this fear has to do with the human experience, the
T1:5.9 have freed your self, that you will look back and see how easy this  one choice really is.
T1:6.5 Self. But this is not the concept of prayer of which we speak nor  one that can reasonably be called a way of life or likened to the art
T1:6.7 to relate to anything else at all. Without memory, what you learned  one day would be gone the next. A person you met one day you would
T1:6.7 what you learned one day would be gone the next. A person you met  one day you would not know the next. Thus memory allows relationship.
T1:6.8 umbrella of a new way of thought? The different personalities become  one, the different paths become one path, the future experiences
T1:6.8 The different personalities become one, the different paths become  one path, the future experiences become one. And in this oneness is
T1:6.8 the different paths become one path, the future experiences become  one. And in this oneness is peace everlasting.
T1:7.2 relation to fear. This belief exists in the in-between, where on the  one hand there is darkness, and on the other hand there is light. One
T1:7.2 one hand there is darkness, and on the other hand there is light.  One or the other must exist at a given time, but never both. Thus the
T1:7.2 of truth illusion. This belief does not accept that there is only  one reality and that it must exist where you are.
T1:8.2 you have known this not. For the resurrection and life are now  one and the same.
T1:8.3 of this change of enormous proportions. The very nature of change is  one of slow realization. Change occurs all around you every day
T1:8.3 versions of the truth have been accepted previously, there is only  one truth. There was only one truth at the time the event or change
T1:8.3 been accepted previously, there is only one truth. There was only  one truth at the time the event or change took place, and there is
T1:8.3 truth at the time the event or change took place, and there is only  one truth in time or eternity regardless of the variety of
T1:8.4 I have come to you now to reveal the  one truth that has existed for the past two thousand years without
T1:8.7 Now, how could  one man’s resurrection be the way or even a way. How can resurrection
T1:8.8 proof has been offered to you now in the form of miracles. How could  one rise from the dead and others not follow?
T1:8.16 visual pattern that aides your understanding of the invisible. It is  one more demonstration of the union that returns you to your natural
T1:8.16 of the union that returns you to your natural state. It is  one more demonstration of cause and effect being one in truth. It is
T1:8.16 state. It is one more demonstration of cause and effect being  one in truth. It is one more demonstration of what needs to occur
T1:8.16 one more demonstration of cause and effect being one in truth. It is  one more demonstration of what needs to occur now, in this time, in
T1:9.4 You are used to creating in outward ways.  One of the few exceptions to this outward creation is the act of
T1:9.6 be a giver and a receiver. You knew that giving and receiving makes  one in truth. This is your recreation of this universal truth. You
T1:9.8 In order for the Self to be birthed, giving and receiving must be  one in truth. Yet it seems there must be one to give and one to
T1:9.8 and receiving must be one in truth. Yet it seems there must be  one to give and one to receive. You have long waited to receive what
T1:9.8 must be one in truth. Yet it seems there must be one to give and  one to receive. You have long waited to receive what you have thought
T1:9.8 are but evidence of this as you seek from religion an intercessor,  one to facilitate for you this receiving or communion. Only through
T1:9.8 through the Christ within you does this giving and receiving become  one in truth.
T1:9.14 hurt or angry. Your response may then have been either an emotional  one or an intellectual one. The point here is that the one that is
T1:9.14 may then have been either an emotional one or an intellectual  one. The point here is that the one that is most comfortable and that
T1:9.14 an emotional one or an intellectual one. The point here is that the  one that is most comfortable and that is likely your first reaction,
T1:9.15  One first reaction might be to puff oneself up with pride, bolster
T1:9.15 other in the situation or event. Another’s first reaction might be  one of self-pity, of making oneself or another feel guilty, or of
T1:9.15 a feeling position. Turning away from the intellectual position to  one of feeling will most readily and quickly solve the first. The
T1:10.9 you would not be who you are now without experiences such as this  one. You will think that I cannot possibly be asking you to give up
T1:10.15 Go in peace to love and serve with all your heart. Thus are we  one heart, one mind, one unity. Thus are we one in a relationship of
T1:10.15 peace to love and serve with all your heart. Thus are we one heart,  one mind, one unity. Thus are we one in a relationship of love and
T1:10.15 love and serve with all your heart. Thus are we one heart, one mind,  one unity. Thus are we one in a relationship of love and peace that
T1:10.15 your heart. Thus are we one heart, one mind, one unity. Thus are we  one in a relationship of love and peace that is our eternal home.
T2:1.2 Treasure is most often seen in  one of two ways—as something valuable to be sought and found or as
T2:1.3 of physical treasure except to say that the feelings that cause  one to think that any physical thing is capable of being a treasure
T2:1.10 the separation. Unity is not a place or a thing but the realm of the  one heart and one mind; the realm of the formless and timeless. But
T2:1.10 Unity is not a place or a thing but the realm of the one heart and  one mind; the realm of the formless and timeless. But also the realm
T2:1.13 Ego desires cause  one to think of a grand piano. Thoughts joined in unity hear music.
T2:1.13 grand piano. Thoughts joined in unity hear music. Ego desires cause  one to think of an elaborately framed painting. Thoughts joined in
T2:1.14 change in thinking that needs to occur. It is an elementary step and  one easily accomplished with but a bit of willingness. This change in
T2:2.3 is in their blood, in the very nature of who they are. That being  one with the land is essential to them.
T2:2.5 What overriding kindness calls  one to take care of another’s body, to be a healer?
T2:2.6 How does  one explain a joy that is like no other and that comes from the
T2:3.1 than your life here. You created your life here in union with the  one mind and one heart, in union, in other words, with God.
T2:3.1 life here. You created your life here in union with the one mind and  one heart, in union, in other words, with God. Everything you have
T2:3.2 and it is the place where being resides. It is the place or realm of  one heart and one mind. It is the place where everything already
T2:3.2 place where being resides. It is the place or realm of one heart and  one mind. It is the place where everything already exists fully
T2:4.1 well as life before birth and life during your time here. It is all  one because it is all from the same Source.
T2:4.8 to the idea of calling with two sets of feelings and thoughts.  One set of thoughts and feelings contain all that one might attribute
T2:4.8 and thoughts. One set of thoughts and feelings contain all that  one might attribute to the glad acceptance of a gift of high value,
T2:4.8 acceptance of a gift of high value, or in other words, a treasure.  One set of thoughts and feelings contain all that one might attribute
T2:4.8 words, a treasure. One set of thoughts and feelings contain all that  one might attribute to the somewhat onerous onset of yet another
T2:4.8 onerous onset of yet another responsibility, another obligation.  One set of thoughts recognizes that something has been given. The
T2:4.8 that something has been asked. The wholehearted response is  one that recognizes that giving and receiving are the same in truth.
T2:4.12 to do. This is not about the past and all those things that at  one time or another you thought would bring you fulfillment. This is
T2:4.17 This process too is union for it is giving and receiving as  one although you recognize it not as such. It is not a process of
T2:4.17 you recognize it not as such. It is not a process of waiting until  one thing is accomplished for another to begin. What is happening now
T2:4.19 your heart has now become your eyes and ears. Your heart hears only  one call, one voice, the language of one Source—that of unity.
T2:4.19 has now become your eyes and ears. Your heart hears only one call,  one voice, the language of one Source—that of unity.
T2:4.19 and ears. Your heart hears only one call, one voice, the language of  one Source—that of unity.
T2:5.1 you listen to your heart, you hear and are able to respond to the  one call, this does not mean that this one call has but one request
T2:5.1 are able to respond to the one call, this does not mean that this  one call has but one request to make of you, as in a call to be a
T2:5.1 to the one call, this does not mean that this one call has but  one request to make of you, as in a call to be a minister, nor that
T2:5.1 of you, as in a call to be a minister, nor that it will come in but  one form, as in a call to action. We have talked heretofore about a
T2:5.7 you have fully integrated the truth that giving and receiving are  one, you will not fully believe that needs are not lacks. Until you
T2:5.7 you have fully integrated the truth that giving and receiving are  one, you will not realize that dependency is a matter of the
T2:5.7 be calls that assist you in integrating this learning and making it  one with who you are. These lessons will bring who you are into focus
T2:7.1 meaning specifically in contrast to your desire to be independent.  One of your greatest fears is thus of a condition that causes you to
T2:7.3 The alternative is believing in giving and receiving as  one.
T2:7.4 within this Course. In order to believe in giving and receiving as  one, you must believe in relationship rather than in others.
T2:7.6 listen to your ego you will not understand giving and receiving as  one and will not believe in it.
T2:7.7 you, you will be tempted to believe that giving and receiving as  one is not taking place. Your previous pattern of behavior will be
T2:7.11 and remain who you are. This relates to giving and receiving being  one in truth in a very concrete way. For to go out into the world
T2:7.13 accept your dependence. You will not accept giving and receiving as  one if you feel able only to give or as if “others” have nothing you
T2:7.14 in an unhealthy way, is that you believe in giving and receiving as  one. You believe, in other words, that your needs will be provided
T2:7.14 includes all “others” is to believe in giving and receiving being  one in truth.
T2:7.16 or state of being that you have heretofore seen as being an active  one. Your attitude toward trust is one of waiting, as if an active
T2:7.16 seen as being an active one. Your attitude toward trust is  one of waiting, as if an active stance toward trust would be
T2:7.19 the only means the Self you are now has of giving and receiving as  one. This is the only means available to you to replace the old
T2:7.20 The recognition that giving and receiving occur as  one is a precondition for your recognition of the state of unity. As
T2:7.20 the acceptance of the belief that giving and receiving are  one in truth changes the function of time as you know it. There is
T2:7.21 through experience. As you experience giving and receiving being  one in truth, your belief will become true conviction. Your ability
T2:7.21 true conviction. Your ability to recognize giving and receiving as  one becomes simply an aspect of your identity and accepted as the
T2:8.2 As was said within A Course of Love, the  one you come to know through relationship is your Self. This is the
T2:8.3 you are, but will aid all others. This is giving and receiving as  one. What you gain will take nothing from anyone. What another is
T2:8.5 A new type of acceptance is required here,  one not previously asked or expected of you. This is an acceptance
T2:9.2 These tools are all means of releasing ego mind and inviting the  one mind, or unity into the present moment. When seen as such, all
T2:9.2 ignite the combination of learning and unlearning, the letting-go of  one so that the other can arrive.
T2:9.4 there has been a loss such as with the loss of a job or loved  one or even of the promise of some service. When you think in such a
T2:9.7 to be done in order to survive is hardly the same as feeling that  one has a need. Needs are the domain of the thinking being only.
T2:9.7 seem to have more needs than others is a fallacy of perception. Not  one has more needs than another.
T2:10.1 a learner both. This is how the exchange of giving and receiving as  one occurs. This exchange IS unity.
T2:10.7 does every person of every variety and level of experience. Yet no  one can know more of the truth than another, and no one can know less.
T2:10.7 Yet no one can know more of the truth than another, and no  one can know less.
T2:10.13 brothers and sisters. You achieve this state only by listening to  one voice, or, in other words, by ending the separated state which is
T2:10.13 state or the ego, is the beginning of your ability to hear only  one voice, the voice we all share in unity.
T2:10.18 has been denied to you. You often feel a sense of loss and rarely  one of gain. Unless life goes the way you have intended for it to go,
T2:11.4 expression, there is no service the ego can do you. The ego is the  one untruth, given many names and many faces and the only thing given
T2:11.4 the truth, or with God. Remember now and always that you and God are  one and that what you invite to do battle with God you but battle
T2:11.13 condition is relationship and relationship is what keeps you forever  one with your Creator.
T2:11.14 identity the name of ego. Here, we are asking you to choose the  one real relationship and to vanquish the one unreal relationship.
T2:11.14 asking you to choose the one real relationship and to vanquish the  one unreal relationship.
T2:12.4 They are the ultimate acceptance of giving and receiving being  one in truth.
T2:12.6 the learning goal in relation to the miracle is the same—it is  one of going beyond belief in the miracle to simply knowing. Knowing
T2:12.9 As we spoke within A Course of Love of relationship being not  one thing or another but a third something, this is what we speak of
T2:12.11 It is acceptance of what occurs with the joining of many factors,  one no more important than another. While the Christ in you has been
T2:12.13 Let the beliefs we have set forth become  one with you so that they enable you to live and express and act as
T2:13.3 and cries and shares with friends in a world now different than the  one you once perceived. I know of this world and I am here to guide
T2:13.4 that I was different than you and you will realize that we are truly  one in being with our Father. As you move into the world with the end
T2:13.5 all of our brothers and sisters to their return to unity. We call to  one another in gratitude. This is the attitude of the wholehearted,
T3:1.7 feeling unsure of the part you are now to play. There is not  one of you who has not begun to experience the transformation that
T3:1.11 to be. The personal self of the past was a self of roles, each  one as learned as that which an actor might portray. You saw nothing
T3:1.11 portray. You saw nothing more amiss in being a professional self in  one instance and a social self in another, a parent in one role and a
T3:1.11 self in one instance and a social self in another, a parent in  one role and a friend in another, than you did in defining a past
T3:2.5 you chose to separate from God out of defiance and a desire to be  one with God no longer. This could not be further from the truth and
T3:2.6 the truth for it leaves untruth, or the ego, behind. It is only this  one, unaltered Self that is the truth of who you are and who your
T3:2.9 of the truth simply have no meaning and no matter how much  one might try to read meaning into the meaningless, it will not be
T3:2.11 given here and that this reason, while perfectly believable, is not  one that includes a need to abandon your Self or God. Why should you
T3:4.6 we have done. We have taken away the foundation of illusion, the  one error that became the basis of all that came after it. You cannot
T3:4.6 after it. You cannot make another error such as this for it is the  one error. Does it not make sense that the only error possible is
T3:4.7 Treatise is to prevent the replacement of illusion with illusion, or  one ego-self with another. The training of this Course, while gentle
T3:4.7 military training, as great as any emotional trauma that has left  one in a state of emptiness. This is, in effect, the state in which
T3:4.8 Course of Love has accomplished. Now the choice is before you to do  one of two things: to proceed toward love or fear. If you proceed
T3:5.7 greatest sacrifice of all. The point of the story, however, was not  one of sacrifice but one of gift giving. The greatest gift of all was
T3:5.7 all. The point of the story, however, was not one of sacrifice but  one of gift giving. The greatest gift of all was given, the gift of
T3:5.7 of the ego-self and to allow the personal self to live on as the  one true Self, the one true son of God. The gift of redemption was
T3:5.7 and to allow the personal self to live on as the one true Self, the  one true son of God. The gift of redemption was given once and for
T3:6.2 the reign of God and the meaning of life and death. But this is  one of the key ideas that will keep you from yourself and has much to
T3:6.3 to ideas related to comparison as well, as lack of reward in  one instance and reward given in another, is the cause of much of the
T3:6.5 hearts of some, but even being that it is just another word, it is  one chosen to introduce an idea of such fallacy that it rivals only
T3:6.5 is to your heart what the ego has been to your mind. It is the  one false idea that has entered this holiest of places, this abode of
T3:7.7 dawned on those who looked, that treasures were to be found there.  One found art and another religion, one found poetry and another
T3:7.7 were to be found there. One found art and another religion,  one found poetry and another music, one seized upon a single thought
T3:7.7 found art and another religion, one found poetry and another music,  one seized upon a single thought and through its extrapolation
T3:7.7 seized upon a single thought and through its extrapolation founded  one science or another. In all of the excitement the matter of the
T3:8.4 self. Whether you believe the personal self is comprised of the  one identity you now hold or the identity of many past lives, the
T3:8.8 Remaining attached to bitterness is a reflection of the belief that  one person, and surely not you, can make a difference. If you could
T3:8.8 the world but only your own self. How difficult to imagine that this  one change could bring about all the changes you would imagine that
T3:9.4 of truth contains everything within its benevolent embrace. No  one stands beyond the embrace of love and you will be glad to see
T3:9.5 your own to those going on inside, thinking that with the force of  one more, maybe the walls will finally come tumbling down and those
T3:10.7 the ways in which you have formerly reacted to every situation. Not  one situation coming to you now will be a repeat of the past. How can
T3:10.13 constantly running through your mind and you would be translating  one into the other. But eventually, if this situation went on for
T3:11.10 To realize the difference between truth and illusion is not to call  one right and the other wrong but to simply recognize what they are.
T3:11.12 of the power of choice that exists within is all that differentiates  one from the other.
T3:13.10 called to do. You may even begin by something as simple as choosing  one thing a day that you will change to reflect the fact that you
T3:13.13 Ideas can certainly be birthed without the need for action, but  one of the factors that distinguishes an idea from a belief is a
T3:14.1 of the ego was based on fear. In this time of translation from  one thought system to the other, the most subtle and yet significant
T3:15.3 occur outside of relationship. The idea of special relationship is  one that hampers new beginnings. Special relations of all types are
T3:15.5 that they will discourage a repeat of the old behavior. The loved  one of an alcoholic can similarly approach each day with faith even
T3:15.10 with all within the House of Truth. This relationship makes the Self  one with all and so brings the holiness of the Self to all.
T3:15.15 You are accomplished. Giving and receiving are  one in truth. There is no loss but only gain within the laws of love.
T3:16.9 Giving and receiving are  one in truth.
T3:16.10 By saying that giving and receiving are  one in truth it is being said that you are lacking only in what you
T3:16.16 but that only seem to have the ability to build upon each other. Let  one part go and soon all the remaining parts will crumble into the
T3:16.17 Accept  one “part” or tenet of the truth and see the reverse take place. See
T3:17.2 relationship between the observer and the observed, the effect that  one cannot help but have upon the other. Science still has a long way
T3:17.8 and the truth, must end in order for the truth to become the  one reality.
T3:18.3 of a separate self. Observance is linked to cause and effect being  one. What is observed is in relationship with the observer and this
T3:19.4 of the ego or the bitterness of the heart. As cause and effect are  one, there is no effect to be seen in physical form without a
T3:19.8 There is only  one distinction that need be made: what comes of love and what comes
T3:19.9 desires. It is a thought system of unity. It is a thought system of  one thought, one goal. That goal is the original thought that began
T3:19.9 is a thought system of unity. It is a thought system of one thought,  one goal. That goal is the original thought that began the experience
T3:19.13 universe than it once did because of the difference between  one reality and the other, a difference that couldn’t be seen until
T3:19.16 While this would seem to leave some without hope, it will leave no  one without choice. It will make the one clear and only choice
T3:19.16 without hope, it will leave no one without choice. It will make the  one clear and only choice evident. It is a choice to live in truth or
T3:20.3 stray to benefiting and affecting others. In unity, all others are  one with you and thus what you strive for in effectiveness is your
T3:20.6 as anything but “bad.” You cannot feel anything but “sorry” for the  one suffering. Yet you are always drawn, despite these feelings of
T3:20.6 chide yourself not to deny the facts, and you begin, along with the  one whom you observe, the long walk toward death’s door. All of these
T3:20.7 that would ease suffering, and you might pray that God spare this  one from a future seemingly already written, and think that is more
T3:20.13 by those who have birthed the idea that cause and effect are  one in truth.
T3:20.18 released from a burden never meant to rest upon you even if it is  one you might have freely chosen. Your task is to create the new
T3:20.19 or illusion and nothing else for there is nothing else. There is but  one call for all circumstances, the call to love from love, the call
T3:21.3 There are no two sides to the truth. There is not more than  one truth. There is one truth.
T3:21.3 two sides to the truth. There is not more than one truth. There is  one truth.
T3:21.8 This certainty is antithetical to you. You think that to believe in  one truth is to deny other truths. There is only one truth. Untruth
T3:21.8 that to believe in one truth is to deny other truths. There is only  one truth. Untruth must now be denied.
T3:21.9 a set of information. These facts are subject to change and mean  one thing to one person and one thing to another. Illusion is
T3:21.9 information. These facts are subject to change and mean one thing to  one person and one thing to another. Illusion is symbolic. And what’s
T3:21.9 facts are subject to change and mean one thing to one person and  one thing to another. Illusion is symbolic. And what’s more it
T3:21.20 there are even two aspects to this contradictory seeming answer.  One is that your certainty regarding the identity of your personal
T3:21.22 Muslim to a Christian. It will not matter if a young person looks to  one his or her own age or turns to someone older. And yet it will
T3:21.23 is the starting point and as can be surely understood, where  one is willing another may not be.
T3:21.24 lead the way for others to follow. Do not give in to the idea that  one special one is needed nor give to any one a role you would not
T3:21.24 for others to follow. Do not give in to the idea that one special  one is needed nor give to any one a role you would not claim for
T3:21.24 give in to the idea that one special one is needed nor give to any  one a role you would not claim for yourself. No leaders and no
T3:21.24 are needed. This is quite obviously an old way of thinking. While no  one is called to evangelize, all are called equally to represent the
T3:22.2 and it would not be known to you. So even while I have said that no  one is called to leadership and while I have surely meant this and do
T3:22.2 of you will find that you do no more than mention this Course as the  one, or only one of the teachings that has led you to the truth.
T3:22.2 that you do no more than mention this Course as the one, or only  one of the teachings that has led you to the truth.
T3:22.4 two precepts of this course of learning into your new reality.  One is the often-repeated injunction to resign as your own teacher.
T3:22.6 Receiving is not an inactive state, nor  one familiar to most of you. While you cannot “work” at being
T3:22.7 not confined to receiving, but a state of giving and receiving as  one. Observation, as I am speaking of it and teaching it, makes you
T3:22.7 one. Observation, as I am speaking of it and teaching it, makes you  one with what you observe. Being one with what you observe causes you
T3:22.7 of it and teaching it, makes you one with what you observe. Being  one with what you observe causes you to know the proper response. It
T3:22.11 observe about your new Self you will observe about all. We will be  one body, one Self. No comparison will be possible. You will realize
T3:22.11 about your new Self you will observe about all. We will be one body,  one Self. No comparison will be possible. You will realize that
T3:22.14 of God because it is your true desire, your will and God’s joined as  one.
T3:22.17 Observe the personal self with  one last act of love and devotion, and in so doing transform the
T4:1.1 will not be about. It will not be predictive. It will leave no  one out. It will not appeal to fear nor give you cause for fear. It
T4:1.6 many other words would do, and when the concept of being chosen is  one laden with so many false ideas about exclusivity? I am using this
T4:1.7 might easily choose not to learn. The nature of life, however, is  one of learning, and if they do not learn what is taught in school,
T4:1.10 Means is what is being spoken of here. But all means are for  one end. All will learn the same content, for all are chosen; and all
T4:1.14 adaptive process of man. Surely this would seem a likely answer and  one to assuage your guilt and uncertainty, your fear of believing in
T4:1.14 have been different since then. If Jesus Christ were the chosen  one, his life would have changed the world. If the Israelites were
T4:1.19 nature of learning and of sharing in relationship. Means and end are  one. Cause and effect are the same. It is these indirect means of
T4:1.20 contrast—provided contrast through dissent. The good in which  one believed became the evil that another fought and in the contrast
T4:1.21 This is the way of learning in relationship. Means and end are  one. Cause and effect are the same.
T4:2.11 is but a way of calling all others to know what they can achieve.  One may desire to best a sporting record and another to follow the
T4:2.11 record and another to follow the first man into space and the  one who desires to best a sporting record may feel no desire to
T4:2.11 to follow the first man into space and vice versa, and yet, what  one achieves but opens the door for others and this is known to you.
T4:2.14 into a new time without believing that you are special. This is  one of the many reasons we have worked to dispel your ideas of
T4:2.14 the many reasons we have worked to dispel your ideas of specialness.  One of the best means for us to clarify the lack of specialness
T4:2.21 it and bid it true. Each day is a creation and holy too. Not  one day is meant to be lived within a struggle with what it brings.
T4:2.27 of the mind created its own separate world. Cause and effect are  one. The perceived state of separation created the perceived state of
T4:2.29 or bad, but only need be steadily aware that you can only see in  one of two ways—with love or fear.
T4:2.32 exist in relationship and union with all, and that each encounter is  one of union and relationship, and purpose—purpose that will be
T4:3.8 arise. With the onset of the vision of love, many of you will make  one final judgment in which you find everything to be good and full
T4:3.13 That the nature of form can change. That the nature of matter is  one of change. That the nature, even of form, once returned to its
T4:3.13 nature, even of form, once returned to its natural state of love, is  one of unity and everlasting life.
T4:4.1 of life-everlasting, there is everlasting life. Means and end are  one, cause and effect the same.
T4:4.2 The pattern of life-everlasting is  one of changing form. It is one that is revealed on Earth by birth
T4:4.2 The pattern of life-everlasting is one of changing form. It is  one that is revealed on Earth by birth and death, decay and renewal,
T4:4.3 between old generations and new seems necessary and even crucial.  One generation must pass to make room for the new.
T4:4.5 This is  one of the reasons that I came in the form of the “son of God.” In
T4:4.6 revealed the power of inheritance, the power of the Father, as  one of life-giving union. I called you then and I call you now to
T4:4.18 To sustain Christ-consciousness in form is creation of the new. My  one example life could not sustain Christ-consciousness for those who
T4:5.3 The many forms are made  one body through Christ-consciousness. The one body is one energy
T4:5.3 The many forms are made one body through Christ-consciousness. The  one body is one energy given many expressions in form. The same
T4:5.3 are made one body through Christ-consciousness. The one body is  one energy given many expressions in form. The same life-force
T4:5.3 that exists in matter in the form of this energy. Awareness of this  one Source of energy, and thus this one energy existing in
T4:5.3 this energy. Awareness of this one Source of energy, and thus this  one energy existing in everything, and creating the life in
T4:5.4 In order for your body to live, this  one Energy had to enter your form and exist where you think you are.
T4:5.4 Energy exists within you as it exists in all else that lives. It is  one Energy endlessly able to materialize in an inexhaustible variety
T4:5.4 able to materialize in an inexhaustible variety of forms. It is thus  one Energy endlessly able to dematerialize and rematerialize in an
T4:5.7 Just as your finger is but  one part of your body, without being separate from your body, or
T4:5.12 Because you have now made a new choice, a collective choice as  one body, one consciousness, to end the time of the intermediary and
T4:5.12 you have now made a new choice, a collective choice as one body,  one consciousness, to end the time of the intermediary and to begin
T4:5.12 the end of that life to know God. Your vision of the afterlife was  one in which God revealed Himself to you and, in that revelation,
T4:6.3 worlds can create a scenario in which it appears that some live on  one world and some on another. But I say to you that any scenario
T4:6.3 to you that any scenario that separates my brothers and sisters from  one another and the one life-giving energy that unites us all will
T4:6.3 that separates my brothers and sisters from one another and the  one life-giving energy that unites us all will but continue life as
T4:6.3 of unity is the binding realization that will return all, as  one body, to the natural state of Christ-consciousness.
T4:6.5 It is a vision of unity and relationship in harmony. It excludes no  one and no one’s choice and no one’s vision. Your brothers and
T4:6.5 are forever encompassed by the embrace. There is no wrong choice. No  one is excluded. All are chosen.
T4:6.7 for creation. In each moment, what is, while still existing in the  one truth of God’s law of love, can find many expressions. You can
T4:7.5 speaking of is abiding in your natural state. Your natural state is  one free of fear and judgment. This is all that makes up the
T4:7.6 even while the manner of this perfection of your health will remain  one of many options.
T4:7.8 due to the learning that has already occurred, the choice will be  one guided by love and thus be a joyous choice and ensure a joyous
T4:8.2 that you did not. I am saying that a choice was made within the  one mind, the one heart, and that this was your choice as well as
T4:8.2 did not. I am saying that a choice was made within the one mind, the  one heart, and that this was your choice as well as God’s choice. It
T4:8.2 heart, and that this was your choice as well as God’s choice. It was  one choice made in unity. It was the choice of all for life
T4:8.7 to you and chosen by you as it was by God, because you and God are  one.
T4:8.14 remains static and unchanging! How could this possibly be said of  one whose name and identity is synonymous with creation? You like to
T4:8.15 Does  one know love in one burst of knowing and never know more of love?
T4:8.15 Does one know love in  one burst of knowing and never know more of love? Does one grasp
T4:8.15 know love in one burst of knowing and never know more of love? Does  one grasp beauty and thereafter remain ever unstirred by it? Is not
T4:8.16 and pride that at least you know all there is to know about this  one thing. This was the ego’s answer to being a learning being—
T4:8.16 your purpose here. To learn everything there is to know about even  one subject, and to call that learning complete, is an error. If you
T4:8.16 this definition you will see that even in regards to the learning of  one subject it is not the truth. The only instance in which this is
T4:8.17 through constant revelation of what is. True learning has had only  one purpose—the purpose of returning you to awareness of your true
T4:10.8 outcome that had to do with other than the Self. Means and end are  one, cause and effect the same. Thus this applied learning produced
T4:10.9 but have an outcome that had to do with your Self. Means and end are  one, cause and effect the same. Thus this accomplished learning
T4:12.3 already in existence. They are beginning to see that they learn as  one. They are beginning to see that their questions are the same.
T4:12.12 This example arose from  one of those already gathered who was questioning the state of
T4:12.12 was that he saw the dawning of his contentment as the sign that  one period of learning was over and that it was time to move on to
T4:12.21 the optimal benefit of learning. These patterns were created by the  one mind and heart that you share in unity with God. The new patterns
T4:12.21 creating unity and relationship are only now being created by the  one mind and heart that you share in unity with God. You will be the
T4:12.22 innate consciousness, a consciousness far too vast to be learned but  one easily shared by all.
T4:12.24 a shared consciousness. The pattern of a shared consciousness is  one of sharing in unity and relationship. There is no pattern within
T4:12.28 to the time of learning does not continue. Thus the new pattern is  one of creation in relationship and unity rather than learning. What
T4:12.30 in unity and be communicated through our continuing dialogues with  one another.
T4:12.31 This is a prelude to but  one form of these dialogues. Sharing in unity is automatic. It is the
T4:12.35 It is up to us dear brothers and sisters. It is up to us acting as  one body, one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as one body,
T4:12.35 to us dear brothers and sisters. It is up to us acting as one body,  one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as one body, one mind,
T4:12.35 brothers and sisters. It is up to us acting as one body, one mind,  one heart. It is up to us creating as one body, one mind, one heart.
T4:12.35 acting as one body, one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as  one body, one mind, one heart. Because it is the new future of a new
T4:12.35 one body, one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as one body,  one mind, one heart. Because it is the new future of a new form
T4:12.35 one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as one body, one mind,  one heart. Because it is the new future of a new form joined in unity
D:1.12 This thought makes you worry about the identity of the  one you have called yourself. This has been the purpose of many
D:1.12 the release of the old and the acceptance of the new. This occurs in  one form or another in the sacraments you have known as Baptism,
D:1.13 Open your heart, for the  one who dwells there in union with all will emerge from this opening.
D:1.13 and Cause of unity. Be no longer causeless. You and your Source are  one.
D:1.14 To live as who I Am within the world To make cause and effect as  one, and Union with the Source of love and all creation the reality.
D:1.15 are for everyone because we exist in unity with everyone. No  one will be forced to join our conversation. Only those listening
D:1.20 Is a piece of music not received by you even when you may be  one of thousands or millions who hear it? Does it matter who is first
D:1.20 many, for you and the many who join you in receiving these words are  one.
D:1.23 for you would realize that your Self is all there is. We are  one body, one Christ. We are one Self.
D:1.23 you would realize that your Self is all there is. We are one body,  one Christ. We are one Self.
D:1.23 that your Self is all there is. We are one body, one Christ. We are  one Self.
D:1.25 We are  one body.
D:1.27 received in the love and unity in which we truly exist together, as  one body, one Christ, one Self.
D:1.27 in the love and unity in which we truly exist together, as one body,  one Christ, one Self.
D:1.27 and unity in which we truly exist together, as one body, one Christ,  one Self.
D:2.2 the action of denial—it can thus be seen that they are, in truth,  one and the same action, just as means and end, cause and effect are
D:2.2 one and the same action, just as means and end, cause and effect are  one. You are asked to accept or receive the truth of who you are and
D:2.6 In the example used here, an example that illustrates only  one aspect of the learner’s life, an inability to claim the new
D:2.11 will find that you believe that each and every pattern will work in  one instance and not in another and that you make this judgment based
D:2.11 that allowed the learner to achieve a successful grade or outcome in  one instance would tend to be seen as a “successful pattern,” and
D:3.2 have heard as often as you have grown still and listened. It is the  one beautiful note, the tolling of the bell of the Lord, your
D:3.6 and so these conditions of learning are no longer necessary. Thus  one of your first acts of acceptance is the acceptance of the end of
D:3.8 Let us talk again for a moment of the idea of giving and receiving as  one that was introduced within A Course of Love and taught quite
D:3.11 That giving and receiving are  one in truth is best understood by taking away the idea of one who
D:3.11 are one in truth is best understood by taking away the idea of  one who gives and one who receives. If all are one, such ideas make
D:3.11 is best understood by taking away the idea of one who gives and  one who receives. If all are one, such ideas make no sense. This
D:3.11 away the idea of one who gives and one who receives. If all are  one, such ideas make no sense. This would seem to make the idea of
D:3.11 sense. This would seem to make the idea of giving and receiving as  one senseless as well. In a way, this is true. Giving and receiving
D:3.11 senseless as well. In a way, this is true. Giving and receiving as  one is senseless in terms related to a shared consciousness. Giving
D:3.11 in terms related to a shared consciousness. Giving and receiving as  one is not senseless, however, when that shared consciousness is
D:3.12 ideas, that exists apart from form. Giving and receiving are thus  one within the shared consciousness of unity, which is the same as
D:3.12 of unity, which is the same as saying giving and receiving are  one in truth. A shared consciousness is the truth of who you are. The
D:3.12 personal self, however, requires that this giving and receiving as  one be shared in form. Yet the elevated form, which now represents
D:3.12 separate from the shared consciousness. Thus giving and receiving as  one is now the nature of the elevated Self of form, and what we work
D:3.14 Giving and receiving as  one has become one in form as well as one in idea. What this means,
D:3.14 Giving and receiving as one has become  one in form as well as one in idea. What this means, simply stated
D:3.14 Giving and receiving as one has become one in form as well as  one in idea. What this means, simply stated once again, is that
D:3.14 which giving and receiving is not occurring. Giving and receiving as  one thus simply describes the nature of the new, the nature of shared
D:3.15 dialogue is continuous and ongoing. It is giving and receiving as  one. It is merely represented by the words on this page and the words
D:3.18 The body, however, is also newly the Self. The body is also, newly,  one body, one Christ.
D:3.18 however, is also newly the Self. The body is also, newly, one body,  one Christ.
D:3.19 just as I was once newly birthed even though my Self was eternal.  One of the major things we will be seeing as we proceed is the
D:3.20 the life of many different trees, the trees are all still of  one life-giving and life-supporting system. Can this be said of any
D:3.21 you are already aware of the truth of giving and receiving being  one. This awareness exists within you and you cannot any longer claim
D:3.23 is! The entire universe, the All of All, giving and receiving as  one. This is our power. And our power is needed for the creation of
D:4.1 is for you to be the new. As you are new, so too is God, for you are  one, if not the same. As you are new, so too is the world, for you
D:4.1 if not the same. As you are new, so too is the world, for you are  one, if not the same. As you are new, so are your brothers and
D:4.1 As you are new, so are your brothers and sisters, for they, too, are  one, if not the same.
D:4.2 now called to see no more. In unity you are whole and inseparable,  one living organism now raised above the level of the organism as you
D:4.4 see not what it means to be neither different nor the same but to be  one.
D:4.12 the differences in what you see, think, and feel, there is but  one external divine pattern that created the observable world, and
D:4.12 external divine pattern that created the observable world, and only  one internal divine pattern that created the internal world. The
D:4.14 products of the separated self. The idea of giving and receiving as  one might be thought of as a divinely inspired system of thought. In
D:4.14 as a divinely inspired system of thought. In such a way of thinking,  one would take the internal thought pattern, enhance it with the
D:4.14 according to the system of thought of giving and receiving being  one. Systems of thought are thus the foundation upon which how you
D:4.15 systems of thought were part of the divine pattern. Contrast is  one such system. As a learning being, you accepted that you learned
D:4.16 systems of thought were not part of the divine pattern. The ego is  one such system. It may seem peculiar to think of the ego as a
D:4.16 given an identity you but falsely believed to be yourself. From this  one externalized thought pattern came most of your false ideas, ideas
D:4.24 the new pattern and to the thought system of giving and receiving as  one. Let the authority of the new be given and received. Become the
D:4.28 What is  one, or in union with all, draws from the well of divine design. You
D:4.30 sisters behind. Invite them too. For those who are imprisoned are  one with you, and need but your release to find their own.
D:4.31 be who you are, and your commitment to the Covenant of the New, are  one and the same, these reasons will disappear. All the different
D:4.31 All the different reasons you would cite become what they are—  one reason, the same reason—and you will see that what is one is
D:4.31 are—one reason, the same reason—and you will see that what is  one is neither the same nor different. You will see that there is one
D:4.31 is one is neither the same nor different. You will see that there is  one answer, an answer different for everyone and yet the same for
D:5.5 Let me provide you with an example that illustrates how  one aspect of what was created in the pattern of learning, while not
D:6.2  One of the methods employed by your teacher within the text of your
D:6.6 things you have made you have not made from nothing. There is not  one thing that you have made that does not exist as some variation of
D:6.12 and cooperation. This is a harmony and cooperation that might  one day extend to the sun and a demonstration that the sun need not
D:6.17 ruled, and the “new” as a world in which giving and receiving are  one, you will begin to see the enormity of the thought reversal that
D:6.21 what ridding your mind of ideas of placing blame does, is take it  one step away from the thinking of the “if this, then that” thought
D:6.24 We have talked of but  one replacement for the pattern of learning—the pattern of
D:6.26 You are whole once again and your form will merely represent  one aspect of your wholeness in the field of time.
D:7.5 of time. In this state, no duality exists. Doing and being are  one.
D:7.6 “Right” action comes from the unity in which doing and being are  one, or in other words from the state in which there is no division
D:7.8 in a particular time and place, but this is simply the nature of  one aspect of what you are. The nature of form is that it exists as
D:7.8 and is perceptible to the senses. You have previously seen this  one aspect of form as separating it from mind, heart, and spirit—
D:7.14 love from the particular to the universal by loving all. We are  one body, one Christ.
D:7.14 from the particular to the universal by loving all. We are one body,  one Christ.
D:7.18 exists in union or the state of Christ-consciousness. By becoming  one body, one Christ, you have accepted existence as a non-particular
D:7.18 in union or the state of Christ-consciousness. By becoming one body,  one Christ, you have accepted existence as a non-particular being in
D:7.19 this seems like a time-bound statement, it is not. It is merely  one way of stating that creation is ongoing rather than static. That
D:7.26 outside of time asks you to do is to see the body as but this  one, small, aspect of what you are. In observing both yourself and
D:7.28 call your own with business travel or vacations, and have more than  one locale that feels like home; or you may never travel far from the
D:8.4 are “more” than your body, your natural talent or ability has been  one of the primary factors leading to this realization. It has been
D:8.4 one of the primary factors leading to this realization. It has been  one of the primary factors leading to this realization because a part
D:9.4 But you have thought about this desire to know who you are in  one way or another all of your life without reaching the place of
D:9.4 of learning, the pattern, even of your wholeheartedness, remains  one of thought. This pattern is what the new patterns of acceptance
D:10.6 is given is to not complete the cycle of giving and receiving as  one. What is given must be received. What is received must be given.
D:11.2 consider this Dialogue the written notes of my thoughts. In this  one example can you not see the fallacy inherent in all the others?
D:11.2 you think that differentiates you from me, not our content, which is  one and the same.
D:12.13  One of the primary ideas that will assist you in leaving patterns of
D:12.19 you, just as the All of Everything, the whole of wholeness, the  one of oneness, include you. We are, in unity, one body. We are, in
D:12.19 of wholeness, the one of oneness, include you. We are, in unity,  one body. We are, in Christ consciousness, one Christ. We are, in
D:12.19 you. We are, in unity, one body. We are, in Christ consciousness,  one Christ. We are, in wholeheartedness, one heart and one mind.
D:12.19 in Christ consciousness, one Christ. We are, in wholeheartedness,  one heart and one mind.
D:12.19 one Christ. We are, in wholeheartedness, one heart and  one mind.
D:13.8 of individuality, with separate thoughts, and with the idea that no  one will ever be able to truly know you. But join with others who are
D:13.9 that you could not learn on your own, you are now being told by  one who knows that you also do not come to the knowing of the state
D:13.12 becomes effortless and joyful and effective. Cause and effect become  one. Means and end the same.
D:14.6  One of the major benefits of questions such as these is that they can
D:14.16 being present as all you are. When this occurs you are All in All,  One in being with your Father.
D:15.6 single unifying principle of wholeness: Movement, being, expression.  One did not occur before the other, as they are not separate. There
D:15.6 there was being? This is the way the mind looks at principles,  one coming after the other and building upon each other. This is not
D:15.11 is eternal life, not temporal life. There are no degrees of life.  One form is not more alive than another. All that lives contains the
D:15.15 You have all been sailors here, animated by the wind of spirit and at  one time sailing—flying along with the wind at your back—and at
D:15.19 to do so. This is, as with all maintenance, a temporary measure, but  one you desire to have discussed, just as we discussed parameters to
D:16.2 already exist in unity. Creation occurs in each of us, seemingly  one at a time. Creation is our coming into our true identity, and is
D:16.5 as you and God become synonymous through Creation. Means and end are  one. Cause and effect the same. Creation is means and end as God is
D:16.11 And yet giving and receiving are  one in truth. All of the principles of creation are in accord with
D:17.1 occurs in time and space rather than in truth. It is never about  one. It is not about replacement. It comes in a never ending series
D:17.7 of their own accord. You feel the power of giving and receiving as  one, for this is what this gesture symbolizes, a great and steady
D:17.7 symbolizes, a great and steady flow of giving and receiving as  one, an unbroken chain of giving and receiving as one. You offer up
D:17.7 and receiving as one, an unbroken chain of giving and receiving as  one. You offer up your glory and call it down from heaven, both at
D:17.19 is to feel awe, which, it has been stated, is due nothing and no  one but God. To move beyond desire to reverence is to move into the
D:Day1.4 requirements are prerequisites for many states you value. To marry  one man you must choose to leave others behind. This is required.
D:Day1.4 many ways, have many male friends, teachers, guides. It means that  one is chosen as a mate to the exclusion of others chosen as a mate.
D:Day1.11 discovering the power of healing. Some think this power comes from  one source and some from another. You may think that, as long as the
D:Day1.11 be the practitioner a faith healer or a medical doctor. You may make  one exclusive choice to attend to your needs of healing, or you may
D:Day1.13 the way it is. It is not about being right or being wrong, about  one being more and others less. This is simply the way to sameness of
D:Day1.15 love. You all are equally beloved. That you give your devotion to  one religious tradition or another matters not. That you accept that
D:Day1.17 these words and grown closer to your Self. This is because we are  One. To know me is to know your Self.
D:Day1.18 that this creation story is occurring in each and every  one of us. Let me move forward and speak a moment of Adam and Eve and
D:Day1.25 the wholeness of the story’s end. As a story is seen to move from  one element to another in an unbroken chain of events, so too is the
D:Day1.27 is the same. You are living my story as I lived yours. They are  one story.
D:Day1.28 we share. The Bible and all holy texts can be seen clearly now as  one creation story. One story of one beginning. One story with many
D:Day1.28 and all holy texts can be seen clearly now as one creation story.  One story of one beginning. One story with many promises made.
D:Day1.28 texts can be seen clearly now as one creation story. One story of  one beginning. One story with many promises made. Promises of
D:Day1.28 seen clearly now as one creation story. One story of one beginning.  One story with many promises made. Promises of inheritance and
D:Day2.1 the Self of unity. It is time for the final merging of the two into  one Self, the elevated Self of form.
D:Day2.15 This unconditional acceptance is necessary. I will give you  one final example in order to make our discussion as clear as
D:Day2.21 not stress the time of childhood as it is a time commonly held to be  one of innocence. The accounts of my maturity generally begin with
D:Day3.1 is undergoing this final surrender, there are stages through which  one moves. The first is denial, the second is anger. We have already
D:Day3.4 than you did new ideas about love, not realizing that they were  one and the same.
D:Day3.6 There is  one area that is greeted with even more anger and more resistance in
D:Day3.8 in feeling more loved and possibly even assist you in finding some  one to love. You may believe that this spirituality can help mend a
D:Day3.11 order to earn, learned in order to advance yourself in the world in  one way or another. Since money or abundance is not a “given” for
D:Day3.14 As far as you have come, these ideas are still with most of you to  one degree or another. Even though you know these are false ideas,
D:Day3.14 a difference, especially in terms of monetary abundance. This is  one of those situations in which you know and have no idea what to do
D:Day3.17 of money when it is seen as a “given.” It is seen as a “given” in  one case only: In the case of inheritance, in the case of those
D:Day3.22 work, simpler pleasures, and yet you still see your new state as  one that does not touch upon this aspect of “reality.” The better
D:Day3.23 because it was the reality of the learning life. Even if you are  one of those others consider lucky, one of those who always has “just
D:Day3.23 learning life. Even if you are one of those others consider lucky,  one of those who always has “just enough,” little do others know that
D:Day3.28 end of learning. The condition of want was a learning device—not  one of divine design, but one of the thought system of the ego. It
D:Day3.28 of want was a learning device—not one of divine design, but  one of the thought system of the ego. It was a trick to keep you
D:Day3.34 fall away. I know you expect a flowery answer, and surely not  one that will be a “one, two, three steps to abundance” answer; but I
D:Day3.34 answer; but I will try to address you in an in-between tone,  one that will not cause you to feel spoken down to or incite your
D:Day3.34 will not cause you to feel spoken down to or incite your hostility.  One that will not only be truthful, but as practical as you need it
D:Day3.45 Anger could be likened to an argument, a debate, in which you are on  one side and determined to be the one who is right, the one whose
D:Day3.45 a debate, in which you are on one side and determined to be the  one who is right, the one whose side will win. What you hope to win,
D:Day3.45 you are on one side and determined to be the one who is right, the  one whose side will win. What you hope to win, in this insane
D:Day3.52 each stage is experienced and felt. This experience has only  one combined value, one combined purpose, the purpose of the final
D:Day3.52 experienced and felt. This experience has only one combined value,  one combined purpose, the purpose of the final letting-go, the final
D:Day3.59 this is a matter of all or nothing. You cannot accept part of  one reality and part of another. You cannot accept, for instance, the
D:Day4.2 in debate. To engage in debate is but a strategy for proving  one side right and one side wrong. We must begin with the realization
D:Day4.2 To engage in debate is but a strategy for proving one side right and  one side wrong. We must begin with the realization that we are on the
D:Day4.2 arguments we will be having will be meant to show you this: That on  one side are the temptations of the human experience, which is just
D:Day4.18 with this throughout the centuries has been a tendency to challenge  one world-view only to replace it with another of no greater truth or
D:Day4.21 This feeling of being misled is another cause of your anger—  one of the primary causes, in truth. Not only has all that you have
D:Day4.33 serve the natural. Some might “go into” the breathing and become  one with it. Others might become the observer and in so doing remove
D:Day4.35 was symbolic of a place from which God was almost touchable. As if  one could raise ones arms and touch God, stretch just a little more
D:Day4.41 of the elevated Self of form? Why is this suddenly a choice between  one or the other? It is the first choice of the new temptations, the
D:Day4.43 lack that you would pray for? Surely this you can do, for I deny no  one the journey to the mountain top, not once or many times. But this
D:Day4.45 you have made in a lifetime of endless choices. There is only  one requirement for this choice: Wholehearted desire. Wholehearted
D:Day4.48 Your desire and your access are  one and the same. If you desire this transformation wholeheartedly,
D:Day4.50 which you arrive at acceptance, nor to focus on acceptance of  one thing over another. You are not to label good or bad. Just to
D:Day4.56 This is the choice that allows us to continue our dialogue as  one. To talk heart to heart. To have the kind of discourse that can
D:Day4.60 Our forward movement must be achieved, however. But  one is needed to begin this movement. Followers will naturally
D:Day5.6 Love never changes. It thus is the same for each of us. Yet not  one of us expresses love in exactly the same way as another. This is
D:Day5.11 There would seem to be  one major difference between unity and love and that difference would
D:Day5.12 will seem, at first, a quite individual accomplishment, something  one may have and another may not. While this remains the case, you
D:Day5.13 give. You thus have long known the truth of giving and receiving as  one within your own heart. You might think of access in the same way
D:Day5.14 Like love, unity has  one source and many expressions. It will be in your unique expression
D:Day5.16 unity by a laying on of hands. Similarly, you might say healing is  one of the ways the healer expresses love. In truth healing and love
D:Day5.17 you that the sameness of union is not about becoming clones or  one specific type of idealized holy person. Union is being fully who
D:Day5.23 they were not eager to share, only that the means of sharing was not  one of teaching or learning.
D:Day6.4 together. We have further spoken of your point of access to unity as  one of convergence, intersection, and pass-through. Can you see the
D:Day6.7 At  one time the creation of a piece of music is only an idea in the mind
D:Day6.9 expression of the artist’s idea, however, will it and the artist be  one.
D:Day6.12 the relationship of creation in which created and creator become  one.
D:Day6.13 Now, in returning to  one of the main themes of this chapter—the simple truth that you
D:Day6.23 Even learning is accelerated by hands-on activities, by doing what  one has previously only learned.
D:Day6.28 create the difficulty so many of you are currently experiencing in  one way or another. Your desire is where it belongs—here—in the
D:Day7.5 of learning that you accepted during the time of learning was not  one of support but one of effort. You must accept, now, that the
D:Day7.5 you accepted during the time of learning was not one of support but  one of effort. You must accept, now, that the pattern of learning is
D:Day7.8 you are moving from a place of maintenance of these conditions to  one of sustainability of these conditions. They do not come about
D:Day8.19 temptations that were spoken of earlier. This temptation stems from  one thing only—from not living in the present. Distancing, or
D:Day9.4 your choice, your permission, that will make it so. The only  one who can stop you now is yourself. The only permission you ever
D:Day9.6 Freedom is nothing other than freedom of expression. No  one can block the freedom of what your mind would think or heart
D:Day9.13 as being for. While other learning goals may have receded, this  one seems a learning goal worthy of your effort. It seems to be a
D:Day9.16 The idea of your “potential” was a useful learning tool and  one that served the purposes of the Holy Spirit as well as those of
D:Day9.22 or herself separate. They realize not that they are the same as the  one they idolize, but realize only that they are different. In
D:Day9.23 You are the “same” or “as” accomplished as every enlightened  one who has ever existed. Without realizing this, however, your
D:Day9.32 which you did so in the past. In the past you moved quickly from  one learning challenge to another. You have just completed a
D:Day10.28 Do you not at times shake your head and think that a dead loved  one was lucky not to have lived to see the current state of affairs
D:Day10.31 are powerless but because you do not know your power. If there is  one thing associated with my life more so than any other, it was
D:Day10.33 not to ideals of social activism, to causes, or to championing any  one side over another. Turn not to your thoughts but to your feelings
D:Day10.33 and go where they lead. And everywhere they lead you, remember  one thing only. Remember to embrace your power. The power of love is
D:Day10.36 world and those who live upon it have been pursued separately from  one another and from God—until recently. Now unity is being sought
D:Day11.1 We are  one Self. How else could we be capable of receiving what we give? How
D:Day11.2 Because we are  one heart, one mind, one Self, we can only know our selves through
D:Day11.2 Because we are one heart,  one mind, one Self, we can only know our selves through sharing in
D:Day11.2 Because we are one heart, one mind,  one Self, we can only know our selves through sharing in unity and
D:Day11.2 the truth of the union of form and spirit, separate selves and the  One Self.
D:Day11.3 elevation of the self of form is nothing but the recognition of the  One Self within the Self.
D:Day11.4 The  One Self exists within the many in order to know Its Self through
D:Day11.5 you might want to bring to the world are brought about in only  one way: The way of sharing in union and relationship. It is only in
D:Day11.5 the means of separate relationships joining in union that the  One Self is capable of being either the observer or the observed.
D:Day12.3 is this merging of the Self with the unconditional love of the  One Self. The One Self loves Its Self. There is nothing else to love.
D:Day12.3 merging of the Self with the unconditional love of the One Self. The  One Self loves Its Self. There is nothing else to love. The One Self
D:Day12.3 The One Self loves Its Self. There is nothing else to love. The  One Self is the All.
D:Day12.4 The space of the  One Self is everything. Space is neither divided nor separated nor
D:Day12.8 no obstacles for it knows no uncaring. It knows only love for the  One Self. It feels the obstacle but does not know it. The feeling
D:Day12.8 calls upon it. The obstacle is thus enfolded in the space, becoming  one with it. The perceiver knows not of the enfolding but feels no
D:Day12.8 The solidity of the perceiver is, in this manner, deflected from the  One Self, becoming not an obstacle. The open space of the perceiver
D:Day12.9 obstacle of non-human form is easily enfolded in the space of the  One Self and can be moved or passed through.
D:Day13.1 Once the  One Self became form and knew Its Self, it knew separate thought. The
D:Day13.1 Its Self, it knew separate thought. The separate thoughts of the  one self, rather than the form of the one self, allowed for the
D:Day13.1 The separate thoughts of the one self, rather than the form of the  one self, allowed for the knowing of the self that created the many
D:Day13.1 since the beginning of time now know themselves as the many and the  one, the individual and the collective. This is the knowing in
D:Day13.2 The “one” self of form is the self you were born into. The  one self of form comes to know the One Self through relationship with
D:Day13.2 the self you were born into. The one self of form comes to know the  One Self through relationship with other selves experiencing oneness
D:Day13.3 of form but to integrate it so that you are both the many and the  one. The oneness that your individual self represents in this life is
D:Day13.3 individual self represents in this life is the oneness of the Holy  One who is both one—somewhat in the way you think of the individual
D:Day13.3 represents in this life is the oneness of the Holy One who is both  one—somewhat in the way you think of the individual self—and All.
D:Day13.4 The love that is found in the relationships of the  one Self with the many is the love of God. There is no other love.
D:Day13.6 form is transparent. Through this transparency, the reality of the  One Self being also the many, or the all, is apparent. The
D:Day13.6 of form, the awesome majesty of nature, all are visible within the  One Self because of the invisibility of the one boundary-less Self of
D:Day13.6 are visible within the One Self because of the invisibility of the  one boundary-less Self of form. All of creation is present and
D:Day14.1 all that is realized with the acceptance of the spacious Self, the  One Self, and the many, that full acceptance is actually achieved and
D:Day14.3 ejects or forgets because all feelings are accepted as those of the  One Self.
D:Day14.4 of others within the spacious Self, by not forgetting that the  one and the many are the same, by willfully remembering that the
D:Day14.4 are accepted as one’s own and held within the spaciousness of the  One Self, the whole Self.
D:Day14.6 is within your power. Your power is the power of the many and the  one that exist in wholeness within the spacious Self.
D:Day14.7 the “holding pattern” that you entered into with them was  one of willful forgetting and escape. They were “shelved” like museum
D:Day14.12 unknown and as such a means of coming to know. These words are only  one means, which is why this is called a dialogue. Realize now that
D:Day14.12 which is why this is called a dialogue. Realize now that this is but  one voice of the many. You have entered into the dialogue with the
D:Day14.12 You have entered into the dialogue with the many as well as the  one. This dialogue is going on all around you. Have you been
D:Day14.12 dialogue is going on all around you. Have you been listening to but  one voice? Or have you begun to hear the one voice in the many?
D:Day14.12 you been listening to but one voice? Or have you begun to hear the  one voice in the many?
D:Day14.13 own this dialogue—own it as you own the power that is yours. This  one voice of the many will continue to point the way for only a short
D:Day14.13 longer. Thus the voice of the many must be heard as the voice of the  one. You are not on this mountain top alone! Can you not hear your
D:Day14.14 Entering the dialogue is the means of sustaining the  one voice within the many, the means of sharing your access to unity,
D:Day15.1 entered the dialogue. When you fully accept that the voice of the  one can be heard in the voice of the many you will have entered the
D:Day15.10 form have practiced and that has never been practiced by many at  one time. It is a major shift because it is not neutral but creative.
D:Day15.11 who join you on the mountain top is necessary to this next step.  One reason is that it allows a starting point for your practice.
D:Day15.11 this power cannot be misused, to have access to this power in  one instance and not another as you move in and out of the state of
D:Day15.15 You are here to make  one another known and in so doing to know oneness. It will be less
D:Day15.16 process. “Group think” does not replace the consciousness of the  One Self with the “one group self.” This is not a time of being
D:Day15.16 not a time of being judged or of adopting the beliefs of others but  one of finally conquering judgment with neutrality or acceptance.
D:Day15.25  One of the practical aspects has just been discussed—that of
D:Day15.25 It is important to be able to hold the spacious consciousness of the  One Self and also to be able to focus—to not exclude while also
D:Day17.5 the strength of their connection to Christ-consciousness. While no  one has more access to Christ-consciousness than another, some
D:Day17.9 revealed the choices available to those who would follow after them.  One way, that of Jesus, was the way of acceptance, teaching by
D:Day18.2  One way is active. One way is receptive. Yet the ways are not
D:Day18.2 One way is active.  One way is receptive. Yet the ways are not separate any more than
D:Day18.4 These example lives are evidenced through the individuation of the  One Self among the many. In other words, to choose to be an example
D:Day18.4 many will be called to so that sameness is seen in difference, the  one is seen in the many, and the many seen in the one. It is a way of
D:Day18.4 in difference, the one is seen in the many, and the many seen in the  one. It is a way of service through action. It is a way of joy and
D:Day18.5 known. They accept the death of the self and the resurrection of the  One Self, the end of the individual and the individuation of the One
D:Day18.5 the One Self, the end of the individual and the individuation of the  One Self amongst the many. They find renewed pleasure in being who
D:Day18.11 interaction with the Christ-consciousness that abides within you.  One way of doing this is through individuation and becoming known.
D:Day18.11 One way of doing this is through individuation and becoming known.  One way of doing this is incarnation through relationship in which
D:Day19.7 creates change is really to be called to a function of preparing  one or many for the change that must occur within. The function of
D:Day19.8 aspect of that function in different ways. But the function remained  one of direct union with God. This is quite literally the function of
D:Day19.8 speak of functions unique to each, we speak of expressions of this  one ultimate function. Together, the way of Mary and the way of Jesus
D:Day19.11 following these ways. Being true to the self and the calling of the  One Self is all that matters. Eventually all will follow the way of
D:Day19.12 the unknown. The two ways of demonstration make the unknown known.  One makes the unknown known through individuated example lives. One
D:Day19.12 One makes the unknown known through individuated example lives.  One makes the unknown known through creation of the new so that the
D:Day19.14 facilitates knowing through relationship. This occurs through the  one Self of form.
D:Day19.15 and relationship allows for the channeling of creation through the  one Self because the one Self is joined in union and relationship.
D:Day19.15 for the channeling of creation through the one Self because the  one Self is joined in union and relationship.
D:Day19.16 too is tricky for it can lead to judgment. When there is more than  one way, there is always room for comparison and judgment. Thus it is
D:Day19.16 two ways as intertwined circles existing in support and harmony with  one another. As those given specific functions fulfill those
D:Day20.7 constantly be coming to know. The only thing there is to know is the  One Self in its many expressions. You are the known and the unknown.
D:Day20.9 if this is the only way that the beauty, truth, and wisdom of the  One Self can be made known, then you are the source and the power of
D:Day21.6 is the “thought” that has to change. If giving and receiving are  one, then giver and receiver are also one. It is only you who can do
D:Day21.6 If giving and receiving are one, then giver and receiver are also  one. It is only you who can do anything with the wisdom, guidance, or
D:Day21.6 exists in everything and everyone. There is nothing channeled to  one that isn’t channeled to all. The old notions of teaching and
D:Day21.7 The “transfer” of knowledge is now an act of giving and receiving as  one. No intermediary is needed when you exist in union. It is
D:Day21.7 within each moment and that the interaction, rather than being  one of taking something from an outside source into the self where it
D:Day22.3 (what is available) with the individual (what is expressed). Whether  one chooses to avail oneself of the channeled or expressed
D:Day22.4 of experiences or information available and channeling only what  one desires to know. Thus, it is prudent to repeat once again, that
D:Day22.6 It does not matter that everyone’s function is the same because no  one expression of this same function produces the same results. No
D:Day22.6 one expression of this same function produces the same results. No  one who is in union with God is in union with the known. Yet it is as
D:Day22.10 is no “higher” self waiting to do what only you can do. There is no  one else who knows what you know the way you know it or who can
D:Day23.3 of the illusion, surrendering the mist that was all that separated  one world from another.
D:Day24.1 the butterfly. This is the way that you are many Selves as well as  one Self. You are a Self with many forms. The form you occupy
D:Day24.3 from nature either. It is triggered in any number of ways, only  one of which is by your choice. When it was said that A Course of
D:Day24.7 The caterpillar, the cocoon, and the butterfly have always been  one and remain one. Each form is but a different stage in the
D:Day24.7 the cocoon, and the butterfly have always been one and remain  one. Each form is but a different stage in the becoming of the
D:Day25.3 to your own ears. Let them come. Your feelings may be confused in  one moment, crystal clear in the next. Let them all come. Your
D:Day26.4 through the valleys of level ground. There is no other guide. We are  One Self.
D:Day26.7 in a single heartbeat, a single instant of knowing. This is the  One Self knowing itself. This is not knowing that comes with a great
D:Day26.7 that comes with the awe of reverence. Creator and created are  one and the homecoming experienced is that of union.
D:Day26.8 Self-guidance is the propulsion, the fuel, for the  One Self to know itself. You are ready to be so known.
D:Day27.9 in nature can be experienced as different levels of experience of  one whole. You might consider this by again picturing the
D:Day27.9 might consider this by again picturing the mountain-top. Looking in  one direction, you might see only darkness. Looking in another, you
D:Day27.9 the dawning of light. Opposites exist only as different aspects of  one whole. Different aspects exist only as different levels of
D:Day27.13 within the aspect of separation. Merge the two, however, into  one level of experience and the whole formula changes.
D:Day27.14 We practice experiencing the constant and the variable as  one. We practice experiencing the constant and the variable together.
D:Day28.1 At  one time there seemed to be little or no choice between staying
D:Day28.1 life. This may have seemed to be an either/or proposition and thus  one of limitation. Moving from an externally directed to an
D:Day28.6 and just keep following the opportunities that are presented along  one path. They may have chosen one career, for instance, and made
D:Day28.6 that are presented along one path. They may have chosen  one career, for instance, and made choices within that career path,
D:Day28.9 in a giver and a receiver to knowing that giver and receiver are  one, is also of paramount importance.
D:Day28.10 You and your life are  one. Your life is not the giver and you the receiver.
D:Day28.11 You and God are  one. God is not the giver and you the receiver.
D:Day28.13 Depending on the circumstances of your life,  one of these two attitudes will have a reverse side that will have a
D:Day28.15 at least some combination of these two attitudes, but will find that  one is prevalent. You must now get past all such notions or attitudes.
D:Day28.19 we have been working on by changing your experience of time to  one of experiencing two levels of “time.” Our “time” on the mountain
D:Day28.20 same whole that is the constant of all that is whole—all that is  one.
D:Day28.25 is desired no longer, but experience is. Your will and God’s are  one and thus it is being made so.
D:Day29.1 way. If you can integrate all that opposes wholeness into  one level of experience, you will be able to experience life from
D:Day29.2 different conditions, at times complementing and at times opposing  one another. Just as mind and heart became one in wholeheartedness
D:Day29.2 and at times opposing one another. Just as mind and heart became  one in wholeheartedness and ended the conflict induced by their
D:Day30.2 the whole. In order for a common denominator to be found, more than  one (fraction, part, or variable) must exist. The purpose of finding
D:Day30.2 of finding a common denominator is to translate what is more than  one into one. An assumption of wholeness is “common” in every
D:Day30.2 a common denominator is to translate what is more than one into  one. An assumption of wholeness is “common” in every denominator.
D:Day30.4 or the state of “Wholeness” or “Beingness” separating into more than  one in order to know Itself, you would see that knower and known are
D:Day30.4 one in order to know Itself, you would see that knower and known are  one. You would see that two or more are needed in order for knowing
D:Day30.5 let us consider this in terms of experience. As knower and known are  one, experience and experiencer are one. In other words, one must
D:Day30.5 As knower and known are one, experience and experiencer are  one. In other words, one must experience in order to know. It follows
D:Day30.5 known are one, experience and experiencer are one. In other words,  one must experience in order to know. It follows then that what is
D:Day31.2 While you have been immersed in  one level of experience you have been either knower or known. This is
D:Day31.4 without division. Wholeness and oneness are the same. You are  one in being with your Father, your Creator, the originator and
D:Day31.5 only half of any experience, to have seen every experience in only  one dimension—in short, to have seen experience as happening to you
D:Day31.6 All experience is a product of knower and knowee. It is the  One Self knowing itself as one individuated Self.
D:Day31.6 a product of knower and knowee. It is the One Self knowing itself as  one individuated Self.
D:Day31.7 from union only by experience. Union is the realm of the  One. Joining is where the realm of the One unites with the realm of
D:Day31.7 Union is the realm of the One. Joining is where the realm of the  One unites with the realm of the many. In each of the many is the One
D:Day31.7 One unites with the realm of the many. In each of the many is the  One—the common denominator. By knowing the One in the many,
D:Day31.7 each of the many is the One—the common denominator. By knowing the  One in the many, experience can be achieved within wholeness.
D:Day31.8 knowing occurs within, with the knowing, or experiencing, of the  One within the individuated Self. Notice the link here of knowing and
D:Day31.8 Self is to know the Self as creator, or in other words, to know the  One Self within the individuated Self. To know the One Self within
D:Day31.8 to know the One Self within the individuated Self. To know the  One Self within the individuated Self is to join the two. The two are
D:Day31.8 Experience is not known separately from the Self. Self and God are  one and experiencing together in wholeness. For the individuated Self
D:Day32.5 First we will look at the concept of God as Supreme Being—God as  one being, one entity. When thought of in such a way, it is somewhat
D:Day32.5 will look at the concept of God as Supreme Being—God as one being,  one entity. When thought of in such a way, it is somewhat easier to
D:Day32.13 God is still seen as having what man has not. The list of what  one can imagine makes God powerful and man not could be endless, just
D:Day32.13 can imagine makes God powerful and man not could be endless, just as  one could make an endless list of what they believe differentiates
D:Day32.14 point that this work has striven to get across. That man and God are  one. Not only is man God. But God is man and woman and child. God is.
D:Day32.17 relationship of God to Jesus was that of Father to Son but also as  one in being. One in being, but different in relationship.
D:Day32.17 of God to Jesus was that of Father to Son but also as one in being.  One in being, but different in relationship.
D:Day32.18 Could God be  one in being, but different in relationship, to each of us? Could not
D:Day32.18 what differentiates God from us and us from God? So that we are both  one in being and different? Could it be that while we are one in
D:Day32.18 are both one in being and different? Could it be that while we are  one in being with God we can also become more god-like through the
D:Day32.19 like oneness, cannot know itself without relationship. You are  one in being with your Father, with God, with the Creator and with
D:Day33.1 conflict. The power of God exists within everyone because all are  one in being with God. And yet this power cannot be used. It can only
D:Day33.3 or access to being and being the route or access to relationship.  One cannot exist without the other and thus both are one in truth.
D:Day33.3 relationship. One cannot exist without the other and thus both are  one in truth. This is the divine marriage, the divine relationship of
D:Day33.6 But your who is also your representation of being. The two becoming  one—the individuated self becoming one in being—is the aim toward
D:Day33.6 of being. The two becoming one—the individuated self becoming  one in being—is the aim toward which we have journeyed together.
D:Day33.7 comes to you or happens to you. Yet if relationship and being are  one, and you are one in being and different in relationship, what is
D:Day33.7 happens to you. Yet if relationship and being are one, and you are  one in being and different in relationship, what is being said is
D:Day33.7 what is being said is that being and relationship are of  one piece, one whole, and that whole is love. In other words, every
D:Day33.7 what is being said is that being and relationship are of one piece,  one whole, and that whole is love. In other words, every
D:Day33.11 is with love because all relationship is with God, who is  one in being with you.
D:Day33.13 And yet, since no  one can exist outside of relationship and relationship is where power
D:Day33.13 is expressed, everyone does have a relationship with power. Power is  one in being with each and every one of us. Every single individual
D:Day33.13 a relationship with power. Power is one in being with each and every  one of us. Every single individual has within them the power to
D:Day33.15 the realization of oneness and unity, the realization that you are  one in being, creator and created. This is a realization that only
D:Day34.7 your being as powerless, you are negating the power of God who is  one in being with you.
D:Day35.1 your being, you can know relationship to everything, because in this  one relationship, you are in relationship with all. Thus you need not
D:Day35.2 fullness of being is found the cause for love. Means and end are  one. Cause and effect the same. Fullness of being is thus the answer
D:Day35.3 This fullness of being is different for each  one of you because it is the cause and effect, the means and end of
D:Day35.3 with God who is your being. But while it has been said that you are  one in being and different in relationship, relationship is also God.
D:Day35.4 others, without realizing that your being is God, that others are  one with you, that God is the relationship of everything to
D:Day35.7 you a very elemental and fundamental idea—the idea that you are  one in being and different in relationship. The idea that you return
D:Day35.11 or with a desire to know a higher self. You return knowing you are  one in being with your Creator and accepting your power to create.
D:Day35.15 life in harmony, the experience and the expression of the  one in, and within, the many.
D:Day35.16 united with wholeness, has led to this time of opposites becoming  one and wholeness becoming actual rather than probable. Wholeness is
D:Day35.18 the entire story, for as has been said many times, means and end are  one, cause and effect the same. You have been “creating” but relating
D:Day36.7 your life is an exercise in creatorship. Creator and creation are  one. You are one in being with the power of creation and different in
D:Day36.7 is an exercise in creatorship. Creator and creation are one. You are  one in being with the power of creation and different in your
D:Day36.9 over with the true realization that giving and receiving are  one and that both are within your power. This is starting over with
D:Day36.9 You have always been creating because you have always been  one in being with God who is endlessly creating. But you are only now
D:Day36.10 It is the difference between all and nothing in relationship to  one another. Recall the example used earlier. There is no difference
D:Day36.10 This same difference is what is meant when it is said that you are  one in being and different in relationship. Without your awareness of
D:Day36.10 difference but only perceive of difference. You thus always remained  one in being with God, yet continued to relate only to a world and to
D:Day36.11 the ideas of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as a trinity representing  one God were meant to portray. The Son could only be God in
D:Day36.12 the life you’ve been given? All the choices in the world save this  one before you now, have made no difference to your state of being.
D:Day36.12 of being. You have just kept being, kept making choices between  one illusion and another in your separate reality. A separate reality
D:Day36.14 Because you have always been  one in being with God, this power—this power of being—has always
D:Day36.15 of feeling, thought, creativity and knowing or perception is to be  one in being with God. Accept this, for this is what God is and what
D:Day36.15 this, for this is what God is and what you are. This is being. To be  one in being with God and yet to exist outside of the powerful state
D:Day36.16 When you realize that you are  one in being with God and different in relationship you accept the
D:Day36.17 God remains God who is  one in being with all, and God also is given form, or is, in other
D:Day36.17 words, differentiated. God is All in All. And God is also All in  One and All in Many. God is still the Creator of All, but God is also
D:Day36.17 God is still the Creator of All, but God is also now the Creator of  One, the Creator of the experience of one life, or many lives, the
D:Day36.17 God is also now the Creator of One, the Creator of the experience of  one life, or many lives, the experience and the experiencer of life.
D:Day36.18 cease to be. You are not replaced by God whom you have always been  one with in being. You simply accept the truth of being and the truth
D:Day37.9  One of the reasons you have been as intent as you have been on your
D:Day37.9 you are in need. God is all compassionate being everywhere—not  one being of compassion! In union and relationship you realize this.
D:Day37.9 further, you realize that what is possible is for you to become the  one being of compassion that you already are in God.
D:Day37.11 is what was not destroyed by the removal of the parts. You “remain”  one in being. You “remain,” just as the numbers of simple mathematics
D:Day37.11 You “remain,” just as the numbers of simple mathematics remain,  one with the whole. You have seen yourself as capable of being
D:Day37.13 simply, been being. The simple truth that you are a being makes you  one with God, who is being. This truth, however, has escaped you. So
D:Day37.15 more fundamentally than even all of this, you might ask, if you are  one in being with God, is it being said that you are being God? That
D:Day37.18 both feel quite unmistakably like “your” love and “your” pain and no  one else’s. You feel like a “you.” This too is “who” you have been
D:Day37.21 unity and relationship with everything. Thus God knows you. God is  one in being with you because you are one aspect of everything. As
D:Day37.21 Thus God knows you. God is one in being with you because you are  one aspect of everything. As one being in unity and relationship with
D:Day37.21 one in being with you because you are one aspect of everything. As  one being in unity and relationship with everything God is one with
D:Day37.21 As one being in unity and relationship with everything God is  one with every thought and every feeling. God is one with every
D:Day37.21 everything God is one with every thought and every feeling. God is  one with every creation. God is all knowing. God is, in short, the
D:Day38.3 of our shared being, and enter into relationship with  one another. I ask you to turn your attention, I ask you to be
D:Day38.4 Being full of love for  one another is the beginning of extension, the end of withdrawal. It
D:Day38.6 co-creator or friend. But call yourself mine. For we belong to  one another.
D:Day38.8 called the tension of opposites, of being one’s own Self and being  one in union and relationship. These opposites, like all others, are
D:Day38.9 own. You are my own. We are the beloved when we are the beloved to  one another, when we are who I Am to one another.
D:Day38.9 when we are the beloved to one another, when we are who I Am to  one another.
D:Day38.13 but relating in union. We are each other’s own being. We are  one and we are many. We are the same and we are different. In
D:Day38.13 We are the same and we are different. In “own”-ership we are full of  one another’s own being. We are each other’s own.
D:Day39.2 It is time now to come to your own discovery of who I Am to you. No  one can give you this answer, not even me, because this is the nature
D:Day39.2 of who we are. Individuated beings are who we are in relationship to  one another.
D:Day39.3 You have heard of life spoken of as a projection. Because we are all  one being, we must either extend or project in order to individuate
D:Day39.11 the relationship of union, for union is no more than this, as we are  one in being and when you have discovered relationship, we are one in
D:Day39.11 are one in being and when you have discovered relationship, we are  one in union as well.
D:Day39.12 itself is intermediary, it is what you carry, the connection between  one thing and another. In this instance it is the connection between
D:Day39.13 Thus, both must occur as  one.
D:Day39.17 extension in that extension is like a projection that remains at  one with its source. Projection separates.
D:Day39.35 Only that which is by nature without attributes can be  one in being in union and relationship and individuate. Could you
D:Day39.37 same being in the constant creative tension of differentiating from  one another.
D:Day39.38 the attributeless love and the attribute laden being. Between the  one being of love and the many beings of form, between love’s
D:Day39.47 beings in union and relationship, we continuously create  one another. We create from the field of the possible which must
D:Day40.1 and I become who you are to me. Thus giving and receiving are  one. Cause and effect complete.
D:Day40.12 you understand that you are being, and that you are also being some  one? You have been being separate—a separate being with attributes.
D:Day40.20 understand, until joining with the Christ Self, before becoming  one with holy relationship itself, that relationship is an identity.
D:Day40.26 of who I Am to you and today’s discussion of who you are to me, that  one has not been discussed without the other. This would be
D:Day40.26 would be impossible. Because we are who we are in relationship to  one another.
D:Day40.33 you carry the fullness of our relationship within you? Will you be  one with me, and in being one with me never feel alone again? Will
D:Day40.33 our relationship within you? Will you be one with me, and in being  one with me never feel alone again? Will you let the emptiness of
E.9 this is how long the eternity of being will be for you. There is no  one to turn out the lights but you. Drift from knowing to unknowing,
E.24 now the bridge between this creative tension of opposites becoming  one. Remember that this is creation in the making. Remember that you
E.25 This  one note, this tone, this canticle of joy, this celebratory alleluia,
E.25 need return to, all you need keep in hand should doubt arise. This  one note is so full of love, so powerful, that it will be dear to you
A.12 to receive before you seek to perceive. I ask you not to receive as  one who does not have what another has, as this is not a passing on
A.12 but to give yourself a chance to forget about approaching this as  one more self-improvement exercise, or one more objective to
A.12 about approaching this as one more self-improvement exercise, or  one more objective to accomplish. Only in this way do you come to
A.14 trust you begin to extend who you are. True giving and receiving as  one begins to take place. You have entered Holy Relationship.
A.15 sharing of outcome. Facilitators will keep readers from attempting  one correct interpretation, as the only correct interpretation is
A.22 not bring forth ruin but will bring instead the wisdom that each  one knows she or he has always possessed.
A.28 important for facilitators and group members to be available to  one another if at all possible during this time, for what is being
A.29 regardless of a group’s configuration, is still the same. It is  one movement away from learning and toward acceptance of what is.
A.31 include more sharing of experiences. The facilitator’s task is now  one of placing these experiences in context. After giving the group
A.37 Creation is an unending act of giving and receiving as  one. So too is dialogue.
A.48 Go forth joyously on this adventure of discovery. Be ever new, ever  one, ever the beloved.
A.49 separation or of the separated self but a voice of union and of the  One Self. It is how union is expressed and made recognizable in form.

one body, one Christ (5)

D:1.23 for you would realize that your Self is all there is. We are  one body, one Christ. We are one Self.
D:1.27 received in the love and unity in which we truly exist together, as  one body, one Christ, one Self.
D:3.18 The body, however, is also newly the Self. The body is also, newly,  one body, one Christ.
D:7.14 love from the particular to the universal by loving all. We are  one body, one Christ.
D:7.18 exists in union or the state of Christ-consciousness. By becoming  one body, one Christ, you have accepted existence as a non-particular

One Self (48)

C:25.17 a “prayerful” Self. All Selves are joined in wholeheartedness. The  one Self is solely involved in living love.
T3:22.11 about your new Self you will observe about all. We will be one body,  one Self. No comparison will be possible. You will realize that
D:1.23 that your Self is all there is. We are one body, one Christ. We are  one Self.
D:1.27 and unity in which we truly exist together, as one body, one Christ,  one Self.
D:Day2.1 the Self of unity. It is time for the final merging of the two into  one Self, the elevated Self of form.
D:Day11.1 We are  one Self. How else could we be capable of receiving what we give? How
D:Day11.2 Because we are one heart, one mind,  one Self, we can only know our selves through sharing in unity and
D:Day11.2 the truth of the union of form and spirit, separate selves and the  One Self.
D:Day11.3 elevation of the self of form is nothing but the recognition of the  One Self within the Self.
D:Day11.4 The  One Self exists within the many in order to know Its Self through
D:Day11.5 the means of separate relationships joining in union that the  One Self is capable of being either the observer or the observed.
D:Day12.3 is this merging of the Self with the unconditional love of the  One Self. The One Self loves Its Self. There is nothing else to love.
D:Day12.3 merging of the Self with the unconditional love of the One Self. The  One Self loves Its Self. There is nothing else to love. The One Self
D:Day12.3 The One Self loves Its Self. There is nothing else to love. The  One Self is the All.
D:Day12.4 The space of the  One Self is everything. Space is neither divided nor separated nor
D:Day12.8 no obstacles for it knows no uncaring. It knows only love for the  One Self. It feels the obstacle but does not know it. The feeling
D:Day12.8 The solidity of the perceiver is, in this manner, deflected from the  One Self, becoming not an obstacle. The open space of the perceiver
D:Day12.9 obstacle of non-human form is easily enfolded in the space of the  One Self and can be moved or passed through.
D:Day13.1 Once the  One Self became form and knew Its Self, it knew separate thought. The
D:Day13.1 Its Self, it knew separate thought. The separate thoughts of the  one self, rather than the form of the one self, allowed for the
D:Day13.1 The separate thoughts of the one self, rather than the form of the  one self, allowed for the knowing of the self that created the many
D:Day13.2 The “one” self of form is the self you were born into. The  one self of form comes to know the One Self through relationship with
D:Day13.2 the self you were born into. The one self of form comes to know the  One Self through relationship with other selves experiencing oneness
D:Day13.4 The love that is found in the relationships of the  one Self with the many is the love of God. There is no other love.
D:Day13.6 form is transparent. Through this transparency, the reality of the  One Self being also the many, or the all, is apparent. The
D:Day13.6 of form, the awesome majesty of nature, all are visible within the  One Self because of the invisibility of the one boundary-less Self of
D:Day14.1 all that is realized with the acceptance of the spacious Self, the  One Self, and the many, that full acceptance is actually achieved and
D:Day14.3 ejects or forgets because all feelings are accepted as those of the  One Self.
D:Day14.4 are accepted as one’s own and held within the spaciousness of the  One Self, the whole Self.
D:Day15.16 process. “Group think” does not replace the consciousness of the  One Self with the “one group self.” This is not a time of being
D:Day15.25 It is important to be able to hold the spacious consciousness of the  One Self and also to be able to focus—to not exclude while also
D:Day18.4 These example lives are evidenced through the individuation of the  One Self among the many. In other words, to choose to be an example
D:Day18.5 known. They accept the death of the self and the resurrection of the  One Self, the end of the individual and the individuation of the One
D:Day18.5 the One Self, the end of the individual and the individuation of the  One Self amongst the many. They find renewed pleasure in being who
D:Day19.11 following these ways. Being true to the self and the calling of the  One Self is all that matters. Eventually all will follow the way of
D:Day19.14 facilitates knowing through relationship. This occurs through the  one Self of form.
D:Day19.15 and relationship allows for the channeling of creation through the  one Self because the one Self is joined in union and relationship.
D:Day19.15 for the channeling of creation through the one Self because the  one Self is joined in union and relationship.
D:Day20.7 constantly be coming to know. The only thing there is to know is the  One Self in its many expressions. You are the known and the unknown.
D:Day20.9 if this is the only way that the beauty, truth, and wisdom of the  One Self can be made known, then you are the source and the power of
D:Day24.1 the butterfly. This is the way that you are many Selves as well as  one Self. You are a Self with many forms. The form you occupy
D:Day26.4 through the valleys of level ground. There is no other guide. We are  One Self.
D:Day26.7 in a single heartbeat, a single instant of knowing. This is the  One Self knowing itself. This is not knowing that comes with a great
D:Day26.8 Self-guidance is the propulsion, the fuel, for the  One Self to know itself. You are ready to be so known.
D:Day31.6 All experience is a product of knower and knowee. It is the  One Self knowing itself as one individuated Self.
D:Day31.8 Self is to know the Self as creator, or in other words, to know the  One Self within the individuated Self. To know the One Self within
D:Day31.8 to know the One Self within the individuated Self. To know the  One Self within the individuated Self is to join the two. The two are
A.49 separation or of the separated self but a voice of union and of the  One Self. It is how union is expressed and made recognizable in form.

one’s (16)

C:I.5 belief, beyond thought, beyond adherence to any authority other than  one’s own heart.
C:1.12 itself. Thus love yearns for love. To think of achieving love “on  one’s own” is ludicrous. This is why love is your greatest teacher.
C:19.17 can bypass the need for the separate thoughts of the separated  one’s thought system. But you must be trained to do this. Thus your
C:23.2 the greatest knowing is sought and, with willing partners, attained;  one’s partner in such a relationship still transcends complete
C:27.17 by uncertainty. All uncertainty is fear. All fear is doubt about  one’s self. How can you not know how to respond when doubt is gone
C:29.23 How can  one’s talent cause another to be less talented? How can one’s service
C:29.23 How can one’s talent cause another to be less talented? How can  one’s service deprive anyone else of the right to serve? No two are
T1:1.1 is seen as being approachable. Peace is seen as being outside of  one’s being and the means are sought for the union of being with that
T1:9.15 One first reaction might be to puff oneself up with pride, bolster  one’s position, think one’s way through, argue, manipulate, or
T1:9.15 be to puff oneself up with pride, bolster one’s position, think  one’s way through, argue, manipulate, or chastise another so that you
T4:6.5 of unity and relationship in harmony. It excludes no one and no  one’s choice and no one’s vision. Your brothers and sisters who do
T4:6.5 in harmony. It excludes no one and no one’s choice and no  one’s vision. Your brothers and sisters who do not choose their
D:Day14.4 feelings of the many that the feelings of “others” are accepted as  one’s own and held within the spaciousness of the One Self, the whole
D:Day28.4 become those of degrees of independence, moving away, moving into  one’s own sphere of friends, colleagues, relationships. For some
D:Day38.8 of belonging—of carrying, or holding relationship and union within  one’s own Self. This has been called the tension of opposites, of
D:Day38.8 own Self. This has been called the tension of opposites, of being  one’s own Self and being one in union and relationship. These

one- (1)

C:P.39 or woman, as a being existing in a particular time in history. This  one- or at best three-dimensional nature of your seeing is the nature

one-by-one (1)

T1:3.16 Let us consider your objections to miracles  one-by-one for in so doing we will uncover the source of all your

one-on-one (1)

T2:11.3 dragon that must be slain, the evil of the despot to be toppled, the  one-on-one conflict of all heroes who would take sides and do battle.

one-sided (1)

D:Day10.24 to your understanding of your Self and your power. This dialogue, as  one-sided as it may seem when presented in this way, is an exchange

oneness (100)

C:I.7 We are one mind. The route to  oneness and union, to life in form that accepts oneness and union, to
C:I.7 mind. The route to oneness and union, to life in form that accepts  oneness and union, to a humanity restored to wholeness, is through
C:P.38 This is  oneness. The Christ in you teaches only in the sense of imparting
C:P.39 made Jesus one with Christ. The two names mean the same thing, as  oneness is what was always shared and always will be. You are
C:1.17 create a child, the union of man and woman joined in marriage create  oneness.
C:19.17 Your only concept of  oneness is of a single form, a single entity. There is either one
C:19.17 picture of God than those who view God as a solitary figure. Still,  oneness and unity go together, the unity of creation being part of
C:19.17 and unity go together, the unity of creation being part of the  oneness of God, and the oneness of God part of the unity of creation.
C:19.17 the unity of creation being part of the oneness of God, and the  oneness of God part of the unity of creation. A mind trained by
C:19.24 even with your own Self, undesirable to you. The concept that in  oneness there is no need for blame or guilt or even for redemption is
C:20.13 unto anything else. Likeness, like thingness, has been overcome with  oneness. Oneness prevails. The reign of Christ is at hand.
C:20.13 else. Likeness, like thingness, has been overcome with oneness.  Oneness prevails. The reign of Christ is at hand.
C:20.17 is shared and one in Christ. A shared identity is a quality of  oneness. A shared identity is one identity. When you identify with
C:20.17 with Christ you identify with the one identity. When you realize the  oneness of your identity you will be one with Christ. Christ is
C:20.17 your identity you will be one with Christ. Christ is synonymous with  oneness.
C:20.20 all, and for it not to exist? And how could it exist apart from you?  Oneness with Christ, dear brother and sister, is nothing more than
C:20.21 it to be. But for some it can be simple, as simple as realizing the  oneness of the embrace. Within the embrace you can let all thought
C:20.39 is worthy of his or her desires. Eachness replaces thingness but not  oneness. All fear that what one gets means that less is available for
C:25.8 during the time of tenderness. It will lead to the understanding of  oneness as completion, an understanding of giving and receiving as
C:26.8 is involvement with Christ, an involvement that links us in  oneness and glory once again. I say we because we are life. I say we
C:26.24 but a place of holiness, an integral place in the pattern that is  oneness with God. It is a place you have never left but that you long
C:26.27 me that came from the thought of God. In doing so, I restored unity,  oneness with God. I ushered in the new way that you are now longing
C:27.1 Thus you have identified death as the only means by which to reach  oneness with your Father, knowing that such oneness is not compatible
C:27.1 means by which to reach oneness with your Father, knowing that such  oneness is not compatible with the human nature you ascribe to
C:30.1 being. If you were fully aware of your own being, you would be in  oneness with Your Father.
C:31.5 Your fear of sameness is your fear of  oneness, and it is an unfounded fear, though understandable given
C:31.35 outside of relationship, just as your mind does not exist outside of  oneness. Your experience here is but an extension of mind into a
C:32.2 with each aspect of the Trinity is different despite the  oneness of the Trinity. The same is true of all relationship with
C:32.2 relationship with each aspect of creation is different despite the  oneness of creation. It is in the different relationship of one
T1:6.8 become one path, the future experiences become one. And in this  oneness is peace everlasting.
T1:6.9 What happens when this  oneness is accomplished is that divine memories arise to replace
T2:13.5 received in equal exchange by all who in creation exist together in  oneness eternal.
T3:2.6 who your brothers and sisters are as well. This is what is meant by  oneness. This is what is meant by unity.
T3:22.11 that has always existed. The truth that has always existed is our  oneness, and what you will observe about your new Self you will
T4:1.19 available—in the chosen means of a chosen consciousness united in  oneness with the Holy Spirit—they passed on, indirectly, all that
T4:2.22 more steadily aware. It is a new relationship. Unity always existed.  Oneness always existed. God always existed. But you separated
T4:2.22 yourself from direct awareness of your relationship with unity, with  oneness, and with God, just as you separated yourself from
T4:2.22 You have believed in God and perhaps in some concept of unity or  oneness, but you have also denied even the possibility of
T4:2.22 that your life is a direct experience of the pattern of unity or  oneness that is creation.
D:3.5 in you when you joined mind and heart and returned to the  oneness and unity of Christ-consciousness. Sustaining
D:3.10 You will notice that all of these ideas have in common a quality of  oneness. Oneness replaces duality or contrast. You will be seeking
D:3.10 notice that all of these ideas have in common a quality of oneness.  Oneness replaces duality or contrast. You will be seeking now for
D:3.17 often repeat that I am no longer your teacher. You must realize your  oneness with me and all that was created and you cannot do so while
D:3.21 that for the elevated Self of form it is simply a shared quality of  oneness. It is not in need of learning or even understanding. It is.
D:5.6 —to your true desire for your true identity as a being joined in  oneness. This seeking of completion through oneness, this joining, is
D:5.6 as a being joined in oneness. This seeking of completion through  oneness, this joining, is a true representation that shows you that
D:5.7 still would produce the desired effect of creating desire for  oneness if you truly saw and understood the body and its acts as
D:5.11 truth, returns you to the reality of the truth where you exist in  oneness.
D:6.23 sexual intercourse—a design given to lead the way to desire for  oneness and completion.
D:12.19 just as the All of Everything, the whole of wholeness, the one of  oneness, include you. We are, in unity, one body. We are, in Christ
D:17.19 to reverence is to move into the state of communion with God, full  oneness with God, wholeness.
D:Day4.54 unity. You are about to achieve your first glimpse of wholeness, of  oneness with God. To know the truth of your inheritance.
D:Day6.10 You are a work of art headed for this  oneness of full and true expression. No stage you pass through to
D:Day6.10 of full and true expression. No stage you pass through to reach this  oneness is without value. Each stage contains the perfection of that
D:Day6.11 You have committed to completion of the becoming that will create  oneness between Creator and created. You have developed the creative
D:Day6.11 that will take you to the final stage of being who you will be in  oneness.
D:Day11.2 in unity and relationship through a seeming separation from the  oneness in which we exist. This is the great paradox that unites the
D:Day11.5 in union and relationship. It is only in relationship that the  oneness of the self separates from oneness and so knows oneness. It
D:Day11.5 is only in relationship that the oneness of the self separates from  oneness and so knows oneness. It is only through the means of
D:Day11.5 that the oneness of the self separates from oneness and so knows  oneness. It is only through the means of separate relationships
D:Day11.5 This is as true of God as it is of the self of form. God is the  oneness and the separation. Life is the relationship. God is what is.
D:Day11.7 form as well as that from which form arose. It is the expression of  oneness in relationship with Its Self.
D:Day13.2 the One Self through relationship with other selves experiencing  oneness through being selves of form.
D:Day13.3 but to integrate it so that you are both the many and the one. The  oneness that your individual self represents in this life is the
D:Day13.3 The oneness that your individual self represents in this life is the  oneness of the Holy One who is both one—somewhat in the way you
D:Day14.9 particular while maintaining the relationship. It is what happens in  oneness as opposed to the stopping and holding “apart” that occurred
D:Day15.10 force, the animator and informer. Yet informing is a quality of  oneness and thus the joining of the self with the spacious Self in
D:Day15.10 oneness and thus the joining of the self with the spacious Self in  oneness and wholeness must precede this step. This power cannot be
D:Day15.10 because it is unavailable to those who have not realized their  oneness with the creative force. Thus while it is not the self who
D:Day15.11 interaction with the creative force long enough to realize their  oneness with it. While there is division remaining between the self
D:Day15.14 your final preparations in mind. Bring your fears into the light of  oneness and see how the light dispels the darkness. This is what we
D:Day15.15 You are here to make one another known and in so doing to know  oneness. It will be less difficult to know this voice as the voice of
D:Day15.15 It will be less difficult to know this voice as the voice of  oneness once you have listened to the voice of oneness in each other
D:Day15.15 voice as the voice of oneness once you have listened to the voice of  oneness in each other and benefited from its healing properties. To
D:Day16.6 the spacious Self. Thus it was not escaped but reintegrated into the  oneness of the Self.
D:Day21.4 The channel is the means, not the source. The source is  oneness or union, a state you now realize that you share and have
D:Day27.15 Life, your humanity, is the variability. Spirit, your  oneness, is the constant. Life is oneness extended into separation
D:Day27.15 is the variability. Spirit, your oneness, is the constant. Life is  oneness extended into separation and variability through experience.
D:Day31.4 wholeness could not be experienced without division. Wholeness and  oneness are the same. You are one in being with your Father, your
D:Day31.5 in which experience becomes manifest, you not only realize  oneness, but realize that you are a creator and that you always have
D:Day32.2 If all of life is the  oneness that is God and God has chosen to experience that oneness
D:Day32.2 is the oneness that is God and God has chosen to experience that  oneness through relationship, then you are also that experience and
D:Day32.3 Here we must revisit the concepts of  oneness and manyness for if you retain any notions of God that are
D:Day32.18 being, but different in relationship, to each of us? Could not God’s  oneness of being be the consciousness we all share? Could not God’s
D:Day32.19 to say this, if not quite accurate. Being is power. But being, like  oneness, cannot know itself without relationship. You are one in
D:Day33.15 with everything and everyone all of the time is the realization of  oneness and unity, the realization that you are one in being, creator
D:Day34.3 However, relationship with everything creates sameness—or the very  oneness in being that we have been talking about.
D:Day34.4 that is upon you now is the desire to know and experience this  oneness of being in relationship rather than the difference of being
D:Day35.7 The idea that you return to your humanity with is an idea of  oneness come to replace an idea of separation, an idea of sameness
D:Day35.13 Unity is  oneness of being. Relationship is different expressions of oneness of
D:Day35.13 Unity is oneness of being. Relationship is different expressions of  oneness of being.
D:Day35.14 Being a creator must begin with full realization of  oneness of being, which is unity, because without this full
D:Day35.20 choice. It is a way of being. When you are fully aware of your  oneness of being and begin to create in unity and relationship, you
D:Day36.8 world and creating your experience as a creator who has realized  oneness and unity—who has realized a new reality? The old reality
D:Day36.17 Through differentiation, God is you as you are God. God retains  oneness of being and also becomes a being in union and relationship—
D:Day39.10 that you are who I Am because you realize—or make real—your  oneness with Christ. When you have discovered your own relationship
D:Day39.10 is no longer needed—because you have realized and made real your  oneness with Christ. When relationship is established you realize
D:Day40.13 form as well as that from which form arose. It is the expression of  oneness in relationship with Its Self.
D:Day40.29 of differentiation in union and relationship, the demonstration of  oneness that was heralded in the time of Jesus Christ.
A.44 For each, being Who You Are will be an expression of unity and  oneness that only you are able to express. As each expresses who they

oneness of being (7)

D:Day32.18 being, but different in relationship, to each of us? Could not God’s  oneness of being be the consciousness we all share? Could not God’s
D:Day34.4 that is upon you now is the desire to know and experience this  oneness of being in relationship rather than the difference of being
D:Day35.13 Unity is  oneness of being. Relationship is different expressions of oneness of
D:Day35.13 Unity is oneness of being. Relationship is different expressions of  oneness of being.
D:Day35.14 Being a creator must begin with full realization of  oneness of being, which is unity, because without this full
D:Day35.20 choice. It is a way of being. When you are fully aware of your  oneness of being and begin to create in unity and relationship, you
D:Day36.17 Through differentiation, God is you as you are God. God retains  oneness of being and also becomes a being in union and relationship—

onerous (1)

T2:4.8 and feelings contain all that one might attribute to the somewhat  onerous onset of yet another responsibility, another obligation. One

ones (23)

C:4.21 The lucky  ones among you have made a place resembling home within your world.
C:4.22 are willing to accept of others or themselves. These are the angry  ones who would demand that others bring what love they have into the
C:4.22 to attempt to restore order to chaos, anything so that the angry  ones feel less alone with what their anger shows them. Love, they
C:4.25 extend once love joined the world. How little need for the angry  ones to retain their anger when love has joined the world. For love
C:6.11 days. A heaven such as this would be for the old and the infirm, the  ones ready to leave the world, those who have already grown worn out
C:8.26 a lie of outlandish proportions. These are the memories of loved  ones you were sure were trying to hurt you when in truth they were
C:9.23 spend your entire life working to meet your needs and those of the  ones you love. What would you do with your life if you had no needs
C:14.29 you think it is. But as long as you equate love with the special  ones on whom you choose to bestow it, you will know love not. What
C:16.4 but with the eyes of judgment. That you have judged and found the  ones you love good and worthy of your love makes not your judgment
C:16.5 made different. This is as true of the love you reserve for special  ones as it is of the condemnation you reserve for others you have
C:19.4 left. Creation’s power then returns to you to help all the separated  ones remember union.
C:26.9 words can reach your mind and begin to replace these scenes with new  ones. Until that time is upon you, let my words touch your heart.
T3:15.1 new school year of the young provides a fresh start. Deaths of loved  ones and the births of new family members form new configurations in
T3:15.5 despite the efforts of the system and the hopes of their loved  ones.
T3:19.1 end of the special relationship will separate you from your loved  ones. You have no need to fear that the joys you have shared with
T3:20.17 not see and have no willingness to offer. Just know these aren’t the  ones given you to bring to love and trust that none will remain
T3:20.18 freely give and it cannot be extorted from them, not from special  ones of your choosing, and not from anyone. Thus you are released
T3:21.21 is no exclusivity to this call. It excludes no race nor religion nor  ones of either sex or sexual preference. It but calls all to love and
D:Day3.17 here of the money “given” through inheritance, the money some lucky  ones are born with.
D:Day4.35 a place from which God was almost touchable. As if one could raise  ones arms and touch God, stretch just a little more and reach heaven.
D:Day9.10 from descriptions of those the world has come to see as enlightened  ones. It may be linked to your ideas of being able to express wisdom
D:Day28.14 affected by the relationships of life, by loss or death of loved  ones, by accidents, or illness, or “natural” disasters, by the
D:Day37.14 as and for your separate self, at times in relationship with loved  ones, at times seeing the connectedness of your life with that of

oneself (8)

C:23.8 own image and to try to do the same to others. This comes of seeing  oneself as an image rather than as a being existing in relationship.
C:25.1 To devote  oneself to an objective is a vow to accomplish. To be devoted is to
C:30.2 How can one be distracted from  oneself? And yet you are. Many go through life searching for
T1:9.15 One first reaction might be to puff  oneself up with pride, bolster one’s position, think one’s way
T1:9.15 event. Another’s first reaction might be one of self-pity, of making  oneself or another feel guilty, or of experiencing a sense of
T3:15.5 When attempting to give  oneself or another a new beginning, you often act “as if” you believe
D:Day22.3 the individual (what is expressed). Whether one chooses to avail  oneself of the channeled or expressed universality of another is a
D:Day28.1 between staying engaged in an externally directed life and removing  oneself from life. This may have seemed to be an either/or

ongoing (18)

T2:4.15 old patterns of thought. This is atonement and it is continuous and  ongoing until it is no longer needed. Anything continuous and ongoing
T2:4.15 and ongoing until it is no longer needed. Anything continuous and  ongoing is part of creation. Thus the very act of undoing old
T2:6.7 what these exercises have prepared you for is an acceptance of the  ongoing change that is creation; an acceptance that something can be
T2:6.7 is, a known fact, an object with an identity, but also part of the  ongoing nature of creation. Could this be true of a chair and not be
T2:7.15 opportunity to give back. It is about recognizing the constant and  ongoing exchange that allows needs to be met. It is trusting that if
T2:9.14 thing as a static level in unity where creation is continuous and  ongoing. You should have no desire to reach such a state and the
T2:9.16 to your awareness as needs until your trust in their immediate and  ongoing fulfillment is complete. Once this trust is realized you will
T2:10.15 that coming to know should not be seen as something continuous and  ongoing?
T4:12.4 of the collectivity of the whole. This dialogue will, however, be  ongoing, and this is your invitation to participate in this dialogue.
D:3.15 as an example will serve to explain. This dialogue is continuous and  ongoing. It is giving and receiving as one. It is merely represented
D:7.2 is shared.” Learning does not occur in unity, but discovery is an  ongoing aspect of creation and thus of the state of union in which
D:7.18 revelation of what is. These steps that lead to revelation are not  ongoing aspects of creation, because they are related to particular
D:7.19 Discovery is not bound by time as it is an  ongoing aspect of creation. As you were told in “A Treatise on the
D:7.19 it is not. It is merely one way of stating that creation is  ongoing rather than static. That while creation is and is as it was
D:Day15.8 The animation of form with spirit is an  ongoing aspect of creation. It is thus not time bound. It did not
D:Day35.17 creation. It has been said before that creation is continuous and  ongoing. It is continuous and ongoing in everything that has been
D:Day35.17 before that creation is continuous and ongoing. It is continuous and  ongoing in everything that has been created, including you. This does
D:Day35.18 creator, and creating anew, is different than being affected by the  ongoing nature of creation. Saying that you have been affected by

onion (6)

C:22.5 A needle can also pass through something like an  onion, piercing many layers. While such a piercing has no intrinsic
C:22.7 a function and a purpose for each. In the case of the needle and the  onion, partnership is less apparent because function and purpose are
C:22.10 meaning you give it. You are much more like unto the layers of the  onion than the globe, with everything within your world needing to
C:22.12 to send them to various compartments—or, continuing with the  onion theme, to one of the various layers of yourself. These layers
D:Day5.21 imagine now the needle that was discussed as passing through the  onion in the Course chapter “The Intersection,” and imagine the point
D:Day5.21 being stopped by the layers of thinking and feeling that we used the  onion to illustrate, but as a point of entry and pass-through. What

only (948)

onlys (4)

C:7.1 wail. Your mind dwells in a world of its own made up largely of if  onlys. Your heart, on the other hand, knows of giving and of a return

onset (7)

T2:4.8 contain all that one might attribute to the somewhat onerous  onset of yet another responsibility, another obligation. One set of
T4:2.31 Examine what you may have felt the  onset of true vision would mean. Have you considered this question?
T4:3.8 to you, judgment falls away because vision will arise. With the  onset of the vision of love, many of you will make one final judgment
T4:11.1 The future is yet to be created. This is why I stated at the  onset of this Treatise that this Treatise would not be predictive.
D:16.1 Barren forms might be seen as forms that existed before the  onset of the state of becoming. You are now in the final stage of the
D:Day4.7 to the learning of childhood. Learning begins long before the  onset of the time of language that constitutes your ideas about what
D:Day4.8 Even after the  onset of language, children continue to learn without thinking. Does

onto (20)

C:7.12 added to your list of grievances until the burden of what you hang  onto becomes more than you can bear. Now you look for one upon whom
C:8.28 world day by day in the same body, observing many situations like  onto each other, awakening to the same sun rising and setting, and
C:14.26 is no reason to hold on to another’s specialness unless you hold  onto your own. And what you give to others you keep for yourself.
C:16.24 away your power you make of yourself a sacrificial lamb, an offering  onto God that God does not want. You look back on stories of
C:17.15 to judge. Many of you have let go your belief in sin and still held  onto your belief in judgment, thinking one is different from the
C:25.6 When you feel a lack of love in others, you have projected your fear  onto them. Only when you cease to do this will you feel true devotion.
T2:6.5 you in time. That your mind projects what you desire to accomplish  onto an unknown future time is what would seem to keep you from
T2:8.6 “found” and that you have been found. You need no longer journey  onto the paths of seeking. The truth of yourself that you reveal now
T3:14.11 to continue or want to abolish it for all time. If you are holding  onto regrets you are holding on to blame. If you are holding onto
T3:14.11 holding onto regrets you are holding on to blame. If you are holding  onto blame you are holding onto bitterness. If these regrets and
T3:14.11 holding on to blame. If you are holding onto blame you are holding  onto bitterness. If these regrets and blame have to do with yourself
T3:14.12 if they are allowed to do so. A time-bound consciousness that hangs  onto the past as if it were the truth, allows not correction to take
T3:14.13 rebirth must be total to be at all. Can you see why you cannot hang  onto the past? The new cannot have historical precedents. This is why
T4:12.36 is given to us is everything. All the power of creation is released  onto us. Let us begin.
D:Day16.10 within yourself in the embrace of love is the opposite of holding  onto what you have already responded to with fear and made separate.
D:Day16.13 for suffering, arrogance, and righteousness if you attempt to hold  onto it as the “known” and do not remain in a constant state of
D:Day16.13 remain in a constant state of coming to know. What you would hold  onto is based on fear and expelled into solidity where you can keep
D:Day23.3 you will carry what you have been given down from the mountain and  onto level ground, the ground of the earth, the place where you are
D:Day27.10 To be able to hold  onto, apprehend, and carry with you the ability to experience both
E.7 are no longer becoming there will be no becoming projected from you  onto the world. There will be no projections at all and this is why

onward (1)

D:Day10.19 Thus I will speak to you from this point  onward as the voice of Christ-consciousness, the voice of your own

open (50)

C:I.4 the mind with its precision. The mind so hates to be confused, to be  open, to remain open, and to not know. It desires anchors to hold it
C:I.4 precision. The mind so hates to be confused, to be open, to remain  open, and to not know. It desires anchors to hold it in one spot, and
C:I.5 The mind cannot hold  open the doors of the heart and yet we turn within, turn to the mind,
C:P.36 who you are and how to live as who you are in a new world. He can  open heaven to you and walk you through its gates, there to exchange
C:P.41 you choose not to awaken from. It is as if you have said, I will not  open my eyes until someone proves to me that they will see when they
C:5.20 arise, when worry comes, repeat the thought that comes to  open your heart and clear your mind: “I dedicate all thought to
C:7.9 that what you give away you will receive in truth, you will throw  open the doors to this safe house, and all the joy you have kept from
C:7.18 but the image that these words call forth is of a heart cracked  open, not of a heart in separate pieces. Your brain, on the other
C:7.23 these words—their truth will be revealed to you. Let your heart be  open to a new kind of evidence of what constitutes the truth. Think
C:10.21 of you is aware of a threshold you would cross that leaves no route  open for return. That threshold is often a happiness so fulfilling
C:10.27 street you walked down, of the buildings it traveled between, of the  open sky above, of all the “others” traveling it with you. You will
C:11.15 called a willingness to change your mind, or to allow yourself to be  open to new possibilities. It can be called a change of heart, or a
C:15.12 choice, as well as his birthright and your own. You only need be  open to the place that no specialness can enter, and bid your brother
C:21.4 God appeals to you through your heart. Your heart has not been  open to the appeals of love partially because of your use of
C:26.19 This is an invitation from love to love. It asks only that you be  open and allow giving and receiving as one to take place. It asks
C:29.9 your heavenly home, and you do not remember that your own hand can  open it once again. It is a gate of illusion, of mist, of clouds
T1:10.6 the human experience have been learning devices. They have cracked  open hearts and minds to the divine presence within. You have chosen
T2:3.2 world. Your heart speaks to you of this treasure and guides you to  open the trunk and release it to the world—to your world—to the
T3:18.10 with your eyes closed as easily as you can observe with your eyes  open. You can observe by having an idea of another’s health,
T3:20.16 all you need ask for is a little willingness. All you need do is  open the door through which love can enter.
T4:1.20 But these indirect means of communication left much  open to interpretation. Different interpretations of indirectly
T4:6.7 is leaves not the room for error that perception leaves, it leaves  open room for creation. In each moment, what is, while still existing
D:1.11 Help is here. Be what you have been called to be.  Open your dwelling place to your true Self, your true identity.
D:1.13  Open your heart, for the one who dwells there in union with all will
D:1.13 What was once a tiny pinprick of light becomes a beacon as you  open your heart and allow your true identity to be what is, even
D:4.5 has had the cell door and the prison gate thrown  open and a new world offered. If you do not “accept” this
D:6.14 but also knows that it may not. I am speaking of a spirit that is  open to the discovery of something new and “unbelievable” and even
D:8.9 So what we are attempting to do is to  open the mind to the wisdom of the heart with these dialogues. As the
D:9.1 to you here is the door of awareness of what is, a door that swings  open and closed on the hinges of your thoughts. Thoughts are a
D:11.12 for those who set limits upon the truth. But for those willing to  open their minds and hearts to a new way of seeing, for those willing
D:14.5 true, I wonder what would happen if I disregarded the facts and was  open to this being something else?” These questions could be asked in
D:14.6 of many situations as problems or crises. They can leave the way  open for revelation.
D:14.8 Your openness will not only leave the way  open for revelation but for cooperation. Cooperation comes from the
D:14.8 you have cause for stress and effort rather than for just being  open to what comes.
D:14.11 To expand is to  open “out,” to spread “out,” to increase, to become. It is, for us,
D:17.5 this mountain we have climbed, standing with arms raised, hands wide  open, gazing jubilantly into the heavens rather than toward the earth
D:Day3.21 embarrassment. To speak of money with anyone who has less might  open the door for a request for what you do not feel you have to
D:Day3.40 be gained through the mind. As you advance, and as you become more  open to other means of accessing the wisdom you once sought through
D:Day3.40 once sought through learning, or through the mind, other means will  open to you. You may see, audibly hear, and interact with what comes
D:Day3.41 The idea I am trying to  open to you here is the idea of a responsive relationship with unity
D:Day3.44 is your natural state. What you are being asked to do here, is to  open the self of form to the place of unity, thus allowing this
D:Day3.45 Being  open to the divine flow of union is the exact opposite of the
D:Day12.2 feelings of love of Self. Feelings of love of Self are now what hold  open the space of the Self, allowing the space to be.
D:Day12.8 your space will effortlessly join with the space that is free and  open to joining. There is no boundary between space and space. There
D:Day12.8 manner, deflected from the One Self, becoming not an obstacle. The  open space of the perceiver who sees not with perception only, and
D:Day12.8 his or her boundaries solid, is joined rather than deflected. The  open perceiver may or may not know of this enfolding, but may realize
D:Day19.13 unity and imagination, create the new by means other than doing,  open a way previously unknown, and as all forerunners do, anchor that
D:Day19.13 all forerunners do, anchor that way within consciousness by holding  open this door to creation. They, in truth, create a new pattern and
D:Day28.5 growth occurs, changes happen, new avenues to explore at times  open up, leading to the next level of experience: That of external
A.15 The task of facilitators of such meetings of  open hearts is to direct the reader away from ego mind and back to

open-mindedness (1)

T1:4.22 To form a new opinion about something gives you a feeling of  open-mindedness and growth. Lay aside your desire for reasons for

opened (6)

C:P.5 readiness for miracle-mindedness is upon it. A Course in Miracles  opened a door by threatening the ego. All those who, with egos
C:P.41 my eyes until someone proves to me that they will see when they are  opened. You sit in darkness awaiting proof that only your own light
C:11.16 instant you await its coming and feel the emptiness that has been  opened for its coming.
T4:1.14 your advanced mental abilities, or even your leisure time that has  opened up this opportunity. The only alternative would seem to be
D:9.1 The door that is being  opened to you here is the door of awareness of what is, a door that
D:Day3.46 provision. Even those of you who have asked God for abundance, and  opened yourselves to receive it, even those of you who have seen some

opening (6)

C:3.20 accompany love and loss? Is this the price you pay, you ask, for  opening up your heart? And yet, should you be asked if you would have
C:29.9 to unity. The atonement that is accomplished here is the means of  opening the gate to your approach. No one has closed this gate to
T1:6.5 is something to reach out to. Such ideas of prayer have long been  opening doors for those who are ready to walk through them to a real
D:1.11 dwelling place to your true Self, your true identity. Imagine this  opening and this replacement occurring with every fiber of your
D:1.13 for the one who dwells there in union with all will emerge from this  opening. What was once a tiny pinprick of light becomes a beacon as
D:11.4 In the  opening page of this Dialogue I said that you give and you receive

openly (1)

C:8.10 the surface of a relationship all that is known to you. You speak  openly of these levels of seeing, recognizing, and knowing, saying

openness (9)

C:I.5 and yet we turn within, turn to the mind, and show it where its  openness lies, where sweetness abides, where love’s knowing is found.
C:11.7 conviction but brings conviction. Willingness is your declaration of  openness, not necessarily of firm belief. You see free will and
C:23.27 reflection of belief that you have nothing to learn. An attitude of  openness is required for unlearning and new learning both. Control
C:23.27 is required for unlearning and new learning both. Control opposes  openness. Mastery comes through the process of both unlearning and
D:14.8 Your  openness will not only leave the way open for revelation but for
D:Day3.4 Most of you approached learning through the heart with even more  openness than you did new ideas about love, not realizing that they
D:Day19.17 which to anchor the new. Those following the way of Jesus create the  openness of the spacious Selves who allow for the anchors of the new
A.17 belief in the supremacy of the mind has temporarily overridden the  openness of their hearts. The need for some to remain within the
A.48 energy, ever changing, ever creating, ever new. Go forth with  openness for revelation to happen through you and through all you

opens (3)

T4:2.11 first man into space and vice versa, and yet, what one achieves but  opens the door for others and this is known to you. Even those who
D:8.9 mind to the wisdom of the heart with these dialogues. As the mind  opens and accepts the new, the art of thought will become your new
D:Day4.54 of what you are, which is why it cannot remain with you as the way  opens for you to fully know the Self of unity. You are about to

operate (3)

C:16.10 and you deem love as being capable of neither. Love seems to  operate on its own apart from what your mind would bid it do, and
D:Day3.24 This is the way fears  operate. They operate in the pattern of the ego, a pattern that was
D:Day3.24 This is the way fears operate. They  operate in the pattern of the ego, a pattern that was learned, a

operates (1)

C:20.31 has changed the nature of your universe and the laws by which it  operates. The laws of fear were laws of struggle, limits, danger, and

operating (2)

C:19.1 anything without your free will. A separate self with a free will  operating in an external world, as well as a spirit self desiring the
T2:11.2 still seeking to glorify it. You will still perceive of the world as  operating under the laws of man and as long as you perceive of the

operative (3)

C:23.24 allows you to purge old beliefs so that only one set of beliefs is  operative within you. This is the only route to the certainty you
D:Day6.19 is the only elevation you would want. As within, so without is the  operative phrase here. It is not the other way around. You cannot
D:Day7.10 the world and create a new universe. This condition of expansion is  operative now and beginning to find manifestation through the sharing

operator (1)

T2:10.5 illustration. For just as a supercomputer needs a knowledgeable  operator in order to provide the information sought, so too do you

opinion (4)

T1:4.22 the maturity required to reinterpret previous lessons. To form a new  opinion about something gives you a feeling of open-mindedness and
T2:7.17 speaking up in instances where you previously would have stated an  opinion. While these modes of behavior, in themselves, are learning
D:12.15 realize that you really know something, that this wasn’t your usual  opinion or idea you were offering up for discussion, but something
D:Day16.13 solidity where you can keep your eyes upon what you have “formed” an  opinion about. What you hold within the embrace is held in love and

opinions (4)

T1:4.19 than the thinking of the ego-mind. Interpretation but gives you  opinions about those things that you experience. Response reveals the
D:Day8.16 than you were before. You will be less certain in your judgments and  opinions, but this is highly appropriate and much needed practice for
D:Day8.29 of the time of learning—of a time when you used your feelings,  opinions, and judgments interchangeably and either “thought” about
D:Day8.29 “thought.” Judgment has been left behind and with it the need for  opinions and for “thinking” about “how to” react. Reaction has been

opportunities (17)

C:15.5 would not be special if you did not give this one certain gifts and  opportunities, nor would you fulfill your responsibility of making
C:23.23 unlearning you may feel tested. You are not being tested but given  opportunities for unlearning. To learn that a previously held belief
C:23.24 These learning  opportunities call for a period of engagement with life. Many of you
C:23.24 with life. Many of you will have begun to experience unlearning  opportunities even while your study of this Course may have led you
C:23.25 All unlearning  opportunities are opportunities for miracle readiness. There is no
C:23.25 All unlearning opportunities are  opportunities for miracle readiness. There is no trick to identifying
C:23.25 for miracle readiness. There is no trick to identifying unlearning  opportunities. From this point forward, I assure you, all experiences
T1:3.1 The first  opportunities for the art of thought to be applied relate to memory
T1:3.1 re-experiencing of all that you believe has shaped your life. These  opportunities are but the forerunners of new learning. They are but
T1:3.1 opportunities are but the forerunners of new learning. They are but  opportunities to replace illusion with the truth so that the truth of
T1:4.21 As was already stated, the first  opportunities for you to learn the art of thought will be provided
T1:4.21 through what we have called the re-experiencing of memory. These are  opportunities to re-experience the lessons your life has brought you.
T2:5.2 a specific type of call, you will miss many unlearning and learning  opportunities. Thus recognition of the different calls that may now
T2:10.18 as you had planned and nevertheless gifted you with experiences or  opportunities that would not have arisen had your chosen plan come to
D:Day28.6 Others reach a plateau of sorts and just keep following the  opportunities that are presented along one path. They may have chosen
D:Day36.5 life through your responses to the circumstances of your birth, your  opportunities or lack of opportunities, the fateful incidents that
D:Day36.5 to the circumstances of your birth, your opportunities or lack of  opportunities, the fateful incidents that you encountered, the people

opportunity (17)

C:6.12 the new day and the dying of the old. How sad they have not had the  opportunity to stand separate and alone and to become what they would
C:11.14 have come about. This matters not at this point. You are offered the  opportunity to make a temporary decision that can be rescinded at any
C:14.19 in their mind as they plot and plan for what they never have the  opportunity to put into place. Still others are more coy in their
C:29.26 past is but a worry about the return of gifts given. What gift of  opportunity did you not accept in the past, might you not recognize
T1:2.18 Finally, the sunset becomes, through your experience of it, an  opportunity to apply the art of thought.
T2:7.6 This source is the ego. Even now, the ego will take every  opportunity that arises to prove to you that independence is a far
T2:7.15 you will share with the world. It is also about giving the world the  opportunity to give back. It is about recognizing the constant and
T4:1.7 example might be useful. In many countries, all are given the  opportunity to go to school. This might be as easily stated as all
T4:1.7 their rebellion against the mandatory nature of their chosenness or  opportunity, they might easily choose not to learn. The nature of
T4:1.14 mental abilities, or even your leisure time that has opened up this  opportunity. The only alternative would seem to be that this must be
T4:5.12 intermediary and to begin to learn directly, you are given the same  opportunity that was formerly reserved for you only after your death.
T4:6.8 You have the unequalled  opportunity now, because you exist in the Time of Christ, to directly
D:4.5 thrown open and a new world offered. If you do not “accept” this  opportunity, you remain incarcerated in a system that tells you when
D:Day4.3 only choices that have been known to you? Thus you must be given the  opportunity here to see what other choices might be before you.
D:Day4.43 place of access and carry it within you, or do you only wish the  opportunity to revisit it when the need arises? Are you here to fast
D:Day28.4 the home of their parents until they are at least college age, the  opportunity to move away, move out, become more independent increases
A.28 in need of being shared. This sharing can offer a rich and rewarding  opportunity for differences to be revealed and for the welcome

oppose (6)

C:1.9 your pride a gift the ego demands. These are the magic thoughts that  oppose miracle-mindedness. These are the thoughts that say on my own
C:2.4 things have attributes and qualities that seem to complement or  oppose. Love has no attributes, which is why it cannot be taught.
C:6.8 is insane. Since you cannot be separate, all these factors that  oppose your reality exist only in opposition to it. This is what you
C:16.10 I repeat again that reason does not  oppose love, as your split mind would have you believe it does. For
C:16.10 world in which there are two sides to everything and two sides that  oppose each other. How can this be reason? The truth opposes nothing,
E.24 love still does not seem to reign, when you meet that which would  oppose love, remember that you are now the bridge between this

opposed (8)

C:30.7 relationship with the infinite instead of the finite, with life as  opposed to matter.
T1:3.2 the thinking of the ego-mind! The art of thought is diametrically  opposed to the thinking of the ego-mind.
D:6.9 they would tell you of all the “laws” of science that would be  opposed to them occurring. You would be told that if the sun had
D:9.11 awareness. We do this by discussing now the nature of ideas as  opposed to the nature of thoughts.
D:Day3.49 not worrying about money, or taking actions, right-actions now, as  opposed to your idea of the wrong-actions of the past, in order to
D:Day4.15 these things to begin to familiarize you with the “given” world as  opposed to the world of your perception, what we might call a
D:Day7.5 it makes sense. It is logical. And realize further that love is not  opposed to logic but returns true reason to the mind and heart.
D:Day14.9 while maintaining the relationship. It is what happens in oneness as  opposed to the stopping and holding “apart” that occurred in

opposes (7)

C:14.9 Think you not that reason  opposes love, for love gives reason its foundation. The foundation of
C:16.10 have you believe it does. For your split mind judges even love and  opposes it on the basis that it uses no judgment! Here you can see
C:16.10 two sides that oppose each other. How can this be reason? The truth  opposes nothing, nor does love.
C:23.27 openness is required for unlearning and new learning both. Control  opposes openness. Mastery comes through the process of both
T2:11.7 you are a being who exists in relationship. Separation is all that  opposes relationship, and the ego is all that opposes your true
T2:11.7 Separation is all that opposes relationship, and the ego is all that  opposes your true identity.
D:Day29.1 in this same, simultaneous way. If you can integrate all that  opposes wholeness into one level of experience, you will be able to

opposing (9)

C:20.33 free will devoid of fear, knows what it does. There are no  opposing forces that are not in agreement about their opposing force.
C:20.33 There are no opposing forces that are not in agreement about their  opposing force. No atoms do battle. No molecules compete for
T2:4.9 your power is the willingness to move through the conflict of two  opposing sets of thoughts and feelings to the place of unity.
D:3.7 go, and with it all ideas of contrast and opposites, of conflict and  opposing forces. This is all that is needed for the new to triumph
D:Day29.2 under different conditions, at times complementing and at times  opposing one another. Just as mind and heart became one in
D:Day40.7 extension, I became I Am. I became instantly because there was no  opposing tension—only love and an idea that entered love, of love’s

opposite (41)

C:P.15 of any teachings of the truth that have as their aim the exact  opposite of this conflict-inducing situation. The truth unites. It
C:2.4 as a reaction to fear. This is why you can understand love as fear’s  opposite. This is true enough. But because you have not properly
C:2.8 of a loving God is insane. Yet you believe that to think the  opposite is true insanity. Given even your limited view of who you
C:6.8 What is the  opposite of separation but being joined in relationship? Everything
C:6.8 chose to deny relationship, you chose a thought system based on the  opposite of your reality. Thus each choice to deny union reveals its
C:6.8 opposite of your reality. Thus each choice to deny union reveals its  opposite. What is separate from peace is chaos. What is separate from
C:8.21 heaven to your soul. On other days your feeling will be quite the  opposite, and you will wonder where you are. Yes, there your body is,
C:8.28 can it be that what was created so like to God’s creation can be so  opposite to it? How can memory so deceive the eyes, and yet fail to
C:9.21 peace. You think that if you but provide these things that are  opposite to what you would not want to have, you have accomplished
C:9.22 set on the care of the body alone is another example of choosing an  opposite for replacement.
C:9.23 face? You see what you do not want and try to replace it with its  opposite. Your life is thus spent in struggling against what you have
C:10.21 “I will take this despair no more.” For others this threshold is the  opposite, an experience of pain so great that they would rather die
C:14.8 or to disregard all that reason would say to you. Only the  opposite is true. You are asked rather to give up the laws of chaos
C:14.30 thing. And as soon as love is attached to a particular, love’s  opposite is brought into existence. While you refuse to look upon
C:14.30 to love but to make special. And you are choosing but to make love’s  opposite real to you and those you claim to love, as well as those
C:15.1 of your life, and the world you see but reflects this desire. Love’s  opposite would not exist but for your invitation of it. All hate,
C:15.1 guilt, shame, and envy are but the result of your creation of an  opposite to love through specialness. All the maladies of the current
C:16.16 the world a better place! If history proves anything, it proves the  opposite of what you would care to believe. The more the individual,
C:19.23 Looking back in judgment is not what is required here. Only the  opposite will advance our aim of uniting mind and heart.
C:20.45 of to serve is being used to replace the idea of to use and is its  opposite. It replaces the thought of taking with the thought of
C:23.12 with an alteration of beliefs regarding form. Here we have taken an  opposite approach, beginning with exercises to alter your belief in
C:31.11 thoughts and see them as the seat of yourself calls for the exact  opposite of extension. This is the only true source of conflict. And,
C:31.25 The ego invented the idea of “telling” the truth and using it as an  opposite to telling an untruth or lie. Thus were born ideas of being
T1:1.3 does not feel complete is the result of forgetfulness, which is the  opposite of mindfulness. Your further learning then is learning based
T1:9.12 sway, toward the intellectual. This instinctual turning toward an  opposite has been made to serve you through the intercession of the
T2:7.1 without looking at the condition of dependency that you consider its  opposite. To be independent, you feel as if you must rely only on
T3:3.3 affect it or others you hold dear. Some of you have seemed to do the  opposite, despite your best intentions calling disappointment to
T3:4.1 This is not a self-help course but just the  opposite. This Course has stated time and time again that you cannot
T3:6.5 hand-in-hand. This is the idea of “an eye for an eye” or the exact  opposite of the idea of “turning the other cheek.” While this may
T4:2.32 But true vision is seeing relationship and union. It is the  opposite of seeing with the eyes and the attitude of separation. It
T4:4.10 which I speak. You are not mortal, and so a word that speaks of an  opposite to what you are not and have never been is not the accurate
D:16.3 To be barren is to be empty. Empty is the  opposite of full, the opposite of wholeness. It is the perceived
D:16.3 To be barren is to be empty. Empty is the opposite of full, the  opposite of wholeness. It is the perceived condition of lack. It is
D:Day3.45 Being open to the divine flow of union is the exact  opposite of the condition of anger. Anger could be likened to an
D:Day14.7 stopped and held in a “holding pattern” to return to later, is the  opposite of the holding within you are asked to do now because those
D:Day16.10 where all that is exists in harmony. To embrace is the  opposite of to escape. To hold all within yourself in the embrace of
D:Day16.10 to escape. To hold all within yourself in the embrace of love is the  opposite of holding onto what you have already responded to with fear
D:Day27.11 darkness and light, hot and cold, sickness and health are each just  opposite ends of the same continuum, you can now see that they are
D:Day34.1 is key to creating a new world, how does this relate to the seeming  opposite of creation? How does this new way of seeing relate to
D:Day36.11 what is not God is simply being—simply existing at the  opposite end of the continuum of everything that is creation.

opposites (12)

C:7.3 the basis of all learning in your world. It is based on contrast and  opposites and on separating into groups and species. Not only is each
D:3.7 the new. We let the old go, and with it all ideas of contrast and  opposites, of conflict and opposing forces. This is all that is
D:Day27.9 darkness. Looking in another, you might see the dawning of light.  Opposites exist only as different aspects of one whole. Different
D:Day34.1 cold, darkness and light. Seeing in wholeness includes seeing the  opposites that seem to exist at these two ends of the same spectrum.
D:Day35.16 from particulars but united with wholeness, has led to this time of  opposites becoming one and wholeness becoming actual rather than
D:Day38.8 and union within one’s own Self. This has been called the tension of  opposites, of being one’s own Self and being one in union and
D:Day38.8 being one’s own Self and being one in union and relationship. These  opposites, like all others, are held within the embrace of love and
D:Day39.38 or carrying, the mystery within you. That mystery is the tension of  opposites. It is time and eternity. Love and hate. Good and evil. In
D:Day39.46 You will realize as you enter union that the tension of  opposites is the individuation process and that you are the bridge.
D:Day40.22 individuation has become the conflict between, or the tension of,  opposites. Because you have relationship with both fear and love.
E.24 that you are now the bridge between this creative tension of  opposites becoming one. Remember that this is creation in the making.

opposition (7)

C:6.5 unity over separation, you choose reality over illusion. You end  opposition by choosing harmony. You end conflict by choosing peace.
C:6.8 separate, all these factors that oppose your reality exist only in  opposition to it. This is what you chose to create when you chose to
C:6.8 chose to pretend you can be what you cannot be. You chose to live in  opposition to the truth, and the opposition is of your making.
C:6.8 you cannot be. You chose to live in opposition to the truth, and the  opposition is of your making.
C:6.12 Eagerness for life and eagerness for heaven are seen to be in  opposition. Heaven and its milieu of eternal peace is rightly kept,
T3:3.2 have been chosen either in accordance with the ego’s desires or in  opposition to them. Whether they be in accord or in opposition, their
T3:3.2 desires or in opposition to them. Whether they be in accord or in  opposition, their source has still been the ego. These traits,

oppression (1)

T1:4.12 the idea of your responsibility for these gifts that has led to your  oppression. Again I tell you, your call is to respond rather than to

optimal (4)

T4:7.7 You will realize that what is is  optimal to your learning. But you will also realize that an end to
T4:7.7 of all learning everywhere. The conditions are perfect for  optimal learning. This is the nature of the universe. These
T4:12.21 of new patterns. The patterns of old were patterns designed for the  optimal benefit of learning. These patterns were created by the one
T4:12.27 the pattern was the same. There was an overall design that ensured  optimal learning and that design was known to you in the pattern of

option (4)

C:1.14 in it. In this you think correctly. And yet you do not choose this  option, thinking that to do so you turn your back on responsibility
C:2.8 to make their corner of it more safe and secure. Some shift from one  option to the next, giving up on one and hoping that the other will
C:10.22 to the unknown fears of any other kind of existence. That an  option could be chosen that leaves no room for fear at all does not
T3:19.7 desire for physical joining as an expression of that union. Neither  option is reason for judgment.

options (2)

C:2.8 other will bring them some peace. To think that these are the only  options available to creatures of a loving God is insane. Yet you
T4:7.6 the manner of this perfection of your health will remain one of many  options.

or (1593)

orbit (3)

C:18.3 Now imagine further that this chain is keeping the Earth in its  orbit. It is obvious that the Earth falling out of orbit would cause
C:18.3 the Earth in its orbit. It is obvious that the Earth falling out of  orbit would cause dire consequences of a universal nature. It is
D:6.12 need not set—and the earth would still be safely spinning in its  orbit.

orchestra (2)

T4:5.2 expression, God’s melody. You, and all that exist with you, form the  orchestra and chorus of creation. You might think of your time here
T4:5.2 the relationship of unity that is the whole of the choir and the  orchestra. So that you can realize your accomplishment in union and

ordeal (1)

D:Day3.21 is seen as a dire situation indeed. This asking will likely be an  ordeal of some consequence. Even those who are seen by others as

order (177)

C:I.2 these new mental constructs and calls this way of seeing new. In  order to support its new reality it must insist that others follow
C:I.4 You think that in  order to share you must be able to speak the same language and so you
C:P.8 of who you think you are. Christ is God’s extension of who He is. In  order to end the need for learning, you must know who you are and
C:4.9 cannot be learned nor practiced, there is a practice we must do in  order to recognize love’s presence. We practice living by the law of
C:4.22 for the mess that has been made, to attempt to restore  order to chaos, anything so that the angry ones feel less alone with
C:5.16 you say that is the real world. It is the world you go out into in  order to earn your living, receive your education, find your mate.
C:6.3 and never were and never can be. All your illusions were created in  order to obscure this fact of your existence because you would rather
C:7.4 In  order to identify yourself in this world, you have had to withhold a
C:7.14 form of grievances but of the form of specialness. You withhold in  order to make yourself special, always at another’s expense. All your
C:8.12 willing to address. You would see into another’s mind and heart in  order perhaps to help them, but also to have power over them.
C:9.49 to remain separate, you must use your brothers and sisters in  order to even maintain the illusion of your separation. Would it not
C:11.3 the next. Those of you less confident may quit before you begin in  order to keep from failing one more time. Even those who feel the
C:14.5 the highest achievement of the life upon it would be to leave it in  order to gain life? What creator would create a world not meant to
C:16.16 Something dangerous has been tried and has seemingly succeeded. The  order of the universe has flipped. The child believes she has
C:18.3 that you are part of what has established and keeps a universal  order, part of a whole that would be a completely different whole
C:18.9 for, or the extent of involvement this learning would require. In  order to learn what the idea of separation would teach you, you
C:18.10 to you in your natural state. Experience was required in  order to alter your belief system and is required now as well.
C:18.13 In  order for your experience base to change from that of learning in
C:18.13 must each experience the birth of the idea of learning from unity in  order for it to come from within and leave not its source. An idea of
C:18.13 own way, from the desire to know from which all ideas are born, in  order to give it life.
C:18.15 Thus the integration of mind and heart must be our goal in  order for you to create the state in which unity can be experienced.
C:19.10 of long ago saw me is the way to achieve relationship of the highest  order and relearn communion, the language of the heart. This is why
C:19.13 In  order to do this there is still one more layer to the unification of
C:19.15 to know cannot be achieved through the same methods you have used in  order to know about other things. And, increasingly, you are willing
C:19.19 backward, or the review of life that some experience after death. In  order to remember unity you must, in a sense, travel back to it,
C:20.4 from life itself. Your beauty is the gathering of the atoms, the  order in chaos, the silence in solitude, the grace of the cosmos. Our
C:20.6 one mind. One creative force gathering the atoms, establishing the  order, blessing the silence, gracing the cosmos, manifesting the
C:20.47 effect world peace. You can barely keep your personal concerns in  order. Your effort to do so is all that stands between you and chaos.
C:21.4 because of your use of concepts. Concepts have been used to  order your world and to assist your mind in keeping track of all that
C:22.9 Everything within your world and your day must pass through you in  order to gain reality. While you might think of this as everything
C:23.16 belief is not only capable of changing form but also is necessary in  order to do so.
C:29.22 have from what another has and then to call it special. You claim in  order to reclaim your Self.
C:30.2 separated from the Self and your function here. When you learn in  order to contribute something to your work and your world, you bypass
C:30.3 Be like the little children, and inhale the world around you in  order to make it part of your Self. Be like the little children, and
C:30.3 make it part of your Self. Be like the little children, and learn in  order to claim your learning for your Self. Learn who you are through
C:30.3 Learn who you are through each experience rather than learning in  order to find out who you are or what your contribution will
C:31.2 thought—as dictated by the body—from thought of a higher  order, or spiritual thought. Thoughts related to your personal self
C:31.14 are one in truth. Put another way, all this says is that in  order to be your Self, you have to share your Self. What you keep you
C:31.19 such as confession being good for the soul would be no more. But in  order to remember your Self, you need a means of learning who you
T1:1.7 mechanics of the mind were what were in need of being overcome in  order for you to listen once again to the wisdom of your heart. The
T1:1.7 for it to even contemplate union or the new learning required in  order to facilitate your return to union. Your return to union is
T1:1.7 center or heart of your Self. Your mind was in need of silencing in  order for you to hear the wisdom of your heart and begin your return.
T1:1.7 you to hear the wisdom of your heart and begin your return. Now, in  order to complete your return, mind and heart must work as one.
T1:1.9 ego is incapable of learning the ego-mind had to be circumvented in  order for true learning to take place. This is what A Course of Love
T1:2.10 only thoughts are of survival of the body is to exist in a lower  order. The laws of the body have thus subjected you to conditions
T1:2.10 the ego-mind to turn its attention to existence in this lower  order. It is only you who can recognize and invite the higher order
T1:2.10 lower order. It is only you who can recognize and invite the higher  order or subject yourself to its conditions. It is only your
T1:2.10 It is only your attention to the existence of this higher  order that will reveal its laws to you. These are the laws of God or
T1:2.12 new means of thinking is referred to here as the “art” of thought in  order to call your wholehearted attention to the continual act of
T1:2.16 The sunset is part of your human experience. In the lower  order of that experience it speaks to your survival needs. It may
T1:2.17 Yet to rise above this lower  order of experience is to receive and to give back. First the sunset
T1:3.3 Because it believes it is on its own it cannot see the higher  order. Because of all of this, it cannot experience the truth and so
T1:4.2 instruction of the ego-mind. This Treatise must change that habit in  order for all your thoughts to become the miracles that express the
T1:4.18 The art of thought is being taught here in  order to prevent just such a conclusion. The truth is the truth and
T1:5.8 In  order to experience the truth, you must move into a state that is
T1:5.12 the foundation of fear on which the old thought system was built in  order to experience the new.
T1:7.5 to a new level, and acquired an ability to perceive differently, in  order to make this new learning possible. If you do not let what you
T1:8.10 version of creation, made it necessary for woman to join with man in  order for new life to come forth, is but another example of how your
T1:8.16 one more demonstration of what needs to occur now, in this time, in  order for the truth of the resurrection to be revealed and lived.
T1:9.8 this birth of the Self, who is the giver and who is the receiver? In  order for the Self to be birthed, giving and receiving must be one in
T2:2.6 act of caring for a child, preparing a meal, bringing grace and  order to a home?
T2:4.3 that you but think you are. A Course of Love then followed in  order to reveal to you who you truly are. While you continue to act
T2:5.1 In  order for you to more fully understand the life that this Course
T2:7.4 that has been so often defined and repeated within this Course. In  order to believe in giving and receiving as one, you must believe in
T2:8.1 In  order for this learning to come to completion, you must put into
T2:8.6 of who you are. This distinction must be fully realized here in  order for you to accept the truth of who you are and to come to an
T2:9.7 with needs or need fulfillment. Doing what needs to be done in  order to survive is hardly the same as feeling that one has a need.
T2:9.10 The extent to which you are willing to abdicate your needs in  order to attain something is the extent to which your belief in want
T2:9.13 instincts over millennia, such as the instinct to survive, in  order to carry on in physical form.
T2:10.5 For just as a supercomputer needs a knowledgeable operator in  order to provide the information sought, so too do you need to become
T2:10.5 information sought, so too do you need to become knowledgeable in  order to access all that is available to you.
T2:11.14 Here that relationship is being called Christ in  order to keep the holiness and importance of this relationship
T2:13.1 have seen that yourself does not need to stand separate and alone in  order to be fulfilled under the mantle of individuality. You have
T3:2.11 should you be more inclined to believe that you left a paradise in  order to live a while in a form that would cause you much suffering
T3:5.6 an appropriateness that continues even now. I walked the earth in  order to reveal a God of love. The question of the time, a question
T3:12.5 your awareness is still limited. As has already been stated, in  order to remove the limits that continue to exist, we must remove all
T3:14.6 live than to see the need to change your life completely in  order to find love. You who are worried about the risks you may be
T3:14.11 in all. If your brother or sister would not give up bitterness in  order to usher in a world of peace, would you not think this a
T3:15.13 assisting you to live what you have learned. Learning was needed in  order to return you to your Self. Despite whatever method you feel
T3:16.4 within you, a hope for the very changes that you feel you need in  order to reflect, within your daily life, the new Self you have
T3:16.8 being said that you are already what you have sought to be. Thus, in  order to live by the truth, you must live in the world as The
T3:17.1 the laws of love. There was no need for the Self to be separate in  order for this to be so, but there was a need for the Self to have an
T3:17.8 was needed between the illusion and the truth, must end in  order for the truth to become the one reality.
T3:18.8 as if you are asked to deny the facts that you see before you in  order to observe something other than what is there. You must
T3:20.5 the ego-thought system and thus seeing the errors of the old way in  order to realize the perfect sense of the new.
T3:21.7 true Self to exist together is for the truth to be lived in time. In  order for the truth to be lived in time you must forget your
T4:1.25 Some occupy themselves with mind and spirit numbing activities in  order to block it out, having chosen to die within the state of
T4:4.14 the divine, there was no choice but to end the separated state in  order to return to unity through death. Once the return to unity has
T4:4.16 is to believe that you must die to the personal self of form in  order to be reborn as a true Self. This is an old way of thinking.
T4:5.4 In  order for your body to live, this one Energy had to enter your form
T4:5.9 probable. It is thus probable that you will use your free will in  order to be who you are. But it is not guaranteed! It is your choice
T4:7.7 past, and in the future, to bring you the lessons you would learn in  order to return you to your Self and the unity of
T4:8.8 love. What God, in effect had to do, what you in effect had to do in  order to live in a nature inconsistent with that from which God could
T4:8.9 the body and chose to rebel against the learning that was needed in  order to come into the time of fullness of a being able to express
T4:8.12 To take away your freedom in  order to protect you, even from yourself, would not have been an act
T4:10.11 that there is no lack. Learning was what was necessary in  order to allow you to fulfill the desired experience of expressing
T4:10.11 is what you are now ready to do. Learning was what was necessary in  order to know who you are and how to express who you are. No longer
T4:12.19 and choose the conditions of learning instead of sharing in unity in  order to realize some bit of knowledge that you feel is necessary
T4:12.23 joined in Christ-consciousness, must share this consciousness in  order to know it. It cannot be grasped by the singular consciousness.
D:1.3 still fumbling along. You do not see the natural grace and  order of the universe extending into the realm of the elevated Self,
D:1.3 aiding the personal self in the stepping back that is required in  order for the true Self to step forward.
D:1.21 with every curriculum that has sought to teach the truth. In  order for the truth to be truly learned, you first had to enter a
D:3.4 denied for the new to come into being, the old must be vanquished in  order for the truth to triumph over illusion.
D:3.23 serve you in your creation of the new. All—all—that you need in  order to create the new is available within you. The power of the
D:4.11 is the idea of a purposeless existence, a universe with no divine  order, a life in which you are at the mercy of fate. The new idea you
D:4.11 is that existence is purposeful, that the universe exists in divine  order, and that your life is part of that divine design.
D:4.19 in which to dwell or as a set of rules or instructions to follow in  order to build the new—but as structure that will provide you with
D:4.22 and still feel as if you need. If you have imprisoned yourself in  order to earn a living by doing work that brings you no joy and
D:4.23 I give you your own authority, an authority you must claim in  order for it to be your own. An authority you must claim before your
D:4.29 is available. You accept and you receive. You realize that the first  order of creation of the new is restoration of the original order, or
D:4.29 first order of creation of the new is restoration of the original  order, or original design. As you have been returned to your Self,
D:5.6 content—form representing what “is.” The form was created in  order to show—to teach—that joining is the way. Think of the word
D:5.13 What was made of what was created in  order to serve the ego will cease to be, just as the ego has ceased
D:6.2 the real to the unreal, the false to the true, fear to love—in  order to point out the insanity of your perception and the perfect
D:6.2 to ideas concerning false representation rather than let them go in  order to embrace true representation. In the time of learning, you
D:6.14 I am calling all of this to mind in  order to begin our discussion concerning the suspension of belief. If
D:6.15 certainty, a learned certainty based on the fear that caused you to  order the world according to a set of facts and rules.
D:7.4 in time to aid your total acceptance of what you have learned. In  order to experience the new you must answer the call to let
D:7.15 The observation, envisioning, and desire you have been practicing in  order to be ready to accept revelation works hand in hand with the
D:7.26 In  order to facilitate your understanding, I call you now to imagine
D:9.9 on the Nature of Unity and Its Recognition”. What was taught in  order to aid your “recognition” will clearly be different from what
D:9.14 that these ideas that already exist were able to pass through you in  order to gain expression in form; then you are beginning to see, on a
D:11.1 apply thought to intellectual puzzles, focus your thoughts in  order to make up your mind. You make lists of your thoughts so you
D:11.1 of your thoughts so you don’t forget what they remind you to do, you  order your thoughts to communicate effectively, you take note of your
D:11.4 the total rejection of thought as you know it that must now occur in  order to go on to creation of the new. You create the new from, and
D:12.8 thoughts, but they do “enter” you. Their words must enter you in  order for them to provide a source for your response—to become a
D:14.4 will, to a certain extent, need to remember your invulnerability in  order to be a real explorer, and to fully participate in the
D:14.4 of earlier. You will need, in short, to set aside the known in  order to discover the unknown.
D:15.18 desired service. In this example, maintenance is what you give in  order to receive the maximum connection to unity that is possible in
D:16.21 of true joining in relationship. You must be fully present in  order to join in relationship. All of your images are false images,
D:Day2.15 acceptance is necessary. I will give you one final example in  order to make our discussion as clear as possible.
D:Day3.11 either learned or earned, most times both, for you have learned in  order to earn, learned in order to advance yourself in the world in
D:Day3.11 most times both, for you have learned in order to earn, learned in  order to advance yourself in the world in one way or another. Since
D:Day3.25 dialogue, we have begun to use examples of what you did not learn in  order to demonstrate that what you learned is not true. What you
D:Day3.36 taught, often throwing the questions posed back upon the poser, in  order to say: Use me not as an intermediary. It is only in
D:Day3.37 To read the inspired wisdom of teachers such as these in  order to “learn” has prevented the very relationship that these
D:Day3.49 now, as opposed to your idea of the wrong-actions of the past, in  order to bring money or abundance flowing to you. All that this
D:Day4.20 that my example life was seen as something from which to learn. In  order to “teach” what my life represented to those who did not know
D:Day5.2 the same, but perhaps quite different in the action which you use in  order to enter it. For those of you who have felt the point of entry
D:Day5.18 be told is not a lesson. Not another cause for seeming effort in  order to arrive at the effortless. But realize also that this effort
D:Day5.19 As you may seem to pause here in your movement in  order to understand the way in which that movement is achieved, you
D:Day6.1 We stand at the intersection point of the finite and the infinite in  order to complete the creative act of becoming.
D:Day6.30 Do you need to feel desire for what you do in  order to do it peacefully? Do you need to be other than yourself in
D:Day6.30 order to do it peacefully? Do you need to be other than yourself in  order to navigate your daily life? What you are being shown here is
D:Day8.7 “trying” and even “struggling” to accept what you do not like in  order to be more true to an ideal self. Yet this ideal self is not
D:Day8.29 and judgments interchangeably and either “thought” about them in  order to know how to react or suffered the consequences of reacting
D:Day10.35 Although I need no awareness of the issues facing your time in  order to speak to you of such things, I am aware of them. So is every
D:Day11.4 The One Self exists within the many in  order to know Its Self through sharing in union and relationship.
D:Day15.2 unknown and your willingness to accept your relationship with it in  order for you to come to know it. The unknown and the known exist
D:Day18.5 is within them. They realize that what is needed now is needed in  order to renew or resurrect the world and all who abide within it.
D:Day18.12 the self and the relationship of self to all must become known in  order for the paradise that has been re-found to be recreated for
D:Day19.10 All are called to become, but some must “do” in  order to “become.” Those called to the way of Mary are not required
D:Day21.2 the pattern of learning you have been so familiar with, for in  order to learn, the source of wisdom, even though you may have seen
D:Day21.9 experience with a companion who had offered himself as a teacher in  order to bring you to the place of being willing to accept that a
D:Day21.9 that a teacher was not needed. He joined you on the mountain top in  order to prepare you for his departure, a departure from reliance
D:Day22.7 making known. It is the only way it remains real. You know union in  order to sustain and create union by channeling the unknown reality
D:Day23.1 be this. A Course of Love gave you the understanding you needed in  order to realize that you are this. The Treatises gave you a way to
D:Day24.7 of the spirit. Without release, it must die to its present form in  order to begin again. Thus spirit is always becoming, even when it
D:Day27.14 experiencing the constant and the variable together. We practice in  order to move toward an experience of variability within wholeness
D:Day28.5 directed. They may include a great deal of inner reflection in  order to be made, but they are still directed at external outcome. By
D:Day28.23 on the mountain has provided you with: The experience required in  order to realize a new possibility.
D:Day30.2 is not by itself the whole, but is, in combination, the whole. In  order for a common denominator to be found, more than one (fraction,
D:Day30.4 state of “Wholeness” or “Beingness” separating into more than one in  order to know Itself, you would see that knower and known are one.
D:Day30.4 and known are one. You would see that two or more are needed in  order for knowing to occur. To not know wholeness would be to be in a
D:Day30.4 state of nothingness. Thus the joining of two or more are needed in  order for wholeness to be known and thus to exist as a state of
D:Day30.5 and experiencer are one. In other words, one must experience in  order to know. It follows then that what is experienced is what is
D:Day35.6 top experience behind? This question has been asked in this way in  order to remind you that while you will return to level ground, you
D:Day36.19 see, now, perhaps, why we have had to build your awareness slowly in  order for you to be able to reach this place where you may be able to
D:Day37.17 the conditions of being because you must be able to perceive in  order to be a being. But knowing is also used because you are, as a
D:Day39.3 Because we are all one being, we must either extend or project in  order to individuate and be in relationship. You are an extension of
D:Day39.12 two individuated beings in union and relationship. You and me. In  order for this link of relationship to exist there must be two beings
D:Day40.8 separation you have striven against the “opposing” force of union in  order to become separate. In seeing the self as separate you have
D:Day40.30 and to know. Can you give up the ideal of your separated self in  order to be known? In order to know?
D:Day40.30 give up the ideal of your separated self in order to be known? In  order to know?
E.2 you will still have to make—the choice to leave behind the old in  order to be.
A.12 information that you do not possess. I ask you merely to receive in  order to learn receptivity, the way of the heart. I ask you only to
A.26 situation. Now a time may come when studying truly seems to be in  order. The guidance provided by their reading may seem to come and go

ordered (1)

D:3.10 You will be seeking now for replacements for that which formerly  ordered your life. Thus we will speak of these replacements.

ordinarily (1)

T3:13.10 yourself to freely spend a small amount of money each day that you  ordinarily would not spend, always with the idea in mind that this

ordinary (6)

T2:2.2 of those who feel they have a calling for something beyond their  ordinary, limited, view of themselves use this phrase. But many
T2:6.9 is the creation of a new reality outside of the pattern of  ordinary time. Although this state exists as the already
T3:19.16 about the glory of God. What will make this choice so attractive are  ordinary people living extraordinary, and miraculous, and observable
T3:21.21 Self is being sounded far and wide and why it goes out to humble and  ordinary people like yourself. There is no exclusivity to this call.
D:Day4.34 longer in need of tools. But you have taken yourself away from the  ordinary world. You are on top of the mountain. What is this all
D:Day8.2 Love yourself enough to accept yourself. Love will transform normal,  ordinary, life into extraordinary life. Loving exactly who you are

organ (1)

D:Day12.8 the obstacle but does not know it. The feeling that is the sense  organ of the spacious Self then remembers its spaciousness and calls

organism (3)

D:4.2 to see no more. In unity you are whole and inseparable, one living  organism now raised above the level of the organism as you become
D:4.2 inseparable, one living organism now raised above the level of the  organism as you become aware of unity of form.
D:7.21 is the way of the creature, the natural response of the living  organism to the stimulus of matter upon matter, and of the creature’s

organization (2)

C:17.7 with them, even knowing in advance that your greatest efforts at  organization are often to no avail. A Course in Miracles asks you to
T2:9.4 of you. You assign the meeting of a need to a person or system or  organization. You as often feel indebted as you feel grateful for the

organizations (3)

C:7.3 but so too are groups of individuals, pieces of land, systems and  organizations, the natural world and the mechanistic world, heaven
C:7.14 not only against individuals but groups and nations, teams and  organizations, religions and neighbors and family members. This is
C:9.42 than yourself demonstrates to you. All society, groups, teams, and  organizations are but a collective portrayal of individual desire.

organizing (1)

D:Day18.8 formation of life, over what tells the brain what to do, over the  organizing factor of DNA, of tissues and cells that do know exactly

organs (1)

D:Day12.2 up, by consciousness. It is your feelings that now will be the sense  organs of this spaciousness. Not feelings of sight or sound, smell or

orientation (1)

C:18.16 this Course has thus far attempted to do is to briefly change your  orientation from mind to heart. This is a first step in what will

origin (6)

C:28.10 knowing. This is a human response to a knowing that is not human in  origin. Knowing is alien to you, and that is why you seek validation.
T3:5.8 goes unfulfilled. Since God is original purpose, original cause, the  origin of self and of relationship, original purpose cannot go
T3:21.12 own in the way few things, in addition to your name and family of  origin ever are. Even the most materialistic among you rarely count
T3:21.15 The historical aspect is based upon your family of  origin, its history, and on the life you have led since your birth.
T4:12.26 and that you are not in a foreign land but returned to your home of  origin. What you cannot learn you can remember. What you cannot learn

original (56)

C:P.8 learning, you must know who you are and what this means. Where the  original Course in Miracles was a course in thought reversal and mind
C:P.11 The further teachings of the  original Course were designed to turn fear into love. When you think
C:2.16 your attempts to keep things separate are but a re-enactment of the  original separation made to convince yourself that the separation
C:6.6 All this forgiveness can do for you. Forgiveness of the  original error—the choice to believe that you are separate despite
C:12.20 —and there still is no such thing except as an extension of the  original idea. Just as we discussed your desire to protect or to
C:12.20 exist, so too is it with the external aspect of life. Without the  original idea of separation, the external aspect of life would not
C:12.22 been written. Yet this participation could not but proceed from the  original idea and could not proceed in reality but only in the
C:17.10 cannot be made, correction would have occurred. This is the  original error that is so in need of correction: your belief in sin—
C:17.12 reverse or “turn back” to the state in which you existed before the  original error, then you never shall.
T2:6.10 the phrase, the Son of God, and the name Christ, but represent the  original creation and are not to be mistaken for heavenly deities
T3:2.1 exist only as a representation? We might think of this in terms of  original purpose and the original purpose of representation being to
T3:2.1 We might think of this in terms of original purpose and the  original purpose of representation being to share the Self in a new
T3:2.6 of this behind now as we advance toward truth through returning to  original purpose. Your return to your original purpose eliminates the
T3:2.6 truth through returning to original purpose. Your return to your  original purpose eliminates the concept of original sin and leaves
T3:2.6 Your return to your original purpose eliminates the concept of  original sin and leaves you blameless. It is from this blameless or
T3:2.10 unreal and the real. All you await is an idea, a remembrance of the  original idea about your personal self.
T3:5.7 was given once and for all. It is the gift of restoration to  original purpose. Without there having been an original purpose
T3:5.7 of restoration to original purpose. Without there having been an  original purpose worthy of God’s son, the crucifixion would have
T3:5.7 to the formless. Instead, the sons of man were freed to pursue their  original purpose.
T3:5.8 the Self be reborn to life eternal. Without rebirth of the Self, the  original purpose goes unfulfilled. Since God is original purpose,
T3:5.8 of the Self, the original purpose goes unfulfilled. Since God is  original purpose, original cause, the origin of self and of
T3:5.8 original purpose goes unfulfilled. Since God is original purpose,  original cause, the origin of self and of relationship, original
T3:5.8 purpose, original cause, the origin of self and of relationship,  original purpose cannot go unfulfilled. What this means is that the
T3:18.2 the ability to observe what the Self expresses, was part of the  original choice for physical form. The word observance has rightly
T3:18.3 and this relationship causes an effect. Because this was part of the  original choice for the physical experience, it is a natural choice
T3:19.9 It is a thought system of one thought, one goal. That goal is the  original thought that began the experience in physical form, the
T4:2.15 The ability to observe what the Self expresses was among the  original reasons for this chosen experience. Observe now the
T4:3.3 personal self is still in need of being elevated—elevated to its  original nature—by its original nature or intent. The devotion of
T4:3.3 in need of being elevated—elevated to its original nature—by its  original nature or intent. The devotion of the observant will return
T4:3.3 or intent. The devotion of the observant will return you to your  original purpose. The vision of Christ-consciousness will take you
T4:3.4  Original intent has everything to do with the nature of things for
T4:3.4 Original intent has everything to do with the nature of things for  original intent is synonymous with cause. The original intent of this
T4:3.4 nature of things for original intent is synonymous with cause. The  original intent of this chosen experience was the expression of the
T4:3.4 was the expression of the Self of love in observable form. This  original intent or cause formed the true nature of the personal self
T4:3.4 capable of being observed in relationship. The displacement of the  original intent, while it did not change the original cause, formed a
T4:3.4 The displacement of the original intent, while it did not change the  original cause, formed a false nature for the personal self. This
T4:3.4 a false nature for the personal self. This displacement of the  original intent can be simply stated as the displacement of love with
T4:3.5 you have ever intended to live in fear. But the displacement of the  original intent was so complete that each life has begun with fear
T4:3.5 from this beginning continually reacting to fear. While the  original intent remained within you and caused you to attempt to
T4:3.12 The physical form is not the natural or  original form of the created. Vision is the means by which the
T4:3.12 or original form of the created. Vision is the means by which the  original nature of the created can once again be known. Observation
T4:3.12 can once again be known. Observation is the means by which the  original nature of the created can newly be seen in physical form.
T4:3.12 nature of the created can newly be seen in physical form. Once the  original nature of the created becomes observable in physical form,
T4:3.12 and become the new nature of the created. There is no reason why the  original nature of your being cannot become a being the nature of
T4:3.12 which is form if you so choose it to be. There is a reason why the  original nature of your being cannot exist in a form unnatural to
T4:8.11 In following in the way of God’s  original intent, you rebelled against God’s original design, the
T4:8.11 in the way of God’s original intent, you rebelled against God’s  original design, the design that is the pattern of creation. Yet your
D:4.29 that the first order of creation of the new is restoration of the  original order, or original design. As you have been returned to your
D:4.29 of creation of the new is restoration of the original order, or  original design. As you have been returned to your Self, now your
D:Day6.7 to the piece originally intended, or it might be quite true to the  original idea.
D:Day17.2 anointed in its coming and its going in remembrance of the  original anointing.
D:Day32.6 but no, He has already granted free will so He can’t do that? If the  original purpose was knowing Himself, what kind of knowing would this
D:Day35.17 If creation only occurs through unity and relationship, then the  original creation must have occurred in this way. We will not return
D:Day35.17 occurred in this way. We will not return to previous discussions of  original creation, but it must be thought of so that you understand
D:Day37.11 remainder, that when added to the previous number returns it to its  original value. Think further of a problem in division that results

original nature of (5)

T4:3.12 or original form of the created. Vision is the means by which the  original nature of the created can once again be known. Observation
T4:3.12 can once again be known. Observation is the means by which the  original nature of the created can newly be seen in physical form.
T4:3.12 nature of the created can newly be seen in physical form. Once the  original nature of the created becomes observable in physical form,
T4:3.12 and become the new nature of the created. There is no reason why the  original nature of your being cannot become a being the nature of
T4:3.12 which is form if you so choose it to be. There is a reason why the  original nature of your being cannot exist in a form unnatural to

original purpose (12)

T3:2.1 exist only as a representation? We might think of this in terms of  original purpose and the original purpose of representation being to
T3:2.1 We might think of this in terms of original purpose and the  original purpose of representation being to share the Self in a new
T3:2.6 of this behind now as we advance toward truth through returning to  original purpose. Your return to your original purpose eliminates the
T3:2.6 truth through returning to original purpose. Your return to your  original purpose eliminates the concept of original sin and leaves
T3:5.7 was given once and for all. It is the gift of restoration to  original purpose. Without there having been an original purpose
T3:5.7 of restoration to original purpose. Without there having been an  original purpose worthy of God’s son, the crucifixion would have
T3:5.7 to the formless. Instead, the sons of man were freed to pursue their  original purpose.
T3:5.8 the Self be reborn to life eternal. Without rebirth of the Self, the  original purpose goes unfulfilled. Since God is original purpose,
T3:5.8 of the Self, the original purpose goes unfulfilled. Since God is  original purpose, original cause, the origin of self and of
T3:5.8 purpose, original cause, the origin of self and of relationship,  original purpose cannot go unfulfilled. What this means is that the
T4:3.3 or intent. The devotion of the observant will return you to your  original purpose. The vision of Christ-consciousness will take you
D:Day32.6 but no, He has already granted free will so He can’t do that? If the  original purpose was knowing Himself, what kind of knowing would this

originally (3)

D:6.6 that you have made that does not exist as some variation of what was  originally created. Because, and this cannot be repeated enough,
D:6.6 so even the creations you have made are only distinct from what was  originally created in your perception of what they are or what you
D:Day6.7 of music she began, it may have little resemblance to the piece  originally intended, or it might be quite true to the original idea.

originate (5)

C:2.6 in one instance and act in anger in another, and that both actions  originate from the same place, is an error of enormous proportions.
T3:12.6 body. They may seem to be, but the body is neutral. All temptations  originate in the mind and are transferred to the body. Temptations do
T3:12.6 in the mind and are transferred to the body. Temptations do not  originate from love. While some temptations will seem to be of love
T3:13.13 giving birth. Realize that you believe in many things that did not  originate with yourself. But it is not until you have your own ideas
D:12.1 to the end of thought, you accept this as proof that your thoughts  originate from within your brain.

originated (2)

C:10.24 The difference will be that these thoughts will not seem to have  originated in your head. You may realize for the first time or in a
T3:22.5 The injunction that you resign as your own teacher  originated in A Course in Miracles and was furthered here. Along with

originates (1)

D:Day5.3 of the mind but, since you are not your body, the idea of what  originates “within” coming from a point beyond the body is not now

originating (1)

T3:13.14 in which we are speaking of them here, are thoughts or images  originating from the Self and being represented by the personal self.

originator (1)

D:Day31.4 the same. You are one in being with your Father, your Creator, the  originator and denominator of life.

origins (1)

T3:7.9 idea and called it not treasure but theory and related it to the  origins of the universe, and still you see not the source. There is a

other (388)

C:I.5 beyond belief, beyond thought, beyond adherence to any authority  other than one’s own heart.
C:I.8 at contradictions, cling to known truths, compare this wisdom to  other wisdom. The mind will attempt to understand with its own logic
C:P.3 and the spirit does not need to, then who is this Course and all  other such courses for? Learning our true identity, the identity of
C:P.13 may have followed your reading of the Course or your discoveries of  other forms of the truth, although you may even have experienced what
C:P.18 wait to know God until you have decided you are worthy or until some  other designated time, such as at death.
C:P.22 Another failure to accomplish lies at the  other end of the spectrum, with a concentration on self that seems to
C:P.27 born, grew into a man, died and rose again to live on in some form  other than that of a man. Those who believe the story have accepted
C:1.2 feeling. All feeling results from love or lack of love. There are no  other reasons for the feelings that you experience. All feelings are
C:1.2 love. Lack of love is nothing. Thus, all offerings made from a place  other than love are nothing. All offerings made from a place of fear
C:1.8 have tried when you were so convinced that you were right and the  other wrong. And as each new step is tried and found to work, your
C:2.3 be, what you seek to return to. Thus you believe you are something  other than love and separate from love. You label love a feeling, and
C:2.8 from one option to the next, giving up on one and hoping that the  other will bring them some peace. To think that these are the only
C:2.10 Christ in you. How could it be anything but love, or see with eyes  other than those of love? Would you expect any decent human being to
C:2.11 illusion. You have but accepted illusion as the truth, and so seek  other illusions to change what never was into something that never
C:2.16 mind and heart and think you can involve one without involving the  other. You believe that to know with your mind is a learning process
C:3.20 up your heart? And yet, should you be asked if you would have  other than the love you would not answer yes. What else is worth such
C:3.20 go when pain comes near, as a hand would drop a burning ember? What  other pain would you hold closely, a grief not to be given up? What
C:3.20 other pain would you hold closely, a grief not to be given up? What  other pain would you be so unwilling to sacrifice?
C:3.22 love’s expense. No one here believes they can have one without the  other and so they live in fear of love, all the while desiring it
C:4.11 to hate. Your false perception of your Father is what has caused all  other perceptions to be false, including the one you hold of your own
C:4.17 In no  other area of life do you expect such fairness, such exchange of
C:4.18 do here. You think this setting apart gives love little relevance to  other areas of your life. Love is seen as personal, something another
C:6.2 but you cannot make it possible. Why not forgive the world for being  other than what you have thought it to be and begin to learn what it
C:6.4 still refuse to listen and to learn. You still prefer things to be  other than what they are and, through your preference, choose to keep
C:6.15 who once worshiped golden calves did so because they knew of no  other choice. A god of love was as foreign a concept to them as is a
C:7.1 a world of its own made up largely of if onlys. Your heart, on the  other hand, knows of giving and of a return not based on the world of
C:7.18 cracked open, not of a heart in separate pieces. Your brain, on the  other hand, is separated into right and left hemispheres. One side
C:7.23 to a new kind of evidence of what constitutes the truth. Think of no  other outcomes than your happiness, and when happiness comes deny it
C:8.2 see that your emotions are not the real thoughts of your heart. What  other language might your heart speak? It is a language spoken so
C:8.10 from you, your recognition that a truth is available in a place  other than on the surface is useful to us now, as is your recognition
C:8.10 surface is useful to us now, as is your recognition that something  other than what appears on the surface exists.
C:8.11 this union worked you would surely use it to find the truth, and for  other objectives as well. You would like to be a problem solver, a
C:8.15 more. Let it not keep you from seeing the truth, as you do not let  other surface conditions hide the truth from you. Even if you have
C:8.20 all things come to pass. At times this is cause for rejoicing. At  other times a cause for sorrow. But never can it be evaded that each
C:8.21 Into these days that come to pass move many  other bodies such as yours. Each one is distinct—and there are so
C:8.21 you feel like one of many, a tiny peon of little significance. On  other days you will feel quite superior, the ultimate achievement of
C:8.21 earth, as if this is your natural home and heaven to your soul. On  other days your feeling will be quite the opposite, and you will
C:8.25 of decay and death. And yet how like they are one to the  other!
C:8.28 by day in the same body, observing many situations like onto each  other, awakening to the same sun rising and setting, and yet can
C:9.2 slight the little you that they deem under their protection, or the  other little selves you deem under yours. But remember now how like
C:9.6 you did create. It was created for its usefulness just like every  other object that shares the space you occupy. Think for a moment of
C:9.8 this is what you chose to make from that with which you started. In  other words, you took what you are and made this of yourself. You did
C:9.16 many names, but there are really only two emotions: one is fear, the  other love. Fear is thus the source of all illusion, love the source
C:9.24 your knowledge that this must occur that leads you to attempt every  other kind of replacement. You can continue on in this fashion,
C:9.28 God created was distorted by your desire to have your reality be  other than what it is? Have you not seen this kind of distortion take
C:9.30 Think of your automobile or computer or any  other thing you use. Without a user, would it have any function at
C:9.39 Seeking what you have lost in  other people, places, and things is but a sign that you do not
C:9.40 become a valley full of lilies, and you would find yourself on the  other side of the finish line, able at last to rest.
C:9.50 by your body, for your own seeming use by such as this leads to all  other ideas of use.
C:10.1 its control, who is the you it would control? How can it make you do  other than you choose to do? Learn this lesson well, for herein lies
C:10.1 body will bring you pain as well. You cannot choose one without the  other, because the choice is the same. The body is a tool made for
C:10.5 leave you is just when you may be beset by headaches, back pain, and  other seeming maladies. This is the separated self that you have made
C:10.6 Yet your separated self would cite all evidence of its failure to be  other than separate and be quick to point out to you the
C:10.6 separate and be quick to point out to you the impossibility of being  other than what you are—a body. This is the “fact” it whispers
C:10.22 fears of its existence seem preferable to the unknown fears of any  other kind of existence. That an option could be chosen that leaves
C:10.31 will not want to laugh when the urge to do so comes upon you, and  other times that after the slightest moment of expanded vision you
C:11.6 thought system of the separated self and is based on separation. The  other is the thought system of creation and is based on union. Your
C:11.8 as your one protection from God, the one thing that allows you to be  other than what God would have you be. It is your “God given” right
C:11.10 the one weakness in His plan, and one that you would use. At  other times you think that this was but God’s curse on you, a thing
C:12.25 to separate Father, Son, and Holy Spirit from Creation or from each  other.
C:13.9 can you have, for here we ask you not to follow any instruction  other than that of your own Self? We invite the return of what you
C:13.10 things. Yet time is not required, nor is money or the use of any  other thing you value. And there is not even the slightest chance of
C:14.10 special. Much more is demanded of those you love than of any of your  other brothers and sisters. The more that is required is all to feed
C:14.13 a way that is different from your relationships before or since. No  other relationship affected you in such a way. Never were you more
C:14.15 think the desire to keep things for yourself stems from something  other than fear. You might call this desire pride or security, or
C:14.21 to have found a love to shield them for a little while from all the  other things they fear. And yet the greatest fear of all is that of
C:14.27 in it are included all others. One does not discard or replace the  other. What is real is all-inclusive. What is unreal is nothing.
C:14.28 As we have said before, there are but two emotions. One is love, the  other fear. Fear, through your own choice, replaces and discards
C:15.11 your problem. For at the turning point you look back and see one  other you cannot betray, and one other whose special treatment of
C:15.11 point you look back and see one other you cannot betray, and one  other whose special treatment of yourself you cannot live without or
C:16.3 ways deemed inappropriate. You know this child is no less than any  other child, and what he seeks the same as any other. Yet if this
C:16.3 is no less than any other child, and what he seeks the same as any  other. Yet if this child grows up with behavior that remains
C:16.10 there are two sides to everything and two sides that oppose each  other. How can this be reason? The truth opposes nothing, nor does
C:16.14 You think you cannot give up your vigilance because you know no  other way to ensure your safety, and even if you cannot guarantee
C:16.20 cannot do. All power comes from love, as does all justice. Any basis  other than love for power or for justice makes a mockery of both.
C:17.10 error that is so in need of correction: your belief in sin—or in  other words, your belief that what you have chosen is not reversible.
C:17.15 onto your belief in judgment, thinking one is different from the  other. They are not different, and while you do not see this your
C:18.2 All are linked, even if each one is not holding the hand of every  other one. If one link in the chain were to be removed, the chain
C:18.5 illustration, it illustrates that none of us leave wholeness or each  other.
C:19.15 through the same methods you have used in order to know about  other things. And, increasingly, you are willing to exchange
C:19.17 Your emphasis has been on quantity, and one is seen as less than any  other number. Yet, on the other hand, when only one of anything
C:19.17 quantity, and one is seen as less than any other number. Yet, on the  other hand, when only one of anything exists it is highly prized. God
C:20.12 light that form a rainbow, indivisible and curved inward upon each  other. Love grows from within as a child grows within its mother’s
C:20.15 earth in the planet, the planet in the universe. Each cradles the  other. None are passive. None are dead. All share the heartbeat of
C:20.15 All share the heartbeat of the world and are at rest within each  other, within each other’s embrace and the embrace of God’s love,
C:20.29 action are not the same, understanding their relationship to each  other is essential.
C:20.41 mistake. You are not flawed. You are not wanting. You would not be  other than you are except when you give in to making judgments. Look
C:20.42 You would not be  other than who you are. You may know that this is true or you may
C:20.42 whether you know it is true or not, it is true: You would not be  other than who you are. Herein lie your peace and your perfection. If
C:20.42 are. Herein lie your peace and your perfection. If you would not be  other than you are, then you must be perfect. This is a conclusion
C:21.5 the two people from different countries who do not understand each  other, working together momentarily diminishes the boundaries of
C:21.7 not label one way of viewing or perceiving being of the mind and the  other of the heart. And you accept this conflict-inducing situation.
C:22.2 have previously discussed relationship as not being one thing or the  other but a third something, we have not as yet discussed how this
C:22.12 which you might think of collectively as layers—and are allowed no  other access. These forces must then be directed. Often great effort
C:23.3 switch in mood, finish each other’s sentences. You know the  other would lay down his or her life for you, rise to any occasion of
C:23.4 shares a knowing through relationship. The loved one may be on the  other side of the country, separated by distance, or previous
C:23.7 of a key learning aid discussed some pages back: You would not be  other than you are. No matter how much you grow to love another, that
C:23.7 grow to love another, that love does not cause you to want to be the  other person. That love causes you to want to have a relationship
C:23.7 person. That love causes you to want to have a relationship with the  other person. This should tell you something about the nature of love.
C:23.8 When obsessively in love you may want the  other person to be you, but rarely the other way around. This is what
C:23.8 in love you may want the other person to be you, but rarely the  other way around. This is what has caused you to make God over in
C:25.10 then all action will be out of harmony. If you believe you and all  other living things are here in a state of grace, then all action
C:25.10 harmony. If you believe one living thing is more important than any  other, then all action will be out of harmony. If you believe all are
C:25.19 still be done with patience, grace, and love. You will learn that  other things you have done, beliefs you have held, patterns and
C:26.20 disappointed you in the past. Your answer is not the same as any  other. No matter how filled with wisdom one person’s answer may be,
C:27.7 on the self will end. Life is not a matter of self versus  other. Life is a matter of relationship. Life is not a matter of
C:27.10 If all meaning and all truth lies in relationship, can you be  other than relationship itself? Can God? Can you imagine relationship
C:27.19 what was to come? Sometimes you have acted on this knowing, and at  other times not. Living in relationship provides a constant knowing
C:29.7 This is why you have no need to concern yourself with anything  other than this goal. Your realization of this goal’s accomplishment
C:30.2 rather than for your being. You attempt to learn for something  other than your Self, for some purpose other than your Self. Thus was
C:30.2 to learn for something other than your Self, for some purpose  other than your Self. Thus was service given another route for being
C:31.9 part of the whole that is your known universe has made you and no  other being less consequential. All over the world people of good
C:31.15 you think that you are your past, your shame, your guilt; on the  other that you are your future, your glory, your potential. You
C:31.20 you are. Thus, what you give through sharing you gain in truth. No  other type of gain is possible.
C:31.26 you. What you have not yet learned from awaits your learning—or in  other words, awaits the transfer of your feelings and experience to
C:31.30 but think instead that you are looking for something or someone  other than yourself. At certain times of your life you state this
C:31.30 a friend, a spouse, a mentor. You believe you are seeking something  other than you to complete yourself, because you are seeking to
T1:1.1 of peace is a prerequisite of giving and receiving as one. Any state  other than that of peace is conflicted by the desire for peace and
T1:3.1 to be applied relate to memory in terms of your experience here. In  other words they will relate to the re-experiencing of all that you
T1:3.5 can you see that it truly is otherwise, or based on a wisdom  other than what has come before.
T1:4.3 than your old habit of thought has led you to see. Miracles are, in  other words, a way of thinking, the new way that we are going to
T1:4.10 will miss a whole aspect of concerns associated with keeping others  other. You keep others other by attempting to respond for them rather
T1:4.10 of concerns associated with keeping others other. You keep others  other by attempting to respond for them rather than responding to
T1:4.27 In the translations of the Bible and many  other religious texts, the word or idea of awe has been confused with
T1:4.27 you that awe is the providence of God and not due miracles or any  other thing or being. I bring up this point to assure you that this
T1:5.2 One aspect of this fear has to do with the human experience, the  other aspect with the divine experience.
T1:5.11 ego-mind, and this experience is all that makes you believe you are  other than who you are. Thus the abolishing of the ego-mind, as
T1:7.2 the in-between, where on the one hand there is darkness, and on the  other hand there is light. One or the other must exist at a given
T1:7.2 there is darkness, and on the other hand there is light. One or the  other must exist at a given time, but never both. Thus the absence of
T1:7.6 reconcile the differences between the human and divine. We must, in  other words, speak of incarnation.
T1:8.10 self could not exist in separation and so created a way in which  other separated forms could come into existence and live with you in
T1:8.11 no concrete distinction in the illusion within which you live. In  other words you live as much by myth as by truth and myth often more
T1:8.16 of the parts of yourself expressed in form and story, expressed, in  other words, in a visual pattern that aides your understanding of the
T1:9.3 form, it must begin in the reality where you think you are. In  other words, it must begin with form. You cannot await some changed
T1:9.8 waited to receive what you have thought could come only from some  other. Your churches are but evidence of this as you seek from
T1:9.15 or chastise another so that you feel better in relationship to the  other in the situation or event. Another’s first reaction might be
T1:9.16 selves that were previously undervalued rather than looking for an  other to provide what you lack. This is important and universal in
T1:10.8 peace. When you feel peace, you feel the Peace of God. There is no  other peace. There is no other God. Whether you believe it now or
T1:10.8 you feel the Peace of God. There is no other peace. There is no  other God. Whether you believe it now or not, I assure you, within
T2:1.4 about the need to leave judgment behind, you judge your desire to be  other than you are now, including any desires related to those
T2:1.9 becomes a champion. These are all scenes of things and places, or in  other words, of the external, of form.
T2:2.3 How does a farmer explain that she or he cannot be  other than a farmer? That rising and setting with the sun is in their
T2:2.4 it takes in today’s world to follow a calling to teach. To set aside  other careers that offer far more prestige and economic gain to
T2:2.6 How does one explain a joy that is like no  other and that comes from the simple act of caring for a child,
T2:2.9 or that you feel many. Others would cite practical reasons for doing  other than what they feel called to do. All of these ideas illustrate
T2:2.9 to do. All of these ideas illustrate your belief that something  other than your own willingness is necessary. Only in your own
T2:3.1 life here in union with the one mind and one heart, in union, in  other words, with God. Everything you have ever wanted to be is.
T2:4.8 attribute to the glad acceptance of a gift of high value, or in  other words, a treasure. One set of thoughts and feelings contain all
T2:4.8 One set of thoughts recognizes that something has been given. The  other set recognizes that something has been asked. The wholehearted
T2:5.1 as a light shone into the darkness and is revelatory in nature.  Other calls will come as announcements, signs, or even as seeming
T2:6.6 is a statement that presumes a future in which you will be someone  other than who you are in the present. Unity exists only in the here
T2:7.13 truth rather than the illusion that surrounds you. You cannot, in  other words, be a good person in a bad world. You cannot effect
T2:7.14 is that you believe in giving and receiving as one. You believe, in  other words, that your needs will be provided for, thus ceasing to be
T2:8.3 most sincere form of relationship. Relationship based on anything  other than who you are is but a mockery of relationship. The calls
T2:9.2 of unity before you left it. Now, they are just tools, as are many  other means of practice that assist you in bypassing your ego mind.
T2:9.2 of learning and unlearning, the letting-go of one so that the  other can arrive.
T2:9.7 needs for love are literally shared in the same measure by all. The  other sense in which needs are shared is in the aspect of
T2:9.7 Every being inherently knows that it shares the same needs as every  other being of its kind. Every being also inherently knows that needs
T2:9.7 of the same fabric—they are like puzzle pieces that fit together.  Other beings that share life with you on this planet are not
T2:9.11 As soon as you are content or self-satisfied, or, in  other words, feel your needs are met, the desire to hang on to what
T2:10.8 your mind’s ability to call it forth lies the truth that you and all  other beings know. The access to what seems to lie beyond your
T2:10.12 But as long as you continue to attempt to learn with your ego, or in  other words, as long as you would continue to attempt to learn in the
T2:10.13 You achieve this state only by listening to one voice, or, in  other words, by ending the separated state which is the state in
T2:11.1 and second in forgiving a world that has taught you to want to be  other than who you are. Now our aim is to show you how to integrate
T2:11.2 Even though you no longer want to be  other than who you are, and even though you now have a much clearer
T2:12.5 correction are the same thing. While you believe there is anything  other than your own thinking that is in need of correction you think
T3:2.2 art. Art becomes something in truth by expanding awareness, or in  other words, by making something known. This is what true
T3:3.10 The Self that I recognize as You, is not  other than who you are, but who you are. All that was ever other than
T3:3.10 is not other than who you are, but who you are. All that was ever  other than who you are was the ego. The ego is gone. The ego was
T3:6.5 eye for an eye” or the exact opposite of the idea of “turning the  other cheek.” While this may seem like the very idea of evil which I
T3:8.3 to you as have been the thoughts of your ego-mind. While anything  other than the truth remains real to you, your house of illusion will
T3:8.6 thus attempt to see it not and then blame yourself for looking the  other way?
T3:10.13 running through your mind and you would be translating one into the  other. But eventually, if this situation went on for many years, you
T3:11.10 between truth and illusion is not to call one right and the  other wrong but to simply recognize what they are. This is an
T3:11.11 to judge and the temptation to accept the existence of a reality  other than the truth.
T3:11.12 of choice that exists within is all that differentiates one from the  other.
T3:14.1 on fear. In this time of translation from one thought system to the  other, the most subtle and yet significant change is the change from
T3:14.5 to you a piece of good news you may have forgotten: You would not be  other than who you are. This is a key idea that will help you
T3:14.5 upon which your old thought system was based, you still would not be  other than who you are. What this means to the learning stage you are
T3:14.5 great change will find these great changes will not cause them to be  other than who they are. There is nothing wrong with who you are!
T3:14.9 have been made in love and made of you a person you would not be  other than. You will also clearly see all of the choices that
T3:15.2 death. This is something we will return to, but first let us look at  other types of new beginnings and all that would hamper them from
T3:15.4 You cannot imagine those with whom you are in relationship being  other than who they are. This is consistent with the truth. Yet who
T3:15.17 While you would not be  other than who you are, who you are is not limited to the concept of
T3:16.1 is the only offering you are asked to make to God. You need make no  other offerings. No sacrifices need be made and sacrifices are, in
T3:16.8 live in the world as The Accomplished and cease struggling to be  other than who you are in truth. This struggling to be other than who
T3:16.8 to be other than who you are in truth. This struggling to be  other than who you are in truth is a temptation of the human
T3:16.16 but that only seem to have the ability to build upon each  other. Let one part go and soon all the remaining parts will crumble
T3:17.2 “fell” from unity through this judgment of what it observed as being  other than itself, through this beginning of making distinctions
T3:17.2 this beginning of making distinctions between the self and all  other things in creation that existed with the self. This is why the
T3:17.2 and the observed, the effect that one cannot help but have upon the  other. Science still has a long way to go in determining, through its
T3:17.4 physical form. The creation story of Adam and Eve, as well as many  other creation stories, but tell of a “mistake” in the learning of a
T3:17.6 and hearts. But again let me remind you that the Holy Spirit is not  other than who you are but an aspect of who you are and Who God Is.
T3:17.7 and heart and as such represented the truth. Many others by many  other names have represented the truth and in so doing dispelled
T3:18.8 deny the facts that you see before you in order to observe something  other than what is there. You must constantly remember that your
T3:19.5 can be “acted out” by the body and in the acting out cause harm to  other bodies, is the cause for blame and fear of the body. So too is
T3:19.13 it once did because of the difference between one reality and the  other, a difference that couldn’t be seen until it was represented in
T3:20.6 hope and wonder how realistic you should be or should assume the  other to be. You look ahead, and in your mind’s eye you “observe” the
T3:20.11 are and because you realize you can no longer be, live, or think as  other than who you are in truth. This is how thorough your learning
T3:20.19 of suffering or illness is not different but the same as every  other circumstance you will encounter. You will encounter truth or
T3:21.8 to you. You think that to believe in one truth is to deny  other truths. There is only one truth. Untruth must now be denied.
T3:21.9 It must become a concept only. Illusion is a set of facts, or in  other words, a set of information. These facts are subject to change
T3:21.10 never been able to be certain. You have no experience with certainty  other than—and this is a crucial other than—your certainty of
T3:21.10 have no experience with certainty other than—and this is a crucial  other than—your certainty of your own identity, the very identity
T3:21.15 your view of your personal self, are inextricably bound together. In  other words, the world you were born into, regardless that it was the
T3:21.15 you were born into, regardless that it was the same world as all  other human beings were born into, is also different than that of all
T3:21.15 human beings were born into, is also different than that of all  other human beings. And what’s more, your experiences within that
T3:21.15 within that world are also different than the experiences of all  other human beings.
T3:21.17 and yet links you with some, a nationality that separates you from  other nationalities and a sex that divides you from those “opposite”
T3:21.22 In  other words, it will matter not that there will be no priest or guru
T3:21.24 There is no “other” who can follow the call meant for you. No  other who can give the response you are meant to give. Do not make
T3:22.4 is the often-repeated injunction to resign as your own teacher. The  other is the ability to cease all acts of comparison.
T4:1.6 Why, you might ask, is a word such as chosen used, when many  other words would do, and when the concept of being chosen is one
T4:1.8 content, a choice made from fear or made from love. But there is, in  other words, no lack of choice. A choice is always made. A choice to
T4:1.13 others have not; that this time might just be different than any  other time. Even as you begin to tentatively let this excitement
T4:2.7 that you or those of your kind or time are more or better than any  other is not speaking the truth. This is why we began with the chosen
T4:2.15 now than when you began your learning of this Course, you are not  other than whom you have always been. Who you are now was there when
T4:2.17 There is no power without this unity. You cannot see “others” as  other than who they are and know your power. You must see as I see
T4:2.23 at times are aware of ecological and sociological connections, or of  other occurrences that are likely to have an impact on your life or
T4:2.31 auras or halos, signs and clues previously unseen? Have you included  other senses in your idea of sight? Have you thought your instincts
T4:5.7 but one part of your body, without being separate from your body, or  other than your body, you are part of the body of Christ, the body of
T4:6.1 is why you hear differing words and scenarios attributed to me and  other life-giving spirits, both historically and currently. What you
T4:6.3 are not. Those who believe that life-everlasting includes life on  other worlds can create a scenario in which it appears that some live
T4:7.7 your need for learning and thus ends the conditions of learning. In  other words, being in harmony with poor health and learning the
T4:8.8 and still live. What could be disconnected was your will—or in  other words, your mind. Just as it is your nature to breathe oxygen,
T4:8.13 as both the Created and the Creator, you expand and enrich God. What  other purpose would God ever have had for wanting to express the Love
T4:8.14 It was only the ego that made this desire seem to be for anything  other than the purpose of expansion and enrichment of your being. If
T4:9.3 You complete your study of Buddhism and go on to study any number of  other religions, philosophies, sciences. You read books that are
T4:10.5 teacher. Studying places the power of the teacher in a place  other than that of love. Relationship happens as it happens. Studying
T4:10.8 The learning that was applied to anything  other than the Self could not help but have an outcome that had to do
T4:10.8 than the Self could not help but have an outcome that had to do with  other than the Self. Means and end are one, cause and effect the
T4:10.10 returned to you your ability to recognize or identify your Self as  other than a separate being, and led the way to your recognition of
T4:12.23 In  other words, you, as a being of singular consciousness, could learn
D:1.3 of physical stamina, through lack of intelligence—through lack, in  other words, of abilities of the personal self. As long as you “see”
D:2.11 another and that you make this judgment based upon the outcome. In  other words, you make this judgment “after the fact” when the outcome
D:2.22 Christ-consciousness. Change within effects change without, not the  other way around! Within is where you look to your own heart, rather
D:2.22 Within is where you look to your own heart, rather than to any  other authority, for advice or guidance. Within is where you find the
D:4.15 provided for your learning. It was upon the foundation of this and  other thought systems that your perception developed. Through
D:4.16  Other systems of thought were not part of the divine pattern. The ego
D:7.6 action comes from the unity in which doing and being are one, or in  other words from the state in which there is no division between who
D:7.9 spirit of wholeheartedness. The content of all living things is, in  other words, whole. By seeing only aspects of wholeness you have not
D:7.11 It is what it is, and nothing that it is, is deserving of anything  other than love. This call to love all of your Self is a call to
D:7.28 consider partially yours. You have a route to and from your work or  other places that you go, where you see familiar landmarks,
D:8.10 The self and the expression of self that comes from any place  other than wholeheartedness is not the true Self or the true
D:8.13 to take this step it is taken. What you will become aware of on the  other side of that door will require a new way of seeing, a new kind
D:9.10 be realized again and yet again, that the new cannot be learned. In  other words, it must be realized that you cannot come to know the
D:10.4 of the individual self. You may feel that to think of this in any  other way will leave you with no individual, personal accomplishment,
D:10.5 is created. What is becomes new by becoming sharable in form—or in  other words, what is continues to become through the continuation of
D:11.14 In  other words, the elevated Self of form does not remain contained
D:12.5 have been simply reading these words as you have read the words of  other books. While you may be aware that something different is going
D:12.7 different from the reading of the words of most and maybe all  other books you have read, be a sign to you. Keep this in mind as you
D:12.18 “voice” of authority with which this truth came to you as something  other than your usual thoughts, other than your usual “self.” Either
D:12.18 this truth came to you as something other than your usual thoughts,  other than your usual “self.” Either way, however, you know that your
D:12.19 your own thoughts and thoughts that arise from union. Union is not  other than you, as I am not other than you. Union includes you, just
D:12.19 that arise from union. Union is not other than you, as I am not  other than you. Union includes you, just as the All of Everything,
D:13.11 will allow the truth to be shared. The relationship or union, in  other words, precedes the sharing of what can only be given and
D:14.1 most of you have thought of it throughout your lifetime. It is, in  other words, consistent with the action and the adventure of
D:15.6 wholeness: Movement, being, expression. One did not occur before the  other, as they are not separate. There was movement into being and an
D:15.6 This is the way the mind looks at principles, one coming after the  other and building upon each other. This is not the way of creation,
D:15.6 at principles, one coming after the other and building upon each  other. This is not the way of creation, which is why these principles
D:16.9 stand apart from movement, being, and expression. You can choose, in  other words, to exist without allowing spirit to move you, without
D:16.13 being, and expression of unity, you are being who you are. At  other times, you are becoming who you are.
D:16.14 being and that you have no need for teachers or for guidance  other than for that which comes from your own heart.
D:Day1.2 of truth, and if you continue to send your prayers to a god who is  other than you, you will not cross the threshold.
D:Day1.28 Lay aside your want of  other answers, other stories, and accept the story we share. The
D:Day1.28 Lay aside your want of other answers,  other stories, and accept the story we share. The Bible and all holy
D:Day2.12 that happened? We leave aside, for the moment, any considerations of  other outcomes of such actions, whether they are negative or positive
D:Day3.6 anger and more resistance in regard to learning of all kinds—in  other words both old learning as well as new—than love. This is the
D:Day3.7 being. You believe having a spiritual context for your life can, in  other words, change your inner life, but are more skeptical in regard
D:Day3.25 will you gain, and that with your gain will come another’s loss. In  other words, here is where you must accept the teachings of this
D:Day3.29 foreign languages, before you could learn how to make money, or in  other words, to have abundance. You think you could more easily find
D:Day3.40 through the mind. As you advance, and as you become more open to  other means of accessing the wisdom you once sought through learning,
D:Day3.40 the wisdom you once sought through learning, or through the mind,  other means will open to you. You may see, audibly hear, and interact
D:Day3.47 no matter how much it enables you to attain. Certainty, in  other words, comes from somewhere else. This somewhere else we have
D:Day3.52 Each stage may contain hints of the  other, but in regard to money, or abundance, each stage is
D:Day3.53 into being, or great talent into fruition, just as you were told, in  other words, that the “givens” are not to be dealt with by the
D:Day4.1 will still be addressing this area of your concern, as well as all  other concerns that may be surfacing as you begin to move through the
D:Day4.2 is just another way of saying all that you have learned; on the  other side will be the truth, the new temptations that will incite
D:Day4.3 to you? Thus you must be given the opportunity here to see what  other choices might be before you.
D:Day4.31 that will come with the end of the time of learning. You, on the  other hand, are thinking, yearning, grasping for the details. You
D:Day4.41 Self of form? Why is this suddenly a choice between one or the  other? It is the first choice of the new temptations, the first real
D:Day6.14 look at the bills that arrive by daily mail or worry about the many  other aspects of your simple survival.
D:Day6.15 of cause for worry will have to come first, an ability to focus on  other than daily life will have to come first. These are what these
D:Day6.19 As within, so without is the operative phrase here. It is not the  other way around. You cannot find a place outside of yourself that
D:Day6.23 Think a moment about a new job or some  other endeavor in which you apprenticed. In such a situation a person
D:Day6.26 know there is nothing more important for you to be involved in. All  other areas where you might previously have placed your devotion pale
D:Day6.28 work together. And so the lack of desire you are experiencing for  other areas of the life you still seem so deeply involved in is
D:Day6.30 for what you do in order to do it peacefully? Do you need to be  other than yourself in order to navigate your daily life? What you
D:Day7.5 makes no sense when our goal is the elevation of form. If for no  other reason, begin to accept this support of form because it makes
D:Day8.24 There is no power without this unity. You cannot see ‘others’ as  other than who they are and know your power.”
D:Day9.3 In  other words, express your Self!
D:Day9.6 Freedom is nothing  other than freedom of expression. No one can block the freedom of
D:Day9.6 that you must fear or protect your freedom against. It is none  other than yourself who has not allowed you the freedom of expression.
D:Day9.13 epitome of learning, what you have seen learning as being for. While  other learning goals may have receded, this one seems a learning goal
D:Day10.6 comes from union will seem to come, at least initially, from a place  other than the self. Because certainty seems to come from a place
D:Day10.7 that had you done what you planned to do, an accident or some  other event you would not have welcomed might have occurred. You may
D:Day10.9 There are  other instances of intuition that come, not as these seeming
D:Day10.20 is the voice that will now animate the elevated Self of form, or in  other words, you.
D:Day10.31 If there is one thing associated with my life more so than any  other, it was this. I was an advocate for all to know their power. Do
D:Day10.35 to speak to you of such things, I am aware of them. So is every  other living thing because all that lives exists in relationship.
D:Day10.35 reliable power is finally sought with the tenacity with which these  other sources of seeming power have been sought. This is what has
D:Day10.39 the same love, the same compassion, the same tenderness for each  other and the world. This is unity. This will save us. This will save
D:Day13.2 self of form comes to know the One Self through relationship with  other selves experiencing oneness through being selves of form.
D:Day13.4 of the one Self with the many is the love of God. There is no  other love. God’s love is constantly being given, received, and felt
D:Day13.5 as evil. A complete lack of love creates formidable obstacles, or in  other words, obstacles of solid form that contain no spaciousness.
D:Day15.6 in the relationship of observation that you have interacted with all  other life forms as well as with inanimate forms. In the relationship
D:Day15.10 in union with the creative force that informs and is informed. In  other words, in union there is no distinction between the Self and
D:Day15.12 joining without boundaries. You become clear pools flowing into each  other. You make your spirits known.
D:Day15.15 of oneness once you have listened to the voice of oneness in each  other and benefited from its healing properties. To heal is to make
D:Day15.20 settled on the bottom. As the clear pool merges with the current of  other clear pools it is able to change directions, see new sights,
D:Day15.21 means of coming to know with you, you are not asked to disregard any  other means of coming to know or to see any others differently than
D:Day16.6 dissolves, because the source, which was separation, is no more. In  other words, illness is no longer observable once what was rejected
D:Day17.2 It is both the feminine and masculine, the “identity” of God, or in  other words, the All of All given an identity. God holds you within
D:Day17.10 or demonstrated. Both ways were represented and demonstrated by many  other individuals as well. The way was a choice. The main ability of
D:Day18.4 through the individuation of the One Self among the many. In  other words, to choose to be an example life is to choose to be made
D:Day18.6 This is why we have spent time on the idea of sickness and  other unwanted states as temporary manifestations. Your separated
D:Day18.10 relationship. Neither is exclusive. Both are contained within the  other. But the way of discovery and demonstration is different.
D:Day19.1 mind and so you see not how it can become manifest in the world. In  other words, you know not what to do. You perhaps see no “specific”
D:Day19.1 You perhaps feel function-less and purposeless at times, while at  other times, you feel as if you are being exactly as you are meant to
D:Day19.13 the unknown, through unity and imagination, create the new by means  other than doing, open a way previously unknown, and as all
D:Day20.9 In  other words, all the truth and all the wisdom that is available but
D:Day21.2 was an actual teacher, or a parent or a friend—to a student, or in  other words, from a giver to a receiver.
D:Day22.4 unknown and the only means of the unknown becoming known. You, in  other words, are the channel, the conduit, of the unknown becoming
D:Day22.10 union with God is expressed and made real here and now. There is no  other time. There is no “higher” self waiting to do what only you can
D:Day24.5 only after the potential has matured and been released. There is, in  other words, a necessity for each step in the accomplishment of
D:Day26.4 mountain top and through the valleys of level ground. There is no  other guide. We are One Self.
D:Day27.10 the human and the divine, is to elevate the self of form, or, in  other words, to be what you have always been: Whole.
D:Day27.12 always existed, you just did not experience it. You were, in  other words, separate from it because of the degree of separation
D:Day28.3 life. Many people, especially young adults, have little experience  other than this. Their lives are directed almost totally by external
D:Day28.24 tapestry will bear the mark of your experiences and will be like no  other. The thread represents your own journey to truth, your own
D:Day29.1 ground simultaneously, then you can also have the experience of all  other “opposites” in this same, simultaneous way. If you can
D:Day30.5 As knower and known are one, experience and experiencer are one. In  other words, one must experience in order to know. It follows then
D:Day31.8 To know experience as the Self is to know the Self as creator, or in  other words, to know the One Self within the individuated Self. To
D:Day32.12 self or God takes precedence in all lives. All lives. There is no  other choice as long as the self and God are seen as separate.
D:Day32.13 situations in which the power of God passed through men and women to  other men and women.
D:Day33.3 the route or access to relationship. One cannot exist without the  other and thus both are one in truth. This is the divine marriage,
D:Day33.7 relationship are of one piece, one whole, and that whole is love. In  other words, every relationship, everything that comes to you, every
D:Day33.12 Being is power. Relationship is powerful. In  other words, relationship is the expression of power—all the
D:Day33.13 develops full realization of the power of their independence. In  other words, you each have claimed some type of power for yourself,
D:Day34.8 we continue to draw to the close of our time together by asking each  other to experience our power—the power of sameness of being. Are
D:Day35.8 be as it has been, this shift will cause life to be different, or in  other words, new.
D:Day35.12 A new world can only be created. To proceed relying upon anything  other than your power to create would be to only attempt to repair or
D:Day35.14 without this full realization the potential exists for conditions  other than love to exist. It should not take much consideration to
D:Day36.17 who is one in being with all, and God also is given form, or is, in  other words, differentiated. God is All in All. And God is also All
D:Day37.3 are a person and not a tree. As a separate being, you only relate to  other separate things. In short, who you are being is all predicated,
D:Day37.16 relationship with God, by which you mean a relationship like no  other. And if you see yourself in such a way, then you do have a
D:Day37.16 earth, and even some possibility of communication through prayer or  other experiential means. But this is still a relationship in
D:Day37.21 collective consciousness is that which links every being with every  other being in unity and relationship.
D:Day37.23 God the Father is an idea that was created and thus exists much as  other ideas of God were created and thus exist. But this creation,
D:Day38.4 withdrawal you experienced when you felt loved for being something  other than that which you are. Know, through your brief contemplation
D:Day38.10 Relationship and union are not  other than this. Being in relationship and union means just that. It
D:Day38.13 relationship can only be thus in union and relationship with each  other because we are in union and relationship with each other. We
D:Day38.13 with each other because we are in union and relationship with each  other. We are not two beings who are separate but relating in union.
D:Day39.7 Christ has provided the necessary link between the separate and each  other, between all and God. Yet if the time of Christ is about the
D:Day39.12 beings for it to link (where two or more are joined together). In  other words, there must be a you and a me. In other words, as you are
D:Day39.12 joined together). In other words, there must be a you and a me. In  other words, as you are individuated, so too am I. We jointly
D:Day39.18 and called God, just as what you projected and named thousands of  other “things,” you separated from yourself only in time and space.
D:Day39.18 and space. In time and space your projections became separate and  other than you. This is what the world of time and space is. A world
D:Day39.30 of who you are. Science, money, fame, celebrity, intellect or any  other concept that has become your God can be a tough task master, or
D:Day39.38 opposites. It is time and eternity. Love and hate. Good and evil. In  other words, All and Nothing. It is the tension of individuation, a
D:Day39.49 become, welcome, and share, the Christ relationship to and with each  other.
D:Day40.26 of who you are to me, that one has not been discussed without the  other. This would be impossible. Because we are who we are in
D:Day40.34 Will you continue this dialogue with me and with each  other? Will you carry it with you to level ground—to the place of
E.20 you are. Do not think you need to be something different, something  other than you have been. Leave all thinking behind. Leave all
A.15 asserting their beliefs as it becomes clear to them that unlike in  other learning situations, there is no correct answer or specific set
A.16 Can students be misguided? Is there, in  other words, perhaps no “right” answer or correct interpretation, but
A.32 of patterns is also a highly valuable service that facilitators and  other group members can provide. The entrenched patterns of the past
A.41 This relationship between Self and  Other, Self and Life, Self and God, Humanity and Divinity, is the

other’s (7)

C:4.12 imagine a couple long married in which each person is devoted to the  other’s happiness, or a father whose love is unconditional, or a
C:20.15 of the world and are at rest within each other, within each  other’s embrace and the embrace of God’s love, God’s creation, God’s
C:21.5 strangers who are foreign to one another might recognize that the  other’s “heart is in the right place.” The “right place” with two
C:23.3 is love inviolate. Yet relationally, you may be able to “read each  other’s thoughts,” be cognizant of the slightest switch in mood,
C:23.3 thoughts,” be cognizant of the slightest switch in mood, finish each  other’s sentences. You know the other would lay down his or her life
D:Day38.13 not two beings who are separate but relating in union. We are each  other’s own being. We are one and we are many. We are the same and we
D:Day38.13 In “own”-ership we are full of one another’s own being. We are each  other’s own.

otherness (1)

C:20.6 as one body, experiencing communion, the soul’s delight, rather than  otherness. It is a seamless world, a tapestry where each thread is

others (293)

C:I.2 seeing new. In order to support its new reality it must insist that  others follow these new rules. Truth, it says, has been found, and it
C:P.14 by insanity, a world in which it seems possible to help a few  others but certainly not all others, but to awaken to a new world. If
C:P.14 which it seems possible to help a few others but certainly not all  others, but to awaken to a new world. If all that you see changed
C:P.17 is more arrogant? To believe that you alone can do what millions of  others have not been able to do? Or to believe that you, in union
C:P.17 with God, can? What makes more sense? To choose to try again what  others have tried and failed to accomplish? Or to choose to leave
C:P.20 is more important. You prefer to give up on yourself and to help  others, without realizing that you can help no others until you have
C:P.20 yourself and to help others, without realizing that you can help no  others until you have helped yourself. You prefer selflessness to
C:2.8 here remains obscure, you identify some things you call progress and  others that you call evolution and you hope you have some miniscule
C:2.8 you have any hope of doing, and few of you believe you will succeed.  Others refuse to think of life in terms of purpose and thereby
C:2.8 among billions makes no difference and is of no consequence. Still  others put on blinders to the world and seek only to make their
C:3.15 your sisters and brothers as well. Once one such concept is felled,  others follow quickly. But none is more entrenched than this one, the
C:3.22 might lead you to a dozen answers now, more for some and less for  others, your answers depending on the tenacity of your thoughts,
C:3.22 which, led by your ego, would throw logic in love’s way. Some  others might use their thoughts in yet another manner, claiming to
C:4.12 is perhaps a mother whose love is blind and self-sacrificing. Still  others of you might imagine a couple long married in which each
C:4.12 not be tempered by good judgment? And surely that ability to guide  others must be earned through the acquisition of wisdom not within
C:4.16 believe love is a choice, something to be given to some and not to  others. You hope to be a winner in this game you play, a chosen one
C:4.22 with the world of madness is all that some are willing to accept of  others or themselves. These are the angry ones who would demand that
C:4.22 others or themselves. These are the angry ones who would demand that  others bring what love they have into the madness to take
C:4.27 This goal is set apart from all  others as love is here, a goal that touches not on what you perceive
C:5.22 of yourself an individual, you deny yourself your union with all  others.
C:6.1 a being who exists only in relationship. You have to forgive all  others for being as you are. They too cannot be separate, no matter
C:7.6 identity is threatened, it is called the cry of the individual. For  others it is the call to create, and for still others the call to
C:7.6 the individual. For others it is the call to create, and for still  others the call to love. Some will not give up hope to cynicism.
C:7.6 others the call to love. Some will not give up hope to cynicism.  Others label it ethics, morals, values, and say this is the line I
C:7.15 now set yourself up in a position to withhold your intelligence from  others lest they profit from it. You want your intelligence known and
C:7.21 in the weather to unseen and unverifiable diseases. You have given  others, whom you see as having more authority than you, license to
C:9.17 believes another to be as separate as he is. It always seems as if  others have what you lack and what you are looking for. You seem to
C:9.17 You seem to be alone in your frailty, loneliness, and lack of love.  Others misunderstand you and know you not, and neither can you make
C:9.19 would try to tell yourself is not present in your life. You look to  others to feel compassion for, to those living in countries torn by
C:9.22 and give rest to the stranger. I have said when you do this unto  others you do this to me. Do you think that I am in need of a meal, a
C:9.31 by God. See you not that it is only in illusion that you can use  others who are like yourself?
C:9.32 You learn your concept of using  others from the reality you have made in which you use the body that
C:9.32 seem to be one of usefulness. The more your body can be of use to  others and to yourself, the more worthwhile you see it as being. Ages
C:10.1 that you call your home, how can you be expected to join with  others?
C:10.3 are aspects of what I am telling you that you readily embrace and  others that you do not understand and would wait awhile before
C:10.21 have experienced it you say, “I will take this despair no more.” For  others this threshold is the opposite, an experience of pain so great
C:10.27 street. There is your body sitting at a desk in a building with many  others. You will realize how seldom before you were aware of the
C:11.3 skills and rush in to conquer this new territory as you have  others that have come before. These would read each book as quickly
C:11.9 think you can be grateful to Him for some things and blame Him for  others. Yes, perhaps this God you think you know has given you
C:12.1 been found and I am willing to believe it may be true, especially if  others are also going to believe it to be true.”
C:12.8 change at every level, and yet from one change alone will all the  others follow—and through no effort on your part at all. And even
C:12.9 Self. This one brother can unite you with all whom you perceive as  others, for all others are one with him as well as you. This is the
C:12.9 brother can unite you with all whom you perceive as others, for all  others are one with him as well as you. This is the one joining that
C:13.1 your body in action, because as your body seems to interact with  others and as you observe this interaction, you will “see” yourself
C:13.1 and as you observe this interaction, you will “see” yourself and  others in a new light. Your body will seem more connected with those
C:13.1 in a new light. Your body will seem more connected with those of the  others it interacts with, for they will be grouped together in your
C:13.1 be grouped together in your observation of them. It will not be only  others you observe but yourself and others, placing you and “them”
C:13.1 of them. It will not be only others you observe but yourself and  others, placing you and “them” together where you belong. This
C:13.2 always with your heart and not your mind, and begin to include  others in your observation, I ask you to concentrate on one thing
C:13.8 eventually realize that the memories you recall of the spirit of  others include memories that are your own, memories that are of your
C:13.11 Might some of your preconceived notions of  others and yourself be shattered? Oh yes, and rightly so. Gladly will
C:13.12 find it difficult to accept the innocence and sinlessness of  others and yourself, for your memory will contain no hint of past
C:14.19 that seems impossible to dismantle because of its interconnections.  Others experience this plan of entrapment solely in their mind as
C:14.19 for what they never have the opportunity to put into place. Still  others are more coy in their design, and dress it up to look like
C:14.20 the fear with official commitments, pledges and promises made.  Others may deny their fear, and say they trust in what they have and
C:14.23 to your own rules, a reward to be gained by some and not by  others, a pinnacle of achievement that will prove your rightness and
C:14.26 While your purpose remains to make yourself and  others special, you will not put an end to the separation. And you
C:14.26 own specialness. For as long as you hold on to the specialness of  others you hold on to your own. There is no reason to hold on to
C:14.26 specialness unless you hold onto your own. And what you give to  others you keep for yourself. Give another specialness, and you keep
C:14.27 in truth. Only this relationship is real, and in it are included all  others. One does not discard or replace the other. What is real is
C:14.30 You who think, “What harm can come of loving this one above all  others?” think again. For you are choosing not to love but to make
C:15.1 We have talked much now of your special love for  others, but what of the specialness you desire for yourself? Do you
C:15.1 the peace. No land would be considered more sacred to some than  others, no resources withheld, no people deemed subservient.
C:15.4 Perhaps the leader of some impoverished country brings misery to  others with his desire for specialness, but not you. Yes, taken on a
C:15.5 do what is necessary to maintain your specialness and that of the  others within it. Depending on your culture what is necessary may
C:15.5 what is necessary to be good, your notions of what it means to treat  others well. You would not be special to this one if you did not look
C:15.5 this group, and your choices might affect your ability to make  others feel special in the way in which they have become accustomed
C:15.7 Your desire for specialness makes of you a slave to  others and others to you. It diminishes your freedom, and for no end.
C:15.7 Your desire for specialness makes of you a slave to others and  others to you. It diminishes your freedom, and for no end. For what
C:15.7 others to you. It diminishes your freedom, and for no end. For what  others think of you does not make you special, nor does what you
C:15.7 of you does not make you special, nor does what you think or do for  others make them special. All notions of popularity, success, and
C:15.8 concept of separation. All change seems to question your loyalty to  others and all choices are made with this loyalty in mind. Loyalty
C:15.9 to entertain withdrawing your effort to manifest the specialness of  others and yourself. Making special seems to be a responsibility you
C:15.9 to your own kind. To even think that you could change and be unlike  others of your kind, you would call an act of treachery. To give your
C:16.5 for special ones as it is of the condemnation you reserve for  others you have singled out. For judgment is what is required to make
C:18.11 The experience of unity will alter your belief system and that of  others, for what you learn in unity is shared. Because you are
C:19.8 This is the role I ask you to accept so that you can provide for  others what was provided for me.
C:19.9 thus far because you have desired specialness for yourself and a few  others rather than belovedness for all. But now, perhaps, you are
C:19.15 and to believe you can come to know through the experiences of  others. Yet, in the case of coming to know what lies before you now—
C:19.15 what I learned from my experience. While many have learned much of  others, this type of learning is but a starting point, a gateway to
C:20.45 gifts of the universe and that they can be given, through you, to  others as well. It implies willingness rather than resistance. To
C:21.10 facts. Those who know the truth do not see themselves as right and  others as wrong. Those who know the truth find it for themselves by
C:22.7 the world intersects with you—where your path crosses that of  others, where you encounter situations in your daily life, where you
C:23.8 you to make God over in your own image and to try to do the same to  others. This comes of seeing oneself as an image rather than as a
C:25.6 When you feel a lack of love in  others, you have projected your fear onto them. Only when you cease
C:26.1 to be. For some of you it would include marriage and children, for  others career, religious commitment, or creative endeavors. Some
C:26.2 line between fate and accomplishment. Are some chosen for greatness?  Others for mediocrity?
C:27.15 occurring in the present rather than to your preconceived notions of  others, the previous judgments your mind once made and relies upon
C:28.12 Again, as when you feel the need to convince  others of your belief, the need to give form to what is beyond form
C:29.2 of choice, a course that will lead you to a subservient stature.  Others think of it in terms of charity, and continue to see a
C:31.12 occurs by coming to a better understanding of the mind, for  others by coming to a better understanding of the heart, or love. How
C:31.18 that which you do not want. Some of you believe this can be done and  others don’t. Those who believe in it believe in sin, and that it can
C:31.30 You do not think you are looking for yourself in  others, but think instead that you are looking for something or
T1:4.10 they will miss a whole aspect of concerns associated with keeping  others other. You keep others other by attempting to respond for them
T1:4.10 aspect of concerns associated with keeping others other. You keep  others other by attempting to respond for them rather than responding
T1:4.17 to you, saves you time, or seems in accord with your own views.  Others of you feel it necessary to interpret everything on your own.
T1:8.8 now in the form of miracles. How could one rise from the dead and  others not follow?
T1:10.2 will think something is wrong. You will feel this particularly when  others around you experience extremes. A friend is experiencing
T2:2.9 Some of you would say you feel no calling, or that you feel many.  Others would cite practical reasons for doing other than what they
T2:5.5 certain attitudes or behaviors. You may also be called upon to call  others to account for their attitudes or behaviors.
T2:7.1 you must rely only on yourself. Thus the connotation of reliance on  others, or dependence, has taken on a negative meaning specifically
T2:7.1 is thus of a condition that causes you to be dependent or to rely on  others.
T2:7.2  Others are the great unknown of living in the world. Others are those
T2:7.2 Others are the great unknown of living in the world.  Others are those who are beyond your control, those who can influence
T2:7.2 the course of your day or your life in ways you would not choose.  Others represent the accidents waiting to happen, love that is not
T2:7.2 of things you deem important. This fear that you feel in relation to  others is as true of those you hold most dear to you as it is of
T2:7.2 is of those you would call strangers. It is the very independence of  others that makes your own independence seem so important to you.
T2:7.4 receiving as one, you must believe in relationship rather than in  others.
T2:7.5 Those you would view as  others are separate from you. Those you would view as being in
T2:7.5 is based on trust. If you are dependent, or supported by  others with whom you share a trusting relationship, where is the
T2:7.7 that the situation is unfair. You will be tempted to withhold as  others withhold from you.
T2:7.10 who you are, you will, if left un-schooled, turn your attention to  others and to situations you would have be different than they are.
T2:7.17 as negative or bad. Or you may have, in your desire not to judge  others, kept yourself from speaking up in instances where you
T2:8.3 you are and your ability to live as who you are, but will aid all  others. This is giving and receiving as one. What you gain will take
T2:9.7 the way in which they think. That some seem to have more needs than  others is a fallacy of perception. Not one has more needs than
T2:9.15 thought previously of needs as tools every bit as valuable as the  others mentioned here, this adjustment in your thinking may seem
T2:10.4 While this illustration may be distasteful to some and intriguing to  others, how many of you would not want to replace your ability to
T2:11.2 as who you are in the world difficult as long as you perceive of  others as living under the old rules, the laws of man rather than the
T2:12.3 service I offer you, the precursor of the service you will offer to  others.
T3:1.1 The personal self exists as the self you present to  others. This is the only way in which the personal self will continue
T3:1.1 of this Course. Previously, the personal self that you presented to  others represented an ego-self who you believed yourself to be. Now
T3:1.1 self so that you may claim your personal self again and present to  others a true representation of who you are.
T3:1.8 by saying that the personal self exists as the self you present to  others and that this is the only way in which the personal self will
T3:1.10 the personal self will now exist only as the self you present to  others is to say that the personal self will now cease to be seen as
T3:1.11 that the personal self has only existed as the self you presented to  others in the past is quite a different statement and has a totally
T3:1.11 a totally different meaning. The personal self you once presented to  others as “who you were” was a self who existed in time, a self who
T3:1.11 made up the self of the future. The personal self you presented to  others in the past was a chosen self and never a whole self as
T3:2.3 form that would expand awareness, through relationship, of self and  others. You chose a means of creation—as God chose a means of
T3:2.8 be has been the righteous work of many who have caused great harm to  others and the world. There is no truth to be found in illusion and
T3:3.3 would desire, you fear as much or more your ability to disappoint  others or to “let them down.” Some of you carefully constructed your
T3:3.3 leave as little room as possible for disappointment to affect it or  others you hold dear. Some of you have seemed to do the opposite,
T3:3.3 yourself and being constantly under the pall of having disappointed  others. Still others have always found their lives to be beyond their
T3:3.3 being constantly under the pall of having disappointed others. Still  others have always found their lives to be beyond their efforts at
T3:3.4 or depression stood in the way of your desires or the plans of  others and let such circumstances fill you with self-loathing.
T3:10.3 is the only blasphemy. To blame yourself is as senseless as blaming  others and your inclination to place blame upon yourself must be
T3:10.9 the thoughts of the ego-mind were always harsh with you or with  others. The Christ-mind and the thoughts that come from the voice of
T3:11.16 who would find this cause for righteousness. You are not right and  others wrong. This temptation will not long be with you for once the
T3:14.2 badly that you do not enjoy the health, wealth or stature of some  others, accept your current status and begin to feel more peace and
T3:14.2 life. If you have felt a lack of respect you may feel that what  others think of you matters not and enjoy a heightened self-concept.
T3:14.9 had in truth. These fearful choices took nothing from you or from  others.
T3:14.10 If you have read the paragraph above and feel it is fine for some  others not to regret their choices but not for you, I ask you to
T3:14.10 had not already felt regret and sorrow for the hurts you have caused  others. Whatever actions you have not previously brought to love to
T3:15.1 Some of you have had more experience with new beginnings than  others. For most mature adults, some form of new beginning has taken
T3:15.1 to forgive the past and begin again to build a new relationship.  Others, in a similar relationship, might have chosen to let the past
T3:15.6 see six months of change as the basis for trust in the new. For  others six years would not be enough.
T3:15.9 beginning you are called to now is a new beginning that, like all  others that you have offered or attempted, will take place in
T3:16.10 the self. It has to do with any ideas you may still hold concerning  others having more than you have, or to desires that you may feel
T3:16.14 relationship. All of your desires, fears, hopes and expectations of  others are temptations that arise from your old idea of special
T3:16.14 relationships. All of your plans to do good and be good, to help  others, and to struggle to make the world a better place, fall into
T3:16.15 will create a new heaven on earth, you can lay aside any fears that  others will suffer due to the changes your new Self will create. As
T3:16.15 are all that you would share in truth. You will recognize that no  others have a need for you to make them special for you will see the
T3:17.1 Self to have an observable form and to exist in relationship with  others with observable forms. This was simply so that expressions of
T3:17.7 Spirit in my mind and heart and as such represented the truth. Many  others by many other names have represented the truth and in so doing
T3:19.1 ones. You have no need to fear that the joys you have shared with  others will be no more. You have no more need to fear the loss of
T3:19.11 While  others still remain tied to the old thought system, human behavior
T3:20.3 Again, do not let your thoughts stray to benefiting and affecting  others. In unity, all others are one with you and thus what you
T3:20.3 thoughts stray to benefiting and affecting others. In unity, all  others are one with you and thus what you strive for in effectiveness
T3:20.3 live by the truth. This will benefit you and in so doing benefit all  others.
T3:20.6 for some illnesses and suffering are surely seen as being worse than  others—encouragement is given despite the “fact” that it is
T3:20.15 The new way will work wherever it finds willingness. You cannot call  others to abandon their willingness to live in illusion by joining
T3:20.15 to live in illusion by joining them there! You can only call  others to a willingness to set illusion aside and to begin the
T3:20.18 are as pioneers to this new world. Its mere existence will attract  others and each will find the price of admission is their willingness
T3:20.18 create the new world and make it observable, not for you to recruit  others to it.
T3:21.18 personal self will continue to exist only as the self you present to  others. It will be a representation only. It will represent only the
T3:21.24 meant to give. Do not make any false plans that give your power to  others more learned of this Course than you to be the savior only you
T3:21.24 of a good and saintly life are those who will lead the way for  others to follow. Do not give in to the idea that one special one is
T4:1.1 or tell you that some have the tools for accomplishment and that  others do not. It will continue the view from within the embrace, an
T4:1.3 left out and as if you are being told that you can achieve what many  others have tried and failed to achieve. These are the types of ideas
T4:1.11 time. Some have chosen to come to know themselves and God directly.  Others have chosen to come to know themselves and God indirectly.
T4:1.13 different is possible; that you might just be able to achieve what  others have not; that this time might just be different than any
T4:1.25 to die within the state of consciousness in which they have lived.  Others do not wish to experience the truth directly, but only to
T4:2.7 true nature does not mean that it did not exist; that there are  others living among you in this time who will not become aware of
T4:2.9 as a time of judgment and of separating the chosen people from all  others abound. All are chosen. All are chosen with love and without
T4:2.10 this new time thinking that this new time will separate you from  others, or cause you, as the chosen, to be separate, you will not
T4:2.11 who first achieve anything of merit is but a way of calling all  others to know what they can achieve. One may desire to best a
T4:2.11 and vice versa, and yet, what one achieves but opens the door for  others and this is known to you. Even those who did not desire to fly
T4:2.12 the elevated “place” they briefly hold is of a finite nature, that  others will soon do the same, and that those who follow in time will
T4:2.16 How, then, could you possibly observe any  others without knowing that the truth of who they are is present even
T4:2.23 with little purpose implied in the brief encounters you have with  others. You have watched the news and developments in parts of the
T4:3.14 of everlasting life in form has seemed a curse to some, a miracle to  others. Death comes as destruction to some, as new life to others.
T4:3.14 to others. Death comes as destruction to some, as new life to  others. Either way is but your choice. Your attachment to life has
T4:5.2 So that you can join your accomplishment with that of all  others and become the body of Christ.
T4:5.12 now will transform you as surely as did those that came to so many  others after death.
T4:5.13 as having two sides. Some have thought of this as heaven and hell.  Others as all or nothing. Many of you have thought of it as a time of
T4:6.7 expressions. You can exist in Christ-consciousness, as have many  others of the past, and through your existence in
T4:7.4 seek to create their version of a perfect world and to force it upon  others, but will abide within the perfect world that is in the vision
T4:10.14 Does this not make sense? You can learn about who you were and who  others were, but you cannot learn anymore who you are or who those
D:2.14 within your control, the more likely you are to control outcome.  Others of you have believed that the more details of your life that
D:7.17 on your own path and leaves you nonjudgmental of the paths of  others. Yet desire, like observation and vision, is still related to
D:7.26 one, small, aspect of what you are. In observing both yourself and  others, you have learned to view your body in the field of time. This
D:8.2 talent or ability, and have given up “working hard” to be the best.  Others who have achieved the highest possible acclaim for their
D:10.5 union is known even in the realm of separation, and thus what draws  others from separation to union.
D:11.1 you take note of your thoughts and you take notes on the thoughts of  others.
D:11.2 In this one example can you not see the fallacy inherent in all the  others? To think of these Dialogues in this way, dear brothers and
D:11.2 it is only the content of your thoughts that differentiate you from  others. Do you think the same is true of you and me? It is that you
D:12.15 new authority, and you may have desired more than anything to have  others realize that you really know something, that this wasn’t your
D:12.18 personal or individual self with the “figuring out” of this truth.  Others of you will have recognized the “voice” of authority with
D:13.2 state except through the sharing of who you are and who you know  others to be. There are two issues of great import contained within
D:13.6 is not needed so much as a means of imparting important knowledge to  others, but so that you can come to understand it. What comes of
D:13.7 Self of union. What you are called to do is to share in union with  others whose awareness is expanding.
D:13.8 idea that no one will ever be able to truly know you. But join with  others who are experiencing the expanding awareness of the time of
D:13.8 begin to see the evidence that things are different now. Join with  others who are coming to know through the state of unity, and the
D:13.11 state except through the sharing of who you are and who you know  others to be. All this means is that while you may feel unable to
D:13.12 for such intermediary functions. By being who you are, and seeing  others as who they truly are, you create the relationship in which
D:Day1.1 This is nothing new to those of you of the Christian faith. To  others it will seem an acceptance beyond your ability, an acceptance
D:Day1.3 to parables once again and learn once again from the stories of  others.
D:Day1.4 for many states you value. To marry one man you must choose to leave  others behind. This is required. This does not mean the married woman
D:Day1.4 guides. It means that one is chosen as a mate to the exclusion of  others chosen as a mate.
D:Day1.5 of eternal life. The requirement asked of you here is not to exclude  others in whom you believe and have found a connection to eternal
D:Day1.13 It is not about being right or being wrong, about one being more and  others less. This is simply the way to sameness of being, to the
D:Day2.6 to still experience guilt or shame; but the hurts you have done  others may weigh heavily on you now. It is as if, at this mountain
D:Day2.10 —feelings that are attached to your belief that you have harmed  others—not feelings of sorrow? Are you not sorry for these actions?
D:Day3.12 It is only because some are gifted more abundantly than  others that they can use the givens of talent and inspired ideas to
D:Day3.13 even to those born with it, only through the exploitation of  others. Only through some having less do some have more.
D:Day3.21 To reach a position in which you feel you need to ask for money from  others, even from a bank, is seen as a dire situation indeed. This
D:Day3.21 likely be an ordeal of some consequence. Even those who are seen by  others as constant “takers,” unafraid to ask for a “hand out” or free
D:Day3.23 was the reality of the learning life. Even if you are one of those  others consider lucky, one of those who always has “just enough,”
D:Day3.23 consider lucky, one of those who always has “just enough,” little do  others know that your fear is as great as theirs. That while you
D:Day4.25 from the false. But blaming yourself does no more good than blaming  others, for without the dismantling of the ego-self, without the
D:Day4.33 natural. Some might “go into” the breathing and become one with it.  Others might become the observer and in so doing remove themselves
D:Day5.5 the form of the physical body. Some could feel it in their hands and  others as if it comes directly from their mouths as speech is enabled
D:Day5.5 realm of thought completely. Do not fight any of these feelings or  others that I have not named. Just consider them givens and choose
D:Day5.12 another may not. While this remains the case, you may desire to give  others what you have and feel unable to do so. Yet, like love, unity
D:Day6.7 disposition of the artist, the piece of music might be shared with  others at each step of the process, or only late in its development.
D:Day6.26 be accomplished, or that it would elevate only a few and leave all  others behind, you would not feel this devotion. You know our task is
D:Day6.27 given task, you are almost surely feeling this devotion extend to  others, particularly those who, along with us, work toward its
D:Day8.8 things within your life that will take some time to change, but many  others that can change instantly through this radical acceptance. You
D:Day8.12 intolerant of yourself and it was easy to extend this intolerance to  others. Once acceptance of the Self begins to be practiced, you will
D:Day8.12 of fear. Acceptance of yourself, in love, leads to acceptance of  others. Knowing this aspect of how you feel, what we are here calling
D:Day8.13 truth rather than attempting to combat illusion. Thus when you see  others gossiping, you are called to see only the truth of who they
D:Day8.13 away in disgust, showing your righteous contempt for the actions of  others, but to accept who you are within the relationship of that
D:Day8.18 denying your own feelings you will tend also to deny the feelings of  others. You will think that you know the real from the unreal, truth
D:Day8.18 unreal, truth from illusion, and so will disregard the feelings of  others as if they do not matter. This will only happen if you allow
D:Day8.19 see beyond illusion, and then to be told to accept the feelings of  others? It should not. While true compassion sees only the truth,
D:Day8.19 to non-acceptance of that which you do not like in yourself and  others and even to, at times, the false sense of certainty about your
D:Day8.20 or hurt, the bitterness or guilt that you do not like. You hold  others to the “standards” you hold for yourself, thus the only
D:Day9.7 you censor your own thoughts and feelings, accepting some and not  others. You know you have repressed your emotions. You know you have
D:Day14.4 as those of the many as well. It is by holding all feelings of  others within the spacious Self, by not forgetting that the one and
D:Day15.11 is necessary to practice the ability to inform and be informed with  others who have reached this level of neutrality along with you. This
D:Day15.12 informing and being informed? It means to join together with  others who have the ability to maintain Christ-consciousness in your
D:Day15.16 This is not a time of being judged or of adopting the beliefs of  others but one of finally conquering judgment with neutrality or
D:Day15.16 finally conquering judgment with neutrality or acceptance. Allowing  others to accept you as you are is a gift that releases them from
D:Day15.20 coming together. This current washes some stones clean and washes  others away. It changes the clear pool by dredging up sediment that
D:Day15.21 To be engaged in dialogue with certain  others is different than entering the dialogue, but entering the
D:Day15.21 wholeness and the sustainability of Christ-consciousness with  others sharing this specific means of coming to know with you, you
D:Day15.21 asked to disregard any other means of coming to know or to see any  others differently than you see those with whom you are engaged in
D:Day15.24 on the mountain, you have been asked to be here and to join with  others here for a purpose. As such, this time is also a beginning to
D:Day15.26 visible and you will see that it may be quite different from the  others with whom you are coming to know, and perhaps quite different
D:Day15.26 focus, or place your attention, on areas that might not interest  others in the slightest.
D:Day16.5 of the body. These are the unwanted feelings that are blamed on  others. These manifest in your interactions with the world, taking on
D:Day16.5 your interactions with the world, taking on form in the actions of  others, in instances where acts of nature or accidents seem to thwart
D:Day16.5 also come to you to prove what you think you know—that  others, or the world in general, are to blame for the sorry state of
D:Day17.4 centered in the mind and more and more about coming to know what  others had already learned and were capable of teaching, learning
D:Day17.5 by not negating their being as they realized this connection. Many  others with realization of Christ-consciousness as strong as that of
D:Day18.1 of the old and with preparing the way for the birth of the new.  Others of you will follow your hearts to a bypassing of the final
D:Day18.1 of the old and to anchoring the new within the web of reality. Still  others will participate in both, following their innate desire to
D:Day19.7 within. The function of those called to the way of Jesus is to call  others to the new through means so widespread, varied, and remarkable
D:Day21.6 of teaching and learning but made it seem as if some had more and  others less. But even the pattern of learning had as its outcome the
D:Day28.4 and starting a family. Some follow a more standard pattern than  others, with schooling, career, marriage, and family seen as an
D:Day28.4 and family seen as an almost inescapable as well as desirable norm.  Others pursue dreams or adventures.
D:Day28.6 that it is both exciting and at times excruciatingly difficult.  Others reach a plateau of sorts and just keep following the
D:Day33.1 That all are chosen. To embrace an idea of some having power while  others remain powerless is to embrace an idea laden with conflict.
D:Day35.4 You have known yourself in relationship to yourself and  others, without realizing that your being is God, that others are one
D:Day35.4 yourself and others, without realizing that your being is God, that  others are one with you, that God is the relationship of everything
D:Day35.18 have seen yourself as separate from creation and separate from all  others. Thus what you have “created” has stood apart from wholeness.
D:Day36.2 you created an experience for yourself that was separate from all  others. You made choices concerning how you would live your life from
D:Day37.4 just possibly, the relationship you would choose to have with  others and the world around you.
D:Day37.14 ones, at times seeing the connectedness of your life with that of  others, but even then, only on a limited scale. You have often not
D:Day37.18 feels because you are not them. You can join in relationship with  others who feel similarly and can find great joy in feeling “as if”
D:Day37.32 They come from observation of self and they come from observation of  others. They come from what you are willing to observe. They become
D:Day38.8 and being one in union and relationship. These opposites, like all  others, are held within the embrace of love and belonging.
D:Day39.23 Have I been a distant God who does not show his love for you or  others? Then you have been distant from yourself and those you love.
D:Day39.30 or a fair friend, loving or unloving, distance you from yourself and  others or bring you closer to yourself and others. No god who has
D:Day39.30 you from yourself and others or bring you closer to yourself and  others. No god who has been projected is without attributes, even
D:Day40.6 distinct being, a being different or distinct from who I am, and who  others are. These are the attributes of your being, what you might
D:Day40.6 making you separate rather than distinct from who I am being and who  others are being. Your attempt at individuation and extension, an
A.9 may feel quite compelled to share your experience of the Course with  others. What might you expect to find?
A.11 coming home to the way of the heart. What you gain by sharing with  others is a situation in which you “learn” in unity through the
A.20 impatience. Many can ride the wave of this impatience to a new way.  Others need to battle against it a while longer.
A.30 may arise and some may feel they are not advancing as quickly as  others, while those moving quickly may feel in need of time to catch
A.43 involvement with this coursework and a direct sharing of it with  others. For many more of you it will not.
A.47 voice that responds to you and your voice is mine as you respond to  others.

otherwise (14)

C:9.33 God’s will for you is happiness, and never has it been  otherwise. God’s creation is for eternity and has no use for time.
C:10.8 fact,” all you need tell yourself is, “I am still willing to believe  otherwise.”
C:14.18 the universe, and that it is foolishness to say that you think  otherwise. Yet, since only what you know is part of your universe, do
C:19.13 Thought, as you know it, is an aspect of duality. It cannot be  otherwise in your separated state. You must think in terms of “I” and
C:20.25 Thankfulness is the nature of your being. It could not be  otherwise when awe and magnificence encompass you in the embrace.
T1:3.5 depends on it. How can you be convinced to live as if the truth were  otherwise? For only if you begin to live as if the truth were
T1:3.5 were otherwise? For only if you begin to live as if the truth were  otherwise can you see that it truly is otherwise, or based on a
T1:3.5 to live as if the truth were otherwise can you see that it truly is  otherwise, or based on a wisdom other than what has come before.
T1:3.9 see this exercise as what it is, an attempt to convince you to think  otherwise about yourself. If you ask for a cure for a disease, how
T3:22.3 You are a beautiful representation of the truth and cannot be  otherwise. You may bring this beauty to any number of walks of life,
T4:1.11 are offered that are not such. All are chosen and so it could not be  otherwise. But at the same time, it must be seen that your choice
D:1.7 still struggle and try, prepare and plan. It does not know how to do  otherwise. You do not think you know how to do otherwise.
D:1.7 not know how to do otherwise. You do not think you know how to do  otherwise.
D:Day37.30 and you have been being in relationship because you could not “be”  otherwise, but you have not been being in union.

ounce (1)

C:4.16 be a winner in this game you play, a chosen one who will have each  ounce of love that is given returned in kind. This is a balancing act

our (179)

ours (3)

C:26.4 cross with me and banished in the resurrection of the glory that is  ours.
C:26.9 You do not yet, but will soon realize the happiness that is  ours. Your mind can just not accept that happiness as well as meaning
D:17.3 after me and be as I was? To be the inheritor of the gifts that are  ours? Do you desire this? Are you willing to claim it? Are you

ourselves (3)

out (154)

out-of-pattern (1)

T2:6.9 exist in unity outside of the pattern of time. Miracles create an  out-of-pattern time interval. Thus living in a state of

outcome (31)

C:P.19 to come to be at all, and why, when every effort has been made, the  outcome seldom seems worth the effort. You cannot earn your way to
C:2.21 have learned is still with you regardless of your perception of the  outcome of your learning. Your perception of an outcome within your
C:2.21 perception of the outcome of your learning. Your perception of an  outcome within your control is all that needs to change. Remember
C:20.38 Hope is a manner of acting as if the best possible  outcome you can imagine could truly occur. Hope is a willingness to
C:20.38 to ask for help, believing it will come. Hope is the reason and the  outcome for which we pray. Hope acknowledges the kindliness of the
C:25.2 Devotion is the  outcome of love and in this instance is an action word, a verb, a
C:30.2 learning is seen as preparation for the future, or for some eventual  outcome, rather than for your being. You attempt to learn for
T1:1.11 this change would be seen as quite difficult no matter how grand its  outcome and even in spite of your recognition, at first in mere
T1:6.2 a divine memory and divine memory cannot help but produce a divine  outcome. Said in another way, prayer reproduces the truth and allows
T2:2.7 a practical nature, who would seek guarantees of the rightness and  outcome of following such a call, seek for proof they have already
T2:6.6 Accomplishment is not an end point but a given. It is not an  outcome but a certainty. It says I am rather than I will be. I will
T2:7.16 say that you trust when what you are doing is hoping for a specific  outcome. Real trust is not a trust that waits and hopes but a trust
T3:11.15 was made for your use can be used in a new way and to produce a new  outcome. Do not be afraid to use anything available within the house
T3:20.11 by as the truth is meant to be lived by. Not because you desire an  outcome, but because it is who you are and because you realize you
T3:22.14 that it will take you to, through your effort, create the desired  outcome. Observation of what you desire is observation of what is,
T4:2.19 in terms of evangelizing or convincing, you think in terms of future  outcome rather than in terms of what already is. This type of
T4:10.5 love. Relationship happens as it happens. Studying is about future  outcome. What happens in relationship has present moment meaning.
T4:10.6 The  outcome of learning or what is studied is the production of things
T4:10.8 applied to anything other than the Self could not help but have an  outcome that had to do with other than the Self. Means and end are
T4:10.9 have accomplished in regards to your Self could not help but have an  outcome that had to do with your Self. Means and end are one, cause
D:2.11 and not in another and that you make this judgment based upon the  outcome. In other words, you make this judgment “after the fact” when
D:2.11 In other words, you make this judgment “after the fact” when the  outcome has occurred. For example, study habits that allowed the
D:2.11 habits that allowed the learner to achieve a successful grade or  outcome in one instance would tend to be seen as a “successful
D:2.11 such a time as the pattern failed to achieve the successful grade or  outcome in another instance. Thus what you have believed “works for
D:2.11 you” is really like a game of chance. You give it a try, and if the  outcome is as you desired it to be you call it a success, and if the
D:2.11 outcome is as you desired it to be you call it a success, and if the  outcome is not as you desired it to be you call it a failure. You
D:2.14 you have within your control, the more likely you are to control  outcome. Others of you have believed that the more details of your
D:Day8.10 acceptance of who you are. Understand, however, that this eventual  outcome will never occur without the initial acceptance.
D:Day21.6 more and others less. But even the pattern of learning had as its  outcome the sameness of teacher and learner—the transfer of
D:Day28.5 in order to be made, but they are still directed at external  outcome. By living the experiences of these externally directed life
A.15 The sharing of process is more appropriate than the sharing of  outcome. Facilitators will keep readers from attempting one correct

outcomes (7)

C:7.23 kind of evidence of what constitutes the truth. Think of no other  outcomes than your happiness, and when happiness comes deny it not,
C:27.16 You even wonder as you pray whether you should pray for specific  outcomes or for God’s Will to be done. You fear being a miracle
T2:10.16 that would be quickly put behind you or chosen for specific  outcomes. While many love to learn for the sake of learning alone,
T3:20.7 not offering sympathy. You think it naïve to believe in positive  outcomes. You listen to statistics of what has occurred before and in
T3:20.11 truth. Miracles are not meant to be called upon to create specific  outcomes in specific circumstances. They are meant to be lived by as
D:2.14 as that of government, the more likely you are to experience desired  outcomes. Either way, control is seen as a powerful pattern.
D:Day2.12 We leave aside, for the moment, any considerations of other  outcomes of such actions, whether they are negative or positive in

outer (9)

C:4.27 every relation to the world within, where in love’s presence both  outer and inner worlds become as one and leave beyond your vision the
D:5.4 encompasses and surrounds you, the boundaries between the inner and  outer world will diminish and eventually cease to be.
D:Day1.9 refusing the requirement of the spacecraft as the way to reach  outer space. This would be akin to non-acceptance of the way that has
D:Day1.10 This would be like saying, “If I am an astronaut, I can reach  outer space without a space craft. I have been trained, I understand
D:Day1.10 a space craft. I have been trained, I understand the truth about  outer space, I believe in my abilities; but I do not accept the
D:Day3.7 life, but are more skeptical in regard to its ability to affect your  outer life; and nowhere are you more skeptical than in regard to
D:Day3.42 It is the visible world, the  outer world, through which your wants find provision. It is the world
D:Day14.2 The spacious Self realizes that the  outer world is a projection and most often a rejection rather than an
D:Day19.8 of as within, so without and the relationship between the inner and  outer world.

outlandish (1)

C:8.26 incident that when given to the light of truth revealed a lie of  outlandish proportions. These are the memories of loved ones you were

outlet (1)

T3:22.9 will engage you in something “to do,” the level that will give an  outlet for the excitement that has been building within you. You are

outline (2)

C:26.24 You seek to know your story’s table of contents, or at least a brief  outline. Where does your life fit in the larger picture? And yet, you
D:5.13 serve the ego will cease to be, just as the ego has ceased to be. To  outline and define the differences between what was created and what

outlined (1)

T3:12.8 consistent with the laws of creation and the steps of creation  outlined above. From this choice, many experiences ensued. Some of

outpouring (1)

C:20.27 Love is the source of your being. You flow from love, an  outpouring without end. You are thus eternal. You are pure and

output (1)

C:3.10 in control of what it thinks. You believe in a process of input and  output, all completely human and scientifically provable. The birth

outset (1)

C:26.25 thought. You knew your place in the pattern of creation from the  outset. A full life is quite simply a fulfillment of that thought and

outside (77)

C:3.3 with no divisions. There are no sections, no parts, no inside and no  outside, no dreams and no illusions that can escape or hide,
C:4.21 have made and upon entering believe you leave the world’s madness  outside your door. Here you feel safe and gather those you love
C:4.21 out the rest, and here you gain the strength you need to walk  outside those doors again another day. You spend your life intent
C:4.25 all the images of love set apart that you have made and extend them  outside love’s doors. What difference would a world of love make to
C:4.26 your strategy and defenses. You prepare for everything that goes on  outside yourself and nothing that occurs within. Yet it is a joining
C:4.27 you perceive to be a loveless world. It has no relation to the world  outside of you, but every relation to the world within, where in
C:5.12 nor entered into where it can be understood. What is judged remains  outside of you, and it is what remains outside that calls you to do
C:5.12 What is judged remains outside of you, and it is what remains  outside that calls you to do what love would call you not to do. What
C:5.12 calls you to do what love would call you not to do. What remains  outside is all that has not joined with you. What has joined with you
C:5.14 Within you is every relationship you have ever had with anything.  Outside of you is all that you have kept apart, labeled, judged, and
C:5.15 worlds are made up of. The one you see as real is the one you keep  outside of yourself, making it possible to look upon it with your
C:5.16 You look  outside the doors of your home and, whether you see suburban streets
C:5.16 the world seems to be. You can say the real world is somewhere  outside yourself, as you picture the real world being beyond your
C:5.17 your real Self. This is reality. All you do not join with remains  outside and is illusion, for what is not one with you does not exist.
C:5.21 this: what you choose to join with you, and what you choose to leave  outside of yourself.
C:9.21 fit to serve a king. This one exists in the violence you would keep  outside your doors, and from your inner sanctum you give this one a
C:9.30 using it. You do so out of guilt in an attempt to place your guilt  outside yourself. “My body made me do it” is like the cry of the
C:9.45 of such abuse is easily apparent. Again you would place the blame  outside yourself and label drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and
C:10.7 messages of a more positive nature. And these are but messages of an  outside source! Your own thoughts are much more persistent and
C:12.4 is your choice of what to join with and your choice of what to leave  outside of yourself. Yet you must understand that nothing that is not
C:14.17 but itself and everything in it? Nothing would seem to exist  outside of it, and so it must be unique. Everything that would happen
C:20.9 replaces identity and you say, I am. I am, and there is nothing  outside of me. Nothing outside of the embrace.
C:20.9 and you say, I am. I am, and there is nothing outside of me. Nothing  outside of the embrace.
C:22.9 order to gain reality. While you might think of this as everything  outside of yourself, please, when thinking of this, use the words I
C:29.12 extremely important for you to realize that God’s work takes place  outside of time, as do all acts of true service or creation. This is
C:31.35 You do not exist  outside of relationship, just as your mind does not exist outside of
C:31.35 not exist outside of relationship, just as your mind does not exist  outside of oneness. Your experience here is but an extension of mind
T1:1.1 in which peace is seen as being approachable. Peace is seen as being  outside of one’s being and the means are sought for the union of
T1:4.9 Your thoughts are released from their concentration on what exists  outside of you as your responsibility is placed where it belongs, in
T1:4.10 thus have thought it is your responsibility to care for the world  outside of yourself rather than for your Self.
T1:4.13 happens from within. Responsibility is all about dealing with an  outside world. While both may result in the same or similar actions
T2:2.2 Having a calling is spoken of in lofty terms. Few  outside of those who feel they have a calling for something beyond
T2:6.9 of the state of unity. It is a recognition that you exist in unity  outside of the pattern of time. Miracles create an out-of-pattern
T2:6.9 in a state of miracle-readiness is the creation of a new reality  outside of the pattern of ordinary time. Although this state exists
T2:9.4 this meeting of a need as if it takes place apart from you, or from  outside of you. You assign the meeting of a need to a person or
T3:9.3 of the ego thought system. Now you must imagine yourself walking  outside of the doors of this house of illusion and finding a
T3:12.4 How then can the personal self begin to realize the human experience  outside of time? The answer is thus: by changing the consciousness of
T3:13.2 and the personal self. In such times you can conceive only of a God  outside of yourself and trust not in the benevolence of the
T3:14.2 judgment would return to label what is happening as “bad.” A “god”  outside of the self would soon be called upon to intercede. Blame
T3:15.3 New beginnings do not occur  outside of relationship. The idea of special relationship is one that
T3:18.10 in the mind. You are used to thinking that what you observe forms  outside of your mind. This is the thinking of the ego-thought system.
D:1.23 This is akin to thinking of a god who exists  outside or apart from yourself. If you fully accepted your true
D:1.23 If you fully accepted your true identity, you would no longer look  outside of yourself for guidance for you would realize that your Self
D:6.26 changed here because you may remember that change occurs in time.  Outside of time and form your Self has always existed in the perfect
D:6.26 the elevated Self of form, you exist together both in time and  outside of time. Remember, the elevated Self of form will never be
D:7.5 aware of the embrace and the consciousness of unity and places you  outside of time. In this state, no duality exists. Doing and being
D:7.18 you have accepted existence as a non-particular being in a state  outside of time—you have accepted existence as a new Self, the Self
D:7.25 the laws of evolution in time with the laws of transformation  outside of time.
D:7.26 dot of your body is all that is bound by time. What transformation  outside of time asks you to do is to see the body as but this one,
D:8.1 the circle, I ask you to imagine now being able to take a step  outside of the area of this dot, and into the area of the wider
D:8.4 the dot of the body, or, conversely, as the body having taken a step  outside of the dot of self to infiltrate the wider circle of the
D:8.11 Expand your reach! Step  outside of the dot of the separated self and into the circle of unity
D:8.12 Self is the doorway. Step through that doorway. Take the first step  outside of the known reality of your conscious awareness, the learned
D:10.1 What is found  outside of the boundary of the personal self in the wider circle of
D:10.1 as calling, are ways of knowing that come to you, and through you,  outside of the pattern of learning.
D:12.4 you truly began to enter the place of unity, to take the step  outside of the dot of the body.
D:Day6.19 phrase here. It is not the other way around. You cannot find a place  outside of yourself that will allow for the elevation of which we
D:Day9.31 god seen as “other than” puts all that you would long for in a place  outside of, or beyond, the self you are now.
D:Day10.14 you act is wise. But to think that doubting your feelings or seeking  outside assurances of what you know will lead to either confidence or
D:Day10.16 replace conviction with reliance, I call you to replace belief in an  outside source with reliance upon your Self.
D:Day10.19 image for presence, the individual for the universal, reliance on an  outside source for reliance on yourself, Jesus for
D:Day10.23 the way, but if you can cease to think of this as the wisdom of an  outside source, if you can hear it and feel it and think of it as a
D:Day16.5 Ejected feelings are projected  outside of the body. These are the unwanted feelings that are blamed
D:Day21.1 a letting-go of any of the ideas that you may still have that an  outside source exists. There is no such thing as an outside source.
D:Day21.1 have that an outside source exists. There is no such thing as an  outside source. There are no outside sources of wisdom, guidance, or
D:Day21.1 exists. There is no such thing as an outside source. There are no  outside sources of wisdom, guidance, or even information.
D:Day21.2 the source of wisdom, even though you may have seen it as existing  outside of yourself, had to function as what it was—a channel
D:Day21.7 the interaction, rather than being one of taking something from an  outside source into the self where it is learned and then
D:Day28.19 Our “time” on the mountain would be more rightly described as “time  outside of time.”
D:Day28.20 “Time  outside of time” by itself will not cause the shift that needs to
D:Day28.20 What will create the shift is the ability to experience “time  outside of time” and “time” simultaneously. Thus is the “wholeness”
D:Day33.13 And yet, since no one can exist  outside of relationship and relationship is where power is expressed,
D:Day36.15 you are. This is being. To be one in being with God and yet to exist  outside of the powerful state of relationship and union has been a
D:Day40.18 here, and say that regardless of what I say, you are who you are  outside of your relationships. You are not just the relationships

outstretched (2)

C:29.9 a gate of illusion, of mist, of clouds before the sun. Your hand is  outstretched now and your light is clearing away the mist. The
D:17.7 to share it with the whole world. From the top of the mountain, arms  outstretched, this desire too has caused your arms to raise as if of

outward (15)

C:5.15 one you do not see and do not believe in is the one you cannot look  outward to see, but is the one that nonetheless is truly real. To
C:9.20 to bring relief to the nightmare of a life of fear. You project fear  outward and away from yourself, seeing not that you keep that which
C:9.20 not that you keep that which you would project. Seeing not that  outward signs of fear are but reflections of what you keep within.
C:20.1 have felt before. Your heart may even feel as if it is stretching  outward, straining heavenward, near to bursting with its desire for
T1:9.4 You are used to creating in  outward ways. One of the few exceptions to this outward creation is
T1:9.4 used to creating in outward ways. One of the few exceptions to this  outward creation is the act of giving birth. But birth, like all
T1:9.4 outward creation is the act of giving birth. But birth, like all  outward manifestations, but reflects inner change. The growth of a
T3:10.7 seemed to teach you. Now, while life may seem much unchanged in its  outward appearance, it is up to you to become aware of the total
T4:2.1  Outward seeking is turning inward. Inward or internal discoveries are
T4:2.1 is turning inward. Inward or internal discoveries are turning  outward. This is a reverse, a polar reversal that is happening
T4:2.2 let me repeat and reemphasize my statements: where once you turned  outward in your seeking and saw within what you perceived without,
T4:2.2 without, now you turn inward and reflect what you discover within  outward. What you discover within is in a way that what you perceive
D:Day9.6 think or heart would feel, and freedom is no more. Yet it is not an  outward source that you must fear or protect your freedom against. It
D:Day21.7 has given way to an interaction that begins within and extends  outward.
D:Day39.17 the idea of projection. This is what projection does. It projects  outward. It is different from extension in that extension is like a

outwardly (3)

T2:3.2 had been no desire for expression. Life is the desire to express  outwardly what exists within. What I refer to so often here as being
T4:1.23 While the state of the world and the people within it may not  outwardly seem much changed from the world of your ancestors despite
D:Day27.3 because it was devoid of inner-sight. While you looked  outwardly for signposts to guide you, the self-guidance of

over (92)

C:1.14 It is the only way you see to prove your power and control  over a world of chaos. To not engage in the chaos at all is seen not
C:4.3 were birthed in unison. Love was thus not ever lost but shadowed  over by longing that, placed between you and your Source, both
C:4.15 an ideal of what the perfect mate would mean, an ideal that changed  over time. Those most bound by the ego might think of stature and of
C:5.22 be separate is the most insane desire of which you have conceived.  Over all your longing for union you place this desire to be separate
C:6.5 is finding increasingly difficult to deny. When you choose unity  over separation, you choose reality over illusion. You end opposition
C:6.5 to deny. When you choose unity over separation, you choose reality  over illusion. You end opposition by choosing harmony. You end
C:7.11 badly? You withhold even a smile, because you have chosen grievances  over love.
C:8.12 mind and heart in order perhaps to help them, but also to have power  over them. Whatever you might come to know you would deem your
C:8.27 yet the details mask the truth so thoroughly that all truth is given  over to illusion.
C:10.3 that your ideas can begin to change, until finally your heart takes  over and makes the one choice you are bound to make. Your heart—not
C:10.17 you rather be right or happy?” Only the ego would choose being right  over happiness. As you observe your body, also observe its actions in
C:10.20 the separated self can look back and see that it chose being right  over being happy, it will congratulate itself despite its unhappiness
C:10.20 and say, “I did the right thing.” It will see itself as victor  over the foolish dreams of happiness and say how glad it is that it
C:11.18 with love. Love is the unity you seek. In having chosen separation  over unity, you but chose fear over love. When you let go of fear and
C:11.18 you seek. In having chosen separation over unity, you but chose fear  over love. When you let go of fear and invite unity to return, you
C:13.5 so often associate with it. While the feeling of love that washes  over you from one may feel like courage, and from another like
C:14.19 that will keep you linked. Some of you do this quite obviously, and  over years and years create a web of intricate design, a snare or
C:15.11 without or abandon hope of receiving. And so you choose illusion  over truth and betray all that you are and the hope your brother has
C:16.20 The mighty prevail, and so define what is right for all those  over whom they prevail. Those in power are those who make the laws,
C:20.4 “Thingness” is  over, and your identity no longer stands in form but flows from life
C:23.8 rarely the other way around. This is what has caused you to make God  over in your own image and to try to do the same to others. This
C:23.27 Attempting to exert control  over learning situations is a reflection of belief that you have
C:24.2 The time to resist tenderness is  over. The time to resist the tears of weariness is over. This is the
C:24.2 tenderness is over. The time to resist the tears of weariness is  over. This is the time of the embrace.
C:26.24 a story—when the end is reached and all is known, the story is  over except in memory and reflection and perhaps in speculation. What
C:29.3 You who have so worried  over what to do have both welcomed and feared the idea of some kind
C:29.26 this unbroken chain of giving and receiving. All your worry  over the future and the past is but a worry about the return of gifts
C:30.13 form, the body. When the heart stops beating, life is seen to be  over. Are you thus your heart? Or can you not see that the created
C:30.14 It is only in your perception that the laws of man take precedence  over the laws of God. Since perception arises from the mind, we must
C:31.9 universe has made you and no other being less consequential. All  over the world people of good faith fight to save even one life. Each
T1:8.3 Thus the understanding of the truth of an historical event changes  over time and it may take a hundred or a thousand or even two
T1:9.12 and females both have begun to work with the parts of themselves  over which the ego has the least control. For males this has most
T1:10.2 will seem so human that a wave of desire to be fully human will wash  over you. You will think that this human who has caught your
T1:10.3 have you been fully engaged in it? How often have you given yourself  over to those highs and lows? You will be tempted to give yourself
T1:10.3 over to those highs and lows? You will be tempted to give yourself  over once again in this most human of ways. You will cry and laugh
T1:10.4 of the human experience. This is what you continue to choose  over the Peace of God. This is not a right or wrong choice but it is
T1:10.6 Once you have learned to read you do not return to learning to read  over and over again even while you may continue to read for a
T1:10.6 have learned to read you do not return to learning to read over and  over again even while you may continue to read for a lifetime. You
T1:10.10 It is your memory of these events that hold such sway  over you that you would choose not the Peace of God. But look past
T2:1.6 state of being in which struggle has ceased and peace has triumphed  over chaos, love has triumphed over fear.
T2:1.6 has ceased and peace has triumphed over chaos, love has triumphed  over fear.
T2:7.17 and feelings? For some of you this answer has changed greatly  over time. But for many of you, you have become less, rather than
T2:9.13 you. As a being existing in form, you have honed certain instincts  over millennia, such as the instinct to survive, in order to carry on
T2:11.16 time in perceived battles, valiantly fighting for good to win out  over evil. But this is not the new way and the lack of value from
T3:3.4 liked to be even-tempered and hated the moods that seemed to come  over you without cause. You did not understand when illness or
T3:4.7 to save the first. The ego has also been dismantled and rebuilt  over time and been seen as the rise and fall of civilizations. But as
T3:10.14 Yet the ease with which you communicate with them will diminish  over time. You will find yourself continuously teaching the language,
T4:2.7 I must return to and dispel any illusion you may have of superiority  over those who came before. That those who came before did not become
T4:3.8 love. Once all has been judged with the vision of love, judgment is  over naturally for it has served its purpose. This is the final
T4:10.5 Studying takes up residence within the student; there to be mulled  over, committed to memory, integrated into new behaviors.
T4:12.12 of his contentment as the sign that one period of learning was  over and that it was time to move on to the next. During the time of
T4:12.15 You have arrived! The long journey that brought you here is  over. Grow not impatient or desirous of a return to journeying before
T4:12.17 learned wisdom during my time on Earth and man is still puzzling  over the meaning of my words. The time for puzzlement is over. Pass
T4:12.17 puzzling over the meaning of my words. The time for puzzlement is  over. Pass on no more of the prevailing learned wisdom. I told you
T4:12.20 it arises. The self-centeredness of the final stage of learning is  over.
D:3.1 path of Christ-consciousness. It is a path upon which joy triumphs  over sorrow and victory triumphs over defeat. All that it requires is
D:3.1 is a path upon which joy triumphs over sorrow and victory triumphs  over defeat. All that it requires is the acceptance of the new and
D:3.3 or refuse to accept the old. Only in this way will the new triumph  over the old.
D:3.4 being, the old must be vanquished in order for the truth to triumph  over illusion.
D:3.7 opposing forces. This is all that is needed for the new to triumph  over the old. There are no battles needed, no victories hard won
D:4.5 with you. You remain at the mercy of those who would have power  over you, and you remain subject to the laws of man.
D:7.24 will not keep pace with the changing world and that man’s reign  over his environment will come to an abrupt and painful end. Some
D:12.16 well, have experienced the fading of your certainty about this truth  over time. It may have been your inability to convey this truth,
D:15.7 as an example. Before God “said” anything, a mighty wind swept  over the wasteland and the waters. The wind, which is as great a
D:17.21 You have nowhere to go. The journey is  over. You stand at the threshold, the gateway to the site you have
D:Day2.4 who wasted many years, much money, and endured many hardships  over many projects that did not come to fruition, and now has
D:Day3.29 truly if you really believe this, or if you are merely covering  over your fear of not having enough with an incessant drive to prove
D:Day4.31 time. It is as if you ask to see clearly and then hold your hands  over your eyes. You “cover over” the portal of access to unity with a
D:Day4.31 with excellence. Why? Because a film of the unnatural is placed  over the natural.
D:Day4.38 world that can be, all of these must come together and be victors  over the reign of fear.
D:Day4.50 you arrive at acceptance, nor to focus on acceptance of one thing  over another. You are not to label good or bad. Just to accept.
D:Day7.12 occurs as you give up the control you have but thought you exerted  over your life and its circumstances, and live in a state of grace,
D:Day8.28 freeing it will be to accept all of your feelings and not to puzzle  over which are true and which are false! To realize that you no
D:Day9.16 return you to your true identity. But the time for such tools is  over.
D:Day10.29 of their acting upon those feelings by championing the cause of good  over that of evil or of the powerless over the powerful? Isn’t
D:Day10.29 championing the cause of good over that of evil or of the powerless  over the powerful? Isn’t history replete with idols who have done
D:Day10.33 ideals of social activism, to causes, or to championing any one side  over another. Turn not to your thoughts but to your feelings and go
D:Day18.3 As has been said, the time of teaching and learning is  over. If the way of Jesus was a way of acceptance, teaching,
D:Day18.8 response but as creations. Often science and religion have puzzled  over the “beginning” of life, over what causes the formation of life,
D:Day18.8 science and religion have puzzled over the “beginning” of life,  over what causes the formation of life, over what tells the brain
D:Day18.8 the “beginning” of life, over what causes the formation of life,  over what tells the brain what to do, over the organizing factor of
D:Day18.8 causes the formation of life, over what tells the brain what to do,  over the organizing factor of DNA, of tissues and cells that do know
D:Day19.1 who are the forerunners of the way of Mary may have felt confusion  over your sense of calling. You know you are called to something, and
D:Day36.7 When you start  over, knowing that what you have been given is everything, your
D:Day36.9 This is a true starting  over with the true realization that giving and receiving are one and
D:Day36.9 are one and that both are within your power. This is starting  over with the realization that you can give yourself a new set of
D:Day36.9 and a new world by creating it as your experience. This is starting  over with the realization that you are now the creator of your
A.19 time of the Holy Spirit has passed. The time of the intermediary is  over. The greatest intermediary of all has been the mind. It has
A.31 in a new way?” To encourage the gentleness of the art of thought  over the relentless stridency of the thinking mind is always helpful.

over-due (2)

T4:4.8 is a natural part of the pattern of life-everlasting. It is long  over-due. It is long over-due because you have rejected rather than
T4:4.8 of the pattern of life-everlasting. It is long over-due. It is long  over-due because you have rejected rather than accepted your

over-population (2)

T4:4.3 to be born. As your planet has reached a state of growth known as  over-population, this balance between old generations and new seems
T4:4.4 Even before the planet reached the state of  over-population, this idea was much in evidence. The passing of a

over-stimulated (1)

T1:1.7 to the wisdom of your heart. The mechanics of your over-worked and  over-stimulated mind were what you were asked to leave behind as this

over-trusted (1)

C:3.16 would know cannot be computed in the databanks of an over-worked and  over-trusted brain, a mind we cannot separate from where we believe

over-worked (2)

C:3.16 that what we would know cannot be computed in the databanks of an  over-worked and over-trusted brain, a mind we cannot separate from
T1:1.7 listen once again to the wisdom of your heart. The mechanics of your  over-worked and over-stimulated mind were what you were asked to

over-zealous (1)

D:Day25.3 You are not what you once were. You need not guard against an  over-zealous ego-mind. Your ideas in this time may sound crazy, even

overall (1)

T4:12.27 were different for each, but the pattern was the same. There was an  overall design that ensured optimal learning and that design was

overcome (16)

C:P.17 back on your Self and God as well. Your good intentions will not  overcome the world and bring an end to hell. In all the history of
C:P.25 The way to  overcome the dualism that threatens even the most astute of learners
C:5.23 separate. “Overcoming” is your catch phrase here as you struggle to  overcome all the adversity and obstacles that would keep you from
C:5.23 if you have gained, feelings of loss will now be what you fight to  overcome. What have you done wrong, you wonder? Why are you not
C:10.5 as your home and source of all you are is the greatest hurdle to  overcome. As you observe the body and dare to think of life without
C:15.8 a linchpin in your plan for specialness—one of great necessity to  overcome if you are to reach the learning goal this Course has set.
C:16.8 Only your heart can lead you to the forgiveness that must  overcome judgment. A forgiven world is a world whose foundation has
C:18.19 that you do not recognize. Your lack of recognition can thus be  overcome by remembering the truth of what you are.
C:20.13 is like unto anything else. Likeness, like thingness, has been  overcome with oneness. Oneness prevails. The reign of Christ is at
T1:1.7 continue. The mechanics of the mind were what were in need of being  overcome in order for you to listen once again to the wisdom of your
T1:9.15 quickly solve the first. The second will be most readily and quickly  overcome by a turn toward reason or the intellect. The perceived
T4:12.23 like a computer with a full drive and reject the information or be  overcome by it if such were possible. Such is not possible, because
D:13.8 and this has been among the biggest hurdles for many of you to  overcome because your state of aloneness is all you have known. This
D:Day10.4 is tied to belief, and to a former lack of belief that has been  overcome. Reliance is not tied to belief nor to the overcoming of
D:Day10.11 and your distrust of this knowledge and insight will need to be  overcome.
E.23 of your thought processes. This will not take long, however, to  overcome, for once you have begun to realize that everything is

overcoming (2)

D:Day10.4 that has been overcome. Reliance is not tied to belief nor to the  overcoming of disbelief and thus releases you from the need for

overflow (1)

C:4.14 and the daydream of the aging. It is synonymous with passion and an  overflow of feelings that defy all common sense. To be in love is to

overflows (1)

C:8.6 hand and the skin of a baby can cause you to feel as if your heart  overflows with love. Harsh words that enter through your ears can

overlap (1)

T4:1.25 For a short time, an  overlap is occurring during which those unable to allow themselves to

overload (1)

T4:12.23 singular brain, would cause brain damage, because it would cause an  overload of information. The singular consciousness would act like a

overlooked (1)

C:30.8 This huge difference is easily  overlooked and rarely seen as the key that unlocks the door to

overly (2)

D:13.7 This need not  overly concern you as it will not affect you as it did those of the
D:Day19.2 is discernment between true contentment and denial. Although this is  overly simplified, you might think of this as the artist being

overridden (1)

A.17 true and their belief in the supremacy of the mind has temporarily  overridden the openness of their hearts. The need for some to remain

override (1)

C:9.19 yourself, and when such chance occurrences come about you quickly  override compassion with practicality. While it makes sense to you to

overriding (3)

T2:2.5 What  overriding kindness calls one to take care of another’s body, to be a
T4:2.25 Yet we have strayed here from the  overriding point of what I have revealed to you. A new relationship
D:Day32.8 seen as the spirit within all that lives and also seen as an  overriding spirit, a force, a unifying factor. God is closer, within

overshadow (1)

C:5.19 becomes full only through relationship or union. A full heart can  overshadow a full mind, leaving no room for senseless thoughts but

overturn (1)

T2:11.12 apart from relationship, this choice was not available and did not  overturn the laws of God. The ego is but your belief that this has

overwhelmed (1)

C:8.21 —and there are so many! As you become an observer you may well be  overwhelmed by what you observe, by the sheer magnitude of all that

overwhelming (2)

C:5.13 to violence may mean many things, but always lurking behind it is an  overwhelming desire for peace. Peace may mean destruction of the old,
D:13.8 through the state of unity, and the evidence to the contrary will be  overwhelming. You will begin to truly understand that you are not

own (368)

owned (2)

T2:9.8 What is shared by all is not  owned. What all have is in no danger of being taken away. All that
D:Day38.10 love you have known, for in not owning and possessing, in not being  owned and possessed by, and in, union and relationship, you have not

owner (1)

C:9.43 that you would use, and you supply a store with capital that its  owner will use. If you are gifted with beauty or athletic or artistic

ownership (7)

C:22.21 the word I or my. Quit referring to people and things in terms of  ownership, saying “my boss,” “my husband,” “my car.”
T2:9.5 it secure. Inherent in this assumption is the concept of “having” or  ownership. How does this relate to “having” needs? By identifying
D:Day5.22 and what you would give in which the ego once made its bid to claim  ownership. Effort, as translated by the ego, was about turning
D:Day38.8 This is the meaning of the embrace—the possession, the  ownership of belonging—of carrying, or holding relationship and
D:Day38.9 You are ready now to return to this  ownership, this possession of relationship and union. Possession and
D:Day38.9 ownership, this possession of relationship and union. Possession and  ownership are words that have become faulty ideas in separation. They
D:Day38.12 Community, or union with, can never replace or replicate  ownership and possession in union and relationship. It cannot replace

owning (1)

D:Day38.10 It means a love deeper than any love you have known, for in not  owning and possessing, in not being owned and possessed by, and in,

own”-ership (1)

oxygen (2)

T4:8.8 —or in other words, your mind. Just as it is your nature to breathe  oxygen, and not breathing oxygen is thus inconsistent with your
T4:8.8 mind. Just as it is your nature to breathe oxygen, and not breathing  oxygen is thus inconsistent with your nature, fearfulness is